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Ben is in an alien form rn.

Yeah, Bruno has completely mistaken everyone else for Stand Users because he has absolutely no context for anything else, and he just thinks Ben is a Stand outright.

Post up.

Bruno Bucciarati

The chariot's soul shattered, and the king's roar of fury lapped at his spirit.

I'm leaving the rest up to you, Giorno.

B-Bucciarati... Y-Your body's still back at the Colosseum. That body is-!

Giorno, I was reborn. When I met you back in Naples... When I betrayed the organization... My heart was dying a slow death, but it was reborn... Thanks to you.

This is what true happiness is. This is how it should be. Don't worry.

Please give everyone my regards.

Don't worry about it Giorno.

I'm only going back to where I was supposed to go.

I'm simply returning to how I once was...

The eddies of his fading consciousness delivered a crystalized dream into the hands of the dreamer.

That's all...

Everything faded away.



That was the first thing that occurred to him.

The ground was cold and hard. Smooth. Metal.

How... How long had it been since he'd felt? How long since he last... smelled ozone.

The scent of ozone, of fading thunder and static lingered, buzzing across his skin. He could feel it. With this corpse of a body, long since passed on, he could feel again.

"Giorno?" Even his own voice almost sounded foreign in his ears after having gone deaf, as blue eyes cracked open in disbelief... and muted optimism. His wounds... were long since fatal. No, rather, he had already been dead, and it was merely the life force imbued into his corpse that allowed his soul to cling to it for a while longer... to finish what they started. Giorno couldn't have healed him, couldn't have undone what had been done... before Requiem. But if the Arrow was involved, then maybe...

Bruno's blurring vision cleared after a languid blink to the sight of steel and blooming lights cast all around him, wires and cords snaking across nearly every surface. His body was assaulted by pins and needles, as he twitched and lurched almost awkwardly into life, limbs shaking with the effort. The gangster felt almost hyper-aware of the thundering heartbeat in his ears, a thunder that had long been silent, as he grit his teeth at the sight of a green and black figure.

A Stand?

Gasping, Bucciarati flopped onto his stomach, as many other lights continued to intensify and slowly congeal into other figures. Bruno sucked in a shaky breath and restrained a snarl, as he pushed himself to his knees, the feeling in his limbs returning intermittedly, almost painfully. He was trapped in a confined space with an unknown Stand User with unknown intentions. Somehow... Somehow, the transportation had healed him... truly resurrected him even. For that, if this person was responsible... He owed them a debt... if they were.

And even so, there was no telling what purpose he had been abducted for. While he would like to believe the best of his potential savior, intentional or not, gratitude could only go so far... in the face of a mountain of shit. If he had been called forth for the purposes of injustice, he would fight against it to the last breath, even in this brand new body. Despite that resolve, however... Bruno grit his teeth and continued to stay silent, biding his time, as the pins and needles died down at an achingly glacial pace. Realistically, he didn't have the strength to fight if it came down to it. He'd only just been healed, and he could barely sit up as is, never mind move quickly. He could summon his Stand, but it would take an unacceptable toll upon him at this time. The only choice... was to run away.

Glancing around at the other figures appearing, Bruno considering the situation carefully. While he had awoken here, there was no telling for sure if he had been transported like these others or arrived by other means. In fact, there was nothing saying that these new arrivals weren't also allies of the Mysterious Stand. In that case... in the case of hostility... he could only use all of his strength to flee, to open a zipper through the floor and fall in. Hunching onto elbows and knees, half strategically and half in unmitigated exhaustion, Bruno's soul coiled and vibrated beneath his skin, his spectral partner prepared to act at a moment's notice, as he watched... and waited for the confirmation or denial he needed to act.

The second figure to fully form (or perhaps they had been there all along, and his struggling senses had merely missed him), an older teenage boy, made statements of confusion. His grievances were... simple but understandable for a youth, but in this situation-

Bruno startled at the appearance of two rings, rings that brought forth an... almost lackluster transformation, like merely switching the color pallet and slapping a bodysuit on the boy. A moment later, the kid took flight, hands glowing with a baleful energy. Another Stand?! With an ability like flight and whatever that glow was, Bruno was all too thankful to see the boy presented as an apparent ally, even if only for convenience. Given the boy's statements, it was clear he'd been abducted against his will as well. Unfortunately, Bruno couldn't very well let the boy fight alone if things devolved. His body was weak but... not entirely helpless. If it came down to it, he could observe the potential enemy, identify their weaknesses and an opportunity, and expend what little energy he had for a singular blow that would turn the tide.

Before anything could be done in that direction, one way or the other, a third light finished depositing its charge... a very angry old man... who was also a Stand User... if the near-immediate ripple of force that ripped towards the Mysterious Stand was any clue. It was lucky Bruno was so weak, because he might have broken a tooth from how hard he was grinding his teeth, as he struggled to decide upon which side of the aisle he'd place his bets and commit his flagging power behind.

Was everyone who'd been captured a Stand User?!


“Hurry. You have time. You can fix her, can’t you?”

She was tired. So very, very tired... Of saving Mommy... of saving Daddy, of saving Drew, of saving Muffles... Of having her work undone each time and coming back to find even more work than the last. For hours. So many hours. She didn't know how many.

“Come on,” came the whisper. “You can do it. Don’t you love your mommy?”

Mommy's face was more stitches than anything else, and she was so very tired.

"No." She...


"I don't love her." She was such a bad girl.

“Alrighty. Say goodbye, then.”

"Goodbye, Mommy."

Mommy responded silently, but she knew what Mommy said.

It took far, far too long for Mommy to die while she watched. And then, eventually... there was no more Mommy, just a machine of flesh and blood that was winding down. Just... meat, no Mommy... because of a bad girl. But Mommy had told her to be good. So, from now on... she’d be polite and cheerful and she’d do her chores and she would mind her manners and she’d eat all of her dinner and she’d keep her hair nice and she wouldn’t swear. She do all that and more, and when she did...

She'd be a very Good Girl.


The all too familiar nightmare faded in a sudden blaze of light, and Riley faded with it.

Appearing in a small freefall from a sleeping position, it was Bonesaw's smart and squeaky-clean black dress shoes that padded down into thick, vibrant grass after an abrupt, midair near 180 of the young girl's spine. The barely perceptible sound of her own muscles creaking, as her torso rotated back into proper alignment, sounded wonderfully ominous in the blonde's enhanced ears, not that she expected the armored lunk before her to hear it, as a cherubic, deceptively pleasant smile crossed her expression, her hands folding demurely over the front of her unstained dress and apron. After all, when possible, she was hardly going to sleep without changing after a hard day's bloody work. She wasn't a savage.

Nor was she anything close to the affable image she presented.

Her hands were folded over her apron only so that she could do inventory on the surgical tools within the front pocket. Needle case, string, bandages, wire, hooks, spare vials, several vials filled with either delightfully unpleasant chemicals or medical concoctions, scalpel set and, of course, her namesake. In the meanwhile, her pings for her spider boxes were receiving no response, which elicited a light pout. It did appear that she was bereft of the majority of her better tools. Someone was going to hurt for that.

In more positive news, her pre-fight inventory of her personal systems had revealed that all her internal gadgets at least seemed present, functional and sufficiently well stocked. Mechanical traps, spring-loaded needles and venom venting systems readied throughout her body, as she double checked her berserker mode and found it untriggered even by the expansive green vision stretching out as far as the eye could see, which meant this was no Master/Stranger effect... for better or worse.

Gosh dippity ding diddly foodily do darn! she whined internally. Jack was going to be maaaaaaad if he found out about this, especially since it was likely all Bonesaw's fault for getting greedy with her craft to begin with. That annoying Lady in the Hat had obviously lied and broken into the Nine's dimension while she was sleeping!

Stupid really. Putting Bonesaw in the middle of nowhere away from the rest of the Nine? That was just begging for blind-fired plagues, some of the real nasty stuff that she'd saved for a rainy day when she was extra bored... and also just as general Mutually Assured Destruction weapons. Sure, a threat was only good if you were willing to use it -and she very much was, but that made things a whole lot less interesting in the long term, years of entertainment eliminated long before she could play with them personally, just to make a stern point to some very, very foolish people with big guns and bigger heads. In all her years, she'd only had to actually exercise that threat once, and for the world, once was more than enough. However, it looked like the lesson hadn't sunk in well enough...


A thrill of anxiety and muted excitement crawled up her prehensile spine.

Alternatively, the Hat Lady was rather less stupid than she looked. She had claimed they could break into the Nine's dimension now that they knew where it was. That meant they had dimensional tech or powers... There was every possibility that she had simply been removed from the Earth Bet equation entirely and dumped on some empty, boring mudball. In fact, as the other... less than heroic-looking individuals formed around her... that sounded more and more feasible by the second.

Bonesaw debated striking preemptively. Her poison needles could surely do the trick for the majority of these unlucky yahoos, but for most of her other weapons, her venom spray, poison spit, telescoping arms and acid-loaded fingernails, she'd need to get close. Even her poison clouds wouldn't be as much use without getting closer than she'd appeared, and going after whoever she gambled on being the most troublesome would leave her open to potentially far worse. And that aside, even something as simple as a fair wind might rob the poison clouds of their teeth. Oh and -double and, there was that big Tinker in the armor. Even if she got rid of everyone else, that armor could likely trump everything she could conventionally bring to bear as she was... unless he'd skimped on the air filtration systems, but if he hadn't skimped...?

Her beatific smile widened, all sparkly white teeth now.

She'd just have to play it by ear... Play it like Jack.

She'd talk and listen. She'd smile and nod and laugh and giggle and grin and wait and needle and poke and slice and dice until she knew where she was and who these were and who she was going to have to make suffer like none had suffered before and it...

...was going to be so. Much. Fun.
Ben is 16. Bruno is young adult of 20 in rather ostentatious clothing, who is currently struggling to so much as crouch.

So, Bruno is not in very much of a good way (as in, doesn't look well) in my post. I'm assuming that Merlin will (based on the "at the people he thought were his captors" line) avoid directing that attack at him, given he doesn't even look like he can stand/is with Ben/Danny? (the dude was literally dead moments ago) I want to edit to account for the attack if that's not the case.
So, it occurred to me that Jason is kind of in a bad spot power wise...

Then I realized what could fix that.

Ladies and Gents, I present to you, Riley Grace Davis... otherwise known as Bonesaw of the Slaughterhouse Nine.
This adorable little psychopath will be the perfect force multiplier for our squishy villains, an excellent deterrent from seeing them obliterated on the first encounter, and the most enthusiastic and supporting little psycho of a daughteru/lil' sister for Jason specifically, because our serial killer needs a chance to shine in all the worst best ways possible.

@Crimson Flame There's gonna be a lot of that "Out of context overpowered" going around, I feel, especially with literally everyone in the team functioning on practically completely separate individual power sets/rules. XD
Coolio. I will definitely seriously consider slapping an Armstrong CS down in here. He would be... interesting to have around, let's say.

As expected, the Omnitrix is absolute universal levels of bullshit, but that limit makes sense.

I will accept this nerf with grace and dignity. Honestly, it could have been worse. Anything else you want adjusted, or am I good to pop the new Team Soccer Mom in with the rest? XD
Revengeance Rising is the gift that never stops giving.


Holy shit, I should play Senator Armstrong as a villain.
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