Avatar of Lunarlord34


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8 yrs ago
Ah nostalgia...my old friend. Listening to the old pokemon soundtracks is just so relaxing
8 yrs ago
Ah good old Tears to Tiara II. Only took three or four hours to play the first chapter XD Only another billion to go XD Thankfully that was only because most it was story, onto the gameplay! XD
8 yrs ago
I hate my roommate and his cat right now
8 yrs ago
Bloody laptop
8 yrs ago
Bloody hell Date a live might've been a horrendous adaption of the light novels, but f*ck it's got a fantastic soundtrack
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Currently looking for Fairy Fencer F (FFF for short I suppose XD) Roleplay actually

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"....." Akemi looked over her shoulder and watched, much like Kaden, as Tone put on an Oscar-winning performance before running off. Tilting her head slightly, she turned back to look at Kaden with the same unchanging look. "what was-" Halfway through asking Kaden about Tone, Zen's hand found itself on her head and began ruffling her already somewhat messed up silver hair.

"Hey Z." Blowing some hair from her face, she looked up at the older man with the mug resting against her lips. If the girl had even a single lick of social skills, she might've picked up on the tension in the air between the two S-Class mages, but sadly Akemi completely lacked in this department so instead remained blissfully ignorant of the situation.

"Festival?" Blinking, she gave her 'brother' a blank look. She had no idea what he was talking about. She had been sick for much of the week, so she hadn't really been out at all except for food. So news of this festival was new to the girl. She took a moment to think it over, before nodding. "Sure, it sounds like fun." Though her tone and expression didn't change, just the way she sat up a bit straighter was enough of an indicator to see that she was happy at the suggestion. It had been, what, a year since they had last properly seen each other or hung out?

When Kaden spoke up, Akemi's gaze returned to him, almost as if she had forgotten he was even there. While that may or may not be the truth was beside the point. "If it's not too much a hassle, I don't see why not?" Phrasing it more as a question rather than a definitive answer, the younger girl nodded towards Kaden. She had never been to Crocus before her uh 'departure' from home and subsequent joining of the guild, so it wouldn't hurt to let him show her around. Once again, she was blissfully unaware of the fact he was only saying this to prod Zen so was confused when he was quick to change his mind and leave.

"I guess another time?" She asked as he left, shrugging softly before turning back to Zen. "So what's this festival about?" She lifted her mug to take another sip, before pausing and lowering it, looking down at the now-empty drinking utensil in her hand. Huh, she must've finished it while Zen and Kaden were talking. "And when is it?"

"Barrier Magic? Intriguing." The smile on her face widened as Menzai informed her of his magic. Barrier Magic certainly had many uses, both in and out of combat. She briefly wondered if her magic was capable of copying his kind, but much like the information she had gained thus far, she shelved the thought for later, her fingers finding themselves once more tapping against her chin as she appeared to be thinking deeply over the decision of which quest to take. In all honesty, she had already decided upon reaching the board. It was too good an opportunity to miss out on. "I thought that the Blacken Oak inn would be the easier of the tasks, and that you may have been more interested in it to see how non-mage humans go about their lives, but in all honestly I'm not against either task." With the matter pretty much settled, Alina reached up to the board to take down the poster, rolling up the paper in her hands before turning her crimson gaze back towards Menzai.

"Ah, of course, that won't be a problem...umm do I call you Mr. Isanami, Menzai, or did you have another title you preferred being called? You're more than welcome to call me Alina by the way." While he would go put his books away and get whatever he needed, she could go see Torys and get the ok to do the quest with Menzai, or if for whatever reason Torys denied on lack of team members then it would give her a chance to maybe recruit someone else. But surely a straight-forward quest like this wouldn't require a sizeable team, but Alina had already learned the hard way that even the most simple things are more complex than they may appear. While you take your books back to your room, I'll go and get the mission approved by Torys. I'll meet you by the front door in say twenty minutes?" Tucking the rolled-up quest sheet into her pocket, after bidding a temporary farewell to her fellow guildmate, she would take her leave and head...the like three steps it would take to talk to Torys apparently since she was near the board anyway. Huh, neat.

Now Torys was an engima that Alina wasn't quite sure how to act around. While she was quick to adapt and even change her behaviours to suit the situation at hand, something about the guild master was just...off entirely. Like she could see straight through the younger girls facade no matter what Alina tried, so it was best to just try and stay polite and keep the interaction to a minimum. "Excuse me Torys, myself and Menzai would like to take this quest please." Unrolling the paper, she handed it to the youthful-looking guild master in the case she wanted to read it over.
me and @liverisgood are doing a collab, timezones are a bit of a pain though lol

"Not in the slightest. It's absolutely revolting." Seemingly oblivious to his look, and the drink in her hands taste and smell, she took another sip despite what she said as Kaden returned the handshake. Though unlike Kadens presumably strong, firm grip hers was far softer and more delicate, flimsy even. Perhaps it was to be expected from a girl of her stature, more akin to a going through the motions rather than a proper greeting. "Hmm? Really? Zen didn't mention anything of that sort. He didn't really explain it." Looking at her drink thoughtfully for a moment as she brought her hand back, she reached into her pocket and popped something into her drink, before grabbing a spoon off to the side to stir it again.

"Zen is hardly overprotective." Akemi sighed, bringing the drink once more to her lips and taking a prolonged sip. "Zen actually snuck me out every now and then, would spar with me or sneak me things in. Much to fathers annoyance." She actually made a face at the mention of her father, or maybe it was the drink? Who knew honestly. Going silent as she stirred her drink again, staring deep into the murky drink she pondered many a thing. Like how to actually make this stuff taste good.

"Did you want any?" Akemi asked, lifting the mug up in Kaden's direction. The drink coming closer no doubt just made the stench even worse as the girl blankly looked at him. As if remembering something, she brought her hand back, almost apologetically. "Oh right, I'm not meant to share this. Sorry."

Unaware of the discomfort that Akemi's drink was causing Menzai, due to her not sharing the beastkins enhanced senses nor being close enough to smell the foul liquid. Or if she was aware of it, she didn't show it as she studied the beastkin intently. Her crimson orbs glistening as he spoke, taking note of his clawed hands and withdrawing her own hand. "Oh no offense taken. I'm the one that should be apologizing for being so inconsiderate!" With a flourish, she brought her hand to rest on her chest as she returned Menzai's bow, her smile unfaltering all the while. While the beastkin spoke, she was already sorting through his words, analysing them for any meaningful information before stowing them away for later consideration. Already she had learned he was seemingly unaware of humans behaviours for the most part in general, that he shared the same mixture of bemusement and curiosity she felt towards the guild and the perculiur people within, and now his name. Also the fact that he seemed...disgusted in something. That most certainly piqued her interest, but she decided to not bring up the topic for now.

"Menzai Isanami?" She repeated as if to confirm what she had heard. Mostly it was to help her remember it as she was already repeating it several times over in her head. "An interesting name, fitting for an intriguing individual such as yourself." Her crimson gaze flitted over to Ria as she came over, her inquisitive gaze betrayed by a glint of annoyance at the water mage, placing some books by Menzai much to the delight of the beastkin it would seem. Interesting indeed, yet another piece of information gleamed from this interaction.

"Ah thank you Ria, it seems like Menzai here will enjoy them rather greatly. As he should, they're quite well written and informative." She had actually read these books before, oh how many years ago had it been? Ten? No, nine. It was nine years ago. She still remember the scolding she got after she had stolen them from the guild library, only receiving the lecture because she had made the mistake of leaving too many clues behind at the scene and getting caught. But they were indeed fascinating reads nonetheless.

The smile that graced her features faltered for just a moment as she looked back on the memory, her eyes clouding over before she seemed to catch herself and turned her attention back to Menzai as he proposed they looked at the quest board and realized he was looking at the redhead. "Oh sorry, do forgive my rudeness. Was just thinking about doing the same actually. Always a good experience, even more so with a companion or friend along the way to share in the fun right?" In one swift movement, the girl smoothly stepped up from her seat and was already patting out the creases in her skirt. Upon reaching the board, her immaculately kept fingers tapped her chin thoughtfully as she carefully pored over each quest on the board. Of the notable ones, she narrowed them down even further to two.

"Hmm these two seem interesting enough. The Special Deliverly and the Blacken Oak assistance." Tapping the board where the two quests in question laid to highlight them to her newfound companion, she half-turned to look at Menzai over her shoulder. "Unless you have another one in mind? I should warn you however that my magic is hardly suited to combat so I did also choose that quests with that in mind, however, I am now realizing I don't even know what magic it is you use Menzai. So apologies for not thinking of that ahead of time. If you think there's a quest more suiting you, you can pick it out if you wish."
Pics or lying

"Don't look at me like that. None of you are using your real names either, right?"

Gah, he had her there. Although she had nearly accidentally spilled her name, twice already in one day even. She really needed to watch herself a bit more, but then again what harm was there in someone knowing her name right?

Though it was certainly good news that they had seemed to acquire a new source of information at least, maybe even a potential ally! The day sure had started off terrible, but things were looking up for the group it would seem. Upon learning the Mayors name, Zasada decided to go with Archosaur. Kit would've volunteered to go with her...but the fact she was covering her nose from the stench, and knowing that it would only get stronger the closer they got to the Mayor, well...she didn't really have much choice in the matter.

So following after Wu, Ibon and Dragonheart, the carefree operator seemed more preoccupied with their surroundings than the conversation that went on for the most part. Wu was understandably annoyed with the Miasma, though when Ibon asked her for her opinion the vulpo turned her attention back to the bickering duo. Man, they were like a married couple huh?

"I agree with Iby-chan, this could be big yeah? I'm not an expert on oripathy or anything...but surely something that has these kind of affects has that potential yeah to be useful yeah? Even if it itself doesn't prove to be involved in the cure, maybe it could help lead to something to help treat Infected? I mean..regardless this is a big discovery!" Throwing her arms out in an exaggerated manner to put an exclamation mark on her point, her trademark beaming smile crept across her face. Her ears pricked up as they approached their designation, twitching as she covered her nose from the stench of the farm life. While it wasn't as bad as the 'miasma', it was still pretty bad.

"Hey, wanna race to the burnt house? I bet I can beat you all!" Shooting her allies a mischievous grin before darting off in front of the group, her ears continued to twitch even as she sprinted towards the ruined, burnt-out house before them.
Or depending on if you just had a certain thing in mind, you could just search for it.
I.e. fox girl/guy for Vulpo, wolf girl/guy for Lupo. Or I could share a few images if you wanted? Just state the species and I might have a few
Google, pinterest, pixiv, danberou, gelberou, it's all free real estate as far as I'm concerned XD

"Heh, I uh had a rough landing." Tails swishing about as a sheepish grin crept across her face,Will-O-Wisp didn't put up much of a fuss as Ibon went about attending to her wounds, it was a relatively quick procedure as it was mostly small cuts, bruises and the like, the only notable one being the gash that was gone in moments. "Hehe, I'll try." Beaming up at the liberi girl, she seemed quite happy and content with Ibon's patting, as evident by the swifter tail swishing.

A blissful smile on her face, she listened to the chat between the Archosaur boy, Wu, Ibon and Zasada develop, taking note on anything she thought to be of importance. The forest...had been taking people? Well she could certainly believe those woods were haunted...or at the very least corrupted in some form. That wolf from before was unnatural no matter how you viewed it. Was originum the cause of the issue? Maybe someone's arts? There wasn't enough information to draw a conclusion, and a lot the boy seemed to be passing off as simple facts sounded like superstitious hearsay, as Wu pointed out. But if their friends were just in the forest, all they would have to do is find them later right? Sounded easy enough! Well, maybe not considering the scale of the forest. But nothing that HI couldn't handle. Maybe.

Though the talk about the source of this stench made her ears prick up. Something that could ward off those with oripathy and originum? The Vulpo girl looked at her comrades as if to see if they had heard of any such thing before, because she hadn't. This was a unprecedented discovery if it was true! It could even unlock the cure to oripathy, if not then at least a way to combat it further!

"Umm before that, what was your name? And her name for that matter. The mayor." Quipped the fox girl. "I'm Ki-Will-O-Wisp, but you can call me Wisp if you prefer. That's Wu, Ibon, Zasada and the gloomy one out back there is Dragonheart!" Indicating to each member of the group as she spoke, she seemed more than happy to point out Dragonheart trying to hide out back. "Oh, and if any of the others from the Haynek Institute turn up can you direct them our way please?"
I was going to wait for rune, but if not I can post something tonight.
I would assume not immediately, though if they linger they'll be attacked. It's small scouting Riki force that was on the look-out for the Isamu, and Sora is dealing with them for the most part but hey if you want to mention being attacked go for it. Though most of them will be focused on Sora and Team A, hence why Dieter got Team A to get out first to take the brunt and try to get the girls through.
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