Avatar of LostDestiny


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Somebody owes me a new cinnamon roll!
1 yr ago
@Lord Wraith Yes I beleive the words I used were "Thank you, I don't want it right now but I will eat it later." That was yesterday at around 4pm, he ate it sometime between 11am and 8pm...
1 yr ago
If your roommate bought you food and you decided to save it for later, what is the acceptable time frame for it to be in the fridge before at is fair game? Discuss.
2 yrs ago
Spring break! Means lots of time to write. ^-^


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I mean...I am kinda waiting on our Jormund to say something but idk...

Annabelle spent the rest of her days on Haster island sticking close to the pirate crew that had originally brought her to the island. The encounter with Albert made her uneasy and she was constantly worried the man was keeping tabs on her. It was likely he was through his various men but she couldn’t tell. Jazz hadn’t been seen the night Albert showed up and most of the next day but eventually the bird returned to her, which she was thankful for at least. She was starting to think she would end up leaving the island without her only companion.

The remaining days went by in a whirlwind of paranoia and nerves, but finally the crew was leaving and she was more than ready to join them. Paying the captain the money she owed him and retreating below deck until they were a comfortable distance from the island. The sharpshooter resolved that the next time she returned to the island she would be returning with the forces needed to remove Albert from his throne. Haster Island would not remain the crime den it currently was.

The next few weeks of travel were uneventful, the crew stopped off at a few islands here and there to resupply but they seemed either extremely adept at avoiding Marine detection or low enough on the totem pole that the Marines simply didn’t bother with them. Either way for the first time in a long time Annabelle was able to relax. She even managed to get to know a few members of the crew. She also managed to find out what they called themselves, The Monobrow Pirates, quite an amusing name if she were honest though she understood why. This group seemed to be pirates in the loosest of terms. They did as they pleased but seemed to be more sketchy traders than actual pirates, at least in regards to what she usually associated pirates to. Either way they were a decent group, and they generally let her keep to herself if that’s what she chose to do.

Despite making good time to The Sunstrider Kingdom, it seemed that the captain and crew had one extended stop to make on an island that didn’t seem to have anything but a few homes. Annabelle would soon come to know that this small unnamed island was the “homebase” of this crew. A spot they seemed to have carved out for themselves, and their families. The island was rather unremarkable and seemed to only have a few farms and homes. It seemed decently self-sustaining and the families of the crew were more than hospitable to her.

“Sorry for the unplanned stop on ur part, I forgot to mention we were droppin off some supplies an’ catchin up with our families. We usually stop here for a day or two so hows about you spend a couple days relaxin on the beach.” The captain slapped her on the back as they unloaded and she couldn’t help but silently blink at him as he walked off. When was the last time she actually relaxed? She honestly couldn’t remember. This would be good for her. She seemed to need to convince herself that a couple days not worrying about anything else was a good thing.

The night the crew arrived on the island there was a small festival and a feast. One Annabelle was welcomed to as if she was some long lost family member. For the first time in a long time she wasn’t paranoid, she wasn’t in business mode, she didn’t need to hide from people who might know she was Deadeye. She could actually be herself and it was a huge relief. She hadn’t realized how much she needed a break from all the stress of her life. Most of which was self imposed. She had fun, she let her guard down, and it felt amazing. There was such a difference in her demeanor that the crew she had traveled with for weeks now started commenting on it, which made her a little self conscious but she didn’t care.

After the short break from reality, when the crew finally got back on the sea she was ready for the next leg of her journey. Sunstrider was bound to provide her with quite a bit of opportunity and she was ready for what it had to offer. She learned quite a bit about Sunstrider from various members of the crew, some of whom used to call the Kingdom their homes. With such a heavy political setting she had no doubt there would be plenty of scores she could settle, for a price of course. She had no doubt some of the more unsavory lower political members heard about Deadeye and would be clawing over one another to get on her job list. This would be interesting indeed.
Aura stepped closed to Flicker just in case they suddenly collapsed. "I sent Hawk after them, as long as he doesn't get spotted I can see what they are up to and where they went. Though I might be in and out of his vision quite a bit. Just in case we want to follow. Though I honeslty doubt they will allow the bird to follow them for too long, someone is bound to notice him."

She looked over Flicker and Jormund. He had taken quite a beating and Flicker was visably exhausted. "You two should at least go take a nap, I can wrap up anything else that might need to be done with Cascade here, if she is up for it." A genuine look of concern could be seen on Aura's face as she scanned the other two Genasi. What a strange bunch they were four Genasi. Aura still couldn't wrap her head around it. Four genasi in one area, and enemies speaking in languages only those of elemental decent or study would know...It couldn't have been a coincidence. Not to mention one or both of the leaders seemed at least familiar with Jormund from what she could tell. "Cascade, lets take you and your infinite energy to find the person we spoke to earlier yea? Leave these two to their nap." With that Aura started walking back toward where they first encountered the individuals giving orders, hoping they were still there.

Seated in the chair beside the window was the one person she absolutely did not want to know she was in town. His yellow eyes scanned her like a predator would prey before pouncing. Annabelle desperately wanted to shrink back but she might be able to talk her way out of this. At least she thought, until she gave the man a once over and noticed her mask, the one she used when she was working, in his left hand. He raised it up in response. “You really buried this deep in your stuff.” He waved it around before setting it on the table next to the chair and crossed his legs.

Annabelle had no choice but to play along. She had no clue what this man knew, it was unlikely he knew she wanted to kill him. That she probably could if she was fast enough with her pistol, but was she willing to risk missing and then needing to flee the island so quickly after arriving.Composing herself she settled into her work mode and she gave him a sweet smile. “The famed Albert Regal, to what do I owe the pleasure?” She asked in a sickly sweet voice, one she used when she was getting close to someone to learn her target’s patterns.

“Famed? Darling, don't flatter me. I can’t be that well known. You on the other hand, I have heard plenty about, you are quite well known in the circles I frequent.” He stood up and walked toward her. “Such a small thing has such a…high body count. They say you never fail a job.” He was sizing her up, but why? Did he know? Did he think someone paid her to kill him? Was he just terrorizing her for the sake of it? Annabelle couldn’t tell.

“Well I haven’t failed yet.” She responded, trying hard to make sure her nerves weren’t heard in her voice. “You seemed to have dodged my question, to what do I owe the pleasure?” Her fingers twitched, yearning for the pistol at her side, if for nothing else but the comfort of the cold metal. He frowned at her insistence. It seemed he was fond of games.

“I just wanted to see what all the fuss was about. Though now that I get a good look at you, I seem to recognize you. You grew up here didn’t you?” He didn’t wait for her to reply before he continued. “Ah yes, how could I have not noticed right away. You look just like him, the red hair, blue eyes. You were Victor’s daughter? Annabelle right?” A sick grin spread across his face, making Annabelle’s heart drop into her stomach. “He would be proud of you, making such a name for yourself.”

It took everything she had in her not to yell at him to stop talking about her father like they were friends. She barely managed to hold her composure as he circled her. She sucked in a breath and clenched her fists, an action she was sure did not go unnoticed by the vulture circling her. “We will never know how he feels, will we?” She replied between clenched teeth, and Albert finally stopped circling. He stopped directly in front of her lifting her chin with his index finger so that she was forced to look him in the yellow eyes. Annabelle could have sworn for half a second his pupils were slitted like a snake’s but it was likely her own eyes playing tricks on her through the rage.

“You aren’t here for revenge are you?” It wasn’t a question, even though he worded it like one. It was a statement, maybe even a demand. He held her gaze waiting for her to respond. Deciding if he liked her answer or not.

“I am not here for revenge.” She answered blankly. It wasn’t a lie, not fully at least. She was not currently here for revenge. Hopefully he accepted the half truth, hopefully he didn’t see through it.

Time seemed to stand still but eventually he released her chin and smiled at her, a genuine smile, not the partially sinister one he had been giving her since she walked in. “Good, then please, enjoy your time on my island and should you wish to stick around, I could make an opening for a sharp shooter such as yourself in my ranks.” He emphasized the ‘my’ in that sentence and, if he thought she was lying to him, he didn’t indicate it.

He didn’t stick around for her to respond. He turned to open the window fully and stepped out of it like they weren’t on the second floor. Though she didn’t hear the impact of shoes against the pavement below, instead her ears were met with very light flapping of wings. Of course that’s what happened. He had been following her in is stupid bat form and had entered her room through the gap in the window she had left open for Jazz. Speaking of the bird, where was he? She looked around the room noticing the raven was mysteriously missing. She would leave the window open for a little while longer, while her shot nerves relaxed, and if he didn’t turn up he would be sleeping outside.
In a lose way Isabella is kinda Phoebe. XD Tramatic past that she may or may not causually reveal at random times as if nothing is strange. XD
Aura couldn't help but feel annoyed. The cowards retreated and they took the one they managed to down. She watched in annoyance as the attackers retreated. 'Hawk, follow them, I want to know why they attacked.' She mentally communicated to the bird who was still circling above Jormund. The bird complied flying off in the direction the enemy retreated. She was sure they would be on the lookout for the bird, at least the once who may have heard it speak, but she figured it was worth the risk. She had the supplies to bring him back if they managed to shoot him down and they would have a decent idea where the enemy decided to crawl away to. Either way it was a win in her eyes.

As Hawk flew off into the distance she walked up to the others who had all been taking the brunt of the beating. Her annoyed demeanor shifting as she approached them, not noticing that Cascade had at one point been looking back at her as she had been focused on Hawk. Her usual grin finally rested on her face as she walked up to them. Slapping the Earth Genasi on the back she laughed. "What's the matter Jormund? Getting soft? Needed little ol' me to take down the big bad lizard for you?" She teased knowing both he and Cascade had done just as much as she had but flaunting the fact that she got the downing blow.

Aura will be maintaining concentration on Hex for the entirety of the remaining hour. Making sure Ervdul continues to have disadvantage on strength ability checks for as long as possible, out of spite. If someone casts remove curse on him it will end Hex early.

Hawk is tailing the attackers I went ahead and rolled both perception and stealth for him.

Perception: 23 with advantage cuz of Keen Sight
Stealth: 15
@Lurking Krog Don't kill, kill yosef, kill the man draggin him and capture him.
Oh. first impressions are an interesting thing as they tend to heavily rely on the events leading up. But if I were to generalize them there are a few...interesting characters out there.

Rico: Her general first impression for him would likely just be "loud" no matter the situation. She would likely actively avoid him if she wasn't payed to off him, in fear that he would draw too much attention to her. Both being rather vibrant red heads I am sure they would already draw too much attention just based on appearances alone. Annabell hates attention XD.

Morgan: I have no doubt that the first meeting the two of them have will be on oposite ends of a weapon so first likely not good. Though if that's not the case I am pretty sure she would just assume he is just another potential client looking to butter her up to try to get a better deal for whatever job he wants her to do. Very much she would be in "work mode" no matter the situation

Suiten: Anna would probably be super interested in her simply cuz, well, mermaid. Though personalities would likely very quickly clash, with Annabelle being more, reserved.

Luna: I feel like mostly Annabelle would just be interested in Luna's bounty hunting. With similar was of making money Annabelle would probably serioulsy question Luna on how one doesn't just, take them in dead, all the time. Assuming Luna does actually take people in alive when she is bounty hunting XD

Haku: Annabelle would likely avoid Haku, and really any marine, like they are the plague. Being that her job is to most marines, rather illegal, any interaction had with him would be breif and nervous. Despite 'Deadeye' (at least as of now) likely not being too widely know among the marines she is still careful with them sooo.

Aura has just been pissing people off from back there, or at least trying to... it would not suprise me if she becomes a HUGE target, better finish this off quickly XD
Aura's eye twitched. The stupidity, they were clearly losing this fight, at least from what Aura could tell. Her eyes landed on Ervdul and with it, the curse that once wracked Yosef was now transfered to him. "Archers, I suggest you target the enemy's back lines." She called the the archers closest to her while she focused on Ervdul. "Lets end this quickly. I am bored of this already. These people lack flair and tact." She yelled loud enough for her allies and the nearby enemies to hear. After which she fired an eldritch blast at the advancing enemy leader.

Aura used her bonus action to move her Hex onto Ervdul since Yosef is at 0 hp.

Eldritch blast fired at Ervdul for a 25 total natural 20+5

Blast Damage: 10 force damage
Hex Damage: 4 necrotic damage
Total: 14 damage (gotta love rolling low on the crit dice, oh well it happens)

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