Avatar of Little Bird


Recent Statuses

2 days ago
Current An empty city.
6 days ago
The love that broke me.
7 days ago
8 days ago
I have a concept of an idea
15 days ago
I enjoy the irony that my most judgemental cat prefers me, while most judgemental humans stay away from me.


Not born in a log cabin, I came into the RPing venture around 2009 and quickly joined about twenty roleplays more than I should have at the time. I've been around the internet in that time span, participated in and run RPs on multiple forums, and brushed shoulders with a wide variety of players and characters. Getting to work with new people has always been part of the allure of the experience.

My interests in RPing are pretty diverse, and not genre-specific; if there's room at the table and I can think of a dish to serve, I'll cook something up for just about any meal. If you know what I mean.

Most Recent Posts

@TheNoCoKid Does Echo find all Sk8ters annoying? Or are there exceptions?

@BigPapaBelial Let us draft terms of alliance.
Will it be preferred for Gifted characters to kick things off in imprisonment? Or will there be a pocket of Rebellion freely operating?
That's right!

Back when i first thought of it I was leaning towards her having more of a lightning/electricity oriented power. But rethinking it now, I think having her embodying Darkness and abilities thereof would be more sensible in context.
Oh! And @Wayward I really liked your Navimod idea so I played with it a little bit. See the "Skynet" mod on my character's cybernetics section! :)

And Shimazu's Noodles is officially a thing. 😄
So running a concept by you:

A while back (like years ago now), I had an idea of an FFX Al Behd character that became a nobody when one of her own used her as a guinea pig in an expirament to study the Heartless. Would that be at home here?
Just to be clear, we'd be playing as Nobodies?
I have been itching for some Kingdom Hearts in my RP itinerary.

Will we be playing as characters from the games or OCs?
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