Avatar of Lord Orgasmo


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4 mos ago
Current The outdoors be like: "This mf forgot his Zyrtec, get his ass!"
4 mos ago
At last, the correct amount of garlic 🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄
6 mos ago
I have consumed far to much garlic bread. My hubris has doomed me once again.
6 mos ago
It's either: sleep is for the weak, or sleep FOR a week.
6 mos ago
Pink Starburst gang, wya?
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"No one can escape the fate given to them.
All that remains is the end, where you will all perish.
Eternal greatness exists only within myself.
Sing a song of sorrow in a world where time has vanished."

My 1x1 thread, because I'm a shameless hack.

Most Recent Posts

Mandalay, Songstream Hall

The rapid tinking sound of metal to cobblestone could be heard as Ting ran as fast as his little metal legs could carry him down the city streets. He was almost there. Songstream Hall, where he could finally begin his new life, where he could finally have a place to call home. He could see it in the distance, a large dome resting on a rounded building that stood higher than most of the others around here, not to mention in much better condition.

After what felt like an eternity on the road, the exhausted Aron finally made it to the gates of the hall. It was massive up close, it almost reminded him of the hills of Wude. Then there was the impressive steel fencing around the outside of it. Maybe they didn't let just anybody inside? Although wasn't this the place you'd go to for help? Why would they not let certain folks inside? Maybe it was just as a last resort?

But those were questions for another time. The more important thing was getting inside. At the front of the gates were three quadrupedal Pokémon, two of whom had their backs to the gates. Guards maybe? He recognized the Growlithe, as he had seen some in Wude, but the other two he had never seen before. They were all much taller than he was, though that wasn't an uncommon occurrence. He approached the three Pokémon.

"Um... hello? I'm here for the recruitment thing. The posters said you guys were taking on new recruits." Ting looked endearingly at the Umbreon and Sylveon.

The Sylveon's eyes lit up as the Aron mentioned the recruitment poster. "Of course! Kick would be happy to see you! We've had so few Pokémon actually come to help out full time, so new friends would be great! My name's Temperance, but all my friends call me Tempie." One of the Sylveon's ribbons extended over towards the Umbreon. "And this is my brother Astram." The Umbreon nodded silently. "Here, why don't you follow me inside, and I'll show you around. You too Mr. Growlithe! The Sylveon turned around, practically skipping and she scurried towards the entrance of the hall, beckoning with her ribbons as she waited at the entrance.

The Aron turned his head towards the Growlithe. As he made his way towards the entrance, his legs still somewhat wobbly from his journey. "Guess we'd better head on in huh? My name's Ting. Are you a new recruit too?"
There are a number of pokemon and structures that are affiliated and associated with the guild, but these guys are your fellow guildmates.

Most legendary heroes met their end during the war, but there are a few that managed to survive the war. Here's just a few of them. Keep in mind that I'm using the more archaic definition of hero, which is basically just a really powerful warrior. They don't necessarily need to be a good person.
There are a number of cities, towns, and countries all around the world, but these are just a few of the nearby locations and surroundings nations.

Years ago, the world fell into ruin. Evil godlike pokemon had grown restless, and hungry for power. They wanted the world for themselves. To rule over everything. To be the only gods. Banding together, the evil gods, led by Yveltal, declared war on the world. To make matters worse, they had armies of zealous followers willing to commit great atrocities in their God's name. Not to mention, numerous Pokémon were promised wealth, power, and status in their new world, and as such, joined the cause.

But the world wasn't defenseless. There were also a plethora of Pokémon dedicated to preserving the world. Xerneas, Palkia, Groudon, and many other deific Pokémon stood fast in the face of evil, vowing to defend the world. At their side stood those who would fight against the encroaching destruction. They would accept all help from all Pokémon, regardless of motivations.

And so the war began. Good fighting against evil in what would come to be known as the Oblivion War. As the godlike Pokémon clashed, the very planet began to to shake and crumble. Mountains were reduced to gravel, millions of lives reduced to nothing in an instant, Oceans rose and fell, even the very continents began to shatter and separate.

The war was not short, lasting nearly eight bloody years, but eventually, Yveltal was brought down and killed by Xerneas, who gave her own life to destroy him. However, the planet and its inhabitants were broken. The world had nearly ended, and it would never be the same. Many deific Pokémon met their ends on both sides. But there was hope on the horizon.

During the war, many legendary heroes (Legendary in the feats of power and glory sense, not literal legendary pokemon)would rise and fall during the war. The ones that survived would go on to change, and even rule in a sense, the post war world, along with the remaining deific Pokémon.

Nearly two decades later, the world has begun to heal. Suicune has begun purifying the waters of the world with the help of Kyogre, Regigigas has pulled the continents back together, the Shaymin have started to regrow forests around the world, and many of the slain godlike Pokémon who fought for peace are beginning to be resurrected. And one particular legendary hero has begun to make a name for himself yet again.

In the city of Mandalay, in the country of Narvac, one building stands above the rest: Songstream Hall, on old concert hall that was turned into a Guild Hall, run by none other than one of the legendary heroes of the Oblivion War, Kick the Blaziken. He believes that despite the harshness of the world, there is still hope, and that the world needs heroes now more than ever. However, age is taking its toll on Kick, and he seeks to recruit a newer, younger generation of heroes to help the world.

However, gods are resilient beings, and don't like to stay dead. In the shadows are those who would try to resurrect the evil gods to continue their conquests. Rumors have begun to spread of their exploits, though many dismiss this as mere paranoia.
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