Avatar of LostDestiny


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Somebody owes me a new cinnamon roll!
1 yr ago
@Lord Wraith Yes I beleive the words I used were "Thank you, I don't want it right now but I will eat it later." That was yesterday at around 4pm, he ate it sometime between 11am and 8pm...
1 yr ago
If your roommate bought you food and you decided to save it for later, what is the acceptable time frame for it to be in the fridge before at is fair game? Discuss.
2 yrs ago
Spring break! Means lots of time to write. ^-^


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Maxwell could not ignore the pounding in his head when he finally came to consciousness. It seemed to overwhelm his senses at first before eventually fading to a mild annoyance. Why did his head hurt so much? He couldn’t remember, that was until he opened his eyes and found himself in a room that was not familiar to him. Oh right…Some rival gang had knocked him over the head after he had attempted to escape. His green eyes scanned the room he was in. The room was void of most things, it only contained the cot he was currently laying in a chair and a desk. Though it was clearly meant to be a bedroom it was empty. He glanced over to the window which was barred. If he didn’t know better he would have thought this room was meant to be an inn room.

Maxwell moved his hand to tentatively rub the bump on his head, at least he wasn’t restrained. The pressure he was about to administer relieved some of the pounding in his head, but not all of it. Just enough that he managed to get his vision to stop being so damn blurry. “Brutos is going to kill me.” Maxwell muttered as he stood and walked toward the window, he had to get a message to Paul or Hendricks. The sooner he did the sooner they would come get him, at least he thought. He still had no clue that this was likely Hendrick’s fault.

Peering through the barred window helped little to reveal his location, he could only tell he was definitely above some sort of bar, no the building was too big to be a bar, small casino maybe? Though it seemed to be the less rowdy kind of place than what Brutos and his men seemed to frequent. Maxwell knew there were decent establishments across the island but none of them resided in Brutos’ territory. He racked his brain for anything on the neighboring territory leaders. There were only three who seemed brave enough, or stupid enough, to border Brutos.

Anton, Leith, and Madam Gigi. Madam Gigi only employed women; she was all for proving women could be just as brutal and cunning as any man so she was out. Leith and their members were almost never on the island. They generally only turned up once a year to celebrate another year of their bounty slowly climbing. Though Max knew little about what they did off island, whatever it was, it was enough that the Muckrakers maintained the territory for them. They only left Anton, who was just as bad as, if not worse than Brutos. Anton had a rather prevalent black market auction, he was known to breed, train, and trade various rare or outlawed species of animal. Something Maxwell was both fascinated and appalled by due to his own relationship with various creatures.

Maxwell sat back down on the cot and groaned, Anton was going to be an issue. He and Brutos had a long standing rivalry that had only not come to blows due to the rules of the island, if Max didn’t get out before Brutos got back, he was sure the fishman would throw caution to the wind. The rampage the shark would go on to get Maxwell back would be one Pol Stictid hadn’t seen in a long time. Underhanded tactics were not Brutos’ forte, it has always been and will always be, brute force. Max debated even trying to get a message to his “babysitters” but he knew if he didn’t the carnage would be much worse than if Brutos at least had a target to go after.

Before he could start coming up with a plan the door opened. Max hadn’t realized how dark the room he was in actually was until the door was fully open and the light from the hall hit his eyes, causing his head to pound harder. When his eyes finally adjusted to the light he was greeted by three people. Two of the men who he had encountered on his way home, and another man who Max quickly identified as Anton himself. A tall, slender, dark haired, middle aged man with a faded scar that crossed over his face from his left eye to his right jawline. He stood staring at Maxwell seemingly unimpressed with what he saw.

“This is what the great Riptide Brutos marks as his greatest asset. A mere child, pathetic. At least that’s what I would have said, if I didn’t know exactly what this small boy can do.” Anton’s voice started monotone but quickly the true excitement began to take over. He entered the room fully strutting up to Maxwell with a wide grin now plastered on his face. “You will suit my needs just fine. Come, let’s get that knot on your head checked out. I am told my idiot men were not at all gentle with you.” Before Max could even respond Anton grabbed his wrist and pulled him up with more strength than he looked like he should possess. This man didn’t seem like the merciless beast tamer he had been made out to be. Though he supposed getting his information from the perspective of animals had its flaws.

The brunette put up little fight as Anton led him down the halls to Max could only guess where. “What’s your name kid. Honestly I never paid attention to it when the rumors about you started swirling. I just heard can speak with animals and Brutos’s greatest asset.” He looked down at Max expectantly but there was little to no malice in his facial expressions. Was this an act to get Max to trust him? He couldn’t be sure but he figured it was best to answer the man’s questions. Better to not piss him off.

“Maxwell.” He responded doing his best to avoid eye contact. Though he couldn’t stop the question he had from exiting his mouth as he thought about it. “Rumors? About me? How?” He tightened his lips after he realized he had asked that outloud.

Anton opened a door to a room that smelled similar to a hospital ushering Maxwell inside as he chuckled. “Ah, yes, seems like someone wasn’t too happy with you remaining the Shark’s best kept secret. Started talking to the wrong people, seems like it only took a few days for more than your fair share of territory leaders and Muckrakers to know about you. You, my dear boy, seem to have a price on your head. Good thing my boys got to you before a more…unsavory fellow nabbed ya. Sit.” He pointed to a stool and Maxwell did as he was told.

“Brutos won’t be happy when he gets back and he finds out where I am…” Maxwell muttered, he was sure Anton already knew this fact, even more so when the pleased smile only got bigger on the man’s face.

“That is what makes this oh so satisfying, you see, as I am sure you know The Fish and I don’t have the best history. I am sure he will lose his shit when he finds out you are gone. Even more so when he finds out it’s me who has you. Perhaps he will even go ballistic. Break some island rules. Get himself booted or demoted and then yours truly can move in on his territory.” Anton fiddled with a couple things on a table nearby before returning to Maxwell who was pointedly not looking at the older man. “Hold still.” He ordered as he began examining the bump on Maxwell’s head. There were several minutes of silence before a cold, wet bag was placed on Max’s head. “Might wanna hold that there. Should stop your head from hurting as much. Seems fine other than a small bump, you will be okay by tomorrow I am sure.” He stepped back and gestured for Max to get up and head out. “I hope you understand I can’t let you leave. So either you work with me willingly, or I employ more…unsavory tactics to force you to work with me.” Anton’s face darkened during the last part of the statement but his expression just as quickly changed. “But I will let you sleep on the decision.”

Maxwell was led back to the room he had woken in and as soon as he entered the door shut behind him. “Hope you make the correct decision.” He heard Anton say from the other side as there was a clicking sound. Locked in, of course. Maxwell stood there staring at the door for several minutes holding his newly acquired ice pack to his head. He was dumbfounded. He really only had one choice and Anton knew it. With all this information to process Maxwell eventually flopped down on the cot groaning. He already knew his decision, but he supposed it would have to wait until tomorrow. There was nothing he could do right now anyway.
Aura took a deep breath. Realizing she wasn't totally upset with Flicker. Despite everything the idea of going back home made her nervous. There were reasons she hadn't gone back and hadn't spoken about her home, reasons beside Flicker's discomfort. "I really don't want to be involved in genie stuf. It's the whole reason I was raised on the material plane rather than in the elemantal plane of air Genies are fickle beings, spitful too, at least that is what I was told. If that Doa and Efreet decide we are the reason the attack on this camp failed they will come after us, or at least send their lackies to do it...We help Cascade and then we see what information we can get from the genie we potentially have access too."

The thought of going back home...Aura shivered at it, but did her best to hide her nervousness. If she was worried about being find way the hell out here...going home would be paranoia central. She had grown her hair out and gotten several peircings since she left but still if she wasn't careful she would be recognozed. She took an even deeper, calming breath, Rala was right, one thing at a time. If she thought to hard about something they may not even go do she would end up having a panic attack. When she finally managed to calm herself down enough that she knew her voice wouldn't shake her attention went back to the rest of the group "I am ready to get out of here whenever you guys are."
@XxFellsingxX XD Bring the drama!
Aura's attention moved to Rala when she asked about how they would get to her father. She always forgot she didn't talk much about her genie parent, not any more at least. Not since she realized it bothered Flicker. Her eyes darted to the fire Genasi in question just as Cascade mentioned contacting her mom. It was easy to notice their expression darken as the conversation went on. She was just about to answer Rala's question when Flicker finally spoke up.

"I don't want to be involved but something tells me we don't exactly have a choice. Those two leaders saw our faces, some of us pissed them off enough that I am sure they will remember them. Not to mention they probably know we are Genasi and if not it wouldn't be too hard for the Genie that have them under their thumb to figure it out...Plus this unfortantely seems to involve at the very least my father if not also Cascade's mother. This is at least our fight as well. You are free to do as you please but your help would be appreciated." The last of her statement was directed souly at Flicker, though there was a hint of annoyance bubbling in her voice as she spoke, almost daring Flicker to say something else. Aura was getting tired of dancing around the subject for Flicker's sake so the fact that the Fire Genasi was annoyed with the whole conversation only made the Air Genasi annoyed as well. Hawk shifted on her shoulder sensing the female's change in mood.

Her attention moved to Rala to actually answer the human woman's question. "My father and I lived here, on the material plane. If he hasn't accepted the alliance he will likely be home, and if he has accepted, and he has left, he usually leaves me a way to contact him. Either way it's worth a look espesially if Cascades mother doesn't know anything. Either way we have a ways to go to get answers." Aura shrugged after she finished speaking and her eyes passed over each of her party members gauging their reactions. Stopping finally on Flicker almost fanning the fire genasi's flames, begging them to say what was on their mind. Air and Fire were almost always an explosive mix and Aura was ready but wouldn't start the fight.
Aura remained silent as Jormund questioned the former slaves. She was thinking, this alliance thing rang bells in her head. It took her a moment to remember something she remembered just as she was leaving home. A messanger had arrived proposing an alliance but at the time Aura hadn't though much about it, but now it seemed much more significant.

"Once we are done helping out Cascade we should head to my home. My father might have more information, I remember a messanger arriving before I left offering alliances. I am not sure if he would have accepted but...If he is powerful enough to parade around as an elf and give me my spells as well as a familiar and a vessel I would imagine he is likely on wish giver power level. It's likely something the Marid and Djinni would want on there side. As many strong Genie as possible seems like the ideal option. Hopefully he is still around. Not that I exactly want to put myself into Genie drama. After all most Genie don't really accept us Genasi." At least she assumed this was the case otherwise they would stick around to handle there offspring in more cases... She silently wished she was not the outlier in Genie to Genasi relationships, at least on the material plane. She couldn't speak for things like that on the various elemental planes.

History check please.

Oh I am great at those...XD

Despite having a +0 I still rolled an 18

How likely would Aura either recognize those names or think her father would be able tell them more about those names?

The scene that played out before her was a gruesome one. The man who seemed to interrupt the scene of the two gangs, she wasn’t actually sure if they were gangs but couldn’t think of anyone else who would casually blow up a street, had taken to absolutely ripping apart the two sides. Annabelle, despite wanting to, could not turn away. The scene was simultaneously fascinating and nauseating. The man seemed to have no side in the fight, and simply enjoyed causing carnage. The assassin almost wondered if she should hire him to come cause trouble on Haster. Things would certainly get done. A ruckus would certainly be made. She knew better though, a man like that would only make Haster worse off than it currently was.

Anna had been so distracted by the scene she was viewing through her scope that she didn’t initially hear Jazz cawing to get her attention. Not until she heard the sounds of footsteps much to close for comfort. She opened her other eye and moved away from her scope only to see several marines looking up at her, their own guns pointed in her direction.

“Put the weapon down and come down from there.” One of them called up to her as she surveyed the situation. It seemed they hadn’t initially known she was there, it was likely they had only seen her by accident. One marine being much more observant than the others.

“You are pointing your weapons the wrong way, the trouble is that way.” Annabelle pointed toward the dock where she was sure the carnage was still going on.

“Get down immediately. You are under arrest for the attempted assassination of Prince Aztec.” Another one called from somewhere to the side of her. She looked in the direction to see a Marine clambering clumsily onto the roof adjacent to the one she was on.

“There seems to be a misunderstanding, I was simply observing the carnage you are so clearly ignoring.” Annabelle was stalling, looking for a clean escape. It only took her a moment to find one, it seemed the marines hadn’t fully circled her building. In an instant she bolted for her way out. A gunshot was heard and her senses were suddenly filled with a searing pain before the adrenaline forced it away. A shot had grazed her arm. Someone was trigger happy and it wasn’t her. “Damn Marines.” Annabelle muttered as she secured the rifle onto her back with its strap and nimbly jumped from the roof, bolting into the streets and side passages. She had no particular direction in mind, just away. Though she couldn’t help a final quip as she landed on the ground. “If I was trying to kill your beloved Prince he would already have a bullet dead between his eyes.” A small play on her own assasin name.

She heard the sounds of footsteps pursuing her but she was fast, and nimble. She had been in her fair share of chases before. Not every job was a clean escape. And she knew better than to head in the direction of the place she was staying. She would have to make a wide circle once she lost her pursuers.

Some Time Later

It took her close to 20 minutes to be sure she lost the men chasing her, and another hour to circle back carefully to the inn she was staying in. Another hour for Jazz to make it back as she had sent the bird off on his own, partially in hopes that he would be able to trick the Marines off her trail, and partially because she didn’t want the bird to end up getting shot.

Speaking of being shot. The wound on her right shoulder wasn’t that deep but it sure hurt like hell and it still bled quite a bit. When she made it back to her room at the inn she stashed assassin gear, mask, gun and coat and then went straight to the bathroom to clean and treat the wound but now her right shoulder was throbbing in pain, wrapped in gauze and bandages. She finally had time to process what had happened.

The man, no, the monster she had been watching was actually Aztec, the Prince that was supposedly the target of the Hexxer. No wonder someone wanted him dead, he was a menace. She wouldn’t be shocked if it was the royal family themselves who put the hit out. No self respecting leaders would want that kind of behavior from one of the Princes. If she had only pulled the trigger. She was sure the money that someone would have paid would have been more than enough to buy a whole army to help her back on Haster. Too little too late.

It didn’t take long, despite the pain, for her brain to slowly shut off and Annabelle fell into a dreamless, exhausted, sleep. One she did not wake up from until around midday.

It didn’t take Maxwell long to realize that he had no clue what to spend his money on. The other members of the crew usually spent their money on alcohol ,or women, or even gambled it all away but none of that interested Maxwell. He tried alcohol before and found it rather unpleasant, he never understood paying for people, and found the whole idea of it just wrong, and though gambling seemed a little interesting he wasn’t sure he was willing to risk losing his hard earned money like that. So his first day of freedom had been spent wandering around the territory looking for things to do, only to realize that Brutos hadn’t really decided to have anything but those three options within his area. So with a deep sigh Maxwell quickly realized that if he wanted to find some sort of ‘clean’ entertainment he would have to leave the relative safety of Brutos’ territory. The idea of that honestly made the young male very nervous, he had not left the safe areas since joining with Brutos and he had no clue who outside of the territory knew about Max and his importance to the shark.

The next few days Maxwell would walk to the edge of the territory and then chicken out and turn around. Deciding instead to spend the day reading or playing card games alone. By the time he finally built up the courage to leave it had already been five days since the fleet left. Five days Maxwell had wasted, and five days the rumors about Maxwell had time to spread around the nearby territories and to various Muckracker’s ears. This of course was unbeknownst to the young brunette who set off into the neighboring territories cautiously but excited.

Most of his day was uneventful, just Maxwell wandering around enjoying the day. He managed to find a theater that had a few plays and acts to watch so he spent some time there just relaxing and enjoying the various entertainment. By the time he had grown tired of sitting and watching the sun had gone down and Maxwell figured it would be safer to head back rather than explore any of the night life activities, which he was sure was just drinking and gambling anyway, so he started his trek home.

He was just about to enter Brutos’s territory when he was intercepted by several large intimidating men. “Out for a stroll are we boy?” The man who appeared to be the group’s leader questioned Maxwell as he blocked the smaller male’s way.

“Just heading home actually.” Maxwell managed to get out without stuttering. He honestly hated talking to random people.

“You live in the shark’s territory? Must be rough, Brute ain’t just in the fishman’s name you know.” One of the other men remarked as he strode up to wrap his arm around Max’s shoulders like they were good pals.

“It’s fine.” Was the only answer that Max could get out as his body stiffened and his eyes went to the ground. He didn’t know what these men were up to but he didn’t like it. Something malicious was rolling off of them.

“Say, you look familiar.” The leader remarked leaning in to get a closer look at Maxwell’s face.

The third man, who had been silent up to this point, moved in closer as well. “Boys I think we have us Brutos’s little runt.” There was a knowing look on the other two’s faces.

“Well well, I think you are right Fitz.” The leader said as he stood back up at his full height. “Rumor has it that the runt is Brutos’s greatest asset, what say we take it for ourselves shall we?”

It was at this point Maxwell fully processed what was happening. He needed to think of a way out of this. Brutos was bad to work for but there was no telling how much worse someone else would be. “I have no clue what you are on about. I j-just work at Wizban’s Trader Emporium.” Max’s voice betrayed him, his nervous stutter coming out as he tried to lie his way out of his situation.

“Really? I ain’t never seen you there.” The third one said, a sly smirk on his lips. “Well, not without one of Riptide’s goons that is.”

Maxwell felt the knot in his stomach tighten, he hadn’t even realized it was there until then. Every muscle in his body was tight as well, sprung up like an animal ready to bolt, which is exactly what he did next. The loose grip on his shoulders was not enough to hold him in place and it seemed the men hadn’t expected him to be stupid enough to make a run for it, but what other choice did Maxwell have, he couldn’t fight them.

He felt fingertips graze the back of his shirt in an attempt to grab him but the small male was too quick, at least for now. The three men hadn’t been ready for the quick escape but a moment later Max could hear footsteps behind him chasing him deeper into whoever’s territory this happened to be. They had been blocking him from making a quick escape back into Brutos’s area.

The chase was short lived Maxwell was fast sure but he didn’t know these streets and he quickly found himself in a dead end. When he swung around to attempt to go another way the quieter man of the group was right there ready to grab him. Maxwell tried to swerve away from his grasp but the man managed to grab him by both the back of his neck and his hair. He pulled Maxwell back into him roughly causing him to yelp in pain. Then the other two caught up.

“Nice try kid, but we ain’t stupid. We knew who you were the moment we saw you. We also know about your little power. No wonder Brutos is so good at getting information on the rats on this island. He has his own little pied piper controlin the critters on the island.” The man who appeared to be the leader said as he stopped in front of the now restrained Maxwell. “Too bad his little asset decided to go wanderin off on his own in my territory. Should have stayed home little man.” With that he nodded to the man who held onto him and Maxwell felt a blow to his head before everything went black.
Aura's interest was as the captives continued to talk. "So you are saying this is all because of a feud between the elements? Jeez, Genie kind can be so short sighted." Aura scoffed mentally noting that she would have to see if she could get any more information from her father, if he knew anything about this he had been mostly detatched from others of his kind for some time, at least as far as Aura knew.

"To be fair on the 'killing' part Jormund, you did, intentionally rile the leaders up and one of them wasn't exactly capable of any self control." Aura smirked a little at her earthen friend, though she was watching both him and Flicker closely. Both because she wanted to see their reactions to the war of the Genies and also because she wanted to make sure that she didn't become the target of their rage, she doubted it would happen but the sudden mention of the allied Dao and Efreeti going to war against the Djinni and Marid made he a little nervous. She had been told neither were close to their Genie parents but it was still possible they were lying. Her paranoia spiked a bit as the conversation went on, though she tired her best to hide it behind her cocky smirk.
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