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Just to change up my status. I'm doing better than I did a year ago. Hopefully everyone else is doing okay.


I'm a space cat.

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Could use some mutants, the horrors of the time war can return! The Skaro Degradations! Abominations of Nature deadlier and more unnatural than regular Daleks, because they're driven insane by their own flesh! Sounds like a lovely way to come to existence right?

I'm assuming the Daleks have remained undetected, thus you might not view the Glaciers as such an interesting prospect. Which might be for the better, cause the Daleks are not known for their "Diplomacy skills".

Unless you have detected them (Putting the possibility, that I'm not the only one with such scanning capability) in which case, that would make things, eh... Complicated...
and I cant interest you in removing your brain and putting it in a robot like all the humans did back home.
they're ♫basically immortal♫
seriously, they can make backups and everything, its pretty neat.

Dalek Sec: "Outline resembles crude cybernetic construct known as Cybermen!"

God, that is totally like Cybermen, they take out everything except your brain and put it into a metal shell, remove all emotions cause they think it makes them better. They all turned into a militaristic, obsessive regime in the DW universe.

Is that a Liktor? Cause I think I might be wrong.

Dalek Sec looked across the horizon, hovering within the Chameleon field. “Humanity, its stench survives through every version of reality, yet the Daleks and Timelords always burn.”

Sec’s mind remembered Skaro, he thought and pondered its destruction. “Skaro, a great symbol of Dalek power, its cities stood mighty and supreme, and yet it burned.” He looked towards the north, facing the human settlement, then west, then south, then east, all around him was humanity’s resilience, standing defiantly in the face of death.

“Earth, the retched, filthy, impure, and weak civilization of humans arose from Earth. In every version of reality, Earth and humanity stood time and time again. Why does Skaro and its children fall, and yet time spares these weak, putrid beings!?” The camera at the end of his eyestalk glowed blue, changing its magnification and focus to see farther. Dalek Sec contemplated deeply about the survival of the Dalek Empire as a whole, while looking to humans for an answer.

Dalek Caan rose, the sound of their anti-gravity projectors whirring in the cold air. “Progress on our cloning facility, seventy-six percent, it will be complete within one light-cycle!”

“Dalek Caan, request information.” Sec demanded, Caan turned his eyestalk towards Dalek Sec, his black Metalert casing shining in the light, finally Caan answered, “I obey!”

Sec immediately questioned him, “Are the Daleks superior to all?” without hesitation Caan replied, “Affirmative, Daleks are supreme!”

Sec looked again to the wasteland around him, the frozen glaciers all around and beyond the horizon. “If we are supreme Dalek Caan, why are we few, why are there no other Daleks on scan, why are we the last of our kind?”

Dalek Thay and Jast looked above them, Dalek Thay thought it an insult, Dalek Jast hadn’t an answer just more questions. Caan looked around him, and finally he understood.

“Observe! Across time and space, we were sent here, across time and space, we survived, but why are there not more?” The Daleks remained silent, slowly realizing what Sec saw, “If the Daleks survived the Time War, why were they not brought here?”

Thay finally spoke, “We are the last?” Sec, descended, and turned his eyestalk towards Thay, “We are the last of the children of Skaro! We, The Cult of Skaro, and the many trapped in the Genesis Ark!”

Jast felt he needed to speak, “Impossible! Across all of space and time? Across all realities?”

Caan looked to Sec, “Why did we survive?” Sec looked to Caan, “Because we are different, we were created to think, we were created to imagine, we think as our enemies do. We survive because we must.” His reply was to the point, as with all Dalek communication.

Thay spoke again, “But, we were created by the Emperor! We are the exception to the Dalek order! Daleks must remain pure, without emotion, without thought!” Silence fell, the mechanical, computerized voice of the Daleks echoed in their base, the spherical void ship hovering over them, and the towering megastructures looming over them.

Sec, made his choice, a choice to change all Dalek kind, he is the operational leader, without an emperor, he is designated Supreme Dalek. “Continue working on the facility, finish the work, scan for viable slaves!”

“Report progress on full armament restoration!” Sec shouted, Dalek Caan was quick to answer, “Eighty light-cycles to full armory restoration!”

“The Genesis Ark is primed!” Dalek Thay reported, “The Genesis Ark will be opened, and a new Dalek Empire will rise from the ashes of the Time War! It will survive through the Cult of Skaro, no longer bound by the suppression of thought!”

Thay, confused by Sec’s statement exclaimed, “Explain your logic!” Sec obliged Thay’s request, “We survived because we were free to think, and imagine, we foresaw the end and escaped! The Dalek Empire must be as flexible!”

Thay saw no flaw in his logic, neither did Caan, nor Jast, the dawn of a new Dalek age is coming, and the drums of war sound ever closer. Dalek Sec and the Cult of Skaro will lead the Daleks out of the Dark, the Dalek Empire will herald a new age of purity, a new meaning to Dalek superiority and supremacy. The cleverest Dalek of them all will lead them there.

@Scarescrow Good question, I was under the assumption it's current year, but if it's been a few years after the current, it could affect technology.
Perfect, I can arrange for that, I got dibs.
Is this an alternate universe? Cause I have plans for either Russia or Germany.
<Snipped quote by Liotrent>

I was under the impression that was just the original. I'll have to look at it.

It's for both the original and expansion.
It's free now. Not sure if it's available for any other platform.
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