"So here I go, it's my shot, feet fail me not, this one opportunity is all that I've got!"
Species: Aron
Name: Ting
Sex: Male
Motivation: To become a hero, like the PokΓ©mon who rescued him.
Bio: Born into slavery, away from the Land of Mountains, Ting was traded around like cattle, being bought and sold on a whim of his owners, and never truly finding a permanent place to stay. He was manual labor, and nothing more. Mining was what he was normally used for, his steel body able to smash through rocks easier than others, and the occasional iron ore inside kept him at least somewhat fed.
This would continue for most of his adolescent life, working in mines or fields under the threat of whips, kicks, and painful words. That is until he was bought by a foreigner, who had a plan for him in a mining operation in the Land of Mountains. When he found out he was likely going to live their permanently, Ting almost felt excited. No more trading, no more long rides in cages, no more losing friends, maybe this was some sort of blessing for all his hard work? Of course, it wasn't that easy.
Upon arrival to the Land of Mountains, the frigid air was something he wasn't used to, but had no choice to adapt to. And then, to make matters worse, since he was going to be a permanent member under this new slave group, they'd need a way to make sure others knew who he belonged to. On one fateful night, Ting was dragged into the fields, where he was painfully branded on his left flank, the mark of his slaver now permanent seared into his armor and flesh.
Two years passed since then, and his life here in the Land of Mountains was much of the same as his one back on the main continent, only much colder. The work kept him somewhat warm, though the night air stung when he was unfortunate enough to be forced outside. Ting began to lose hope that things were going to be at least slightly different. Even the other slaves seemed more aggressive and unfriendly. He was scared, and just wanted some sort of comfort, no matter what it was.
And, as luck, fate, or divine intervention would have it, things would change for the poor Aron. As a rescue team would find the illegal mining operation, as well as its group of slaves. All in the span of just a few hours, Ting had gone from being a helpless slave being worked to death, to a free man, now allowed to do whatever he wanted. The feeling was... exciting, yet foreign. He had no idea what to do next. He had lived his whole life following orders, and to be suddenly given freedom was... overwhelming to say the least, so, he did what he thought was the best idea at the time: demand to join their team.
Needless to say, the team said no, but they did offer to take him to Deeproot Town, where he could find someone who might take him in. Starstruck, Ting followed his heroes all the way back to the town of Deeproot, where they dropped him off, to start his new life. Ting lived there for a short while, trying odd jobs, but always felt like he was missing something. Then, in a surge of courage, Ting made his way to the guild hall, and the rest, as they say, is history.
Here's a draft of what I've got so far. I'll obviously change some stuff around once more details are added, but here's what I've got for now.