Silver sighed, stretched her back and wiped sweat off her brow. Her red hair was tied into a long ponytail and she half-squinted her eyes to shield them from the mid-day searing light. She dropped the crude stone hammer onto the soil and pushed lightly on the fence post she’d just staked deep into the ground. It gave no way, and soon she’d be able to tie some branches or, Gods allow, some actual planks to the posts as a way to keep the bigger herbivores away from the crops. It was close to harvesting season, and having a hungry animal stumble into the area like a few days ago would be catastrophic.
“Orvus! Do you think these fence posts look good?” She called loudly, not even bothering to take her eyes off the newest addition to the perimeter of lone fence posts.
’I don’t know.’ came the god’s soft spoken voice, echoing in Silver’s mind. ’I can’t see it.’ he seemed to almost muse.
Silver rolled her eyes and chuckled. She knocked on the fence post a few times and spoke, “Does it sound good, then?”
”Yes.” his voice said, right next to Silver’s ear.
“Good,” She paused, “Because I don’t know how to make fences. I’m only imitating what the servants did at the Manor’s garden. We also don’t really have any tools.”
Orvus knelt down next to Silver and touched the wood. Without turning his head to look he said, ”You are getting better at not being frightened.” he stated then said, ”I saw something similar in my… dream. It should work to keep those that aren’t welcome within. Do you require tools? I find that hands… are handy.” Orvus finished blankly.
Silver chuckled and smirked, “Calm down with those puns, Orvus! You might just desolate my pretty laugh away.” She snickered and, after a moment, looked at her hands, calloused and rough. “And, tools are probably a good idea for me. My hands are not as handy as yours.”
”Puns? Whatever do you mean, young Silver. I only speak… truthfully.” he said with a hint of sarcasm. The god then took one of Silver’s hands within his own and looked upon it. After a thorough examination, he said, ”Let us see what can be done for these hands of yours. Come.” Orvus rose, helping Silver to her feet effortlessly. He then let go of her hand and began to walk to the edge of the clearing. It was getting farther and farther away as the days went by.
Silver walked beside him, her eyes open and alert for any movement beyond the treeline. “Where are we going?”
”You shall see.” he whispered cryptically, then went silent.
“Oh,” She hesitated for a split second, but continued walking nonetheless, “can’t wait to see it.”
Orvus said nothing, but led the red haired girl down a well worn path. One easily missed by prying eyes, but noticeable by those who deigned to look. He rounded a bend in the path, obscuring the view from Silver. After a short ways, he turned around and said, ”You sleep a great amount, little one. It allows for much downtime.” he then turned around and walked a few steps further, before moving to the side, allowing Silver to witness the small house before her.
It sat in a new clearing, with mounds of freshly tilled dirt scattered on either side of a long, winding stone path. The cabin was crafted from rich mahogany wood, with large glass windows in the front, and on the sides. Three steps led up to a small outdoor porch with an overhang. On one side the porch was a small, ornate bench, and on the other side were two chairs. Orvus walked over to the side of the cabin, and faced towards the forest. With a flick of his wrist, the trees began to fall, having been cut perfectly at the base. It was a loud chorus of booms and snaps, but when everything settled down, the old clearing with the plants could be seen. It was but a brisk walk away.
Orvus then turned around to Silver and said, ”Would you care to look inside?”
“Of course! Let’s go, did you make this yourself? I mean, of course you did,” Silver smiled, her mouth hanging open slightly as she practically skipped over the steps of the porch and caressed the finely crafted door, “This is expensive! Back home only nobles and royalty afforded houses like this. I know this because my childhood guardian once took me to his house, it was way smaller than this!”
”Intriguing. You’ll have to tell me more of your home Silver.” Orvus said as he opened the door, revealing the inside of the cabin. It had an open, minimalistic feel, only the bare necessities were within, with a great amount of room for more. On the right side of the entrance, there was a large table with two chairs, and a cabinet of light mahogany. On the left side of the entrance there were stairs that led up to a loft. Across from them there was a large room with a couple more long benches, next to a fireplace of mossy cobblestone. Throughout the room there was a fine, wooden smell, permeated by a countertop with spices in wooden bowls.
”Upstairs there is a bed, for you of course.” Orvus said, turning to Silver.
Silver took in a few long whiffs of the air, and her eyes sparkled excitedly. “How did you even make all of this? I thought you were the God of Destroying things, not of Masterful Crafting?” She said as she climbed up the stairs and peeked into the attic bedroom.
Orvus blinked suddenly at her words, the blow coming unexpectedly. ”I… Just thought it would be a nice gesture.” he said softly.
“It is! I love it, so much!” She chuckled, turning to smile warmly at Orvus, “You should be proud! You always look so gloomy all the time, even when tending to the plants. I bet you had fun making this little place, huh?”
Her words prompted him to look at her, perhaps he had been too hasty to judge. She had not meant it that way, now did she? Orvus began to climb the stairs, following her. The loft wasn’t as spacious as the rest of the cabin, but it provided the right amount of coziness. Situated in the middle was a large bed, made of soft feathers. It had some furs as well, but nothing so fancy. Next to the bed, on both sides, were small nightstands. In the side of the ceiling, there was a skylight.
”Fun? No, It was but a project Silver. For you, a home.” he said, his voice no longer sounding so sad and forlorn.
“Heh, well, thank you, really,” She looked around, coming back down the stairs. “Do you have any plans on expanding this little settlement? Maybe it could become something bigger. We’d have festivals, fairs, big events, maybe even tournaments! With knights and horses and princes from faraway places.”
”You are welcome.” he seemed to say proudly. ”Hmm. I do not have any other plans for this place, not yet anyways. What you say would be… a long time. A long time.” he repeated.
“Well, a long time is still some time. So we’re en route. I might even apply to be your governor!” Silver said with a grin.
”I suppose you are right. Until then, we will have time.” Orvus said, now walking over to sit at the table. He brought both his arms atop the table and then folded them. He sat silently, almost awkwardly. He turned his gaze to Silver and said, ”Won’t you join me?”
Silver nodded and went to sit across from him, imitating his posture, “Yes, Knight Commander?”
”Knight? Commander? Tell me, what does that mean?” he asked, looking at Silver with a soft expression.
Silver opened her mouth to speak, but quickly fell silent and tilted her head curiously at Orvus. After a moment, she began. “A knight is someone who risks everything they have for the benefit of others. Life, limb, sometimes even their sanity… They’re the most exemplary people you could meet, and they come in all shapes, sizes, genders and races. I once met this Foreign Knight that had scales instead of hair!” She looked starry eyed at the ceiling, as if she could see the sky through it, “And, well, a Knight Commander is someone that commands the Knights. Usually a renowned Hero in his later years.”
Orvus listened intently as Silver spoke. Coming to his own conclusions. The god then shifted in his chair, a strange look in his eye, then said, ”I am no knight, little one.”
“Oh, well, obviously not! You’re not wearing a shiny set of armor, after all.” She chuckled.
Orvus blinked, then said, ”Your sense of humor never ceases to amaze me, Silver. So tell me, with your own eyes, how does the planting go?”
“The planting?” Silver tilted her head and looked at Orvus intently, curiously studying his completely neutral expression, “I’ve learned a lot about how plants reproduce, and how to prepare the soil to plant seed… I’m not sure I understand your question, Orvus.”
Orvus sighed, sinking into the chair. He looked at Silver with sad eyes and said, ”I apologize, Silver. I am not much of a conversationalist, as you know. Sometimes, questions just come to mind. But I am… content to know that you have learned… from me. I never thought such a thing possible, before you.” He almost whispered.
She smiled and looked away, her silver eyes scanning the room casually once more. “Well… You gave me a body, a life...” She paused and after a while, she turned back to stare at Orvus, “I’ve noticed something, too. You’re sad all the time, aren’t you? And the way you speak and the things you say betrays the fact you don’t think too highly of yourself, Orvus.”
Orvus shifted in the chair again, leaning forward and his gaze shifting down to look at the table. There was a long silence between the two of them before he looked up at Silver with a white tear falling down his face. ”Yes.” came a broken voice, ”I told myself it was easier to be hated, just so I didn’t have to change. Change is… I am uncertain if I am truly capable of such thing. I am a blight in the universe. I should just kill myself and be done with it, but I don’t want to die. I thought I wanted to return to the Nothingness from whence I was born, but I don’t know what I want anymore. I simply don’t know, Silver.”
Silver’s eyes dimmed slightly, and she looked down at the table as well. A moment passed, and she gently took one of Orvus’ hands into hers, all without looking at him. “It’s okay. It’s okay, Orvus. Nobody really knows. And, well…” She sighed and wiped at her eyes with her free hand, then went back to looking into Orvus’ eyes, a warm smile on her face, “You did some bad stuff, didn’t you? But you’ve also done some good now. The plants, the ones you helped grow and proliferate, they’re alive and healthy because of you. Without you here, they would’ve never been this safe or strong. And… Without you here, I’d still be a little spirit floating through reflections, escaping from her past. You’ve done well, Orvus. Never regret anything.”
”I don’t regret what I’ve done. I was… not like I am now. Hurt, confused, scared. I attacked Phystene simply because I could not feel the life she had created. I may not regret doing it, but it doesn’t absolve me from being a monster in her eyes. That will never change.” he said with a sigh, squeezing her hand gently, ”I… See what you mean. I once had a dream… K’nell gave it to me. Would you like to see it?” he asked.
“Who cares if people think you’re a monster? Monsters don’t get hurt, cattle does.” Silver huffed, but quickly calmed down and nodded, “... Yes, show me the dream.”
”I see.” Orvus said as he cocked his head to look at Silver in a new light. After a moment he said, ”Let me know if it becomes too much, Silver. Mortal minds are ill equipped for so much information at once.” Orvus said, as Silver’s vision faded to black.
Before her stretched the same dream that K’nell had once shown Orvus. It played out as it always did in his head. He woke up to next to Rowan, they chatted, then Orvus set out with big Hank. it was vividly in detail, and Silver would be able to feel absolutely everything that Orvus felt. Then the dream ended atop the hill with K’nell, the lingering words of the choice, ‘creation or destruction’ fading slowly away before Silver’s vision came back.
”Are you alright?” Orvus asked with concern in his voice.
Silver wiped at her teary eyes and grit her teeth slightly at the headache that suddenly manifested behind her right eye. She closed that eye and grimaced, but the other eye found its way to stare at Orvus. If the eyes truly were the windows to the soul, then hers was on fire after seeing the dream.
“Destroy to create. That log house was beautiful, how many trees died to build it? The furs along the floor in the living room-- How many animals? Handsome Hank, how many of his ancestors killed to survive…? Ow,” She flinched and shut her eyes tightly, pressing her hands her temples.
Orvus stood up and bent over the table, pressing a finger into Silver’s forehead. Instantly she felt a numbing coolness as her pain became empty. Then Orvus removed his touch.
The god looked concerned and said, ’Are you alright Silver?”
She took in a few deep, slow breaths and opened her eyes, which had dimmed noticeably. She smiled weakly, “I am now, thank you, Orvus.”
Orvus settled back down into his chair, placing a hand underneath his chin as he leaned back. ”Now you know why I’m farming. Why I’m doing any of this. Because of K’nell and that dream. It… broke me for a long time. Longer than you could ever know. I still feel it’s effects, especially when Kalmar confronted me. He told me to change, or that he would kill me. Ever since, I’ve felt… I don’t even know. Lost? Afraid? Scared? Did you know, the other night I flew to another continent to help a mortal in need? I heard her prayer and answered and I was afraid of how I sounded. So sure of myself, so foreign when I can’t even make a decision myself. I even gave her gifts, Silver. First you, then Mel’lssandra, now Atmav.” he paused in thought, ”No… you were not the first one I gave a gift to. That was… Arya…” he said softly.
Silver looked down at the table and frowned, worried. “Who’s Arya? It sounds like you care for them a lot.”
”Arya is my daughter…” Orvus said absentmindedly.
Silver pursed her lips and sighed, “You sound like my- Laina’s Father. Always thinking of something else, never present… Do you talk to her?”
His eyes snapped to attention at Silver’s words and he connected with her own eyes. ”No. I cast her out of Veradax the moment of her birth. She is not like me… She would have died there…” Orvus said shakely.
“And so, you abandoned her?”
”I… Did.”
“When all you want is to feel that life, that dream. You’re faced with your own daughter, someone who seeks your love… And you turn your back to her?”
”I was in a poor state, sitting before something that would have killed her outright.” he said immediately before his voice faded, and he leaned forward. In but a whisper he said, ”I looked inside of her and I saw compassion, love, joy and a spark for life I could not provide. Yes, I want that dream, but it is merely that, a desire. One that I could not build there. Perhaps if I tried to, things would have gone differently. But because of my inability to change, to feel, I had to let her go. She would have stagnated with me, and her potential destroyed. I gave her a mighty gift, Silver. One that will grow as she does. She is in safe hands, with Shengshi the last I knew.”
Silver shook her head and looked away, “What gift did you give her, if I may know?”
Orvus flinched as Silver looked away. ”A bit of divinity and the ability of flight.” he said sadly.
“... It’s never late, you know. Until it’s too late. How would you feel if she were to die without knowing how you truly felt about her existence? She might be going around, thinking you hate her. Thinking she shouldn’t have been born!”
Orvus said nothing, letting the room fill with deafening silence. The sound of a chair moving across wood broke that silence, and Orvus left the room, and went outside. There he fell to his hands and knees, staring blankly at the ground away from the cabin. He then rose a fist high, and struck the earth. There was tremor that rippled through the house, and a crater half its size was indented into the ground, when the dust finally settled.
Then the God sat up on his knees, hunched over. He waved his hand before him, saying nothing. But something began to take shape.
At that moment, Silver stumbled out of the house, her own eyes teary once more and her knees scraped and bruised.
The god said nothing as the form grew larger still, towering above him. The black mass began to take shape, first two legs, then two arms jutted out from a feminine body. A lions mane of long, thick hair that shone like the lights of a nebula fell down her back in wavy curves. Her skin was the same inky black that comprised his own body, but unlike his own, she was without any sort of blemishes of light. She was tall, taller then even Orvus and her body was defined by her curvy, hour-glass figure with toned muscles. Her face was oval, with high cheekbones. Unlike Orvus and Arya, she had a small dainty nose, and full lips with accents of light to distinguish them.
She floated in the air for a moment, then fell to her knees before Orvus. Silver merely watched as the whole scene unraveled, bewildered and unable to move. Orvus then stood up, eyeing the figure before him. She was unlike anything he had yet created, but similar all the same. He didn’t even know why he had created her, but he had, and now she existed.
Orvus walked over to her, her kneeling body reaching his chest. He placed a finger atop her head and then said softly,”Wake up Laurien.” And the giant of a woman opened her eyes as Orvus let his hand fall to his side. Laurien’s eyes blazed with white light, portraying the same intelligence he had seen in Arya upon her own birth, before dimming down to a soft glow. Laurien blinked once, twice and smiled.
Her voice was strong, ringing with hints of melody when she spoke, ”Hello. Are you my father?” she asked sweetly.
”I am, dear Laurien. Do you know why you are here?” Orvus responded in kind.
By this point, Laurien had begun to softly caress her arms and facial features, getting a feel for her newfound existence. She then said, ”Why, to live of course. But do I have a purpose?” she asked eyeing Orvus.
”Good.” Orvus said at first, before saying, ”A purpose? Why of course, but only if you want. I have something special in mind. But first, how about you meet Silver?”
’What’s a Silver, father?” Laurien asked as Orvus turned to look at the small red-headed girl, who was leaning against the doorway with a scraped, bleeding knee and a somewhat vacant, yet still bewildered expression on her face.
“I am Silver. You’re Laurien?”
”Yes, that’s me.” Laurien said, now eyeing Silver with a quizzical look, ”Why do they call you Silver if your hair is red?” she asked bewildered. By that time, Orvus had made is way over to her, walking up the wooden steps and bent down to look at her knee.
”You’re hurt. I… I am sorry.” he said, gently touching her knee.
Silver looked at Orvus and shook her head, “It’s okay,” And then the redhead turned her intensified gaze to Laurien. Her eyes shone a bright silver in colour and dug into her very soul, “Because of my eyes, I think. I like your name, Laurien. And you look strong.”
Orvus stood up, sadness in his eyes, and turned to face Laurien as well. By this point, Laurien had stood up, revealing the true nature of her stature. She walked with confidence over to the both of them, no sign of any uneasy legs. When she reached the patio, she bent over and walked underneath. Then she put her hands upon her thighs and leaned into inspect Silver up close.
”Mhmm. I can see why now. Those eyes are beautiful, and that hair… So very pretty.” she said before saying, ”Oh, right, thank you for the compliment. I quite like my name as well. So, what is this place?”
Silver averted her gaze, a light blush coating her cheeks for a moment, “Thank you, this is my home, your Father made it for me. He’s very generous.”
Laurien reached out to gently caress Silver’s cheek and murmured, ”No need to blush. You should be proud of how you look. Your lips are s-”
Orvus then cut in saying, ”Laurien. This is not the time, dear one. Please, go and explore the house, Silver and I need to talk for a bit.” he said sternly.
Laurien lowered her hand from Silver’s burning cheek and looked up to Orvus with a smirk, ”Of course, of course. Can’t blame a girl for admiring beauty.” she said chipperly, before scooting past Silver and into the house.
Silver kept looking at the ground, cheeks red and hot. “T-That was intense,” She stammered, speaking quietly.
Orvus put a hand on SIlver’s shoulder and gently squeezed. Then he said, ”You must forgive me again. I did not realize she would react in such a way to you. I do not think she meant any harm, Silver. She is just… new to the world.” Orvus said softly.
“It’s fine… I just wasn’t prepared for that,” Silver took in a deep breath and the color of her cheeks subsided slowly. Finally, she exhaled and looked at Orvus, “Why make her now?”
”When I left the house and… punched the ground… a thought occurred to me as I went over your words. I’ve been helping others to try and make myself feel less guilty about what I did to Arya. I realize that now.” he paused trying to find the right words, You are correct after all, little Silver. I made a mistake, and one that I regret. So I created Laurien. She will go find Arya, and if Arya wants to see me, I will go to her. Or she can come here. Even… Even if Arya never wants to see me ever again, she will have Laurien. Did I… Did I do the right thing?” he asked.
Silver nodded and smiled, wrapping her hands around Orvus’, “I don’t know what’s right or what’s best, but- But, I’m happy for you. I’m also happy that you listened to what I said.”
The god let out a sigh of relief, ”I am… glad. Thank you, Silver.” he paused, ”Let us go and see Laurien, she has much to learn and what better teacher than you?” Orvus said contently.
Silver’s smile widened and she nodded vigorously, “Y-Yeah, let’s go.”
And so they did.