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Current The heck's a "pigroach"?
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Note to self: don't look into the sun, no matter how pretty it is.


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Been binging Finding Bigfoot. I watched it when I was younger, and I still find it enjoyable (even if it's goofy to go out in the woods and bang on trees).
I once had a pet hamster who escaped from his cage, and my family didn't find him for almost a month. Luckily he was still alive and well when my dad caught him in a live trap made with a bucket, some books, and a spoonful of peanut butter.
I'm always on the lookout for Monster Hunter stories (and Monster Hunter Stories), and RPing is no exception to my rule. Unfortunately for me, though, it seems there are very few people looking for RPs set in the universe (even after World/Iceborne and Rise/Sunbreak gave the series a wider audience in the Western hemisphere). I have two ideas in mind for conducting MonHun RPs here on the forum.

- 1x1: Fairly simple. I and another player create a story together, and take turns playing the monster during different hunts. For example, hunt one would be Great Jagras (played by me), while the next hunt would be Kulu-Ya-Ku (played by my partner)

- Small group: This is something I haven't done before, but I want to give GMing a shot. In this case, I would play the monsters and major NPCs (ie- a Guild Master, the smithy, a Palico assisting the Hunters, etc.). I might try something with dice in order to randomize combat a little bit, but for my first attempt, I want to keep it simple.

I would love any kind of feedback or questions for these ideas, and if you have any, feel free to drop a comment or a PM.
I'm always on the lookout for Monster Hunter stories (and Monster Hunter Stories), and RPing is no exception to my rule. Unfortunately for me, though, it seems there are very few people looking for RPs set in the universe (even after World/Iceborne and Rise/Sunbreak gave the series a wider audience in the Western hemisphere). I have two ideas in mind for conducting MonHun RPs here on the forum.

- 1x1: Fairly simple. I and another player create a story together, and take turns playing the monster during different hunts. For example, hunt one would be Great Jagras (played by me), while the next hunt would be Kulu-Ya-Ku (played by my partner)

- Small group: This is something I haven't done before, but I want to give GMing a shot. In this case, I would play the monsters and major NPCs (ie- a Guild Master, the smithy, a Palico assisting the Hunters, etc.). I might try something with dice in order to randomize combat a little bit, but for my first attempt, I want to keep it simple.

I would love any kind of feedback or questions for these ideas, and if you have any, feel free to drop a comment or a PM.
In Hallo 5 mos ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
@SleepyWrites Welcome to the forum. Hopefully you find everything you're looking for. ^^
Thanks for the welcomes. I'll make myself comfortable on the forum~
Been looking for some new grounds for RPing and found this place. As the name implies, I'm a fan of Monster Hunter (and series like it, such as God Eater). I'm a male from the US, approaching wizard age, and my favorite kinds of RP are science fiction and fantasy. Hopefully I have some fun here.
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