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In Godspeed! 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@Antarctic Termite Alright, good to know!
In Godspeed! 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
So everything on the map currently shouldn't be there right? Like no trees or mountains?
In Godspeed! 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

The Corrupter

Level Two God of Perfection (Corruption)

Tired of his siblings and their ilk, Larwen decided it was time to truly leave. The outside world beckoned to him, to find a suitable place for his plans. Far away from prying eyes, where his work might be found and destroyed. He had to be careful now that his siblings saw him as 'corrupt' as 'vile' but it was no matter. They would soon learn of his wrath.

It seemed like a lifetime ago since he stepped through the door, but he remembered the days of his pre-birth. The days where he flew in the nowhere of dead space. He took flight once more, but not before perfecting a large swath of the mangroves and water. He did not like to leave his work behind, for the others would surely tamper with them, but Larwen had no choice. He was outnumbered, he could feel it.

So he flew, up and out, into the sky above. He payed no attention to those already in the sky, but flew towards the east. It was a vast nothingness, but Larwen would find a home, and then build it in his image.

In Godspeed! 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
That's a purdy map.
In Godspeed! 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

In Godspeed! 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@Kho We shall see. Even if Larwen can't get her to turn to ash, he will take great joy in getting her to be nothing more then a dim glow.
@vancexentan Did you know you double posted your last post? Also, I'll try to have something up tonight or tomorrow.
How's it coming? @Rithy@Sofaking Fancy
In Godspeed! 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

The Corrupter

Level One God of Perfection (Corruption)

Next came Pelegath, preaching the same ignorance as Ipeyr. Larwen was unphased by his words, there could not be balance, only perfection. He looked at the God of Decay's hand, but made no move to grasp it.

"Peace brother? There shall be peace, when the world is perfect. When it is cleansed of this imperfection you and the others have created. This is truth. This I know. It is tragic that you would fight, instead of giving in. I could show you true beauty, my siblings."

Then Seihdhara made her intentions known, by loosing her pet millipede to hunt his perfections. It annoyed him greatly, but this was not something he had not anticipated. Larwen knew his siblings would not agree with him, how could they? Lesser beings seldom know what preys upon them, just the fear that it invokes.

Larwen smiled, a grotesque gesture. He then spoke so that Seihdhara might hear him. "Afraid? No. Sister dearest, you pain me with such prattle. You would take great care to remember, that even flames eventually turn to ash.

Ipeyr spoke once again and Larwen listened to his childish sayings. He replied with strong indignation, "Your life, their life, is flawed. That you cannot understand this brother, is a great failing on my part. I will show you, one day, what true perfection is. Be careful brother dearest, for words have powerful connotations."

Larwen then began to walk away, he had plans that needed a suitable place to settle and Kap Gam's fungus needed to be perfected. He would have to deal with the Newygnog at a later date.

In Godspeed! 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Oh there's much more then worms down the pipeline. XD
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