Aura shot up in her seat only to groan as her head throbbed. "Hells, what happened?" She groaned as she closed her eyes tight in a long, steadying blink. It took her a moment to get her bearings and with the help of Hawk recounting the events leading up to this she sighed. "Ah yup that adds up." She said looking at the tankards around them. "You know when I said loosen up this wasn't really what I meant but I will take it I guess."
The air Genasi's attention was drawn to the Orc who occupied the table with them as he made a comment to Jรธrmund. "Whatever he is, is an Earth Genasi." She then pointed toward Cascade, "Water Genasi," Finger moving to Flicker, "Fire Genasi," and lastly she pointed to herself "And last but certainly not least, Air Genasi. Just think of us as super cool elemental people, it's easier that way than explaining the birds and the bees." Taking another deep breath she stood from her seat and stretched. "I think we all could use some food in our bellies. Allow me to go order us some. Would rather not yell right now if I can help it." With that she made her way, slightly unsteadily to the bar to order the best hangover food this Inn could muster for the group of them, Hammerhand included.
The air Genasi's attention was drawn to the Orc who occupied the table with them as he made a comment to Jรธrmund. "Whatever he is, is an Earth Genasi." She then pointed toward Cascade, "Water Genasi," Finger moving to Flicker, "Fire Genasi," and lastly she pointed to herself "And last but certainly not least, Air Genasi. Just think of us as super cool elemental people, it's easier that way than explaining the birds and the bees." Taking another deep breath she stood from her seat and stretched. "I think we all could use some food in our bellies. Allow me to go order us some. Would rather not yell right now if I can help it." With that she made her way, slightly unsteadily to the bar to order the best hangover food this Inn could muster for the group of them, Hammerhand included.