Avatar of Lith


Recent Statuses

1 mo ago
Current Owner of a lonely heart, much better than a owner of a broken heart. Dun dun dun.
1 like
1 mo ago
Write how you write. If you want to improve it, improve it. People who assign such meaningless labels are Philistines. Don't listen to them. Only listen to me.
1 mo ago
Forgert Advanced. I'm Master Deluxe.
1 mo ago
Hotter take: they all look the same to me. Ahuhuhu.
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1 mo ago
Black Friday sales in person are badass. You go in there not because you need that TV. You do it because you're on a warrior's path and you need to fight that mother of seven at the checkout.


Heyo. I'm Lith/Hael.

I come on here to RP once in a blue moon, and go on the Discord to shitpost when is appropriate. Which is usually always.

Generally speaking I enjoy arena fights and 1x1 roleplays. Least that's where I'm at right now. Currently I am in three fights [!!] and zero 1x1 roleplays. If you seek me out and my number of roleplays is above zero, I won't say no necessarily, but that does mean my glorious ability to get distracted may kick on.

Aside from all that, I'm a dude in my 30's in the medical field. Work full time, I'm usually busy all of Friday-Sunday, then have a shorter shift Monday. Then Tuesday-Thursday I'm free.

You got any ideas to spitball, DM me. Also open to Discord. My schedule makes it so I can never play, but I used to very frequently be in 3.5 and Pathfinder games, so if you wanna talk tabletop, games, anime, or whatever else nerd nonsense, got you covered.

What else. Ah yeah. The King of the Hill reboot is gonna fucking suck.

Most Recent Posts

If you're playing Fallout 4 and open to mods:


Highly recommend that one. TLDR of it is you can super vary up where you start and who your character is so you're not just Veteran/Lawyer.

If it's your first time then it's whatever but after, it makes replaying the game kino.
Greetings individual. Welcome to the Guild. And what not.
I usually go by something else but I was marathon running Tales of Maj'Eyal and there's a boss in that game that is a blighted abomination named Lithfengel. It was on the mind so I threw in the variant here and from it "Lith" stuck so I never bothered changing it.
I hoard metadata in a frontend for games called EmulationStationDE. Since I think it's cool to see what different platforms had + see box art, gameplay video, yatta with scraping.

Been playing with their 2.0 beta releases and themes + editing some of them myself.

This one in particular has a cool aesthetic.

What the guy did with the theme I recreated with a few platforms is if there isn't a sprite, taking stock photos and shrinking them down then overlaying scanlines on top. lol Lazy but it's hard to discern the difference.
Greetings individual. I hope you find what you're looking for and what have you.
Welcome to the Guild. May you avoid the Duck Hunt and find quality roleplay within.
In Howdy 2 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Greetings individual. Welcome to the Guild. I was in the hobby hard from 12 to 24 then took a.. (checks watch)..9 year break and what do you know here I am. Place is relaxing for that.

Enjoy your stay and hope you find what you're looking for.
<< Alcoholic Establishment >>

Wouldn't it be grand if a certain red jacket and associated shoulder pieces..

..had some kind of magical enchantment that alerted the wearer to their plight. Now that would certainly be something. Perhaps in place of that, the coat might come alive and devour the wrong type of person rather than its rightful owner, like a magical mimic. Wrapping itself around the unfortunate victim and gore them within its red fabric. Yeah. Alternatively, perhaps the heightened senses of the owner kick in and allow him to spot at a moment's notice a thief, swooping by and rending them limb from limb.

All of this is nice in theory but in reality: none are reality.

Theft had transpired and Omi, beginning to fume over the lack of quality service as he perceived it, had not noticed the caper occur. Can't really say it's the first time. Hell, it was unlikely to be the last. He wasted a lot of job money on getting those made and tended to put them through hell least of all irresponsibly leaving them where any street urchin or deranged lunatic could make off with the vivid red garb. No doubt he would be infuriated later but much the way you would be for losing your keys; obnoxious and a little spendy to fix the pragmatic issues at hand but, not the end of the world.

That would be a future issue though. Again, the now's Omi Barsait wouldn't be paying attention to a lone woman exiting the bar unless that woman was approaching him with mugs of ale and perhaps a complimentary dessert for the extremely subpar atmosphere.

Too many moments had gone by without him, implicitly him, getting his drink. Palming his own currency and then pocketing it with a cooler shade of frustration like a parent revisiting admonishing their young, Omi knew the score here. What was the only logical conclusion to people having alcohol and him not? No way this was upscale enough to be a reservation gig where only the "important" got through on a list, so the next best bet was in store: there was staff.. as in past tense. And little of it. Maybe one overworked waitress or something. And they were what, out on lunch? No, there'd be a sign. Then it stood to reason they skipped off the job. They were doing their job previously, ergo the alcohol, but now they weren't doing the job anymore, thus him not getting his. This checked out logically, crossed off every box. But, if people were drinking their drinks now.. that meant they couldn't have quit or lazily avoided responsibility very long ago. Realistically that meant they were nearby. Probably funneling drinks to their pals and cooking the books on it. Real trash.

Casually exiting his seat and standing tall as he turned around to truly survey the room's inhabitants for the first time, realistically, it was likely one of these scumbags. Listening and listening to the pleas of patronage, inwardly snickering, and chugging down alcohol. Management probably didn't even know their one amateur rank employee was like this. Who'd tell them, drunkards? No. Hell, through Omi's bitter hyper focus, he heard someone shouting out they'd buy a round for everyone. That can't happen, if there isn't someone to serve the rounds. Despicable.

Pop audibly cracked his tensing fists within their metal housings.

That would be unforgivable if he figured out who it was. He'd have half the mind to harass them but, if he could just prod them into doing their job.. that would certainly be better for everyone. Self assured at his own forward thinking, Omi decided on a course of action. The only course of action.

He began to glare down at the seated patrons.

People give things away subconsciously you see. Even if it was a soulless monster who was skipping work, or a sultry concubine without a single ounce of moral decency, or a mischievous kid without a work ethic -- the movement and pressure would get them to make eye contact if only for a moment. That's how Omi'd deduce who the server was. Once that went down, he'd prod them behind the counter. Start off nice, hint about a tip. Hopefully they would see reason. But, he would then escalate if they kept playing dumb. In his line of work, the wild haired man had done his fair share of manipulation and taking advantage for money so he "understood." But you give your word you'll do a task, you do the task.

Now who was it. A man? A woman? An entity? He supposed it didn't really matter. There was no way this was a misunderstanding; this was now a duel at high noon with whomever had the misfortune to fall prey to meeting his judging eyes.

And somebody was gonna be wetting his lips real damned soon.
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