Avatar of LostDestiny


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1 yr ago
Somebody owes me a new cinnamon roll!
1 yr ago
@Lord Wraith Yes I beleive the words I used were "Thank you, I don't want it right now but I will eat it later." That was yesterday at around 4pm, he ate it sometime between 11am and 8pm...
1 yr ago
If your roommate bought you food and you decided to save it for later, what is the acceptable time frame for it to be in the fridge before at is fair game? Discuss.
2 yrs ago
Spring break! Means lots of time to write. ^-^


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"I still think that we should wait for Flicker and Jormund just so they are there and we don't have to relay information to them, reguardless of the former slaves current mood about being... more or less freed." Aura took one last look at Plasm and shuddered, she hated to think what the patron did to the other guy. She hated to think the damage Plasm must have taken to get the Patron to react in such a way. The look was brief. "I want to get out of here, no offence but hospitals make me nervous, even make shift ones." To emphasis the point she shivered and stared walking out of the tent.

She turned back to Cascade briefly though. "How many siblings did you say you have? And all of them are Genasi? Your mother must have loved your father." She said a little confusion and also a bit of jealousy could be heard in her voice. Though she did not stop talking when she asked in an attempt to distract the other Genasi from insisting on talking to the former slaves.

Annabelle had been sleeping peacefully for once when she was woken to Jazz squawking in her ear. She groaned and pushed the bird away but it seemed he was having none of it. Though it didn’t take long for the red head to realize just why the bird was losing its mind in her ear. A loud boom and a rumble fully woke her up. She grabbed at her pistol and looked around frantically only to realize the sounds were a distance away. Toward the docks she had seen when she was getting the lay of the land.

“What the heck?” She muttered looking at the bird whose feathers were ruffled. “It’s none of my business what kind of crime goes on here. Why are you bothering me?” She questioned as if the raven could speak to her. Sometimes she wished he could, but he hopped around on the bedside table clearly uneasy. “Jazz, we don’t get paid to investigate explosions.” She scolded him as if he would understand her. The bird simply continued to move in a nervous manor.

After several minutes of this Annabelle sighed and grabbed her things. “Fine, but we are only going to look from a distance, through this.” She muttered as she grabbed her sniper rifle. This seemed to calm the raven down some. “Crazy bird.” She shook her head, grabbing her jacket and her mask. No way was she going to get caught out without her gear.

After a bit of talking and some roof to roof travel Annabelle managed to get herself into a decent spot to hunker down and look at the chaos through the scope of her gun. Jazz had been perched on her shoulder up until this point and now the bird found a nearby tree to sit in. Clearly not wanting to get any closer to the area the explosions had gone off. It had been quiet basically the entire trip to her spot so she was sure whatever happened was likely done and over with by now but it was still worth a look.

After another moment or two of looking through the scope toward the docks she found the area where something had clearly happened. What she was not expecting was that people were still there. Were they not worried about the Navy coming? She couldn’t remember what that pirate crew told her about the Navy in this place. Regardless, the fact that it appeared quite a few members of the commotion were still present in the area suggested that perhaps the Marines didn’t care if they were in the area. She wasn’t sure if that was good or bad for her. Either way she decided, what the heck, she was awake and watching, might as well see how this played out.

It didn’t take Isa long to change into the outfit she had picked out for the dinner. She almost second guessed the white turtleneck as an option but decided that she was an adult and perfectly capable of not spilling anything on it. Not to mention she had some encouragement from Jasmine when she voiced her concerns. Shortly after she was done changing she and Jas headed across the hall. She was silently glad she had decided to give Haller a bath seeing as the dog seemed to enjoy letting himself into Christian’s apartment whenever possible but especially when they were having holiday events.

She walked in and placed her drink and juice options with the other drink options and got herself a cup, nothing fancy just some Amaretto and Coke. She knew she would likely baby this drink for quite a while.

Slowly the others started to file in and she greeted them as they entered and made their rounds to say hello to everyone, though she herself remained to the outside of the group as more and more people filed in. They had a decent sized friend group and though she knew most of them well, crowds still made her nervous but as long as they didn’t migrate to surround her she would be fine.

When Christian finished his little speech Isa raised her glass to him and took a seat toward the end of the table. Still not wanting to be crowded, plus this way her elbow wouldn’t bump with anyone else’s while they were trying to eat, being left handed had a habit of becoming inconvenient in times of gatherings where food was involved but she adapted and overcame. She couldn’t help but giggle at her own thoughts quietly, she was after all her own personal comedian.
Aura was distracted by Cascade's lack of knowledge, thouugh she supposed perhaps it wasn't uncommon for a Genasi to be uninformed of there origins. In fact Aura was sure of the Genasi she was an outlier. Not many Genies would want to stick around and care for the children they produce and the even rarer ones who were created extreame elmental weirdness had even less to go off of.

"Half siblings? Do you all have the same mother or father or is it a mix?" She was trying to understand this strange place Cascade came from. "And they are all Genasi?" It took her a moment to continue to explain. "Oh, um, from what my father told me Genasi are created one of two ways. The most common being a Genie pairing with a material planer and the resulting baby is something in between them both. Hense the fact that there are four types of Genie and four types of Genasi. The other less common way is elemental surges doing weird things, I don't really understand that way very much. I was the result of a Djinn or air Genie and an elf, I beleive both Jormund and Flicker are also both the products of their respective elemental Genie. And if all your siblings are Genasi I am guessing you are the result of Marid, which is the Water Genie. Though I suppose I could be wrong about that. I am just guessing. I can try to answer your questions but my knowledge is limited."

She intentionally left out which Genie Jormund and Flicker were resulted from. She hoped Cascade didn't pick up on the fact that she mentioned there were four Genie and only mentioned two by name, but she doubted Cascade was that oblivious. "Anyway I think maybe we should save the interogation for when the others are awake? Unless you are really dead set on doing it now. Not sure anyone would find a heavily injured old lady very intimidating right now anyway." Her shit eating grin returned to her face as her attention shifted to Rala. She knew the woman hated not doing anything but she needed to finish resting, plus having the whole group together would make it so they didn't have to share the information with the other two later.
Aura blinked and sighed at Cascade. "Do you have any clue..." Her brow furrowed and she was quickly distracted by Rala. She had forgotten that Rala wasn't there when her and Cascade where given the information about where the enemy went.

"Right I forgot you didn't get that information. Man, I am going to have to repeat this to the other two as well...that's annoying" She muttered that last part to herself but it was likely not quiet enough to not be heard. "We think they went to another realm. I beleive that what the Symic Hybrid told us. So following isn't exactly an option. Not to mention if they are operating on another realm we would be way out of our depth. Also Genie are powerful beings and we have no clue what other beings they have at their disposal." She hated that they couldn't have gotten more information from the fallen leader. "We will fill you in on more when Flicker and Jormund finsh their naps."

She then turned back to cascade. "Cascade is there anyone else in your village like you?" She asked not wanting to sound rude but knowing she likely was anyway. "I only ask cuz you seem to have no idea about what you are...and by extention what the rest of us excluding Rala are." She motioned to herself and to Cascade.
Not Aura about to ask Cascade if she has any idea what she actually is or how she was born/created XD
Lol you mean Flicker, the one who we all know for a fact at least resents Aura a little for knowing her genie parant :P I Imagine they have MANY things to say XD
Aura's attention turned to Rala and her face screwed up in worry but only breifly, she was so focused on helping Jormund in the front lines she had completly neglected Rala. After a moment Leaves spoke up again and Aura looked back at the Tabaxi, and she couldn't help but smirk when the cat stated Plasm's patron struck back at the offender. Nothing was more satisfing than knowing that Plasm's Patron had come to their defense in some way or another.

Her attention was quickly drawn to Cascade who said the words Efreet and Dao like they were forign words to her. The air genasi blinked before realizing not all genasi were even created the same way she as. It wasn't unlikly that Cascade had no clue what her origins were, what made her the way she was. "An Efreet and a Dao are a Fire and Earth Genie. I don't know much other than, of the elemental genies they are the worst. It's not suprising they had slaves though what is suprising is they are working together. Genie kind in general stick to their own element and most aren't exactly big fans of one another. Big egos and all that." Her father and patron was no exception to any of that. The fact that he cared at all about Aura was a strange occurance in and of itself. "You do not know of genie kind?" Aura asked Cascade after a breif pause. "I wouldn't be suprised even my own knowledge is limited to the very basics, I am simply curious."
My post has been edited to exclude Rala. I left they Theys/thems in simply because I cannot remember if Plasm went by any gender specific pronouns. XD
I mean, I wouldn't be apposed to you joining back, I also wouldn't be apposed to perhaps retcon Rala being one of the injured at all. It wouldn't be too hard to simply remove her name from the 3 posts that mention the injured, ultimatly it would be up to our DM though.
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