Avatar of LostDestiny


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Somebody owes me a new cinnamon roll!
1 yr ago
@Lord Wraith Yes I beleive the words I used were "Thank you, I don't want it right now but I will eat it later." That was yesterday at around 4pm, he ate it sometime between 11am and 8pm...
1 yr ago
If your roommate bought you food and you decided to save it for later, what is the acceptable time frame for it to be in the fridge before at is fair game? Discuss.
2 yrs ago
Spring break! Means lots of time to write. ^-^


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An Efreet and a Dao Aura's eyes furrowed. She wished now that she had asked her father more about the other elemental genies. She knew very little about them other than her father hated his Earth and Fire counterparts. So much so that when Aura had first started traveling with Jormund and Flicker he warned her to not trust them, even almost forbad her from continuing her travels. It some convincing to get the Djinni to let up. So hearing that the group that attacked were slaves of the Earth and Fire Genie she wasn't nearly as suprised as Cascade seemed to be. Nor was she all that upset about it.

"I supposed it makes sense to come extent. It's likely they will attempt another attack, or try to go for another camp similar to this. You should send word to the others in the area. We wouldn't want them being caught off guard like we were." Just as she finished speaking to the Simic leader the tabaxi entered the picture. Aura followed hating the feeling in her gut that was forming.

Aura staggered back when she saw the figure on the bedroll, her light blue coloring turning almost green as she looked at her injured friend. Closing her eyes she took a deep breath as she righted herself her coloring returning almost to normal. "I...if I am honest I knew very little about where they came from, but, if possible, could you all look out for them while we travel. We have other urgent matters to attend to and have no way of caring for them." Aura's attention was entirely on the Tabaxi, if she looked over at Plasm she was afraid she would be sick. What would she tell the others? She could lie to them, say the plasmoid didn't want to be a part of elemental drama and left, would that worry them less? She shook her head, removing the thought from it. The others would never forgive her if she lied to them. Though she had to admit lying came so much easier than telling the truth.

"I need to tell the others, if you will agree to take care of them and we don't speak again before my group leaves. If they recover before we can come back for them, tell them they know where we were headed, maybe they can pick up the trail from there." Aura stood awkwardly waiting for a reply from Leaves.
Sorry been busy I’ll get something up tonight

Despite the boss’s previous sour mood upon returning to the island the crew still found time to celebrate their “great haul”. Maxwell was, as usual, excluded from the celebrations even though he was the whole reason they got the haul in the first place. Not that he minded, the crew usually over indulged in both booze and other indulgences. Not to mention, unless they were on the sea, Brutos generally got rather irritated if Maxwell was anywhere near a situation that could turn violent. Maxwell wasn’t sure if it was some twisted way the fishman showed he cared, at least a little, for him, or if he simply didn’t want his greatest asset to get ruined. Either way Max, as well as the crew, never wanted to risk it. So now the brown haired male sat in his room in the rather large building they used as their home when they were on island and listened to a couple of rodents bicker about various things that he assumed were important to them.

“Can we get back on track please.” Maxwell said, gaining their attention once more. The rodents stopped bickering and looked up at him as if they had forgotten he had even been there. “Like I was saying, Brutos wants more. I would really appreciate it if you and any information now that you give it to me.”

“More what?” One of the rodents asked. It looked over Maxwell in a way he had come to realize was the rodent trying to see if he had any snacks on him.

Max produced a couple crackers from his pockets. “More everything, info, stolen valuables, those kinds of things. He is mad about not getting to that guy before the Livers did.” He handed one cracker to each of the rodents.

“Not your fault rats can’t fly.” One of them squeaked quietly to itself. To which Max almost instinctively cringed. Even though he knew Brutos was not in the house, nor could he understand the rodents, it still made him nervous when they spoke even slightly ill of him. And they did this often. They had a lot to say about a lot of people on the island but the various territory leaders were the favorite topics. Not to mention the offense they felt every time anyone referred to the people The Grime King killed as rats. If he and his higher ups could hear the things the actual rats said about them they would have likely exterminated all of them by now.

“Oh! I remember now, I was going to tell you when you came back but you were getting yelled at.” The other said as the first stuffed its little mouth with as much of the cracker that could fit. “Some of shark man’s last stock have been talking about revolting. I don’t think fish for brains would like it if talk of his supply being bad got out.” Again Max cringed at the subject, he hated thinking of other people as stock but what could he do.

“Thanks, do you know where they are?” The young male asked the rodent. To which it nodded and went on and on about the location of this “bad stock”. It took a bit to piece together where exactly the rodent was talking about. Sometimes they were not the most attentive creatures and they got side tracked a lot. “Okay, anything else you guys have for me?” He asked when they finally got a few other small pieces of information sorted out.

“Ah yes, we left the pile of shinies in the usual spot, got some good stuff this time I think.” The rodent who previously had its mouth full of cracker seemed rather proud of itself. Max got up to check the hole in the floor where the rats liked to stuff their things. There were a few shiny stones, some Max was almost sure were various gems if they were cleaned off, a couple rings, and various other jewelry, there was even some stuff he was sure they had taken from some raven’s nests, various shiny wrappers and things like that. He would have to be sure he gave those back. The birds hated when the rats stole from them even if it was by accident. “Thanks.” Max muttered, shooing the two rodents and sitting back to sit in silence for the first time in a while.

Sometimes Max forgot that to them this was just a way to get food, whereas to him it was a matter of staying in a position of relative safety. He wasn’t sure what would happen if Brutos no longer viewed him as useful but he knew for sure it wouldn’t be pretty. Thinking back Maxwell had been a child when he had eaten his devil fruit, stolen from Brutos’s old crew back before the fishman was a captain. That had been close to ten years ago, and seven years since Brutos started up his own crew. Five since Maxwell and Brutos crossed paths once again and the fishman persuaded, if you could call it that, Maxwell to use his abilities to benefit his crew. In return Brutos would make sure nobody else ever laid a hand on Max. Nobody else being anybody but Brutos himself.

With a sigh Maxwell sorted through the remaining trinkets that had been brought to him. Discarding the things he was sure carried no value, and placing the valuables in a bowl beside his door that someone would pick up later. Max wasn’t usually allowed outside of the crew house, unless of course someone else was with him. The captain was too paranoid that someone else knew what the boy could do and would scoop him up, but yet he refused to teach Maxwell how to defend himself. It annoyed Maxwell, but what was he supposed to do about it?

After all was said and done Maxwell leaned against his door and listened to the sound of laughter that came from somewhere else in the house. Likely some of the crew returning after their celebrations. He could go out and join them but he was so exhausted from the time on the sea that he decided not to. Being on the ocean made him nervous, after all, the sea hated him. In a way he was relieved he was no longer allowed on the ships. Solid ground was his friend. He couldn’t help but smile at the thought of the next time the crew went out to sea leaving Maxwell here with one maybe two “babysitters” who would likely lose interest after a day or two. Oh the things Max would get up to then.

After another week and a half on the sea Annabelle and the crew she had been traveling with finally arrived at Sunstrider. She said her goodbyes to her unexpected friends and headed off into the streets of the rather impressive Kingdom. She honestly wasn’t sure that was the correct term for it. From what she had been told it had some rather interesting politics involved with it. Including but not limited to brawls in the streets and even gangsters in council positions. This place was for sure going to make her brain hurt. Who knew what were rumors and what was actual fact. Either way she needed to find herself a prime spot to stay. Somewhere she could easily reach all areas.

If her information was correct Helio city would be a decent spot for her to get jobs but she wasn’t sure she would be able to stay there. She heard of another spot that was filled with tourists and tourist activities. She could likely blend in there pretty easily but would she be able to get herself some jobs? She highly doubted anybody worth her time would hang out in the tourist areas, but she would keep it in mind in case she needed to lay low.

Solstone didn’t exactly seem like the best place. From what she had heard it had its own issues so she honestly didn’t even consider it when thinking of places to stay. Still, she might take the time to at least check it out later on. After all, she had never been here before might as well see it all before she maybe goes around removing people from power.

Of all the places to stay, the area known as Zenith seemed like the best option. It seemed to lack the same structures the other areas did so maybe, just maybe, it would attract the type of people she would like to do business with. If nothing else she might be able to try her luck with a bit of gambling. Walking through the streets she was careful to keep Jazz hidden under her jacket. She didn’t exactly want anyone to see the very distinct piebald colored bird just yet. Not until she was somewhat settled.

Some Time Later

Annabelle sighed. It had taken her a bit to find a place to stay. It seemed the pirates she had come in with had chosen the most hidden away spot to dock they could which caused her to have quite a walk. Eventually however she found herself a decent hotel in Zenith, went up to her room and managed to get in about an hour’s worth of relaxation before she decided she should at least send out her bird to potentially draw some attention. So as of now she was seated in a nearby bar getting some drinks while Jazz flew a couple rounds in the area before perching himself on the roof of the establishment. A routine the bird was very much used to at this point and one it had taken Annabelle months to train the bird to do. At least it had paid off in the end.

The gun for hire didn’t expect anyone to come in looking for her, at least not yet but still, the familiar six eyed mask rested on her hip, where most people wouldn’t notice it, but those looking for it would be able to find it. She found herself deep in thought, only being pulled out when she heard some rumors about some other assassin that was supposedly headed to the kingdom. The voices were hushed and Annabelle had to strain to hear them. Seemed they knew they shouldn’t be talking about it, and yet they were. She only managed to catch the name, Hexxer. She wrinkled her nose, she had heard that name before, though the two assassins had never crossed paths before. It was after all a rather big Blue.

Shaking her head Annabelle spun her glass thinking. There was no way the rumors these half drunken people were talking about were true. After all no proper hired gun would touch anywhere that was expecting their arrival with a 1000 foot pole. Unless that was the point…Annabelle groaned, she managed to make her own head hurt trying to wrap her thoughts around that. With a sigh she had resigned herself to not think about it too much and instead people watch from her lone booth in the corner.

Isabella had never been a great cook, so she had gone out the night before and purchased some supplies to make some drinks. She was a surprisingly good Bartender, mostly because she had been a bartender at one point but she generally avoided telling people that. Not because she was ashamed of it, but instead because it was a part of her life she generally refused to acknowledge, most of her friends knew by now not to ask so she didn’t have a problem showing off her skills for them.

Since she didn’t have much to do in terms of prep for today she had spent most of the day wrestling with Haller to get him to take a bath. Not that the dog being squeaky clean was really needed since it’s not like it was Jasmine and herself hosting but still, it seemed like a good idea when she initially thought of it. Plus bathing the dog would wash out the smells coming from across the hall that were absolutely driving her mad.

So when the chef of the evening knocked on the door Isabella had just finished drying off the animal with the blow dryer she got for him, the only part of the bathing process the dog actually liked, but her clothes were soaked. It was a good thing she hadn’t decided to put on her nice clothes before undertaking this task.

“Uh, give me two seconds to put on dry clothes.” She called as she ran from the bathroom to her room. Haller bolted out of the bathroom as well, tail wagging aggressively as he made his way over to wherever Thor was. Which was likely near Christian. After a minute or so she exited her room in a plain t-shirt and some jeans. “Alright let’s do this.” She flexed when she would call her muscles and moved to help with the table, eyeing her roommate knowing she was likely about to say something about Isabella’s attire. “Don’t worry, I am changing before this whole thing actually starts.” She teased knowing Jasmine would explode if her own roommate showed up to dinner looking nothing short of stunning.

“Man the cannons boys, we have some government dogs to run down!” A loud voice could be heard from the helm of The Savage Executioner, the flagship of the small fleet known as the Saw-Tooth Pirates. The voice belonged to the pirate crew’s Captain “Riptide” Brutos. In an instant the three ships of the Fleet turned weapons toward the lone Naval vessel. A favorite target of this particular crew. It’s what gained the crew and its captain the current bounty.

Maxwell Anders scrambled to assist the crew of the flag ship prepare. The young male had been a part of this routine more than he cared to admit. Though the moment Brutos’ eyes locked with Max’s he knew damn well he was expected to retreat below deck. He finished tying off a rope end and moved to his normal post when fights broke out. Maxwell was not to participate unless it was to defend his own life. Despite Brutos being a ruthless and cruel man Maxwell was his most prized resource simply because the boy happened to possess a rather useful Devil Fruit ability. At least one that served Brutos well. The Sea bird, whom Max had been using to scout and find prime targets for Brutos flew off deciding it best to avoid the conflict it knew was coming. He got the feeling of sympathy from the bird as the two parted ways.

Within the hour the Pirate fleet and naval vessel had come to blows, cannons being fired and both ships being boarded by the other’s crew. A few of the navy men even made their way below deck of the flagship in order to attempt to dispatch the pirates still firing on the Navy vessel with the intent to sink it. After all captured men didn’t need a vessel to escape with and Brutos wouldn’t be caught dead adding a Navy ship to his fleet.

“Well well well, if it isn’t Riptide’s favorite young tool. I think we can use you as a hostage, get us out of this little predicament, don’t you think?” The older naval officer that managed to make his way to Maxwell’s hiding spot mused as he stalked closer to the boy. Maxwell wasn’t a fighter, he could honestly barely defend himself in a fight, he would not win against a trained Naval officer. Nonetheless he did his best to make sure he was not used in a hostage situation. The fight however, was short. He was quickly overpowered and the Officer pulled the green eyed boy to the deck of the ship.

“Brutos, call off your men and I might let your little pet go.” The man yelled using Maxwell’s smaller body as a shield. All fighting ceased as Brutos stalked toward the officer.

“Ah, any closer and I can’t promise the boy’s safe return.” Brutos stopped, but the fishman didn’t lose the almost terrifying grin that was plastered on his face.

“You think any of my men will let you leave this ship alive?” The laugh that erupted from the Shark man was almost crazed. “Boy you better hope your unusually good luck holds out.” Without warning a gunshot was heard and before anyone could react the crew’s quickdraw put his gun back in his holster. The Naval officer’s grip loosened on Max before his body eventually slumped. The bullet that was fired had sailed past Maxwell’s cheek and into the neck of the man who had been holding him hostage.

“Hm, by the skin of your cheek.” Brutos once again laughed and turned to the few remaining Navy men. “Anyone else wanna try and win this losing fight or do you want to make this easy for everyone and surrender?” The few still willing to fight were quickly subdued, and those still living were promptly chained and placed in the ship’s lower hold. The Saw-Tooth’s small fleet sustained minimal damage.

After arriving back on Pol Stictid

“How the hell did those dumbass Liver Pirates find the rat before you did, boy?” Brutos stalked toward Maxwell like a predator to its prey. He was visibly angry, his sharp toothed mouth which was normally in either a permanent frown or shit eating smirk was turned down in a more intense frown than usual. When he approached the brown haired male he grabbed him by the arm and pulled him up so Maxwell was no longer in his seated position. The fishman released Max just as quickly and glowered at the smaller male.

“I-I was off Island, we all were. I can't get information if the animals can’t get to me..” Maxwell shrank back when telling Brutos, his captain, this. “We just got back, I hadn’t had a chance to communicate with my network yet.” Maxwell seemed to get a little more confident when speaking with Brutos. He sometimes forgot just how valuable he and his abilities were to Brutos. He knew at the very least the shark fishman wouldn’t harm him too badly. After all it was thanks to Maxwell, Brutos has been able to get quite a bit of his wealth. Something the tattooed fishman could not deny.

The guttural growl the Saw-Tooth’s captain let loose almost vibrated Maxwell’s eardrums but he turned from Max unable to deny the smaller male was indeed correct. “You have one job, Rat. Collect information. Seems like you are a liability on the sea and you can’t do your one task from there either.” There was an uncomfortably long pause Brutos not looking at Max. But eventually the Captain spoke again. “You are officially dry docked. You will not be joining us on the sea anymore. You will be expected to double your revenue contribution since we will be losing the ease of locating targets on the sea. I don’t care how you get it, just get me money.” He didn’t give Max a chance to respond. He left the boy to figure out what to do from there.
<Snipped quote by LostDestiny>

Accepted! The core concept was already interesting enough, and though this version might be a little less fun in regards to potentials for humor (though perhaps I'll be shown to be wrong), I also think Maxwell is in a great position to explore this kind of pirate crew! I've been a little worried about dealing with the possibility of PC villain pirate crews, but having it from this perspective is a great way to handle it! Plus, it'll be exciting to delve into Pol Stictid through the lens of a connected player character. Put Maxwell in the character tab!

The boy has been moved. I think I will start out his story while he is still actively with the crew and the plan is to slowly phase him out of them, we have talked out where he can go in discord and since he is in an area you created we will be in contact quite a bit. :P Also I do plan to still have humor with him though it might be in smaller doses especially in the beginning.

Character Description

A series of fortunate events.

Maxwell Ander’s life can be summed up to a series of mostly fortunate accidents, starting with the boy accidentally consuming a devil fruit in his younger years. Fortunate being he managed to get himself into some decently powerful positions, at the cost of his anonymity and the constant need to make sure his moral compass doesn’t become compromised.

The title of Rat King has a double meaning. The first being that Maxwell has a rather close relationship with the island’s rodents, as well as a strange love of cheese, a side effect of the fruit? Who knows. Rats and mice are generally his biggest source of information as well as his source of wealth. The second meaning refers more to his informant position on the island. The “Rat” refers to his tendency to turn people in.

As a child who grew up on Pol Stictid he saw nothing wrong with how the island was run. It was normal to him. Then, when the boy accidentally ended up within the ranks of a Pirate crew shortly after consuming his Devil Fruit he saw how the rest of the world worked. He saw the kindness of other people and realized things were different. However, the quite hefty bounty on his crew’s heads Maxwell often found himself a target to those wishing to put an end to Brutos’ run. As a result he is now unable to leave Pol Stictid, being forced to remain on the Island as the crew didn’t want to risk him getting captured.

Character Goals

Within any corrupt or outright lawless organization or civilization there are always people who are just trying to make it. There are those who maintain a solid moral compass while working under not so moral circumstances. Maxwell is one of these people. He is simply trying to get by while not compromising his own morals.

Having a “good” character who more or less got themselves accidentally mixed in with some less than savory situations hopefully provide a new lens to view said situations from. As well as the hijinks of Rats bringing him random things that may or may not get him into some rather sticky situations.

I want to explore how a goofy, accidentally lucky guy rides the line of keeping his morals straight while also maintaining the, admittedly comfy, lifestyle he got for himself. The moral dilemmas one might face in a relatively lawless, anti-government society, while being fully aware that the system he is used to is flawed and corrupt.

Character Notes:

Organization: The Saw-Tooth Pirates (Operates off of Pol Stictid)
Position: Informant
Starting Sea: South Blue
Devil Fruit: Whisper-Whisper Fruit
This fruit allows the user the ability to “speak” telepathically to animals. Though it does not allow him control over them he gets by just fine by bribing them to do tasks for him with food.
Relations and character related NPCs

Sample Post

Maxwell could not fathom how he had mistaken a devil fruit for a wheel of cheese but it seemed somehow, he had. Where had the thing even come from? He honestly had no clue. Things just seemed to happen to him. The amount of times strange things, or good fortune happened to fall into his lap was staggering. He had yet to determine if this was strange, good fortune or both. All he knew is he was now staring at a rat who had told him not to step on it while he was walking through the cargo hold of his crew's ship.

"Did you just… talk to me?" He questioned leaning closer to the seemingly cornered rodent. Its little body heaving from its heavy breathing.

"You understand me?" The high pitch voice squeaked back in the brunette's head. Both creatures blinked, though the rat did so at a faster rate than Max did.

"I...I think so..." Maxwell sat down, forgetting the reason he had come down here in the first place. The rat remained in its place though seemed less apprehensive now that the human was seated. Both seemed to stare at each other for a long time before the rodent broke the silence.

"Well...I...I go now." It said before scurrying off to somewhere Maxwell could no longer see it. The male sat there for several more minutes processing this information before eventually remembering he had come down here to grab some vegetables for the ship's cook.

Some weeks later

Maxwell spent the following weeks after his discovery communicating with the ship's rodent residents. He hadn't noticed how many were aboard the ship until he could start talking to them. The number would have been alarming if he hadn't been distracted with the fact that he could now talk to them. Which had become less of an odd fact to him as the weeks passed. Each rat had their own personality and even had their own self given names. It had taken a while for him to build trust with the rodents, but by now he could get them to do small tasks for him if he simply promised food. Most of these tasks needed to be done at night when the crew was sleeping to avoid detection.

There had been a lot of trial and error so Maxwell ended up with many of the other crew member's personal belongings. Something he kept to himself as explaining how he ended up with them was not something he wanted to do. They would likely throw him overboard for being some sort of loon. So now the crew was convinced the ship was haunted, the missing belongings on top of the mysterious shuffling and scratching at night had many of them spooked. So much so that when they docked a day ago everyone left the ship, leaving Maxwell and his rats alone. The fact that none had come back yet was concerning to say the least.

Maxwell had requested that many of the ship's resident rats leave the ship in search of his crew, concerned they might have been captured by marines. However, all the rats he sent out came back with no news on his shipmates. It was as if they had vanished.

"You don't think they were so scared that they just abandoned the ship do you?" He questioned one of the rats that had stayed behind. He simply received an unsure squeak back.

"If they did leave, that means the ship belongs to you now." Replied another, seeming relieved that it didn't have to sneak around, at least for now.

Maxwell waited a few more days, sending rats out periodically to check around before finally deciding that his former crew had quite literally abandoned the ship. He hadn't meant to spook them but such was the way of Maxwell's luck. Strange, and or extreamly lucky things always seemed to simply fall into his lap.

Post Directory

Okay I think he is acceptable enough to post just need some DM input for my NPC's bounty

Aura had started heading toward the last known location of the camps leader when Hawk prompted her to look through his vision. She sighed heavily at the sight before him. "Great, guess following them isn't an option." She muttered as she returned to her own vison and prompted Hawk to return to her. She hadn't realized she had stopped walking remembering that Cascade was not aware that when Aura's own eyes glazed over and become unfocused she needed guidance to continue walking. She looked over toward the water Genasi to see if the other woman had even noticed to momentary pause. Regardless of if she had to not Aura shrugged at continued walking.

When Aura and Cascade found the leader who had dispatched her little group she called to them. "It seemes the attackers have retreated. Unfortunatly, unless you have a bunch of people who can magically move earth or dig really really fast following won't be an option, if you were interested in that anyway. Did you happen to find anything out? A reason for the attack perhaps?" The Air Genasi questioned, whether the individual was busy or not.
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