Avatar of Lord Orgasmo


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4 mos ago
Current The outdoors be like: "This mf forgot his Zyrtec, get his ass!"
4 mos ago
At last, the correct amount of garlic 🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄
6 mos ago
I have consumed far to much garlic bread. My hubris has doomed me once again.
6 mos ago
It's either: sleep is for the weak, or sleep FOR a week.
6 mos ago
Pink Starburst gang, wya?
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"No one can escape the fate given to them.
All that remains is the end, where you will all perish.
Eternal greatness exists only within myself.
Sing a song of sorrow in a world where time has vanished."

My 1x1 thread, because I'm a shameless hack.

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Route 29 --> Cherrygrove City

Kick watched carefully as the Shinx and Nidoran battled to a standstill, eventually ending with Emma capturing the Shinx. Kick stepped out of his hiding spot by the trees towards the girl. He only wished he could've taken part. It had been quite some time since he last had a serious battle. Not many trainers managed to make it all the way to the champion's room, and given Isaac's track record, people began to get slightly discouraged, and the frequency of challengers fell even more. Even so, the Blaziken gave an affirming squawk to the young trainer, signaling a job well done.

It was about this time that Isaac stepped out of the brush and back to the rest of the group. Isaac eyed Emma, Pokéball in hand, and a mysterious lack of a Shinx. He gave a smug grin, and spread out his arms to his side "Ah, the conquering hero captures her first companion. Well done." He put his arms back down. "No, but really, that'll be useful later. Anyways..." He spun on one foot towards the pink trees in the distance. "Barring anymore interruptions, Cherrygrove is just a short distance away. You can tell by the trees." He pointed towards several of the pink cherry trees in the distance. He began walking ahead. "Let's get going."

Kick ran back to Isaac's side, attempting to get his attention to tell his of Emma's exploits, but was mostly brushed off. Isaac seemed to be more focused on the road ahead than his companions. Kick wondered if there was something on his mind that was making act this way. He was usually much more attentive when it was just the two of them. Isaac's posture began to slouch, and his eyes seemed very tired. Maybe all this forced socialization was beginning to take its toll on him. Kick decided he'd need to be extra perceptive to make up for his trainer's apparent fatigue.

At last, however, the landscape changed from green forest to pink cherry trees and paved walkways as the party approached the entrance to Cherrygrove City. The air was sweet, the sound of the ocean could be heard nearby, and the city ahead was covered in light colors and happy people with their Pokémon. Fortunately, as far as Isaac was concerned, none of the passers-by had seemed to have noticed him yet. Maybe he could stay incognito? Isaac turned to the two young trainers, a surprisingly nostalgic look on his face.

"Well, this is it. Welcome to Cherrygrove City. Though if you ask me it's more of a town than a city. It's got lots of old folks who like to retire here, mostly down by the beach area. Some even open up little shops to spend tneir last few years tending to it." Isaac turned his head toward the city, allowing a single chuckle to escape. "You know, back when I was a kid, there used to be a candy shop in the middle of town. They were the only place around here that sold cotton candy. I wonder if they're still open..." Isaac seemed to snap back to his usual self, his somewhat dour expression beginning to return as he turned his gaze back towards Leo and Emma.

"I'm going to assume you know how to identify Poké Centers and Marts, right? Centers have a red roof, while the Marts have blue ones. They use a standardized color determined by the Pokémon League, so once you learn to spot the color, they're easy enough to find." Isaac turned around towards the city entrance. "I'm headed towards the Center, if you want to make a stop there, it's just around the corner." Isaac pointed to a rectangular building with a curved roof colored a deep red. Otherwise, feel free to explore the city and entertain yourselves. I think I'm due for a sit-down. And if we do decide to split up, let's regroup back at the center here after a while, yeah?" Isaac gave a stretch of his arms before heading into the city.
Bulbasaur. Onion frog is best Kanto starter.

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