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RANGERS Interest Check posted πŸ‘€
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In the lab… πŸ§ͺ. Excited about this RP. #Rangers


Roleplay | Currently: Accepting (4/5 slots open)

Most Recent Posts

In Rangers 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Alright people! We are back in business and are looking for TWO Rangers to join the team. I know I said before that I'm looking for male Rangers, but I'm also open to female Rangers as well! Just wanted balance, that's all lol! Any questions, feel free to post them here or send me a PM. If you are accepted, I will send you an invite to our Discord. Good luck!
In Rangers 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Last time on RANGERS...

Charlie Fox took it upon herself to reach out to a former Ranger, Jordan Hall, to see if she would be open to re-establishing the team of Rangers with the threat of Druidon's return looming in the horizon. Although Jordan was hesitant at first, it wasn't until a serious threat on the Angel Grove Community Center that she sprung into the action with her former teammate to take down the Drunn Soldiers terrorizing the event. In the midst of the fray, the Purple and Blue Rangers received support in the form of professional wrestler Vallory Vance and AGCC worker Ross Takahashi. As the scene finally started to clear out, a blue basilisk looking creature ran off with a family as well as another wrestler from the WPL.

Fortunately for Charlie and Jordan, two of the Power Crystals chose Vallory and Ross, adding more members to the Ranger team. After taking the others back to the Command Center, Charlie explained everything that had happened leading up to this point: how Druidon never was truly destroyed in the final battle, the other Rangers permanently resigned from their roles and that they now must train the new Rangers while still being on the lookout for potential members to be added to the roster. The first step, however, is getting those hostages home safe and sound.

Updated Opening Coming Soon!

@OGSG as Charlie Fox, Purple Dino Ranger
@Akayaofthemoon as Jordan Hall, Blue Dino Ranger
@metanoia as Ross Takahashi, Green Dino Ranger
@Zoey Boey as Vallory Vance, Pink Dino Ranger

Episode 2 - Ranger Ready, Part II

Rangers - Druidon's attack on the Angel Grove Community Center might have some of the Ranger's shook. Charlie has decided that there is no time like the present to get the Rookies up to speed with accessing and using their new powers. Along with that, she's assuming that even though Jordan held her own, a little bit of training won't hurt at all. The new Ranger team should practice and bond with one another until it's time to go out into the field and rescue the hostages from Druidon.

Location: Command Center Training Facility
Interacting w/: The Rangers

The events that transpired yesterday left Charlie with a bittersweet taste in her mouth. In her eyes, she had hoped that meeting up with Jordan would yield the positive result of her agreeing the rejoin her in the fight against Druidon and ultimately she did. The problem was that she couldn't have expected Druidon to respond right in the moment of their meeting. After nearly ten years apart from someone she considered to be a big sister, Charlie was thankful that Jordan was there to support her in fending off the Drunn Soliders as best as they could, even if it resulted in the taking of hostages. If Charlie knew Druidon well, she understood that they were smart enough not to kill them off, but rather play the long game in getting what they wanted. What that was remained to be seen, which was why training for the new Rangers (and refresher training for she and Jordan) began today.

The Command Center had bunks if the Rangers wanted to stay overnight, but Charlie wasn't going to force them to if they didn't want to. Personally, she had her own place to stay, but with the need to act quickly to retrieve the hostages, Charlie elected to stay at the Command Center overnight to work on the Green and Pink Power Morphers. All in all, she might have gotten between three and four hours of sleep, but these days that was the norm for her. Her paranoia wouldn't allow her to truly rest until she felt complete safety. As the youngest member of the original Rangers, Charlie often felt incompetent and weak... as if the others had to compensate for her age. Now, as an adult, she never wanted to feel like that again. Protecting the other Rangers as the de factor "leader" was paramount for her.

"Morning guys. Meet up at the Command Center Training Facility today at 9AM. Might wanna eat before you get here unless you want just some donuts and orange juice from two days ago, ha."

Rolling over in the full size bed of her bunk, Charlie planted her feet onto the ground and rubbed her eyes. If she had the means to, she could sleep for another few hours, but Ross and Vallory needed training as well as getting acquainted with their Power Morphers. Things weren't as simple as just following the Morph Sequence and, voila, you're a Power Ranger. There was a potentially fatal risk if the powers didn't fully bond with the individual piloting the suit. Shaking the negative thought from her mind, Charlie quickly got dressed in more battle fitting attire, throwing on a black sports bra with matching pants that both had double purple lines along the trimming. After grabbing a workout bag and her insulated water bottle, she made her way into the hall, got in the elevator, and went down to the basement. The Training Facility was on the same floor as the Command Center's Control Room.

As the double doors slid open, Charlie lifted her hazel eyes and was honestly surprised to see everyone already present and accounted for upon walking into the futuristic facility. A small smile set on her face as she sat her things down, grabbing the nearby suitcase that was perched on the bench.

"Am I wrong to say that I'm surprised all of you beat me here?" she mused, opening up the latches of the suitcase and pulling out the two watch-like devices. The perimeter of each of the Power Morpher's faces had the respective colors for Ross and Vallory. "Alright, you two. Your Power Morphers are basically like your keys to the Morphing Grid. Like I mentioned yesterday, the Morphing Grid is like... a fourth dimension where the Rangers can access their powers in anyway possible. With the Power Crystals already bonding with you, morphing shouldn't be a problem, but the first few times having that power in your possession can be overwhelming." She looked to Jordan with a small smirk, an inside joke that one of the former Rangers (or a few of them) had some problems with the initial Morph Sequence.

As the two new Rangers equipped themselves with their Power Morphers, Charlie carried on, "An important thing to note is that your body has to stay in peak physical shape. It's not as simple as just morphing and, boom, you're in perfect shape. Like Val asked yesterday, yes, the suits will automatically adjust to your body... but it's still your body. Val, you're a pro wrestler, so I don't doubt that you'll be just fine." She chuckled, looking up at the tall woman before turning her attention to Ross. "And if I recall correctly Ross, you're a former track athlete? Channel those experiences and you should be fine. Kicking ass on a day-to-day basis has a way of kicking your own ass into shape."

Walking over to Jordan, Charlie nodded her head at the Blue Ranger. "How you feeling, J? Think you wanna test these two out in a sparring match?"
I'll consider taking the black ranger spot if the roleplay starts fresh coming into continuity and replacing someone is hard in a written roleplay and my days of hard core posts are behind me.

We've decided that the RP will pick up where it left off with some slight adjustments to compensate for not having two of the previous members of the RP. In my opinion, it'll be an seamless transition!

We'll be continuing the RP today and I'll be re-opening for character sheets. In the meantime, if anyone is interested, feel free to apply in the OOC!
@Rekker Purple, Pink, Black and Blue are all solidified. Forgot to mention that right now I’m just looking for male characters as well too.

Edit: Correction, Black is available and Green is taken.

Hey RP Guild! Currently, I am in the process of organizing the reboot of my roleplay, Rangers, a Power Rangers RP. For a look into what we had going on, click the link HERE. As of right now, I am weighing options between picking up where we left off (with three other cast members who are down to continue the RP) or starting a fresh, brand new RP. I'm open to either one, honestly, but I just wanted to know who would be interested in the roleplay itself.

The RP is going to be casual in terms of posting, but as you can see by the posts we have in the IC portion of the thread, we can really get into it. I'm looking for diverse characters that pop off the page for my roleplay as well as some good people in OOC that will fit right in with the culture of our team. We're friendly people I promise!

So, if you are interested, react to this post or reply below and I'll get in contact with you so. As stated before, we already have 4 roles locked in and I'm trying my best to keep the number of people in the RP small. We're looking to take in 2 more people, preferably.
In Rangers 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Look at you guys posting! I gotta catch up πŸ˜‚
In Rangers 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Just a quick heads up about where we're going to be going from here: the Rangers are going to learn a little more about each other (hopefully without tearing each other apart), the Command Center details, and Druidon. And then some time after, that's when training begins.
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