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In Rangers 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@psych0pomp All good my friend! Just wanted to make sure we give you a chance to slide in a post!
In Rangers 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Haha loving these varying reactions to receiving a Power Crystal. I'll wait until @psych0pomp posts and then we'll move everyone to the Command Center.
In Rangers 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
"Hey Val! You're a Power Ranger! What are you gonna do next?


In Rangers 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Also, if you guys ever wanna collab on a post, feel free to communicate with one another. I'm open to that as well too!
It's Morphin Time!
In Rangers 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Zoey Boey Putting that in my memory banks for when they have to confront the monster un-morphed! For now, she can accept her Pink Power Crystal! One of these episodes (probably the next one), they will all go through some tough ass training too lmao.
In Rangers 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Location: Angel Grove Youth Center
Interacting w/: @Potemking @Akayaofthemoon @Zoey Boey @metanoia @psych0pomp

Charlie kept herself busy with the Drunn Soldiers, opting to switch to the Dino Blade now that they were coming in closer to her. With the strength of her powers running through her veins, she had a new found energy to take down the soldiers one by one in order to protect the people as well as the actual facility itself. Seeing those familiar green and blue lights glowing from behind her pushed her over the edge even more. Now she was no longer alone in the fight, not with Jordan and Clint coming to her aid in defeating these minions that Druidon had sent out to attack the area. As her comrades took down their foes on their way to partnering up with her, Charlie found herself surrounded by multiple soldiers, dodging some of their attacks, but not being able to completely miss a punch or a kick there. "Mmph!" she grunted, holding up her Dino Blade against the strength of a few of their lances.

Her body bent backward as Charlie held her own, but the plethora of foes was causing her strength to wane. "Get... the fuck... off... me!" she exclaimed, finally breaking through and tossing the soldiers back. Her Dino Blade began to glow a bright purple color as Charlie held it with both hands, pointing it forward towards the remaining Drunn Soldiers that was in the way of the Rangers. "Purple Slash!" she shouted, slicing her Dino Blade forward as a piercing purple beam cut through the soldiers, causing each of them to combust on impact in a powerful explosion at the center of the battlefield. Sighing, she rested the blade on the back of her shoulder, walking over to meet with Jordan and Clint, giving each of them a fist bump. "That was fun, yeah?" she said with a slight chuckle, not before hearing a loud, menacing laugh coming the roof of the center where there was a basilisk looking monster standing with the family that Ross had helped to escape the scene, Vallory's fellow wrestler Mia, and one of Sloane's fraternity brothers.

"Ah ha ha ha! You Rangers think it's that easy huh? This was merely a distraction to keep you busy while I captured some precious hostages!" The monster shouted as each of the individuals struggled to move due to them being tied in thick, blue tentacles around their upper bodies. "I'm sure you're each familiar with Druidon! Given how we destroyed those other Rangers. And not only that... but we also fooled two others into sacrificing to themselves! And what did that get you? Four Rangers down and only six more to go! Only... wait... there are three of you here? Don't tell me the others have died as well! What a pity!"

Snarling through her helmet, Charlie reached for her Dino Blaster and pointed it up at the monster. "Speak ill of my friends again and I swear I'll..."

"You'll what!? Die like the rest!? Druidon would adore that! In fact, let's play a game... shall we?" And with that, the monster disappeared into a portal that opened up, taking it along with the hostages as well. Charlie, cursing under her breath, lowered her blaster and sat it into the holster.

"Fuck..." Charlie mumbled under her breath and shook her head. She didn't account for people to be taken and having their lives put in danger. If she had to guess, this monster from Druidon wouldn't necessarily kill the hostages; it was more of a ploy to get them to show up somewhere if anything. Druidon wanted to finish the job and annihilate the Rangers... but she wasn't to let that happen. Not without a fight. Remaining in her suit, she turned to Jordan and Clint saying, "I know, I've got a lot to explain but... we gotta head back to the Command Center. It's... just promise you won't get triggered by it, okay?" Chuckling nervously, she realized that having GENESIS's former HQ as their new Command Center may have hit a soft spot, but it was one of the few places in Angel Grove that had a ready made facility with dormant technology that they could use to tap into the Morphin Grid. "We can rest, heal up there and... Wait, what the...!"

From her bag, three bright lights emitted: Red, Black and Pink. Bursting from the flap, each of the individual Power Crystals shot towards their respective individuals and floated in front of their hands. Taking a small step forward, Charlie's eyes narrowed, a soft smirk hidden behind her helmet. "Looks like we've got some new company guys..."
In Rangers 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
We will have our Monster of the Week arriving within our next post. πŸ‘€
In Rangers 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
The collaboration was just beautiful. 🀌🏾😭
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