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8 yrs ago
Ah nostalgia...my old friend. Listening to the old pokemon soundtracks is just so relaxing
8 yrs ago
Ah good old Tears to Tiara II. Only took three or four hours to play the first chapter XD Only another billion to go XD Thankfully that was only because most it was story, onto the gameplay! XD
8 yrs ago
I hate my roommate and his cat right now
8 yrs ago
Bloody laptop
8 yrs ago
Bloody hell Date a live might've been a horrendous adaption of the light novels, but f*ck it's got a fantastic soundtrack
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Currently looking for Fairy Fencer F (FFF for short I suppose XD) Roleplay actually

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The ease with which Zen avoided the blow came as no surprise to any present, though her unmoving gaze followed Zen throughout his entire movement, almost as if in a trance. "Beat him up?" Slowly returning her attention to Tone, while her facial expression never changed her tone more than gave away her puzzlement on his words.

"The only beating will be him of us." Her follow-up assessment was simply peak bluntness, though that could be simply explained by her own mindset, it was the only foreseeable outcome in her eyes. She had never beaten Zen once during their countless spars growing up, at times lucky to even get a blow in on the older boy, and even those were a fluke to her. While she had no doubt grown, she was under no grand delusion that Zen would've stalled; knowing him he was even further away than before. But rather than discourage the girl, the gulf only served to fuel her desire to bridge it.

"I don't think Tone meant anything by it Z. It just seems like his teacher didn't teach him common sense on safely using magic in public." She wouldn't even be able to count the number of times she had heard a lecture on controlling magic and never using it so blatantly in public, or something of that nature. Not just from Zen, but mostly her grandparents. Though different situations, even Akemi thought it to be common sense to not use such magic in the middle of the street. "Well actually... we did have a plan in mind." Walking up beside Zen, oblivious to the quiet seething rage inside the older boy. While Tone was set on sparring, her mind was still set on the gardens, though whether it came before or after the spar didn't faze her. Her gaze never left Tone until he pointed up towards Domus Flau, slowly following the gesture till her eyes settled upon the colosseum.

"Are we even allowed up there?"

The fact that Menzai already seemed to be on the same page was a relief, Alina visibly showing it as such with a deep exhale. "I appreciate the co-operation Mr. Isanami, and will gladly take you up on the offer." Offering a weary smile, she propped herself up on the side of the cart, being careful to not disturb the cart's contents or the tarp as she began to fiddle with the laces of her boots while Menzai pulled the cart along. Slowly and carefully, her delicate fingers untied the knot and loosened the footwear as she half turned to grab a small pouch at her side, hidden beneath her top from prying eyes. During the short travel back through the town, she had taken her time to put her boots inside the pouch, clearly one of magical nature seeing as the boots were more than triple the size of the little bag, and now began to loosen the ribbon in her hair and cleanly folding it before putting it away also. Starting to ruffle through the bag now, she remained silent until they began to reach the outskirts of Petunia.

"Just a little longer, on our way here we passed by a large oak tree about another thirty minutes away. Has a branch that splits in 3 about three-quarters of the way up and about one and half times the size of any other tree we passed, can't miss it. That'll do just fine in getting a decent way from town and I can take over till we break for camp. Unless you plan on making the trek back in the middle of the night?" They could do another solid couple of hours, maybe even get halfway back before it got dark. Depending on the speed they could efficiently move at, and if there were to be no setbacks. While on the inside, Menzai's reaction to the flowers annoyed her more than they ever could the older lady, she still had to feign some form of concern for the beastkin, though she didn't look forward to pulling the cart even in a more suitable form. Perhaps it might've been more efficient to take over from Menzai earlier, but she thought it to be a good distance away from town to avoid anyone walking in on her magic by accident.

With her piece said, she seemed to find what she was looking for and would go silent once more, pulling out clothes that were vastly different from the ones she was wearing. They were a few sizes too large for her and consisted of baggy dark green trousers and a navy blue top. Now that she had what she wanted, her mind was already drifting to other thoughts. She already knew Menzai wasn't one for making small talk, and he was probably even less in the mood for it with all the sniffling she could hear. Just how badly was he reacting to this stuff anyway? Sighing, she pulled out a small, leather-clad journal no bigger than a pocket notebook, and undid the clasp after muttering something under her breath, though she seemed to be careful to not let Menzai hear it.

Pulling out a pen next, she would write until they reached their designation, the only sound that could be heard from her was the sound of pen on paper, and Menzai was sure to be grateful for the smell of ink, though an oddly scented ink, if nothing else. Though it wasn't enough to overpower the flower's pungent aroma. While she had the chance, she had figured it was best to jolt down the notes before the unthinkable happened, her memory somehow failing her one way or the other. It was always easier to jot down one's thoughts while they were fresh, as the longer one waited the staler they became and the more details one would forget. Unless he decided to start a conversation, Alina would stay like this till their designation.

It would seem that no one in their little trio was on the same wavelength at all. Not from what any of them were thinking at any rate. Although nothing Zen said Akemi would really argue with, silently nodding along beside him. Even though she had done reasonably well in Era, it was only because she had the backing of Ria, the older girl issuing instructions, and Akemi simply only having to follow them. It was harder against the lightning slayer when she was on her own for a while, with Ria having to deal with the lightning palace. Her actual combat experience outside of that however was effectively nonexistent, and fighting her other guildmates was probably the safest way to gain that experience.

"I mean, you left rather quickly, what better way to describe it than running out? In fact...You seem quite distressed at the time...are you alright?" Recalling how Tone seemed to almost be in pain when he had ran out, coughing and hacking all the way like he was trying to throw his lunch up, a concerned tone crept into her voice as she looked him over. She was completely oblivious to the reason why he had run away was actually in fact due to herself, and it would likely stay that way since Tone didn't seem like he was going to admit it anytime soon. "...You are ok, right?" Was that fear in the older boys eyes? The reason why was even more lost on the younger girl as she tilted her head, watching as Tone now moved into his stance.

Now you would think the stance and sudden rise of magic power would've been the indication the girl needed to figure out what he was doing. But her obliviousness reached new heights not seemingly possible as she just blankly watched him suddenly launch his offensive on Zen, completely baffled as to the reasons why. "I don't think this is the time or place Tone...we're in the middle of the capital." Yawning, the girl showed no concern for Zen. He would be able to handle Tone she was sure. Zen was invincible after-all! At least, in her own mind he was.

"Unless...Z, is it fine to spar in the middle of the street?"

"Ah of course, my mistake." With a sheepish look, Alina nodded in agreement. "Indeed it would be...festivals are good for any business really, especially a celebration as big as this." Following after the man, with Menzai no doubt in tow, Alina took a cursory look around the store, her observant gaze taking in every small detail. She only need the quick glance over and she had already begun memorizing it's interior, tucking it away in case she ever needed it again. Which was doubtful, but if it was one thing she loathed it was being caught unawares or unprepared.

Watching as the old man, who she would later find out to be called Kato, approached another eldery figure, this time a woman who just by laying ones gaze on her barking orders as such even someone with the IQ of a brick could work out was the boss around here. Or at least, someone in some form of authoritative position. With Kato introducing them to the older lady, Alina gave her a brief smile and wave before diverting her gaze to the two that the older lady called out to-Heath and Oscar. Younger lads, probably in charge of the manual labour around here, or at least their physique would lead one to think as such. Her gaze slowly drifted back to the older lady as she spoke, soaking in everything she said like a sponge before repeating the important parts back to the older lady. "Keep the tarp on them and don't touch or smell the produce. I don't believe that will be a problem as my partner here has some...sensitive synuses. Terrible allergies really, so we'll make sure to treat them with care." Another small half truth to also explain and smooth over any strange behaviour Menzai might be exhibiting due to his sense of smell, it would be overloaded after all.

"And I don't believe that'll be much of a problem." Although her smile never faltered, on the inside she was already working out how long the return trip would take with a cart this size. It would slow them down no doubt, and it had already taken them seven hours to walk here. They wouldn't have the time to make it back before the day was out, so maybe it was best to simply settle in an inn in town and leave in the morning? Although if they wanted to save the jewels, and perhaps some time, they could just start the trip back tonight, then stop for the night and continue on in the morning. Unless they could procure some horses, but that was the least likely option of the lot and probably the more expensive one even if they could.

As Heath and Oscar loaded up the cart, Alina's hand subconsciously crept up to her chin as she started tapping rhymatically, as if in a trance. What would be the play here? No offense to Menzai, but while he seemed rather fit, he also didn't seem like he was made to be pushing that cart for half a day or so without a break or however long it would take them. Alina already knew she would be of little use as she currently was, which led her gaze back to the two loading up the cart. Recruiting help was obviously out of the question. No, her mind was already drifting to her next course of action. She had done well to keep her magic under wraps for the most part, she had no choice but to reveal to her teammates from the Magi Mari mission what it was. But thus far Menzai had proven a rather...exasperating one to try and get a handle on. How would he take her magic? She wouldn't be able to know where to predict his response, so it could be a gamble. But it was also suspicious to not be willing later if he asked about it wouldn't it? She had already told him her magic wasn't combat suited, but nothing else.

With a inward sigh, her hand slowly went back to her side. There really was no point in hiding her magic from the guild, but her inner paranoia and distrust simply kept holding her back from doing so. After all, the nature of her magic was the one thing she couldn't hide from them. But, it was probably their best course of action of getting the job done at a reasonable rate, or at least without making Menzai do the majority of the pulling home.

"Let me help." With a spring in her step and a eager tone about her voice, she would make her way over to the duo loading up the cart. While she wouldn't really help with any heavy lifting, she would help with the arranging in the cart or lifting any smaller loads of flowers. All the while, she made a conscious effort to make contact with the duo at one point or another, whether it was when they were handing her something or giving them a handshake once the work was done.

Once the cart was loaded up and the old lady gestured for them to leave, she would give the younger men a brief grateful smile and wave before returning to Menzai and speaking to him in a whisper. "If you wouldn't mind pulling the cart for now Mr Isanami? I'll give you a hand once we're out of town, I would rather not unsettle the townsfolk when I use my magic." Without giving further explanation, she turned away from him and bid farewell to the older woman and man respectfully as they past them.

Even though it never manifested physically as a smile, Akemi's face seemed to light up as if she were, nodding eagerly. Like Zen though, she just blinked as the burly man running the stall addressed Zen as 'older miss'. "But Z's a guy....right?" Even Akemi seemed confused for a moment before gratefully accepting the food with one hand, the other was about to dig out her purse from her pocket but Zen had already given some jewels to the man. She would've protested, but the rumbling that once more escaped her drew her attention back to her task at hand. Devouring these dangos.

Silently they would walk, munching on their treats as Akemi continued to gawk at the festivities around them. There were already quite a few groups of people gathering at the local eateries, and more stalls being set up by the moment as a buzz was slowly overtaking the streets of the capital. Biting into the dango, they were quite sweet; perhaps a little too sweet. But Akemi didn't mind, it wasn't often she got to eat sweets of any kind so would take it where she could.

She had just finished and was looking for a bin to drop her rubbish off in when she felt Zen grab onto her hand. Curiously, she tilted her up at him as he spoke before he took off, dragging her behind him as they approached the gathering. Gripping his hand tightly as they pushed through the crowd, not particularly feeling up to being separated and lost in the city, what they found on the other side was indeed a fellow member of their guild...wasn't this the boy that ran out before? What was his name? Akemi racked her brain, tilting her head this way and that as if physically trying to shake the name out of her head before Zen spoke it.

"It's a bad look to punch street clowns you know."

And that was when the Blue Pegasus Mage threw the fireball, detonating on impact with Tone. While the majority of the crowd went running back and away from it, Akemi just stared blankly at it before looking up at Zen as if to say 'should we help?' Not that it seemed like they would need to, as she watched the flames disappear...and into Tones mouth? Ah, right. Slayer magic. She had encountered it once before at Era with Ria, though she hadn't seen the man there eat his element. Nor was it as...beautiful a sight actually to behold unfold. Not the sucking up of the flames, but the blue-hot flames that erupted from Tone as he went to retaliate on the poor 'clown'.

Though Akemi would visibly jump at the sound of Tone's fist breaking the sound barrier, clamping her hands over her ears, her face unchanging, her eyes narrowing ever so slightly towards their fellow mage. Though a lot seemed to be happening, as another man had appeared and Tone was now coming over to them, seeming perplexed by the chain of events. Akemi was probably more perplexed, but it seemed like the matter was resolved? She was unsure, but Tone seemed quite happy to change the subject so she just followed on with it.

"Is that why you ran out of the guildhall earlier?" Recalling his melodramatic exit from the guildhall not that long ago, the girl would quickly nod at his following words. "Even if Z doesn't have the time...I don't mind sparring a bit. I want to get stronger as well."

Behind the smiling gaze, she gave Menzai came a sense of relief. He was an odd one to read, but judging by his reaction he didn't seem to not believe her, or rather have any grounds not to. And the story was half true at least, just like any good lie. She just twisted the facts to her liking, leaving out parts that didn't fit her narrative. So even if her story was seen through, there was no way to tell what was a lie or the truth without knowing the full story. While his response may have disappointed others in terms of turning down the offer to talk about himself, instead it told her just as much as it would've had he had some stories. "I see...well as fascinating a topic magic studies is, I believe a topic like that is best suited in the comforts of the guild library with a soothing cup of tea and some books to share notes with no?" She would have to write down her learnings first chance she got, but for now she stored their little conversation away. They weren't far off now anyway. If he was the type, she would've shared some mindless, idle chatter but he didn't strike her as such, so instead, they traveled the rest of the way in silence. But rather than looking forward, Alina was gazing out to the side, processing the conversation and going over its contents with a fine-tooth comb all the while giving off the air of daydreaming.

Upon arrival in Petunia Town, Alina would take it upon herself to ask for directions from the locals on where to find Sapphire Farms, giving the older couple she had walked up to a grateful smile and curtous nod of her head before parting ways to return to Menzai and inform him that their location was on the other side of town. As they travelled through the small, quant town, Alina was already memorising the buildings around them, creating a mental map of the place as she eyed some peeling paint on the inn, the laughter that erupted from the bar as they passed the building. Would she ever need to remember this place? She didn't know, but she did know that if she didn't, that she would need the information.

Arriving at the farms, Alina noted to herself that the warehouse was bigger than expected for a town this size. Not massively surprising considering these flowers were meant for the Princes ceremony, but still larger than her expectations had envisioned. Deciding it was probably for the best for her to interact with the older gentlemen up front, leaving Menzai to observe the interaction, she allowed an alluring and disarming smile to grace her features.

"Yes, we're indeed rather new to these parts. Wonderful little town and store you got here by the way." Empty flattery, but her tone seemed more than genuine as she approached the older man, brushing some hair behind her ear before clasping her hands together eagerly. "I'm Alina, me and my guildmate here are the ones that accepted the request you posted with Fenixtear." She would leave Menzai to introduce himself however he saw fit, or not at all if he chose to.

"So I believe you have some flowers for us to deliver to Opal Arrangements, correct?"

Once more the victim of Zens hair ruffling, the girl blew the loose strands back out of her face as he motioned for her to follow after him. "Hmm, sure." With a bit more prep and energy about her than usual, she jumped off the stool and scurried after Zen as the duo made their way out of the guildhall. Walking beside Zen, letting him lead the way seeing as he knew the way to the gardens, Akemi was almost immediately distracted by the first series of booths being set up along the streets of the capital. Though the vendors seemed a bit more intent chatting amongst themselves than actually setting up their stalls, it didn't stop Akemi from gawking as they passed.

It wasn't long after that the scent of spices, cooked meat, and bakery goods along with various sweets began to fill the air around them, mixing together to create a rather delectable cocktail of aroma, causing her stomach to growl rather audibly. Upon recall now, Akemi couldn't remember when she had last eaten that day. She had finished the nutritional smoothie she had made before leaving the guildhall, and she remembered breakfast...but was that it?

One particular, very familiar scent caught the girl's attention, finding herself drawn towards it. This scent reminded Akemi of her grandmother, who had tried to teach the sickly to cook, albeit with...interesting results. This was the first thing her grandmother had tried to teach her. Dumplings, a mixture of both sweet, meat-filled, and other various fillings. While she recognized most of them, it was the dango that seemed to catch her attention.

"Can I?" Grabbing at Zen's sleeve, the girl looked like a child asking their guardian for permission. While it honestly wasn't far off from the truth, as the girl had always had something of a strict diet in watching what she ate and keeping a proper nutritional balance for obvious reasons, it was still an amusing sight for any passersby.

"Ah it is alright Mr. Isanami, it was a bit for you to take in and process I'm sure...it's not exactly the easiest thing, explaining what seems second nature to an outsider, or for said outsider to immediately grasp the meanings." Her words were followed by a simple, graceful shrug of her shoulders. Politics and such relations were actually a strength of Alina, how to decipher their meanings as well as twist individuals to her whims a key part of her upbringing. "But yes, that is certainly one part of the festival. A carrot on a string to keep the people motivated and onside, and how best to do so, are key to a ruler's reign."

Throughout their entire interaction, not one act or gesture had been genuine. Each one a calculated and in some cases, preordained response to the many scenarios she had foreseen in her mind and practiced countless times accordingly. Though this time, the shock that caused her smile to freeze for a split second, the involuntarily twitch of her left hand as her mind seemed to grind to a stop before them, all without breaking her stride though? That was as genuine as it got.

Had she been too focused on outside forces and her own scenarios to notice she had messed up her tone? No, no that can't be it. There was no way she would never make such an amateurish mistake surely! Looking away from Menzai, as if more interested in what a cloud to her left looked like though she was instead trying to recompose herself. She had let her guard slip on her facade, but she wasn't going to let this fluster her and after a planned, delayed response, she finally turned back to Menzai with another sigh.

"I guess you've caught me Mr. Isanami. You're quite perceptive." The girl shrugged, bringing her hands up as she did. "In all honesty, I cannot relate to how these people feel about this festival because of a difference in upbringing." The best lies were always mixed with a bit of truth, after all, so her sheepish admittance was probably her best response to give here. She would have to be more careful around the beastkin, he was far more perceptive than she had thought in picking up something she hadn't even realized she had let slip.

"My parents were merchants so festivals were always more work for us funnily enough. Not that I'm saying my life was any harder than any of these peoples, just me musing a bit on the irony of the situation. But also as such, I never really had to work hard enough to really deserve a break so never really felt the need for one, for I could get one whenever I wanted almost. It's why I became a guild wizard, in all honesty, I wanted to give back to society and a, well, break from the mundane life of a merchant." Reciting her scripted backstory, albeit a lot sooner than she had expected without being asked outright about it, it was once more a mixture of truth and flat out lies. It would also go to explain her polite manner, immaculate appearance, and just overall character.

"But that's enough about me Mr Isanami!" Clasping her hands together, her beaming, cheerful smile returned once more as she seemed eager to drop the conversation or change it at least. "Do tell me about yourself. I personally think you must have some fascinating stories to tell or at least something to be learned. As you are curious about human society and our ways, I am also curious about your own people's culture and the like...although I'll settle just for knowing a little bit more about yourself if you're not feeling too keen on talking about potential clan secrets with an outsider."

"I..guess so? I just thought that Ria seemed tired so a break might've been good for her." Akemi didn't really know the older girl all too well, but ever since the mission at Era Ria seemed a little....different? Off? Akemi had put it down to exhaustion, she had taken quite the beating from the Thunder Palace after all. Ria even said she was still suffering some lingering effects, so the girl hadn't given it much thought since. But even so, Akemi knew first hand that Ria ran around a lot doing things for others, so that must be tiring...or at least just the thought of it was tiring for the sickly girl.

The mention of the gardens being open caught her attention, snapping her out of her mini train of thought, sitting up a little straighter on her stool. She had seen photos and cards of the Royal Palace gardens. Since she had her movement outside greatly restricted back home, for some reasons outside hers or others control and other reasons less so, so spent a lot of time with her grandmother gardening. Plants always fascinated the girl, though she was often scolded for picking the flowers. They were just so pretty that she couldn't help herself, yet so fragile at the same time...

"The gardens sound nice...are they as pretty as the pictures make them out to be? Or as large? Maybe we could try a few games on the way there?" The options were endless really, and honestly making any form of concrete plan with Akemi was useless. She would just get distracted and go off course. "Hmm I wonder what kind of food there is as well...

"It was just a harmless little joke Mr Isanami, no need to be so serious as I meant no harm. Although I'm sure there are such paranoid individuals, not everyone so easily believes in such a common trope in stories." Covering her mouth to suppress her barely hidden laughter at his reaction to her hood comment, she would be more than glad to satisfy whatever questions he may ask along the way. Well, to what she could answer anyway. A little chatter to help break the ice, and his reactions and comments to her answers would also help her gleam insight into his own mindset and culture. And they had a fair way to travel, and thus a long time to chat and learn from one another.

"Mr Isanami." At his question of the royal family, Alina actually let out a sigh. "I'm sure you've noticed by now...but humans need little reason to celebrate. While I'm sure there are many who are genuinely excited for the prince, there are probably just as many or more who simply use this as an excuse to unwind, relax and catch up with friends and family. An excuse to drink, eat and party? I believe you'll find the common folk, even the rich, royals and nobles, are more than eager to accept. Though they're not exactly the most common, I wouldn't say they're uncommon, which is another reason why the people are excited." Analysing the faces of those they passed, she paid basically no one any heed thereafter as she seemed to take in the countryside around them.

"These celebrations also are used to satisfy the masses, not that anyone is particularly unhappy with the current rulers or anything. But it does help keep relations good, for any ruler should know a good rapport with the public is key to a good ruler. Though I personally cannot say I've met the King or Queen and thus cannot really judge their character, but from my experience they seem to treat us citizens right...for the most part at least." Despite her gentle tone, and seemingly eager nature to give a detailed answer to Menzai....honestly Alina didn't care at all. Not about the festival, not about the Royals, and especially not about the filthy peasants they passed. The only reason she bothered even sparing some of them glances as they passed was to assess if they seemed useful or perhaps may be a threat lurking to strike.

Though she had yet to see anyone who fell into either category, she knew that lowering her guard for even a moment could spell her doom in numerous forms. Her mind always a constant hive of activity, whether it be analysing new information or simply just her own thoughts.

"No ruler is perfect after all, so I'm sure they've made a mistake here and there. It's a flaw that makes humans, well, humans."

While Akemi wasn't exactly absolutely clueless, she was however completely oblivious to the animosity that radiated off of Zen until Kaden's departure, passing her mug to whoever may be working the bar at the time with a brief, courteous nod of her head as she listened to Zen's quick rundown of the festival. Which was it effectively being a week-long birthday celebration for a Prince of Fiore, which made a bit more sense that it didn't really pop to mind to Akemi. While she wasn't exactly the most well versed in holidays, festivals and the like, seeing as she got to go outside so few times, she also couldn't remember any important ones that would last a week happening around this time.

Mulling over a few thoughts that drifted in and out of her mind for a moment, she turned back to Zen.

"I guess that's the capital for you huh?" It seemed completely outlandish and over the top to the girl. I mean, who needed a week-long birthday party? But suppose nobles were always known for overblown parties and the like, so why would the royalty be any different? Especially so since they were in Crocus. Though, honestly, none of that really mattered to Akemi. When was the last time she had gone to a festival anyway? "Anything of note then? Or just the usual food, stalls, and stuff? Like, is there a ball? A competition? A ball would be nice...although I think I passed out the last time I danced. So maybe some games would be safer?" Her almost monotone voice contrasted greatly with the more exciting ramblings that flowed forth like a broken dam wall. Hell, was she even talking to Zen or just voicing thoughts out loud? "Maybe we should invite Kaden, he seems nice I guess? Hmm or maybe Ria if she isn't busy?"

A frown began to settle on Alina's face as Torys took her time reading over the parchment. Surely a simple mission as this didn't require more than the two of them, right? But it all seemed for show once that trademark, smug grin broke out on Tory's face. Ah, but of course, their guild master didn't just look youthful...she acted like a kid as well. That was the most likely possibility that had crossed Alina's mind, but being correct didn't exactly make her feel any better. "Then why didn't you just say so silly?" Letting out a sigh, she took the paper back and allowed her smile to return. "Thank you Torys, duly noted." Even though her smile was as fake as the guild was unorthodox, the fact she had tucked the information away was most certainly not. In fact, the transport part was vitally important to know. She was already mentally running through a checklist of contacts she had made since entering Crocus as she and the guild master parted ways.

While she hadn't exactly devoted a lot of time into making all the contacts she might usually, due to a mixture of reasons not least observing the guild, she could think of a few potentially useful contacts in terms of being able to procure transportation. Though the likelihood of getting said transportation was slim without a convincing argument or proper, or more likely over, compensation for hiring. By the time she had returned to where she was meeting Menzai, she was already beginning to map out a rough plan on what to do. But for now, it would probably be best to consult her teammate on the matter. There was also still the option of just going through a hiring company after all, or maybe much like she had seen him carry those books before, he could simply transport the flowers with his magic? She couldn't rely on that as a method though, as she was unaware of his limitations or strength. Simply put, she didn't have enough data to make a conclusive plan and she was hating it right now.

Trying to hide her irritation behind a kind and gentle smile as Menzai came over a few minutes later, she nodded knowingly. "Ah of course...I suppose even with how widely magic is accepted and known, someone like yourself still stands out huh?" An awkward laugh escaped the girl. Plus, even for something as small as this, just having him owe her another small favor in return could prove immensely helpful at a later date, or if nothing else, simply broke the ice a little more. Though as he talked about his more canine features, her eyes did flutter up to his ears just before the hood covered them. "You're not actually a wanted criminal, are you? People might think you are if you just walk around with your hood up." Chuckling into her hand, she would follow after him while also giving him the brief rundown that Torys had given her.
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