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Current Power Rangers RP: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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RANGERS Interest Check posted 👀
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In the lab… 🧪. Excited about this RP. #Rangers


Roleplay | Currently: Accepting (4/5 slots open)

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@BenG85 Oh no, the “center” is closed a little bit earlier on in the CS. Right after around the “Face Claim” part. The formatting code is intentional so that you guys can copy and paste it while you work on it. It’s admittedly a nuanced CS, but I’ve used it before in previous iterations. I have a sample over in the Character section. 👍🏾
@BenG85 Thanks for the interest! Maybe I’m missing the formatting error? Care to point it out for me? 😂 I’ll fix it by the morning.
1. Ranger Ready - In Progress


Charlie Fox - A student at Angel Grove University and an intern with GENESIS, Charlie Fox is the go-to person on the team when it comes to all things Ranger tech. Her boldness and sense of justice assists in empowering her as the Green Crystal Ranger. Charlie is good for a few witty jokes at the Command Center and even out on the battlefield, but she does it as a way to hide her insecurities about her own personal abilities.

Ryan McPhee - The son of wealthy parents, Ryan is often noted as a member of the Rangers with a consistently great attitude and energy. His ambition and friendliness makes him a great as the Pink Crystal Ranger. Also a student at Angel Grove University, Ryan's social media persona gives him a multitude of followers and fans, which can be perceived as a good and bad thing depending on who you ask.

Jordan Hall - The team's free spirit with no filter, Jordan is notably the powerhouse of the team. Her fiery attitude but immense loyalty and confidence guide her as the Blue Crystal Ranger. Currently, her life is filled with uncertainty which has her questioning her residency in Angel Grove along with her uncle's annoying attempts to assist her. Becoming a Ranger provides her a sense of purpose... even if for a short while.

Orville "Nick" Nicholson A positive and confident mindset is what Orville (better known as "Nick") provides for the Rangers as the Yellow Crystal Ranger. A former "star" volleyball player, Nick is in the process of understanding what he brings to the table now that he's a few years removed from his "peak." He's considered moving elsewhere to kickstart his life given that he has no family in Angel Grove or ties to the city in general, but that changes when he becomes a Ranger.

Aiden Gregor - The loner of the team, Aiden is content to dedicate most of his time to being on his bike. When he is is actually interacting with someone, he tries to be as direct as possible. Despite his impulsivity, Aiden's ability to be secure about himself is what makes him the Red Crystal Ranger. In addition to that, he's also quite handy when it comes to the mechanical work, a transferrable skill to the team.


Princess Crystalia - The Princess of the Crystal Kingdom, Crystalia emerged into this universe shortly after the arrival of the five Power Crystals. After the eradication of the Dark Empire, she was charged with protecting the Crystals ensuring that they did not fall into the wrong hands. Outside of her duties as something of a system of support to the Rangers, she has a truly caring spirit, although she can be a bit naïve to someone taking advantage of her.


Eliza Thorne - The CEO of GENESIS for five years after the passing of her husband, Eliza is a no-nonsense woman when it comes to handling business. Prior to her position as CEO, she was much more passive in her business relations given her late husband's authoritative nature. Now, it appears that Eliza Thorne is as free as a bird to do what she pleases with GENESIS.

Dr. Raymond Ogden - Affectionally known as "Dr. O" to those closest to him, Dr. Ogden is the Director of "Project Ranger," an initiative that focuses on channeling the energy from the Power Crystals and materializing them into "Ranger" suits. He's very passionate about his hand in this project and his perfectionist nature often causes him to get minimal sleep.

Sebastian Thorne - The son of Eliza Thorne, Sebastian doesn't take too much of an interest in the family's business. Instead, he would much rather ingrain himself in Angel Grove's nightlife and party scene. However, Sebastian still has a decent knowledge of GENESIS despite distancing himself ever since his father's passing.

The Dark Empire

Lord Galza - The power-hungry leader of the Dark Empire with the intent of conquering the Earth. A very prideful and hot-headed leader, Galza is known to take moments of meditation in order to withhold himself from unleashing his true power. This is part of the reason he lets his henchmen do much of the groundwork without feeling the need to rise from his throne.

General Maskaraid - The right-hand man to Lord Galza, Maskaraid is the one responsible for creating the Dark Beasts that often lead the Muddie Patrollers into battle. He wields of powerful spear that allows him to attack and also control his dark abilities.

General Jadis - The self-proclaimed "beauty" of the Dark Empire, Jadis's responsibilities include infiltration and manipulation. Though she may not physically appear as strong as the others, she is more than capable of handling her on in the battlefield.

Muddie Patrollers - The Muddie Patrollers (or simply Muddies) are the foot soldiers of the Dark Empire. Primarily, they are used as distraction and stallers to the Rangers for a greater purpose. Maskaraid can give a Muddie a Dark Mask, allowing them to evolve into a powerful Dark Beast. They also emit a very indistinguishable bad smell.

The Morphin Grid is a phenomenon that regular people are typically not familiar with. It is defined as the portal between dimensions, holding an ancient power that can be utilized strengthen an individual or a group. The Morphin Grid extends beyond our planet, this galaxy or even this universe. It is a multidimensional entity that, when given access to it, grants someone with an immense amount energy that can be used for good or for bad.

When accessed, the Morphin Grid has the capability of manifesting itself into inanimate objects. In the case of our dimension, powers from the Grid materialized in the form of five crystals several centuries ago on a planet known as the Crystal Kingdom. The Dark Empire, a group of intergalactic warriors who wanted to harness the power of the Morphin Grid, invaded the Crystal Kingdom in an effort to steal the crystals, but they were met with a fight and the beginnings of a war. The war lasted for several years with the Dark Empire increasing its own power through the extracting of emotions... but the wielders of the crystals were able to trap them inside of the Morphin Grid.

Unfortunately, this process included shattering their crystals in order to do so, but for the sake of everyone in our universe, it had to be done. No one ever truly eradicates evil because darkness has a way of rising to the surface eventually. The goal has always been to entrust our safety in the hands of those who exude a positive aura and endless hope. When the time of the Dark Empire arrives once again, it is our hope that a new age of hopeful heroes are up for the task.
"Crystalizers" serves as an origin story of the Power Rangers in this particular dimension. It is an alternate universe from what you are accustomed to seeing and will expand further, as time progressing, into a "Rangerverse."

It has been several centuries since the wielders of the crystals from the Crystal Kingdom managed to take down the Dark Empire, trapping them in the Morphin Grid. In present day, a technological company, GENESIS, is looking to enhance their products for the betterment of their sales. As with any business, GENESIS's goal is to make an immense profit. In the midst of their lab testing, they were able to discover five crystals from within the Morphin Grid. In the midst of this, however, the Dark Empire entered itself onto Earth, hoping to finish the job from so long ago.

Panicked with a potential global threat looming, GENESIS had to shift its focus from technological advances for profit and instead work on creating superhuman warriors, with the power of the newly dubbed Power Crystals, in hopes that they could save the world from a dangerous threat. The biggest problem that GENESIS faced however was that the Power Crystals simply would not bond with staff members. Little did they know, these crystals could only match with worthy individuals that displayed a positive aura and great potential. But with the Dark Empire prepared for its first attack on Angel Grove, will GENESIS find operators for the suits in time?
The age of the Rangers will range from 18 to 22 years old. Some of them could be students at Angel Grove University, others could be working in their respective fields. Regardless, they are all around the age of kids entering into young adulthood and are just trying to figure everything out before life gets real.

Ranger colors are not gender exclusive. There could very well be a female Red Ranger and a male Pink Rangers. Also, "Red" isn't the de facto leader of the team. Each Ranger will be able to contribute their respective skills and traits in a way that should allow them to be a leader at any given time. The Rangers would, however, get direction from the Command Center.

Red Crystal Ranger: Aiden Gregor (@BenG85)
Yellow Crystal Ranger: Orville Nicholson (@rocketrobie2)
Green Crystal Ranger: Charlie Fox (@LG)
Blue Crystal Ranger: Jordan Hall (@Akayaofthemoon
Pink Crystal Ranger: Ryan McPhee (@Crimson Flame)
Silver Crystal Ranger: Unavailable

  • First, thanks for making it this far into the interest check. Shout out to you.
  • This is not a first-come, first-serve sort of roleplay. I'm looking for roleplayers that can vibe with a casual roleplay while also providing great characters.
  • Once you are done with your Character Sheet, please PM it to me so that I can evaluate it before acceptance. Do NOT post your CS in the Character or OOC section until approved. PLEASE NOTE: You may not receive your preference for Ranger color.
  • That being said, the aim of this RP is for it to be a small group RP. I'm looking for no more than maybe 4-ish roleplayers depending on the vibe. Those who are accepted will be able to write up to 2 characters Rangers.
  • Please post at least once per week in character. There will be instances where the group may be split up into separate groups to handle a task or quest so the Rangers won't always be together. The goal is for this to be a long-term plot with minimal pressure. If you are unable to continue the RP, let me know so that we can phase out your character.
  • The roleplay will be a combination of slice of life, action, and adventure. Feel free to create your own subplots with other characters (enemies, friends, lovers), but just make sure that the other person approves of it.
  • There can/will be a Discord for quick OOC chatting, but OOC here is fine too. Important information will be posted in the OOC and linked in the Discord.
  • At least one to two paragraphs per post. Give us something to reply to!
  • The RP takes place in the fictional city of Angel Grove, CA (for nostalgia purposes) in an alternate universe.
  • Have fun!

My interest is piqued.
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