The Kavijama | the thing of ink & poetry | The Hibrach
The breeze was pleasant that morning. The sun sat high in the sky, warming the land with it’s gentle rays. Lucia felt the tallgrass between her fingers, each yellow blade soft against her skin, almost tickling her. She stood upon the edge of the Prairie with bated breath. She was anxious, and uncertain what she would find within. Though she was familiar with the area, it was an entirely different beast up close. Most of the grasses grew up to her stomach, while others grew over her head. The smell was… Not what she had imagined, but it was growing on her. Floral scents with a strong smell of grasses as she stood before the sea of yellow that it came from.
She had left Orb back in the Temple, as insurance, and in case anyone showed up while she was away. Orb was well hidden, but could see a majority of the temple from his vantage. Lucia had decided to venture out, she needed a break from her training, something to occupy her for the remainder of the day. She smirked, before taking her first steps into the unknown.
The first thing she realized was that the grasses could not only be ticklish, but itchy upon her bare skin. Maybe she needed to invest in what Qael had been wearing. What did they call it? She snapped her fingers trying to remember the name, but it came up blank. For now, she let the sun warm her with each step and scratched when it bothered her too much. She came upon many different flowers, with bees and other pollinators going about their day. She stopped to say hello, but they gave no reply. That was okay though, they were just busy little bees.
She continued on, coming across a small stream, or rather she stumbled into it, because the grasses were so tall beside it. She felt the mud underneath her toes, and squished about as she couldn’t help but smile widely. The mud was about the same color as her skin, perhaps a little lighter, but it was odd nonetheless. It gave her pause as she grabbed a blade of grass and compared it to her arm. The difference was startling, the colors were so different but contrasted well. To prove her point, she flipped her hair over her shoulder, and the golden hairs matched the grass almost perfectly. As she compared, there was a rustling in the grass, and instinctively, Lucia brought herself low and almost into the water. It gave her shivers and then goosebumps, but she couldn’t complain as she saw a trunk emerge from the grass, followed by a white tusks, and a large gray head, with eyes even larger than hers!
It dipped it’s trunk into the water, and scooped it up before giving itself a drink. A deep rumble came from the creature, as it continued to sate it’s thirst. Before long more heads peeked through the tall grass to join the first, even a baby! Lucia remained very still and breathed quietly as she watched with a sense of fear and excitement. Her heart was pounding in her chest and she could feel energy coursing through her veins but she remained calm. There was no need to panic herself, all she was doing was watching, and before long, the giants meandered off. Slowly and surely, she felt herself relax, letting loose a loud sigh.
Still, she decided to follow them. Carefully, she walked through the water where it was shallow and there she pulled herself up onto the opposite bank, before following one of the large paths of trampled grass. It wasn’t long before the grasses became shorter and in the distance she could spot them. They were large animals, with powerful legs that carried them. They traveled in a single file through the grass, following the largest one, with the baby in the middle. They began to descend down a hill, and were eventually out of sight to Lucia. She pursed her lips and slowed down, not knowing what awaited her on the other side. As she got closer, she began to see many brown animals, and when she crested the hill, she took her breath away. She had seen the fields of brown before at the temple, but up close, she was blown away at the sheer size and vastness of them, before her. The animals from the stream wandered through the ocean, giving them no heed. It was a strangely beautiful sight and one she would enjoy for a time. The gently swirling sky of red and green and blue and yellow, and a myriad other colours and hues, seemed to lend the scene a greater life and energy and vastness. The plains stretched out gold and eternal to kiss the equally endless sky, and everywhere she looked life teemed.
As she continued to watch in a state of utter ease and peace, parts of the heavens seemed to stir and boil, and gently - ever so gently, so gently that one would hardly notice that anything was odd or out of place - swirls of sky descended in a coiling, darkening cloud. And with it came a soft humming and crooning, full of immediate and inexplicable, agonised joy. All about, the creatures of the golden grasslands were caught up in the sound and looked up, and they gave off their sounds - gently, ah, gently - and they buzzed, and chirruped, and bleated, and trumpeted, and bellowed, oh and they sang to the tune of a higher song. Dust rose and the song echoed - soft yet present - across the yellow flatlands. From the sky came a long, low moan as the descending heavens could descend no more, and it disintegrated against the plains of gold in a great spattering of colour and melody; and hidden amidst nature’s sublime tune came mournful words of ecstasy.
The sun does not rise, and it does not set
Except that by love of you I am beset
I am amazed by you and me
Oh love that I’ve not seen or ever met!
Except that by love of you I am beset
I am amazed by you and me
Oh love that I’ve not seen or ever met!
And the sound fluttered off and the clouds ebbed away and the animals all stood in stupor for what felt like the longest time… before they returned to the banal business of mere survival. But among them something seemed to stir, and even from a distance Lucia could see that elephants and deer and a myriad other animals seemed to congregate around a single space far off.
And within Lucia, too, something had stirred. Wholly different from the power she felt when she practised with mana. No - this she felt in her heart, deep, deep down inside. It had filled her with a happiness so profound, she had thought it would break her when the feeling subsided. She yearned to feel it again, and it was not long before she wiped the tears from her eyes and walked down the hill, the congregation awaiting her. No longer did she feel anxious around the animals, for they only acknowledged her presence and nothing more. She wanted to hear that voice again.
She passed trumpeting grey giants, shivering gazelles and bleating deer, grunting bisons, and even little voles that seemed to chatter in excitement amongst themselves, running between the legs of their larger comrades towards the epicentre of… this. When Lucia first saw the thing at the centre, it was a cloud of vibrant colours, without form. It swirled slowly, bobbing in silence as the animals around it turned and snorted and bellowed and trumpeted in an oddly rhythmic and harmonious orchestra, seeming to direct all their sounds at the formless cloud of colour. But something changed when Lucia approached and the subdued swirling of the cloud changed into something quick - a drum, swelling suddenly and contracting, pigments bursting, shedding, ebbing. And the cloud shifted and changed in a roiling frenzy of colour - soundless, mind you, there was not so much as a sigh or moan - and it condensed until a vaguely humanoid, pitch-black, eddying form stood there. Writhing tendrils of ink were its hair, and its face was in constant flux. And as Lucia looked, colour seemed to slowly seep into its form - a dark green at first. A hand rose and gestured for her to come closer, and another rose to where its mouth might have been and brought an index finger to it. And a passing breeze seemed to whisper - shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Lucia, mesmerized by the form she saw before her, did not hesitate as she walked closer. She did not feel threatened, and she was not afraid. So closer she went. With each step she took, the strange thing gained definition to its form and more colour, so that when Lucia was little more than a handspan from the thing, its face - mimicking her features -, was as clear as the dark liquid it was made of could be.

Green and grey and yellow and blue mingled in him and around him, and his glistening eyes looked upon her and he seemed to breathe her in. He leaned in and his eyes stole a glance at the animals all about them before he closed them completely and sighed. And when he spoke, his voice came soft and rhythmic though he did not sing and did not speak in rhyme. ‘You sound… beautiful. A wondrous solo. The centrepiece when joined by creation. Ah!- can you hear that?’
Lucia, if it could be seen, blushed as she avoided eye contact momentarily. Why was she feeling this way? The man, if she could call what was before her a man, was a pleasantly strange sight. One she had not known she would find so intriguing. But why did she sound beautiful? Had she spoken before this man in the past? There was only one way to find out. She looked at him again, and asked, ”Hear... What?” Murky eyelids drew open and the thing of ink & poetry smiled ever so slightly and extended a hand to her, and from his newly-formed lips came song and word and moan and sigh.
‘If eyes must see then ears must hear
And for that I must disappear
Oh ink-stained beauty of eyes bright
Come hear with me what’s out of sight :-
The tinted sky’s where music grew
On hearing it you’ll see it too;
Beneath the depths, beyond the veil
The singing stream, the dancing dale
The bull, the deer, the bird up high
All dance and sing to the world’s sigh -
The song of lovelorn ecstasy
That lies beneath the deep blue sea,
The dance that woke a sleeping bard
The face it blessed and soul it scarred -
If you too want to sing and dance
Then come with me, let’s steal a glance!’
And for that I must disappear
Oh ink-stained beauty of eyes bright
Come hear with me what’s out of sight :-
The tinted sky’s where music grew
On hearing it you’ll see it too;
Beneath the depths, beyond the veil
The singing stream, the dancing dale
The bull, the deer, the bird up high
All dance and sing to the world’s sigh -
The song of lovelorn ecstasy
That lies beneath the deep blue sea,
The dance that woke a sleeping bard
The face it blessed and soul it scarred -
If you too want to sing and dance
Then come with me, let’s steal a glance!’
And Lucia heard the call, and she was intrigued. There seemed to be an electric energy in the stranger’s eyes, a barely contained excitement and building fervour that yearned for release. He seemed on the verge of bursting at any moment - at the briefest touch -, and his words elicited such joy to her heart, and temptation to see what he offered. She eyed the hand and thought about Orb back at the Temple, a little guilty for not going back, or bringing him with her. But such an opportunity might never present itself again and she so badly wanted to steal a glance. And so, tentatively, she took the man’s hand. His grasp was gentle, soft… trembling. His expression contorted, wincing and smiling as black tears exploded from his eyes. “Oh!” He sighed, and gave off a long trilling sound broken by rhythmic rises and falls even as his body disintegrated all about her and the great cloud of colour and ink swirled and rose and whipped the air around, before lifting her from the ground in a sudden explosive gale- and almost as suddenly and fervently as it exploded, it all came to a pause. Ink and sound swirled all about Lucia in a frozen miasma of wondrous roiling colours and shapes and patterns. Words swirled here and there and a tender, intimate voice whispered into her ear…
Hear the Song the sunrays sing
If you don’t yet hear
As the light of life they bring
Day on month on year:
Feed your visage love and peace
If you want for bliss!
Gift all faces joy and cheer
With gifts joys increase!
Life feeds joy and zeal and zest
Suckle at her breast!
Brave life’s crags, don’t live in fear! -
Or from living cease!
‘Tis the Song and divine verse
That sunrays rehearse,
Hear and learn the wisdoms there
For a life most fair
For a life that teems with glee
Love, for you and me!
If you don’t yet hear
As the light of life they bring
Day on month on year:
Feed your visage love and peace
If you want for bliss!
Gift all faces joy and cheer
With gifts joys increase!
Life feeds joy and zeal and zest
Suckle at her breast!
Brave life’s crags, don’t live in fear! -
Or from living cease!
‘Tis the Song and divine verse
That sunrays rehearse,
Hear and learn the wisdoms there
For a life most fair
For a life that teems with glee
Love, for you and me!
Sunlight seemed to momentarily pierce the thick roiling ink, and there came with it an intense warmth and husky monotonous note that, gently and persistently, rose and trilled, then ebbed before rising once more - higher, more piercing, more powerful, hot. No words could be discerned, though it was almost certain that the rays were indeed singing a song of sonorous sound that, even cleft of meaning, carried pure, unadulterated heat and steadfast will and hope - an unbreakable hope and will to life.
It permeated through the ink and turned it into the gold of Lucia’s flowing hair. And arms seemed suddenly to wrap about her and discarnate fingers traced her brows, along her cheeks, her lips, along her neck, her arms, the curve of her breasts and the flat of her dark stomach, the subtle contour of her hips, her thighs and calves and feet. Her body seemed all of a sudden aflame as singing ink of pure light carved itself into her skin, and the cloud of ink & poetry seemed to sigh all about her with rhyme and yearning.
And though her body was there, carried off in that stirring celestial inkpot, it was not the light and ink she saw but the world of colours and the eternal opera and anthem of the world - not with her eyes of gold, but with a hearteye that had long been closed. She heard the ink freshly sculpted and engraved into her, loosing love songs to the skin above and the flesh below, yearning madly and impossibly. She heard the rays from which the ink - the how of it escaped her - had been drawn. She heard the echo of the sound that had emanated from the thing of ink & poetry when first she heard him, but even though it was a mere echo was it clearer and more heartrendingly joyful than she remembered. And then she heard… I? And the moment it was heard there was no more I, there was no more a thing of ink & poetry, no more earth or sky or sun or moon. There was only the song -
At the door of the beloved I stood
Said he: who is it at the door?
‘By the door stands I, as though upon a distant shore!’
‘You do not speak as lovers should
‘And define love poorly in distinguishing us.’
And time passed and again I knocked at the door
Said he: who is it there on the outer floor?
‘Come look! It is none but you here at the door.’
‘Oh you speak as lovers should
‘And have defined love only as true lovers would
‘So enter, oh me!’
Said he: who is it at the door?
‘By the door stands I, as though upon a distant shore!’
‘You do not speak as lovers should
‘And define love poorly in distinguishing us.’
And time passed and again I knocked at the door
Said he: who is it there on the outer floor?
‘Come look! It is none but you here at the door.’
‘Oh you speak as lovers should
‘And have defined love only as true lovers would
‘So enter, oh me!’
Poet and poem, singer and song, hearer and heard, seer and seen, all of them rose up and- disappeared. There was no Lucia, for what was Lucia before was now the Song - had always, in truth, been the wondrous, breathing, sighing song. She was submersed in it, and could hear (and was) the song that emanated from her body as it floated within the roiling, pining thing of ink & poetry. And she could hear now and feel - and she was - the urgent pain that emanated from the joy-anguished god. It was immediately paradoxical and manifestly right, for to love was the greatest joy and to be ever-denied its ultimate and perfect fulfilment the greatest misery; but that was the stuff poetry and song was made of.
Lucia inhaled, breathing deep with the world, and released a sigh that sent tremors throughout the Worldsong; and she travelled with the tremor, and she was the tremor. She breathed the thrum of the mountains, tasted the giggling of the grasses, ebbed and flowed with the timeless, unceasing roar of the world-ocean. She rode the winds, laughed and whistled and fell in a great tumult only to rise again with some flexing updraft. She swayed with the trees and listened to their snoring hymn, and raced with the auroran deers, heard their noble song and felt the sting of their rays. And somewhere in all of that she - they - danced. They danced to high heaven, they danced past the moon, they danced amongst the infinite failures of a desperate, yearning, tormented creator. She danced with him and he with her, his song erupted with her voice, the hand that held her hip was hers, her hand about his back was his. They danced, they twirled, they burst and spewed across the world.
She did not know how long she was the Worldsong, how long Lucia was nothing and all things, but in time she found her again. Beneath a lone tree, lying in the cloudy, unformed arms of the thing of ink & poetry; eyes closed (now fluttering open), breath deep, and visage at utter peace. And she noticed, then, that her body was no more the obsidian it had been before her ascent into the Worldsong, but one that was stained with many beautiful swirling patterns and glowing golden shapes. And they seemed to shift slowly and to be in constant flux.
She let a gasp of air escape her mouth, as she brought her arms up to look at the designs before moving her gaze all over her body. She sat up then and blinked rapidly, feeling every emotion begin to fade, with one lasting longer than the others - longing, but that too soon faded into a lull of confusion.
She looked behind her, feeling a familiar presence that wrapped around her comfortably. ”T-That was… Beautiful.” she said, her voice full of awe, dropping into silence as she re-lived the experience through her memories. They weren’t as vivid, and a lot of it began to fade, but it was… Everything. She lay back down into the inky cushion and let out a relaxed sigh. The thing of ink & poetry made no response, but it too seemed to sigh, and with sighing deflated between Lucia and the tree until it had constricted into that colourful humanoid form. Shaking hands on her onyx shoulder, he brought her gently into him and, placing his head over her shoulder, looked at her.
‘Did you see how the headsprings mingle with the river, and the rivers with the ocean?’ He asked musically, though even through his voice of silk she could hear the nervous trembling.
She tilted her head lightly as she looked at him with a smile. ”Why yes, yes I did. I never knew that the water flowed so far!” she said excitedly. Her expression then changed to one of slight concern and she asked, ”Why does your voice tremble? Are you alright?” The colour on his face seemed to drain to a pale white for a few brief seconds, and then flushed a deep crimson.
‘I- uh.’ His hands on her shoulders shook even more violently and he quickly, if sadly, moved them away so she would not notice. ‘I am…’ he leaned back against the tree and inhaled, and all he breathed was her. ‘I am shaking. Because- ah. What you saw and heard.’ He bit his lips. ‘Is what I see and always hear. It- it fills the cup to bursting!’ The calm he had been attempting to maintain disappeared with his final exclamation, but he quickly balled his hands into fists and pressed himself back against the tree again, as though wishing it would swallow him whole. ‘Sorry!’
Lucia turned her body to look at him, her face inquisitive as she looked upon the man. Her symbols shifted and shimmered (causing a sharp intake of breath from the wide-eyed bard) and slowly got to her feet. She brought her hands together at her belly button and relaxed her shoulders as she asked, ”Is there… Is there anything I can do?” her eyes wide and soft. The god’s eyes glazed over for a few seconds before a convulsion shook him out of the trance.
‘Love, nothing but your holy name
Can assuage my hurt of late
Without it I’m ill and lame
For ‘tis my reason, end, and Fate’.
Can assuage my hurt of late
Without it I’m ill and lame
For ‘tis my reason, end, and Fate’.
The words were not as smooth and easy as what Lucia had heard from him before, but there was no doubting the well of wild emotion from which they came. She smiled warmly, her eyes briefly shutting before they opened again. ”My name is Lucia, daughter of Oraelia. Who might you be?” she asked, taking a step closer. He visibly relaxed when she spoke her name, as though her name alone was a cure for all the affliction that welled up within him and was the source of his inexplicable joy and pain.
‘I love all names that are like Lucia’s name
Or come from the same wellspring that hers came
All other styles, though great may be their fame
Fall silent before her in awe and shame’.
Or come from the same wellspring that hers came
All other styles, though great may be their fame
Fall silent before her in awe and shame’.
He spoke with far greater calm, a fond smile decorating his inky face, and when his eye caught hers the smile grew into an embarrassed laugh. ‘My name… ah -
‘She spoke her name and smiled at me
Don’t blame my name if it should flee
Why, curse my name! Of it I’m free
It’s Lucia’s name I sigh to see
In sublime grace ‘tis matched by she
A goddess of pure pedigree!’
Don’t blame my name if it should flee
Why, curse my name! Of it I’m free
It’s Lucia’s name I sigh to see
In sublime grace ‘tis matched by she
A goddess of pure pedigree!’
He paused with a sigh, ‘but if you must refer to me, call me love; and if that is heavy then - but only then - call me Meghzaal. As for who I might be - I don’t know, but I only know that there is a yearning here, a song, a poem, a dance; and I have gone singing and dancing and searching the world over until - ah! Until I found you, Lucia. And you have filled the cup, and you have emptied it with your name and filled it again.’ He rose to his feet and gazed into her golden eyes. ‘Is it not more fitting that I ask what you are, Lucia, and what it is that you have done with my heart? Why is it that I came into this world yearning - for you.’
What was that feeling, she had felt? The one where her heart beat fast, where she perked up and felt embarrassed, even though she knew she shouldn’t be. Her eyes blinked rapidly, as she didn’t know what to do with her hands other than twirl her hair with one, and rest the other upon her hip. She looked at him, and she knew what that feeling she had felt was, the same one he had asked for her to call him. But what is actually love? Or perhaps a sense of connection, an intimacy shared between the two like never before felt? She did not know.
”I-I-” she stammered, before taking a deep breath before exhaling. ”I do not know, love. I do not know many things, but perhaps it was for a reason. That reason being to show me so much beauty from your heart, that I might take a little with me so I can always have it. Always know it.” she paused, smiling again as the gold upon her body expanded, giving off warmth. ”It is nice to know your name, for it rolls so easily from my lips. Love.” Meghzaal gazed upon her, failing to keep the helpless adoration from his eyes and face.
‘My heart has no beauty, dearest, but is a perfectly calm pool. All beauty you see is but a poor reflection of your sublime visage and song.’ And he extended his hand and took hers, bending low and placing an inky red kiss on her palm that made itself at home amongst the golden tattoos and onyx skin. ‘I will not offer you a little of my heart, nor even all of it - for you are my heart; love for you was planted in my inky flesh before I knew of ink or flesh. In my sleeplessness in the times aforetime, I was naught but love - pure love - for you. For after all, nothing in the world is single, all souls - by a law divine - in one worldsong meet and mingle; so why not your soul and mine? My soul is your soul, and your soul mine; if you will, then I will, and if I will, then it is because you have willed.’
Lucia couldn’t help but blush as the god kissed her palm, yet she did not look away from him. Her golden tattoos began to pulse ever so slightly as the shimmer never stopped. She could hardly wrap her head around the confession. How could a god love but a simple mortal? Her mother never gave mention of this, nor did she ever think that love would come to her so soon. It made her heart beat quick, her palms grew sweaty as she shifted back and forth. Why did the sun suddenly feel so hot upon her cheeks? Her breath quickened as she spoke, ”I-I’ve n-never-” she began, her calmness broken by a wave of uncertainty. ”I-I will.” she whispered softly like a gentle breeze, her tattoo’s pulsing faster. The lovelorn poet seemed to freeze in place for a time, his wide eyes on hers, waiting… waiting on the song to end, the vision to fade, the dream to burst. He opened his mouth to speak, but doubt shot through him. What if he had misheard or misunderstood? The overflowing cup caused the lover to see and hear what was neither present or spoken, after all.
‘Oh you contain a gaze that felled my heart
Its piercing ray has split my pith apart
Were’t so that my beloved spoke again
A speech that heals all wounds and cures all pain
Her word may then treat ails upon me pressed
Or else I’ll perish, and so be at rest’.
Its piercing ray has split my pith apart
Were’t so that my beloved spoke again
A speech that heals all wounds and cures all pain
Her word may then treat ails upon me pressed
Or else I’ll perish, and so be at rest’.
He looked at her, the hand holding hers tightening ever so slightly. She had but to affirm that his ears had not deceived him the first time, that it was no jest or joke. Lucia squeezed his hand back, and placed the other one on top of his, before she leaned in ever so close, eyes fading shut, lips trembling in anticipation. With but a whisper she spoke, ”Yes.” conveying a grander meaning behind the simplicity, as the mortal kissed the god. Their lips met in an explosion of momentary silence, before god and lips and ink shattered into an infinity of sounds and songs, the cloud of ink & poetry wrapping around the form of the beloved Lucia as though desperately trying - hoping, yearning - to melt in her; to no avail. But there came a song, full of warmth and joy, savouring in the pain of being unable to truly annihilate the stubborn selfish self into the beloved.
Oh passing breeze, convey my joy and agony
Drinking of love has only increased me in thirst
My beloved’s love is planted in my body
The union of our lips has caused my soul to burst
Her word is law; her will has me in love submersed!
Drinking of love has only increased me in thirst
My beloved’s love is planted in my body
The union of our lips has caused my soul to burst
Her word is law; her will has me in love submersed!
And with that, the great cloud of ink condensed all about Lucia into the form of flowing, wispy garments of ink, and every now and then those garments sighed, and every now and then one sleeve or another tightened - as though seeking reassurance - around her wrist or hugged her body in a yearning to be desperately lost in her. When the lover is lost in the beloved they are found!
He felt cozy, and Lucia couldn’t help but smile as she looked at the cl-
That was the word!
She laughed out loud (and her laughter sent an aching shiver through the ink), before beginning her journey back to the Temple, humming as she went.