Avatar of LostDestiny


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1 yr ago
1 yr ago
Somebody owes me a new cinnamon roll!
1 yr ago
@Lord Wraith Yes I beleive the words I used were "Thank you, I don't want it right now but I will eat it later." That was yesterday at around 4pm, he ate it sometime between 11am and 8pm...
1 yr ago
If your roommate bought you food and you decided to save it for later, what is the acceptable time frame for it to be in the fridge before at is fair game? Discuss.
2 yrs ago
Spring break! Means lots of time to write. ^-^


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Hmmmm Do I attempt to gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss the more rational leader...or do I full send attacking the angry one....hmmmmmmmm the options.
I have no clue what my next move is going to be...I don't have a whole lot of options. XD
I’m not saying a certain Harpy might be a little smitten but… well. We will just have to see XD

Cunningham Bookstore
Interactions: @PerfectThought

Kaito gave a friendly smile as Bonnie introduced herself. “I know the town better from the air than I do the ground but I can still probably give a pretty sweet tour if need be. Can’t promise we won’t get a little turned around though. Need the aerial view most times.” He chuckled observing the others who had entered, explaining that they too were tenants. Not many of them appeared to be the flying type and he would be lying if he said that, despite his 22 years in this town he still didn't get a little lost when he had to travel on foot.

Bonnie introduced herself to everyone else and then started the tour of the place they would all be staying. “I don’t blame you, I come from a pretty big household myself. Couldn’t imagine living in total silence all of the sudden.” He commented to Bonnie as they walked to the first few rooms. Most of the rooms were narrow and long which, honestly, he was pretty used to. His family’s home was built in much the same manner, seeing as he had to house so many people. Peering in her figured most if not all of his stuff would fit into a room pretty well.

The group paused at the third room to wait for the tall furry guy to join back with them. What was his name again? Has he introduced himself yet? Kaito took some time to look about and try to remember the names he had already learned. Minerva was the human woman he had spoken to when he first arrived. If he remembered correctly she went by Min. Next was Mia, she wanted the attic if possible? That was an interesting request, attics were generally not the most comfortable, but to each their own he supposed. The tiefling male, either Kaito hadn’t caught his name or he too was yet to give it. Now that he thought about it, only the 2 others had actually introduced themselves by name. He brow furrowed, he would have to change that when and if they all decided to settle in. He makes it a point to remember the names of everyone he meets.

By the time he was done pondering things the furry fellow had joined them. Commenting on the woodwork of the place. It felt almost rude to have assumed the giant bipedal beaver was good with wood but the revelation didn’t seem to phase Kaito. He would certainly not be telling the furry one about that assumption. He looked back to Bonnie waiting for her to resume the tour so that he mind would stop making assumptions of the other people with him based on appearance and body language, something he had gotten used to doing working with animals but was not the most polite thing to do with actual people.
Long day, finally posted. Aura commin out swingin...I will now roll shit the rest of the encounter XD
Aura was about to inform the others of the injury Jormund had sustained while she had been watching. She couldn't help but chucked at Cascade's quip just before Aura retured to her own senses, sure that Flicker had seen the interaction as well. Hawk remained at his heightened elevetion, Aura not wanting to get the bird caught up in the battle. It was fine and dandy to use him for recon but the time and materials it took to summon him back was too much to handle in the heat of a battle. She would rather keep him around to spot other potential threats.

Muttering to herself, "Does steam count as air?" she raised her hand can cursed the being that had just assulted Jormund. Before fireing off and Eldritch blast in it's direction, with a force the others had not seen from here in while. "Bold move showing your ugly face now after hiding behind your fodder all night." She yelled as the spell impacted and the curse she had placed earlier seemed to ripple across the creature's body.

Aura used her bonus action to cast Hex on Yosef, and then cast Eldritch blast at him for a spicy nartural 20+5 to hit (25) double all rolled damage dice (I beleive this includes the Hex Dice)
only 10 force damage 8+2 (gotta love when you roll crappy on a crit)
As well as 10 Necrotic damage 5+5 (Better)
Yosef also has disadvantage on all strength based ability checks until Aura drops concentration on Hex.
I am at work. I’ll post when I get home. ^-^ Before or after my nap. XD
Aura got an okay 17 For her roll.

With no healing spells and no useful touch spells I will prolly have to use Hawk try to inform the others that Jormund is in need of help. Not sure how big this battle feild is or if anyone other than Aura, through Hawk, can see him.

Edit:@rush99999 Are we going with each sqaure being 5ft or are we adding some distance to the squares. Seems like a pretty small battle field if we are going with the classic 5ft square. Not that I am complaining, just means that the others can see Jormund and Aura doesn't have to let them know.

Cunningham Bookstore
Interactions: @scrawls @PerfectThought

Kaito nodded in agreement when the female in front of him said moving day made her nervous. He understood, his family had to move into bigger and bigger homes through the years to accommodate the number of them, though eventually her parents finally managed to save enough to buy their own place and add additions to it through the years so it had been a while since Kaito had done any sort of moving.

He let out a chuckle when she said his wings looked “fly”. “No no, not offensive at all. Thank you, people usually just yell at me for flying too close to their homes or businesses so the compliment is appreciated.” Kaito chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. He supposed people around town had seen him and his family enough that the beauty of their feathers no longer seemed to matter. He would occasionally get a compliment from a small child but the adults were generally unfazed unless they were from out of town.

His attention was quickly brought to the paper crane that started to flutter around him eventually trying to land on his shoulder. He was decently distracted by the creation that when Bonnie asked him a question it took him a moment to register what she said.

“Oh yes! Kaito Aster. Sorry I intended on moving my stuff in later since I live in town.” He reached his hand out for Bonnie to shake with a big smile to accompany it, not bothering to explain why he was moving into one of her rooms if he already lived in town. “I don’t have anything cool to offer like big statues but if you ever need something from a high spot I am your guy.” He chuckled a little, clearly amused with himself at least. “Anyway, super excited to get settled in here as well.” His big dumb grin had not left his face since he had entered the shop and he saw no way in the near future that it would stop, unless his face started to hurt he supposed, but that usually took a while.

To say Kaito's morning started off chaotic would be an understatement. He woke up to his youngest sibling jumping onto his bed practically begging him not to leave today. Kaito, being the oldest of 11, had quite a big age gap between himself and his youngest sister. Fourteen years to be exact, and she had spent the last week trying to rally the rest of her siblings behind her to convince Kaito that he didn't need to move out. That they would all respect his privacy and quiet time while he was going to the University. Kaito had to practically pry the young female harpy off of him, something that was just as painful as it sounded seeing as she had decided to latch on with her talons.

"You know I can't live at home forever, plus I will still be in town, it's not like you won't see me ever again." He attempted to reason with her as he finally got her to release her talons from his leg. She seemed to only pout and storm off leaving Kaito to make sure she didn't scratch his leg too badly. After examining his leg he headed down the stairs off his home where his mother had already finished preparing breakfast. Most of it had already been inhaled by the rest of the family but his mother had been sure to save some for him.

"Thanks Ma." He said, kissing her on the cheek and taking the plate from her. "I have to head out soon to go meet with my Landlord." He seemed to get excited at the thought of having a place of his own no matter how small. It would be the first time in his life, he would be totally on his own. He was excited to enjoy the silence of it all, though even more so to meet the others who were also moving in. His mother seemed to pick up on this. "Just don't forget that we are close by, make sure you come visit." Kaito nodded to her with food in his mouth.

After practically shoveling his food in his mouth he moved to head out the front door but stopped when his hand touched the handle, looking down at himself he sighed. "I should probably show up in actual cloths. First impressions and all that." He mumbled to himself and headed back to his room, which was mostly packed, to dig out a simple black kilt. He had no intentions of putting on a shirt. They were a separate issue, even with the proper extra holes they restricted his wings and he hated them. At least the kilt would cover his lower half while providing enough space for his tail to be comfortable. Despite the fact that there were ways to make clothing that was...more comfortable for his kind than conventional clothing, the options still paled in comparison to his current choice.

From here he decided that rather than going back down the stairs he would simply yell his goodbyes from his room and opt to use the window as his point of exit. He intended to fly to Cunningham's Bookstore anyway and it was easier to start flying from a height anyway.

It was a short flight from his family home to the bookstore and he managed to find himself a clear area to land nearby. Upon landing Kaito made sure to smooth everything down, kilt, windblown hair, feathers and all. After which he walked up to the door of the shop and entered just in time to witness a stack of books go toppling to the floor. Kaito was quick to head in the direction of the books and assist the person who was already in the process of picking them up, a decently tall human woman flanked by statue like beings? Were they Gargoyles? No they couldn't be. Shaking the thought out of his head to look at the female with a gentle smile.

"Hey it happens, sometimes with these wings if things are too crowded I am like a bull in a china shop." He shoved his thumb in the direction of a wing that despite being tucked rather tightly to his body still jutted out enough that one could see how they might become an issue. "Let me help you, the more hands the faster things get done." He hoped she didn't think his offer to help was rude.
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