Larwen listened to Ipeyr, a god of life talk to him about corruption. He had not a clue what he meant, his creation was perfect, what Ipeyr created was not. He simply remedied that, but Larwen could not help but smile as the God's voice broke. Ipeyr even offered him the land, but Larwen shook his head. The god of life did not understand, how could he? After all, Larwen was the only perfect being here, his siblings were not.
After a moment, he spoke, "Your anger is unfounded, brother." Larwen flatly stated. The God of Perfection watched as his worms then burrowed away, then he looked down upon Ipeyr once more. "My rebuttal is this- You are misguided, all of you. Imperfect. Wrong. It does not matter if you give me this land, for I will perfect all life that you, and other others, create. It is the only way. You don't understand now, but perhaps one day you will. So go, flee, for I will not be far after." and he finished talking with spite.
Then a newcomer arrived. He could feel her, could hear her. He frowned once more, it was just another obstacle.
Larwen talks to Ipeyr about perfection, tells him to he'll corrupt all life. @Valorous He views what he does as the only correct way to exist, and create. A notes another newcomer, Rytia.
@Lauder Just remember, you become what you eat. The Vyre are concentrated corruption, hopefully your millipedes learn not to eat something such as they. Or they might just become altered as well. >:)
With the Goldari preying upon the creatures in the shallow sea, Larwen felt satisfied for the moment, but not content. He turned around to view his siblings again and their work. That was when he noticed the forest of greens, a disgusting swamp, and more creatures being born into the new world. They were imperfect, all of them, and it made him angry. They would have to be taught a lesson.
Then without warning, they erupted in their imperfections, and became larger, more grotesque in nature. A wall of water shook the fortress wall behind him, what had that been? And the stone itself was new, and it now encompassed his siblings and their land, all the while he felt the touch of the one who called him here. She had done something perplexing, had she stopped time? The very notion was staggering, but it also made Larwen cautious of her and the gifts she had. She could prove even more of a danger to his work then the others.
He could no longer contain his urge to make the land perfect, so he walked to the Mangrove forest and where he walked, the land became corrupted now. His aura was strong upon mortal creations, for the trees grew, twisting up and outwards with long branches full of thorns. All of the greenery he walked upon became blackened, cancerous and ugly. The unfortunate organisms that he encountered were cured from their respite. For they too became twisted with unnatural indulgences. His perfection of the natural world, was to others a very pervasive corruption.
Next he dug his hands into the dirt, grabbing a small worm, no bigger then his large finger. He split the thing in two, watching it squirm for a time and worked his creation upon it. The creatures grew in size, great spikes of chitin exploded from their bodies, giving them protection but also pain. A head formed and with it, sharp teeth for biting, for killing imperfections. Now close to six feet in length and as large around as a tree trunk. He then set the worms upon the blighted ground. They grew longer still, now close to eight feet and their shrieks could be heard, unnatural and full of anger. He would name them the Vyer. They would do great work, for where they went his perfection would follow.
Larwen then spoke for the first time, his voice but a whisper yet fraught with malice, "I am Larwen siblings, and I shall make your creations perfect."
Larwen takes note of the stopped time. He also hates what his siblings have been creating so far. He walks into the mangrove forest, and where he steps the foliage twists and becomes corrupted with his aura.Part of his portfolio. 1 might spent-Larwen then creates the Vyer, armored worms who will spread his corruption as they travel and eat.
Larwen Level 1 god 2/4 might left 0 miracles 2/2 acts of creation