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Aw, this was such a beautifully set-up roleplay.

I present you here, probably to your dismay;
unobscured by thrive & rivalry; a message to all I convey;

sincere hearts I hold dearly;
I speak to any Sentient Being faithfully;
conceit & evil; which of mines I have washed away;
left behind me, buried & heal; I destroyed that past of mine one day;

many with arrogance pray;
cold wishes to send a good soul to harm & slaughter;
yet I present a better weapon here;
a sword of enlightenment; of any tradition; clan or order
a sword of wisdom; well guarded made to slay the wicked, evil
and against the light;
to heal the past wounds of those weak in spirit;
to stand back up! muster strength & fight!

In a quick moment; inspiration can rise from forces unseen;
yet don't be deceived; some evil rose from an ancient light;
a moment even our Creator had not foreseen;

whom is proficient & wise; clever yet not foul;
has many chanced;
one graceful act fuels the spirit of many;
whom is simple yet no fool;
a good heart yet nobody's tool;
has a spirit to fight aplenty;

we are the prisoners of an act;
a cult of words of blame;
someday; we'll have our chance;
I await our sword of flame...

Humility, charity, chastity, gratitude, temperance, patience, diligence.

The words chime with purity, though remain with a certain unfamiliarity when read by the average human. Each word, regardless if they’re read individually or as a whole, bring forth realization and, at many times, guilt. They are known by most of us, but forgotten through each action that resembles their counterparts. Still, even encouraged by those deemed religious(or some would say forced), these sacred attributes aren’t even practiced by the gods as much as they should be. But in what ways are these traits valued, and why are they held highly? It is simple: vainglory, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, sloth. It’s these that many would say corrupt mankind. But surely, as time has progressed, the extremities have differed. It’s okay to want a little more, it’s okay to be a little lustful, it’s okay to be a little lazy, but the scales are hard to balance, but it’s balance that allows for prosperity. But to accept the sinful ways of humankind, supposedly forgiven through prayer and confession; that is how they have become forgotten—it is how they have become unfamiliar. Such methods help to assume they are easily washed away from hands stained by these seven deadly sins, but such simplicity does not exist. Especially to seven individuals in particular.

This story is much more than just the seven deadly sins. Yes, it revolves around this main factor, but on an axis that has become shaken through failure, and that is where the story remains. But the story thus far goes as follows:

The seven deadly sins are what haunt mankind in ways that they don’t acknowledge well enough. It was at the dawn of mankind in which these traits were imbued within humans and their many descendants, and it was the gods that sought to help this creation, however corrupt, yet beautiful these humans lived. But their presence within the mortal world came at a cost. A god would take form within mankind, but linked to a specific deadly sin—seven deadly sins, seven gods among men. There are legends engraved in ancient architecture, deciphered by the gods disciples, and it’s these disciples that guided the reincarnations of the gods.

And through the presence of the gods within the mortal realm, it then welcomed the demi-gods as a result. The disciples, religious mortals tied to the mythical realm, worked well to muster these demi-gods and train them properly with their gifts. The disciples suggested summoning certain mythical creatures to allow for proper training of the demi-gods. And thus, the two realms were further intertwined. But the demi-gods are only but a small role in the advancement of the seven gods themselves.

It’s true, each god within the mortal realm still remains immortal, but they are not capable of avoiding death. Once they have passed, a new god is presented into the world and the disciples search for the reincarnation of the linked deadly sin, using a compass that guides their way to them. But this hasn’t been required of the disciples for hundreds of years until one enraged day.

The gods are at constant struggle with their associated sin. They are immensely gifted, with strengths no human could even imagine, but they are cursed by sin as punishment for dwelling within a mortal realm. It doesn’t take long to learn how to maintain the balance, but there are some sins in particular that are hard to overcome, and there are some gods that are easily persuaded. It was a mistake for Ares to be born within the mortal world, especially associated with wrath. His abilities were strong enough already, but with the imbuement of wrath, it presented an entire array of devastating power. The disciples failed to stray him from his deadly sin, and it had consumed him.

Hundreds of years passed in which the six other gods, and their loyal demi-gods, had made it their duty to defend humanity against him. Each demi-god had a certain loyalty that either went towards the six gods, or to Ares himself. Since Ares was unjust, evil, and corrupt, it was forbidden to pledge one's loyalty to him, but some were consumed by their own human-born sins. And thus created a divide within this estranged realm.

Ares was extremely powerful. He had slain many reincarnations, welcoming in more and more gods and more and more demi-gods as a result. The gods and their efforts were successful in fending him off, but it was causing an unnecessary amount of warfare.

It was on one particular day in which both sides had prepared for a battle of the death. Ares did not belong in the mortal realm, nor did he belong with the power of wrath living in his shadow. This battle was hard-fought and lasted long enough for mankind to question such horrific activity. It ended in a blast casted by Ares, destroying the 6 other gods in the process. It was a devastating defeat for all that is good, and a glorious victory for Ares and his followers. Such a battle was masked to be a nuclear bomb, hiding the intense battle.

While the six new gods would come into the world, it left humanity unguarded until these new gods would become trained well enough to stand against Ares. The demi-gods were all that were left, and so they were trained more rigorously to fulfill the shoes of the gods until the new ones could take place. But Ares was far more powerful than the demi-gods. The demi-gods performed with bravery, but each battle they would eventually become assigned to would only be a death sentence. And thus, the demi-gods lived fearfully, yet the bravest among them faced their fate as it is known to be their duty. The prayers of those within this realm cry out with sadness, fright, and every bit of pleading hope they can muster. When will the gods come back to join them? When will they come back to become reinstated as defenders of the world?

And it’s you that they’re waiting for.


This is just the premise of the story. I want to see how much interest I can get based on this to further write out the contents of the roleplay. I know my writing can be wordy and unclear at timesheh heh, so here's a list of things you should've gotten from the premise!
  • Demi-gods exist in this world, but are nowhere near as powerful as the reincarnated gods themselves.
  • The gods/demi-gods/mythological beings within the mortal world are kept hidden and secret from humanity. Nobody knows they exist.
  • The disciples are connected with the mythological realm and are taught to be people of guidance for the mythological beings. They are, in fact, mortals, but have been descended to pursue a sacred duty since the dawn of time. Some disciples, though, are actual mythological creatures from the mythological realm.
  • Your character will be a reincarnation of one of the six gods. You may choose your god as well as your chosen sin. Please refrain from claiming anything until the OOC is posted!
  • I'm going to be starting the roleplay with the characters being welcomed to Ithaca Glen. This is the area in which the demi-gods, mythological creatures, gods, etc. train and dwell. It's hidden by the powers of Hecate and people can be transported there through a trinket in which the disciples have. This area is shielded and hidden by the outside world, and it safely holds all of the gifts and magical items that the gods left for them.
  • Every character will be around the same age, and I'm thinking of having everyone be in their early twenties when they enter this roleplay. The character's backstory will end with their meeting of a disciple, and the roleplay will start with the entrance of the new-found gods. Somewhere in each character's life they've had some form of acknowledgement of their associated sin. They must have overcome in some way so that it doesn't hinder the course of the roleplay to a great extent, but the presence of it is still there.
  • Each character has extreme importance within this world. The demi-gods will be astonished at the announcement that the new gods have been found.

There's a lot to cover, but I'll get into it if I have the right amount of interest and release that content in the OOC! There's creatures, places, mythical items, the NPCS (teachers, disciples, etc.). I'm refraining from doing it all now just in case I don't get the right amount of interest!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask! Thanks for reading guys!
Interested! :) I tried to join the discord and it said it was invalid :(
Im in physical pain trying to read the black text of her physical description and power.

Oop. That was leftover from the original CS coding that Wraith had made from the previous rendition. I'll get rid of that. Good thing I didn't leave it all black for the sake of your poor eyes.

"How many shots does it take to get through a night shift?"




Time: Night
Location: The Pit
Interacting with Lolly @Filthy Mudblood, Robin @GhostMami, Darcy @KZOMBI3, Logan @Roach, Dana @Giallo, Katherine @Sailorsadie


And just like that, Jed’s confidence was caught in a bullet storm. What he considered a proper initiation at flirting slowly became a punching bag to the rest of the familiar patrons, especially one in particular: Darcy. He was hit and shot at all angles, from unknown origins, but with all sorts of tasks that actually put him to work. Being busy was supposed to be good, but not at a time where he wanted to woo his way into the tight, white dress of the most beautiful of bar guests.

Robin made her interruption first, and Jed didn’t know where to pinpoint her intentions. Whether it was just her usual work rotations behind the bar, or a calculated intrusion to prevent Jed from flirting further. Jed didn’t think Robin to be the jealous type, though their history might’ve stirred something in the moment. Jed sighed, and before he could get a word in, Darcy’s arm was already hanging loosely around the only person he cared to talk to in the moment.

"You lookin' to catch flies, Jed?"

He was ready to throw a clever remark her way after a loud scoff, but her voice overpowered his with a request for four shots. Jed shook his head in annoyance, slinging his rag over his shoulder and turning around to fetch the liquors and shot glasses behind him.

“Jed, huh? So the mystery man has a name.”

Jed made sure he was flashy with his pours and his body was angled in a stance that made his shoulders more broad and his arms a little more flexed. He glanced over his shoulder at her, the flashing lights around them catching his crystalline eyes to reveal his careful examination over her appearance. He smirked at her and poured without looking.

Turning back to reorganize the liquors and situate the shots, he rolled his eyes about Darcy. By now, Robin and Jed were confident in how loud their whispering shit-talk should be for the patrons to not overhear, but he didn’t care if Darcy caught it, even if it was over her loud, obnoxious voice. “I should just piss in her glass; she’d probably think it’s liquor anyway. Fuckin’ drunk.”

In the meantime, Darcy was able to get the old stiff out of his way to better access a flirtatious angle at her. On the contrary, Darcy most likely did it for her own benefit—the way she hung all over her. He placed the glasses in front of the pair: the gorgeous brunette and the rowdy regular. Jed wasn’t one to give up, though. He smirked at her once more, ready to butt in with something witty, but yet another intervening voice came about accompanied by another arm-wrapping nonchalance.

Another sigh, another turn, another pour, and the shot was placed in front of Logan: a regular face to frequent the Pit, even outside of his shifts at their front door, with all his scandalous mystery that combined with his crave for attention. Alone, Jed actually enjoyed his conversation, but in a setting like this, Jed had little hope for a normal night.

“I’ll take two shots and a Sazerac, Jed. That’s if you’re not too busy staring at Lolls over there, anyway.”

Lolls. That was her name. Perhaps short for something, but the disappointment came regardless. Keeping their names a secret was sort of a turn on for Jed, another flirting tactic he was banking on until the sudden intrusions ruined it all. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Coming right up.” His voice became a mumbling decrescendo of annoyance as he turned to pour and then 180’d again to place the drinks in front of Dana. He leaned in to whisper to him, “How come I’ve never seen her here before. How does everyone seem to know her? Listen, you gotta fill me in.”

"Hey there, darlin. Can you fix me up a glass of water please?"

Katherine Scott. Now she was a sight for sore eyes, not just because she had a rockin’ body from all the dancing she does, but because she didn’t come charging with ridicule for Jed and his obvious goo-goo eyes he had for Lolls. Jed smirked at her, “Of course, sweetheart. Coming right up.” He poured fast and placed the icy glass of cold water in front of her.

A moment to breathe was finally present, and Jed figured the best option was just to avoid Lolls for now to save himself from Darcy’s behavior. Plus, who knew what she was going to bring out in Logan with how eccentrically loud she was. Jed flicked his head to Katherine, that way she knew he was talking to her, but also because it was a little flirty, “So what, you come in drunk already or are you one of the weird ones that likes to stay sober at the bar?” He smiled, teasingly.

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