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In Godspeed! 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@Cyclone I would like to as well. But I'm getting caught up on school work tonight, then spending the the majority of the day with a friend tomorrow, weather permitting. So I'll probably be available Monday at the soonest.
In Godspeed! 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

The Corrupter

Level Two God of Perfection (Corruption)

On the Perfection of the Ley

Larwen stirred from where he sat, the god had worked hard in the short time he had arrived there. Pervanon would grow deep in his image, this he knew. For his will was great and his divinity without question. It would become the jewel of his empire, in time. He would show his siblings the wrongness of their beings, their very creations would attune to his own will. But first, he needed creations of his own, servants and workers to bring about a crusade unlike Galbar would perhaps ever see. The Universe would bow to him, and him alone, but great rulers needed a foundation on which to build. Here in the deepness that was Pervanon, where the rock and stone were already succumbing to his will, he would make Kap Gam’s Ley, the fungus of souls, the embodiment of his perfection.

The pureness of his creations would be manifested here, unlike what he had shaped before. The Vyre and Goldari were perfect, he made no mistake, but they were still tainted with his sibling’s powers. The God of Perfection needed something new, free from such imperfections.
Larwen then placed the fungi on the cold, damp stone. They glowed softly in the darkness that permeated the entirety of his home. Next, he placed his right hand a top the Ley and used his might to give them new purpose.

"Grow." The God whispered.

The fungi then darkened, soaking in the malevolent power of Larwen, drinking in the god’s essence like a thirsty child. And in the darkness of Pervanon, the fungus grew larger, dark spores erupted from it like arrows, spreading the cancer he had created across the cave walls. It grew black, shades of dark red rippled through it’s surface, splitting the Ley like sliced flesh. The spores grew into smaller versions of the fungus, with trails of red lines that each ran back the main ley. Not unlike a spider web, but it would fade in time. The Perfected Ley, which now stood as tall as he and hummed with a dark power, was beautiful.

Larwen smiled, for he could feel the souls within, growing stronger with pureness unlike Galbar, or his even siblings, would ever see. He examined the flawless Ley he had molded, and truly he was satisfied with it. This exemplary creation would spread, covering the entirety of Pervanon, it’s depths, to the rest of the Anathema Heights and then the world, but slowly. The souls they would harbor would be different from the original Ley, more entuned to his will and his image. They were far apart from the original, imperfect Ley, but Larwen knew wherever they met, battles for dominance would ensue. Until one side or the other won, but Larwen was confident in his creation. His perversion of the natural world was undeniable, and as equally challenging to fight.

Perfected and imperfect souls now resided in the world. One of unnatural perversions, and his, who would soon be the forefathers of his perfection. His divine work, had only just begun. But Larwen was tired now, and the souls were not yet ready from him to mold. So he shut his eyes, and thought upon his great works to come.

In Godspeed! 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

In Godspeed! 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@Lauder Go for it.
@Sofaking Fancy That blows, get some sleep. We'll be here when you're ready.
In Godspeed! 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Welp, now that you've said that I will never think of it the same. XD
Sev sat sulkily as he watched the picture take place, watched as other players logged off, watched the laughter die away like a flame snuffed out. It was all melancholy. He sighed and got up, he didn't want to spend his final second inside, but rather outside where he could gaze upon the stars and YGGDRASIL once more. As Grey left the room, so to did Sev, and he found himself wondering to the entrance slowly. Not yet ready for the game to end, for he knew once he stepped outside it would be the last time he saw it in person.

The hallway felt long, and ever growing as he walked. The clock ticked ever on, just ten seconds to go till it was over.

At ten seconds, he took a step towards the door.

Nine. Another step.

Eight. Another Step.

Seven. He reached the door.

Six. He grasped the door handle.

Five. The door began to open.

Four. The door was halfway open.

Three. The door was open.

Two. He took a step though the door.


Negative One. Wait, what?

Sev paused, the game wasn't over? He tried in vain to pull up his screen but no prompts came.

"What-" He began, but stopped as the voice that he heard was not his own. It was wispy and all wrong. "The fuck?" What happened to his voice, he wasn't supposed to sound like a REAPER. He began to panic and clutched at his head, and he felt his body, his shadowy head. He almost screamed, but quickly as it came, something washed over him and negated his emotions. He felt... repressed? Was that the word for it? He still felt, but it wasn't as strong as being human.

"Oh GOD. I'm in the fucking game. But-but, how?" He felt panicky again, but once again his emotions got repressed by something. Now that was odd, but where was he then? He turned around and low and behold the The De Ordine Imperii was still there, but in front of him...? He turned his head to gaze outside at... unfamiliarity. He backed away slowly, retreating into the depths of the guildhall. This was all wrong, how was he in the game?

Quickly he spun and rushed towards the room from whence he came. He felt, faster somehow, stronger and lithe. He could feel his body, and his mind, so he was still alive he guessed. When he reached the dining room or whatever it was called, Sev couldn't remember, he looked at the others who had remained. A paltry few, but they were still there, maybe?

He called out to them in a voice that did not portray his original, "What the fuck is going on guys?"
@vancexentan That's alright, working on my post now. Taking a quick break for dinner though.
In Godspeed! 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

The Corrupter

Level Two God of Perfection (Corruption)

To the East he went, faster and faster, flying over great mountains and then large, deserted plains, and bodies of water that stretched out on end. The Mountains he passed would have made a suitable location, but he required something remote, distance was better for him. It would give him time, precious time. He looked at the fungi within in his hands, his siblings had not noticed his theft and all for the better. Kap Gam surely would have stopped him if she had noticed. He had great plans for it, for such creatures he could make, pure of the filth his siblings had put into their own.

Then the skies became illuminated with heavenly lights, and Larwen faltered for a moment. Looking up into the vast nothingness of his new home, this galaxy, it would prove a conquest unlike anything he had faced before. He felt new resolve as he continued on his way.

Larwen lost track of time as he flew, finding nowhere suitable across the vast earth below for what seemed like a lifetime. Finally, in the distance he at last perceived great mountains that rimmed the coast. He halted himself over the peaks, thinking and musing about perfecting them. In time perhaps these barren lands would be full of his creations, for now he chose one peak, near the center. He would call it home.

He would however, name this range the Anathema Heights for none such as he were hated so, forlorn in a world of imperfections and pettiness. The mountain he would claim for himself he would call, Pervanon. He waved his hand, and the sound of stone upon stone echoed throughout the mountains. A deep rumbling gave way into the Earth Larwen carved the rock on the inside, providing a suitable place for his work to continue, for it was nowhere near perfect yet. His influence began to perfect the place as well, growing dark with pureness the world had yet not seen. It's beauty would only grow from there, but it would spread in time and Larwen knew he would always be able to help it.

He then flew down towards the entrance, a massive hole leading to pitch darkness upon the inside, and Larwen gracefully took the first steps into his lair. It was not yet deep into Galbar as he would have liked, but it would work for now. For now Larwen was content to mold the mountain in his image with each step. After all, this would be the heart of designs. Pervanon would be made perfect.

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