Ken Illustrious Ikari
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Faction: Arasaka Academy (Legally)
Appearance: As in the Picture, but in the Arasaka Academy Uniform on most occassions.
- Cataresist
- Kiroshi Optical Scanner
- Cyberaudio with a Radio Link and ECM scrambler.
- Smart Link (Model to be Discussed)
- Taser
- Darra Polytechnic DR-5 Nova
- Arasaka HJKE-11 Yukimura (Second Pistol)
- Combat Knife
- 10 Credsticks containing a total of 100,000,000 credits.
Biography: Looks at the microphone and asks, "Hello, is this thing working? Ah, it is, so let's start."
Begins, "I was younger than I am now when I first saw her pass by the corridors on the way to the Principal's office. She was the mother of one of our problem classmates, a redheaded working-class woman whose son had just crashed our classroom's VR Headsets using illegal shortcuts. I was in love at first sight, all the more when I heard she died in an accident no later than 24 hours after that, and her son got himself kicked out soon after pummeling one of the big bullies of the class to within an inch of his life."
Smiles wistfully, "She opened my eyes to the truth of the world, that life was not always fair. And in death, she gained power of enchantment on me that will last me till the end of my life... And I intend to live forever."
Pauses, then continues, "Ah, but where are my manners? Who exactly am I? Well, I was born to fairly rich and fairly lenient parents who were sure enough of my talents to not pressure me; I think they even loved me.
Shinji Shinsei and
Mari Maki Illustrious Ikari, corpos of Arasaka with cushy jobs and lives and positions too boring - Some sort of janitorial supply logistics - That no one wanted to work on taking it from them. This made me lucky, and the fact that I got into Arasaka Academy years before our living hell got worse made me feel as though I was the most fortunate person in the world... Until the most beautiful person I knew so far was taken away by fate."
Clears his throat, "Now, where was I? Ah, yes. The death of that beautiful working-class woman opened my eyes to the unfairness of the world and the powerlessness of any one individual or group to step up against it. The death of her son less than a year after that - Yes, I know about it! - Seared all thoughts of dying in a blaze of glory away from my head. But at the same time, as I read through books, much-neglected paper books, about our history, about the values we claimed to promote and how we betrayed them out of selfish, short-term gain... A fire burned within me, the urge to create a space where the seeds of something new could be planted. Am I being vague? Then listen a little more to know what I am getting at."
Sounds of typing, "That other kid, he could have become great; he had the spark of greatness in him had we allowed it like his mother thought we would. Instead, we lost him; first to the gangs and then to death. At least his girl is in space now, while the rest of us... Well, we got what was coming to our folk."
The sound of a single drop of water falling, amplified to audibility, "I received a warning from a mysterious source; probably someone I contacted while acquiring paper books and rare documentaries - Stay away from Arasaka Academy, and Arasaka Tower as a whole,
on a certain day. Warn who you want, and who you can, but make sure to keep out. You can guess where this is going, right?"
Breathes in and sighs out, "It was that day when the hell we were in became worse when Arasaka Tower was ransacked and most of the people inside it killed by just one guy - The Academy was not spared. But I managed to get some of the students to join a sleepover with me, chaperoned by my parents who indulged me; of those students, a few of them had brilliant minds, and others were weak in body yet determined to survive and learn. A few had suffered under other students or even their parents, and all were less involved in the crimes of their families and other corporate folk than the rest... Or so I tell myself at night."
Pauses to let this knowledge be absorbed, "When Arasaka pulled out, and Militech came in, the Arasaka Academy IP and domain name came cheap, cheap enough that I was able to buy its domain name under an assumed identity with my birthday cash. For that redheaded lady, whom I will never meet outside of braindances again, and her son, long since lost and his potential spilled onto the ground, I will remake the Academy into a proper place of learning; a school that fosters the potential of both rich and poor alike.”
Chuckles, “And all I have to do is break a few eggs to do it…”