
The Corrupter, The Kinslayer, The Exile
Level Four God of Perfection (Corruption)

Drawing courtesy of @Frettzo

"The Corrupter"Dᴏᴍᴀɪɴ & Pᴏʀᴛꜰᴏʟɪᴏ
Corruption, the great cure for the universe. It exists in all things, no matter how insignificant it may seem at the time. It allows him to take something, an animal, a plant, even a sentient being who is without perfection, and alter them in a way that goes against their intended purpose in life. Usually bastardizations of what they once were, becoming hostile and deadly to unaltered life. Take for example a forest. Where once it would be full of life and greenery, where Larwen walks it would warp and die. The forest would become hostile, and radiate a corrupting influence on those that walked within, and it would be home to twisted creatures. His perversion of what others would deem perfect, natural- would simply become perfected to him, by his own hand.
Such corruption also works more subtlety in the hearts and minds of those it touches. Sweet whispers of power and control, to be greater then what you are, twisting and influencing perceptions until you can no longer recognize what you once were. Angels become demons, men become monsters, and life reaches its full potential. All of this serves Larwen's misguided sense of perfection. For all of creation must be corrupted for it to serve him, it is the only way.
Such corruption also works more subtlety in the hearts and minds of those it touches. Sweet whispers of power and control, to be greater then what you are, twisting and influencing perceptions until you can no longer recognize what you once were. Angels become demons, men become monsters, and life reaches its full potential. All of this serves Larwen's misguided sense of perfection. For all of creation must be corrupted for it to serve him, it is the only way.
Chaotic Evil As of IC post 146, Larwen is now True Neutral and the bulk of this sheet no longer reflects his values.
Larwen is a being with great passion. He sees everything, and everyone as corruptible as he, if not even more so. He is extremely hedonistic, going so far as to actively pursue his desires without care of consequence. He craves perfection, his twisted cure from the natural order of the universe, and would love nothing more then to shape it to his will. Larwen does not view his actions as evil, but a pureness that invites all beings into his hold. He views himself as a gift giver, regardless of whether those gifts are malevolent. He truly believes that without his help, nothing can reach its full potential.
He views imperfect creations with abhorrence, and cares little for them in their unaltered states. Larwen sees all life as fallible. Weak. He preys upon the lesser, warping their minds with purpose and seeding their hearts with corruption. As such, he views mortal life as blank molds. They are nothing without his touch, until perfected in his own image. On the rare occasion that he ever found something incorruptible, he would remove it from existence. For if you cannot take his gifts, cannot be altered to fit, then what purpose do you have in a universe of clay?
Larwen believes that his fellow gods are misguided, without the proper purpose or perfection that he desires. He pities them for what they cannot be, but would love nothing more then to alter them as well. Any and all of their subjects, their creations, their people, all are within his grasp. If he cannot corrupt his siblings, then he will corrupt what they love, and perfect them to his own desires. He can rarely be reasoned with, and always asks for something in return for bargains or deals.
He views imperfect creations with abhorrence, and cares little for them in their unaltered states. Larwen sees all life as fallible. Weak. He preys upon the lesser, warping their minds with purpose and seeding their hearts with corruption. As such, he views mortal life as blank molds. They are nothing without his touch, until perfected in his own image. On the rare occasion that he ever found something incorruptible, he would remove it from existence. For if you cannot take his gifts, cannot be altered to fit, then what purpose do you have in a universe of clay?
Larwen believes that his fellow gods are misguided, without the proper purpose or perfection that he desires. He pities them for what they cannot be, but would love nothing more then to alter them as well. Any and all of their subjects, their creations, their people, all are within his grasp. If he cannot corrupt his siblings, then he will corrupt what they love, and perfect them to his own desires. He can rarely be reasoned with, and always asks for something in return for bargains or deals.
His goals are simple ones. The corruption of all life to fit his sense of perfection. To become new, to have a purpose beyond restraint, all must be consumed, altered. All is touchable to him, it must be, for if it is not, then it is already perfect. The imperfect must be perfected to fit into his warped reality. Larwen will do what he must to corrupt life in all of its forms, without hesitation, nor remorse.
Larwen is a tall twelve foot, spindly creature. His arms are long, and his hands are nimble things. Calloused and worn, they are that of a sculptor, a bread maker, smith and painter. His horns are his symbol, his mark upon reality. They are that of a crown, molded to fit that of a God. His form is the pinnacle of what he views as perfection, but the process of alteration is ever ongoing. But for now, he doesn't have any more appearances or forms.
Mᴜsɪᴄᴀʟ Tʜᴇᴍᴇ
Least Concern - No immediate threat to species' survival.
Near Threatened - May be considered threatened in the near future.
Vulnerable - Faces a high risk of endangerment in the medium term.
Endangered - Faces a high risk of extinction in the near future.
Critically Endangered - Faces an extremely high risk of extinction in the immediate future.
Extinct in the wild - Captive individuals survive, but there is no free-living, natural population.
Extinct - No remaining individuals of the species
Near Threatened - May be considered threatened in the near future.
Vulnerable - Faces a high risk of endangerment in the medium term.
Endangered - Faces a high risk of extinction in the near future.
Critically Endangered - Faces an extremely high risk of extinction in the immediate future.
Extinct in the wild - Captive individuals survive, but there is no free-living, natural population.
Extinct - No remaining individuals of the species
*Props to wiki*
Corrupted Lands / Influenced Lands
"The damaged soils of Galbar shall be made pristine. This I know."
Larwen's Territories
Mount Pervanon- Larwen's home resides within the blackened mountain. It seethes a corrupt influence and of unnatural things. It's dark roots go deep within the earth, spawning creatures of nightmare. It also houses the Forge of Purity. Home to the Zalsarix, Perfected Sullied and Unsullied Fae, and any other animal's unfortunate enough to be caught. The Cradle of Zal, birth place of new Zalsarix is added before the Kinslaying.
As of Larwen's Exile, he tasked Aella with destroying the entrance to Pervanon, to let the creations of Larwen be forgotten by the world. If only he knew...
The Anathema Heights- Larwen named this mountain range for its location, and the fact that he is scorned by the rest of his siblings. His corruption has been spreading throughout the mountains, slowly twisting and turning the native vegetation into what Larwen deems acceptable. Not surprisingly, pockets of untouched land are home to a variety of his siblings creations and ripe for the harvest.
As of the Kinslaying, the Anathem Heights are completely uncontested expect for Lasis' Bastion. Corruption will spread unchecked, unless purified or halted. With Larwen gone, he can't really control it, the corruption will spread naturally.
Corrupted/Influenced Lands
Shallow Sea outside the Oasis - Minimal corruption found. The sea itself is relatively unscathed by any corrupt influence, but it is home to the Goldari.
The Swamps of Phelegath - Minimal corruption found. Mostly decayed by now, as is the nature of such a place. Home to the Vyre.
Ipeyr's Grove - Minimal corruption found. Trees twist and turn in unnatural ways, fauna becomes a sickly green and blackened with malice. Creatures who are unfortunate enough to be in this area for a long period of time, also become influenced with the touch of corruption. Home to the Vyre.
Lasis' Castle - Thought not corrupted, it is perpetually surrounded by Larwen's corruption, until cleansed.
Aella's Retreat - No Corruption Found.
Aella's Frontier - No Corruption Found.
Gremju's Plain's of Madness - No Corruption Found.
As of IC Post 146, page 8- These are the only areas that Larwen touched, or promised he would not.
Updated as of 5/17/2018
Corrupted Creatures / Fauna
"My siblings abominations shall be cleansed of their impurities. This I will."
Corrupted Critters
The Goldari, reside in a shallow sea outside the oasis for now. Once a lowly imperfect fish, now a predatory coral reef hunter by design, and an occupant of warm waters. Larwen's first alteration on Galbar, once a fish turned into twenty foot, killing machines. Weighing in at four-hundred pounds, and capable of bursts of speed up to fourty miles per hour. They were made for speed, as such they are long and narrower at the tail. They are twisted with anger, attacking anything that they deem prey. Usually solitary creatures, except when it comes to the breeding season, where they group up in deeper waters. The most dominant male gets to mate after rigorous battles of dominance and display. Most male Goldari have a short lifespan due to their hostile nature, and the wounds they get when fighting. Female Goldari leave young to fend for themselves when born, and usually live longer then males. These creatures usually inhabit a territory that they claim, and would rather die defending it then be pushed out.
Current Status - Vulnerable
Current Status - Vulnerable
The Vyer reside in the Mangrove/Salt Marsh/Swamp of the Oasis currently. Once small worms, they are now Larwen's second alteration on Galbar. The Vyre are giant worms with chitin plates along their bodies to offer protection from harm. Chitin spikes also protrude out of their bodies, but also within slightly, otherwise they would not be attached to anything. This gives them constant, agonizing pain and that pain is channeled into their aggression. They are mostly blind, and use their acute senses to hunt and travel. Vibrations are what they primarily use. They grow to be anywhere from eight feet, to ten feet in length, and large around as a thick tree trunk. Females can lay up one hundred eggs at a time, and they can breed multiple times a season. Young Vyre are soft at first, but their chitin hardens as they grow, and the chitin never truly stops growing until they die or are killed. They have short lifespans due to the constant chitin spikes pressing into them, somewhere of about five to ten years. Where they travel, they infect the land with corruption, but make no mistake even if it seems like they are easy to find. They are hard to fight, and fast when cornered. Certain parts of their bellies are softer, but they due protect themselves quite vigorously and prefer ambush tactics. They also use water as a means of travel and ambush, being native to such areas as allowed them to wait just below the surface for an unsuspecting prey creature.
Current Status - Endangered
Current Status - Endangered
Corrupted Nature
What was once Kap Gam's fungus that produced natural souls, has now been perfected by Larwen in the depths of Mount Pervanon, its origin. The souls that his fungus now contains are twisted beyond measure. They are the epitome of unnatural life on Galbar and shall give host to many a cruel thing befitted to Larwen's image. The perfected Ley is black, with deep red slashes splitting the Ley like sliced flesh. It pulses with this red glow, and towers at a height of around twelve feet. The spores it emits grow into smaller versions of the fungus, with trails of red lines that run back to the main ley. Not unlike a spider web, but this phenomena fades in time. These spores will also spread throughout Pervanon, the Anathema Heights and beyond, but slower then the original ley unless helped. Where the perfected ley and other types of ley meet, a battle for dominance will ensue between the fungus until a victor emerges.
Current Status - Least Concern
Current Status - Least Concern
Perfect Fauna
He then looked up at the tree, and poured his influence into it, letting it mingle with Aella's, not overtaking it. The tree shifted, absorbing the new power and grew. When it stopped, the bark glowed a pale gray, exuding a soothing warmth that enveloped that which it touched like the warmth of a fire, a mother's embrace, or a lover's touch. The pale green leaves now whispered what was wanted to be heard, whether true or not, but never cruel, always kind. The small seeds of the tree, acorn shaped and also gray, would hum softly to those that listened. The sap of the tree, if consumed, would give a mortal the taste of perfection, a reminder not to harm that which gives kindness.
Updated as of 5/17/2018
Corrupted Beings / Influenced Races / Heroes / Avatars
"All sentience shall be attuned to my will, perfected to serve. This is fact."
Larwen's Own Creations
The Zalsarix or Morig in Unsullied speech - Birthed in the mountain of Pervanon, the Zalsarix are a sentient race, powerful and first of the souls from Larwen's Perfected Ley. They came about in the midst of Larwen's nightmare scream, where the very rock changed, twisting and hardening to form shells. Empty husks with form, but without life, until a powerful soul joined with them. Each one burns with corrupted energy, signified by an unholy fire within their core. Each of their faces are unique in shape and visage, but equally terrifying to behold. The Zalsarix cannot talk, for they have no speech of their own, but perhaps one day they will. Much like Larwen, they are twisted with his sense of perfection, displaying no love, only a deep hatred for other life. They have small intellects compared to that of other species, and would rather much prefer violence to solving problems then peaceful means. They cannot reproduce, as they don't really have genders, or reproductive organs but such a problem will not go unnoticed by Larwen for long.
Physically, they are imposing creatures, standing anywhere from twelve feet, to eighteen feet and weighing well over two and a half tons. The rock that they were created from, is no longer really rock, but something else entirely. Very strong, yet flexible for movement but not skin, for they have no bone structure or organs to worry about. It is a blackened substance somewhere in between stone and chitin. If they are cut or stabbed, such wounds will leak a green substance like blood. This blood has unknown properties, if not downright toxic for consumption. The Zilsarix also live incredibly long, if not downright forever. However, they can be killed, as all life can, but it might prove more difficult for those ill prepared.
Current Status - Least Concern
Physically, they are imposing creatures, standing anywhere from twelve feet, to eighteen feet and weighing well over two and a half tons. The rock that they were created from, is no longer really rock, but something else entirely. Very strong, yet flexible for movement but not skin, for they have no bone structure or organs to worry about. It is a blackened substance somewhere in between stone and chitin. If they are cut or stabbed, such wounds will leak a green substance like blood. This blood has unknown properties, if not downright toxic for consumption. The Zilsarix also live incredibly long, if not downright forever. However, they can be killed, as all life can, but it might prove more difficult for those ill prepared.
Current Status - Least Concern
Beings/Races Who Have Been Corrupted
The Perfected Unsullied
Birthed from the Forge Of Purity anew, once Fae and benign, have taken on a darker aspect, more in tune with the will of Larwen. Amplifying their darker persona's and intentions, and doing away with their light-heartedness. Physically different in their unnatural states, once perfected in the Forge, they retain such different appearances. Primarily, the females loose their wings but retain the ability to fly, and take on the looks of true beauty in Larwen's eyes. Each having their own unique appearance, while having the same basic foundations. Curiously, the males grow wings and their bodies blacken. Wings and head ornaments vary with each male undergoing perfection, as well as the colors that emanate from their chests. Both genders grow in size, to the height of one of their grown adults and keep the same intelligence they previously had. They are fully aware of their alterations and embrace them, usually showing extreme signs of sadism and cruelty.
Their previous powers and abilities are amplified, and they can only call upon the corrupted spirits of the Perfected Ley if needed. They also have kept the ability to call upon spirits to take form, but these 'babies' usually lack the ability to keep such a form until they grow in strength. As such they phase in and out of the material world until adult hood. The Perfected Unsullied will also spread Larwen's corruption as well, for new twisted forests will grow to accommodate them. In the twisted hierarchy of Larwen's domain, the highest members would serve directly under the Zalsarix, while the lower ones usually performing as soldiers and masters of their perfected sullied siblings.
The Perfected Sullied
Those Sullied unfortunate enough to be caught by the Zalsarix and thrown into the Forge of Purity, undergo a truly remarkable change. Unlike their cousins, the Unsullied Fae, the Sullied were already naturally inclined for cruelty and hate, but there still remained a bit of good in them. But little as it was, once perfected, all signs of their formal selves are lost. The Sullied who are more in their adult forms have it the worst off. What emerges from the pit varies each time, but more often then not, depraved and twisted monstrosities emerge. Purely instinctual, lacking anything other then animistic intelligence, they are only guided by the Unsullied and Zalsarix in battle. Their very bodies are weapons, usually standing as tall as a human, and they feel nothing but pain of existence.
Lesser Sullied fair better, usually emerging in some variation of a small to medium sized shadow creature. They blend into the shadows extremely well, and make use of their bodies as weapons. They cannot fly, but instead are extremely fast and prefer to ambush their prey in packs of three to five. The have semi-intelligence, but can no longer speak. They too act like animals and are highly aggressive in battle.
The Sullied have lost most of their previous abilities, with the Forge mainly focusing on their martial prowess being amplified. As such they can no longer use the spirits for any purpose, and have no ways of maintaining a population outside of using the Forge. Both rank very low in Larwen's hierarchy but are useful soldiers.
Birthed from the Forge Of Purity anew, once Fae and benign, have taken on a darker aspect, more in tune with the will of Larwen. Amplifying their darker persona's and intentions, and doing away with their light-heartedness. Physically different in their unnatural states, once perfected in the Forge, they retain such different appearances. Primarily, the females loose their wings but retain the ability to fly, and take on the looks of true beauty in Larwen's eyes. Each having their own unique appearance, while having the same basic foundations. Curiously, the males grow wings and their bodies blacken. Wings and head ornaments vary with each male undergoing perfection, as well as the colors that emanate from their chests. Both genders grow in size, to the height of one of their grown adults and keep the same intelligence they previously had. They are fully aware of their alterations and embrace them, usually showing extreme signs of sadism and cruelty.
Their previous powers and abilities are amplified, and they can only call upon the corrupted spirits of the Perfected Ley if needed. They also have kept the ability to call upon spirits to take form, but these 'babies' usually lack the ability to keep such a form until they grow in strength. As such they phase in and out of the material world until adult hood. The Perfected Unsullied will also spread Larwen's corruption as well, for new twisted forests will grow to accommodate them. In the twisted hierarchy of Larwen's domain, the highest members would serve directly under the Zalsarix, while the lower ones usually performing as soldiers and masters of their perfected sullied siblings.
The Perfected Sullied
Those Sullied unfortunate enough to be caught by the Zalsarix and thrown into the Forge of Purity, undergo a truly remarkable change. Unlike their cousins, the Unsullied Fae, the Sullied were already naturally inclined for cruelty and hate, but there still remained a bit of good in them. But little as it was, once perfected, all signs of their formal selves are lost. The Sullied who are more in their adult forms have it the worst off. What emerges from the pit varies each time, but more often then not, depraved and twisted monstrosities emerge. Purely instinctual, lacking anything other then animistic intelligence, they are only guided by the Unsullied and Zalsarix in battle. Their very bodies are weapons, usually standing as tall as a human, and they feel nothing but pain of existence.
Lesser Sullied fair better, usually emerging in some variation of a small to medium sized shadow creature. They blend into the shadows extremely well, and make use of their bodies as weapons. They cannot fly, but instead are extremely fast and prefer to ambush their prey in packs of three to five. The have semi-intelligence, but can no longer speak. They too act like animals and are highly aggressive in battle.
The Sullied have lost most of their previous abilities, with the Forge mainly focusing on their martial prowess being amplified. As such they can no longer use the spirits for any purpose, and have no ways of maintaining a population outside of using the Forge. Both rank very low in Larwen's hierarchy but are useful soldiers.
A Corrupted HeroFemale
The Queen (I), The Beautiful (II), The Temptress (I)
Neutral Evil
Mᴜsɪᴄᴀʟ Tʜᴇᴍᴇ
No Name Yet
Dᴏᴍᴀɪɴ & Pᴏʀᴛꜰᴏʟɪᴏ
--- (---)
Mᴜsɪᴄᴀʟ Tʜᴇᴍᴇ
Other Influences / Misc
"Flawless. Immaculate. Perfection."
The Divine weapon of Larwen, crafted out of rage at his sibling Lasis' rebellion in his domain. The mace exudes a dominating presence on all those within its radius of influence. This domination wills those in contact to be under the wielder's control and more submissive. It quite literally breaks people's wills, and those afflicted will find it hard to fight the wielder, or do anything against what they want you to do. It is a cruel instrument for a cruel god.

Deep down into Pervanon, deeper even then the Perfected Ley's chamber, there resides a pit of a boiling green substance. It glows softly in the darkness, smelling of a noxious vapor and capable of corrupting all those that come into contact with it. The Forge is a shallow pit, only half as deep as a Zalsarix is tall and around the length of two Goldari's. The Forge, at its core, is a tool of alteration. Once tossed into the pit, a being will undergo a very traumatic realigning, and all traces of their formal nature will be wiped. What emerges is a creature that has undergone Perfection, with the cruelest of intentions and blackened hearts of sadism. Results vary, as all creatures were not created equally, with stronger will retaining a sense of their former memories but no longer acting upon them. They welcome the change that has occurred.
With the shaking of Pervanon, it is unclear what happened to the Forge.
Along the sides of the cave, deep red lines tore up into the walls, creating patterns not unlike what the Zalsarix had been doing with their bones, but more refined and perfect. Sat in the middle of the cave there now sat a large stone cradle. Blackened spikes twice the size of a Zalsarix ran along the sides of the stone, stretching out to touch the ceiling. The inside of the cradle glowed a deep crimson not unlike the wall symbols, and it sat within the black rock like a pool. Leading up to the the cradle there were large steps fit for a Zalsarix, and around the edge there existed a large flat surface capable of letting several Zalsarix stand about and watch. It was truly the largest creation of Larwen's to date.
Birthplace of new Zalsarix, who are smaller then the originals, but still not to be taken lightly. With the shaking of Pervanon, it is unclear what happened to the Cradle or the Zalsarix.
Updated as of 5/17/2018
Updated as of 5/17/2018