Avatar of Lunarlord34


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8 yrs ago
Ah nostalgia...my old friend. Listening to the old pokemon soundtracks is just so relaxing
8 yrs ago
Ah good old Tears to Tiara II. Only took three or four hours to play the first chapter XD Only another billion to go XD Thankfully that was only because most it was story, onto the gameplay! XD
8 yrs ago
I hate my roommate and his cat right now
8 yrs ago
Bloody laptop
8 yrs ago
Bloody hell Date a live might've been a horrendous adaption of the light novels, but f*ck it's got a fantastic soundtrack
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Currently looking for Fairy Fencer F (FFF for short I suppose XD) Roleplay actually

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Rivia Silvermane

For much of the week, Rivia would continue her sparring with Ferr. She was more than happy to after all; he was more than capable of taking hits from her she found out and thus consequently stopped holding them back. Perhaps unsurprisingly really, considering he was the shield hero. It was his job among the heroes to be the best defensively. So Rivia saw it fit to see what he could do offensively, after all they went hand in hand. Though it was hard to judge it entirely based off such a short amount of time, her best theory was that he was simply lacking in experience in close combat to make proper use of his defensive capabilities in an offensive manner. At any rate, time was running out and for now he was at least getting better at handling his agile partner, even if he found it difficult to land any meaningful blows back. She had spent just about her entire life training after all, though her skills seemed more raw and instinctive than something disciplined or well drilled into her, which also made her such a handful. Predicting her movements was a waste of time, for she just seemed to go with the flow and embrace the chaotic methodology behind a scrap. Even if she didn't realise it.

So what did she get up to during the times Ferr was busy doing other things? Well, it seemed like Cole and Auriel had also been busy so she didn't get to do much with either of them though she was certainly eager to spar with them as well, curious about the difference in fighting styles and strengths they had. But alas, she actually spent most of her time learning how to read. It was rather inconvenient after all that she seemed pretty incapable of reading their language, she seemed to pick it up at a decent pace. Though maybe saying she couldn't read wasn't entirely fair; she was just completely unfamiliar with their language and had barely begun picking it up as a spoken language. It seemed like her tribe had their own language and methods of communication, though her father had taught her some basics on how to deal with people from the outside this was more to build on that basic knowledge.

Like a sign with a big red cross to signal do not enter? She got that much. But a street sign or a fork in the road telling you where you are or where you're going? Well, she knew numbers but not the words. So with these lessons taking up much of her free time, she spent whatever remained of it roaming the city. Just getting used to the place and trying to practice her speech and the like with the townsfolk. Though most of them seemed to either ignore or avoid her for reasons she seemed completely oblivious to. But her fellow demi's seemed happy enough to help her, as did some normal more open townsfolk.

In fact, the girl was currently happily munching on some skewer like food she had gotten from one of them as a gift as she wondered the streets as we spoke. She wasn't sure what this was, but it wasn't meat but something sweet? Which speaking of which, sweets wasn't something she was familiar with till she came to the capital. She was used to a diet of meat and then whatever else she could forage, whether it was plants, herbs, berries; whatever. So her first interaction with a sweet....and she seemed to melt away with bliss. Turns out she had a massive sweet tooth. But back to the food currently being savoured by the wolf girl. She was told it was called a dango? It was delicious anyway, and she had another few in a small bag as well she was going to bring back to the others.

Tail and ears switching and swaying happily as she walked, she was certain the others would love it as well. Well, assuming they weren't too busy that is. If not...well more for her then!

Though she came to an abrupt stop, her ears standing on end as she overheard some people walking by. Something about the spear hero being back? And that the other heroes were meeting with him in the town square? Rivia had been away since the morning so this was her first time hearing this, but she figured if that's where the others were going to be she might as well head on over as well! Then they could share in this...uh dango was it? Whatever it was called together!

It didn't take long to find them, they sure drew a crowd didn't they? Slipping through with ease and the dango stick still sticking out of her mouth, she left a couple of startled onlookers in her wake as to them she just seemed to appear from thin air. She was good at erasing her presence, after all that was a necessity as a hunter. Though when she arrived, a strange man seemed to be beating his hand on his chest in front of Cole, Ferr and uh...she had already forgotten the red heads name but she recognised her from the party at the very least.

"Ferr, Cole, Rivia was given something called 'dango', did you want to try?" For now she didn't seem interested in the man talking to them and instead approached the two heroes, also offering a look towards Edusa. "Did Coles friend want one as well? Rivia, by the way." Pointing at herself as she spoke, she reached into the bag and offered a dango to each of them before also offering one to Lev. Though she didn't seem to know who he was. "Are you also a friend of Cole and Ferr? Rivia has more if you wanted one?"
Stephanie Irwin

"Just cause ih' ineh' uncawmmaon doesn't myke ih' any laess scummy naow does ih'." Came the annoyed grumble from Steph. She was still fuming. Stealing from her was one thing. Attacking her with a pokemon was scummy but once again, it was one thing. But then to backstab your partner like that and just book it? Steph had half a mind to go back and pummel him again just for good measure. Though she did feel quite satisfied, there was no such thing as beating a scumbag like him too much now was there? Ok, maybe there is but not the point.

But damn, this Basil was it? She thinks thats what Kapoc called him but he hadn't introduced himself. To be fair, neither had she yet so she should probably get on that. But anyway, damn this Basil guy had some sick tats didn't he? Like just overall he seemed like one of the lead love interests in some soppy love drama series. Even had a contrasting personality to match; the one that looked like a bad boy but was actually a gentle, kind individual once someone got to know them. Not like Steph was an expert on this types of things of course. She would never be caught dead reading or watching that stuff...ever. Yep. Never. Not once has she ever done that. Wait, now wasn't the type to fangirl over potential favourite character archetypes from something she definitely never read or watched.

"Eh the fuckwih' hahd ih' comin, Oy deedn't do much except bein the one he desoided t' tahgeh'. Oh and Steph's the nyme boy the why, noice t' mayt ya Oy suppose...uh Basil was ih'?" Steph said with a roll of her shoulders as Freya began to bandage up her fists without so much as even asking first. Not that Steph was going to stop her from doing it of course, but damn once she got to know someone she just did it without even asking huh? She really was a kind individual.

Which just made her scary side even scarier.

Oh this wannabe edgelord was now giving a lecture on revives? Actually, now that she paid closer attention he seemed oddly familiar. Had she seen him before? She was racking her brain for answers before shrugging. He was probably some experienced trainer, seeing as he had the air of one, but she knew a lot of famous ones but this one was currently escaping her. Eh it would come at some point.

"Yayh, heahd somethin abeow' hahvin t' be caff'l weeth em buh' thyah good in a peench." The redhead commented, flexing and stretching her fingers to test how tight the bandages were before nodding. Freya was scarily good at this kind of stuff. "Evah thaw' of becomin a nuhss aw somethin Freya? naevah sayn someone sao good at fuhst ide." She would add offhandly without much thought as her attention turned to the Sneasal.

Now, she was still somewhat mad with this pokemon but most of that had evaporated due to its pitiful state and the rage that had been directed towards its previous partner. Thief or no thief, it didnt deserve to be abandoned like that now did it?

"Yah ok theah bud? thaht was ruff. Fuhst yah hahd t' foigh' Dusk heah thaen yah gawt abahndoned boy yoah 'buddy', buh' daon't wohry Oy took caeh of thaht fuckwih' rayl good."
I swear I’ll post this weekend. I was meant to last weekend but it’s been a busy couple of weeks.
Stephanie Irwin

Shaking her arm away from Kapoc, she shot him an annoyed look before turning to glare at the petty thief. There was still burning rage in that look but she was at least beginning to calm down...maybe. At least she wasn't just immediately jumping right back on him to continue the pounding she had been giving him, so that was a start. Tapping her foot impatiently as Kapoc sought an answer from Freya and the girl obliged in explaining the situation, you know since he could actually understand his sister as opposed to whatever gypsy tongued nonsense Steph sprouted.

Oh? What was that look on Kapocs face? He just seemed to have an eternal resting bitch face and eternally annoyed at everything thus far from what Steph had witnessed. So to see him so...livid was a change. Wait. Why did this look and sensation that accompanied it felt so familiar?

Oh right. This was similar to Freya before she snapped-well fuck.

"Oh come on naow, thaht's just nawt fuckin faeh is ih'?" The other two seemed bewildered by Kapoc for his sudden perfectly executed kick to the side of this thiefs head, which if Steph was a judge she was giving him 10/10 for like holy fuck was that a perfect technique and execution! Steph? Her exclamation of her annoyance came about because she was just pried off the man and forced to stop hitting him...only for Kapoc to immediately knock the fucker out.

"Eh whuytevah...fuckah desuhved ih'. Oy should thighnk yah at any ruyte, would be rude nawt t' thighnk those who haelp yah and ooll, buh' its nawt loike Oy lawst in the fuhst plyce yah qua-uh Kapoc." Came a final grumble of annoyance before she took her pokedex back from Kapoc and turning back to Freya and Basil-wait who the fuck was this other guy? She hadn't seen him before at all, when did he get here? Oh his name was Basil? The name rung something of a bell in her head, but at the moment she didn't care.

Looking down at her fists at the mention of being patched up, she also looked over at Dusk. "Nawt just me Oy guess, Dusk took a couple blaows in thaht bahttle. buh' he tuffed ih' eow' and wawn loike the chahmp he is, ine't ya?" Grinning she reached up to the Litwick that had somehow stayed on her shoulder that entire time and gave him a little chin scratch, which the Litwick seemed to appreciate. The best thing Steph had done for Dusk other than the battle after all! At any rate, she would just follow after Basil and Freya wherever they went.

"Oh and haow is thaht Sneasal fahin anywhy? Cahn't believe thaht scumbahg diied thaht."
I'll get to posting soon, been busy.
Stephanie Irwin

God it was satisfying, hearing the crunch of bone on bone, as she wailed on this absolute piece of shit scumbag. If one didn't know any better, they might've mistaken him for a punching bag in a gym. At least that's how she was treating him as she brought her fists down on him again and again. "Tohk abeow' ih'? Faht fuckin chahnce yah absolute poile of shiieh'! Thiies is faw staylin frawm me, thiies is faw attahckin me, thiies is faw-" As she went to hit him again, bringing her arm back to land another painful blow on the scum of the earth beneath her she suddenly felt something, or rather someone grab her and pull her back.

In the heat of the moment, she almost went to swing at the person who had done so till she looked up and saw it was Kapoc. Wait, why was he so mad? Unless he found out that she had lost the pokedex? Nah surely he couldn't have known. Speaking of which....

"Yayh and Oy'll fuckin do ih' aguyn yah payce of uttah rawtten Growlithe shiieh'! Ahrest me? Yah fuckin attahcked me weeth a Sneasal aftah fuckin tykin moy pokaedex yah fuckin diied! Naow geeve ih' bahck and mybee Oy'll theenk abeow' nawt baytin yah intao the naext fuckin saenturay!" Assuming Kapoc even understood a word of it, it might answer his question otherwise she just seemed to be ignoring him for now. If one paid attention, they could almost see the steam coming out of her ears, the killing intent in her eyes as she glared at the petty thief.

Though finally, after a moment she finally spared Kapoc a glance as she went to push him away or try to slip her arm away from him to go have another crack at the man.

"And yah, fuckin laeh' gao of me oolraydy! Oy ine't dun taychin thiies crook a fuckin laessawn yaeh'!"
Stephanie Irwin

She had won her first official battle as a trainer! While it wasn't the win some might've imagined or the opponent one mightn't have imagined, it was still something to hang her hat on. The taste of victory was sweet as the Sneasal fell to a knee, struggling to move as Steph moved to scoop up Dusk. The Litwick for the most part seemed keen to go on, and a little disappointed the fight was over. Not that Dusk got to mop for long before finding himself hugged tightly against Steph.

"Fuck yayh! We diied ih' Dusk!" And there we go, she seemed to be back to her usual gibberish sounding accent. With the excitement of her first win still coursing through her, she now turned her attention to the petty thief. He seemed to be taking the loss somewhat admirably at least, so maybe he wasn't too bad-oh son of a protestant whore!

Now if he thought Steph was mad before, oh boy. Freya had barely looked up from the Sneasal she was attending to and Steph was already giving chase to this man. Like a woman possessed, she was moving faster than a freight train; and she was probably going to hurt more when she caught up to this man. "Geh' bahck heah yah fuckin gutless twaht! Oy'm gaowin t' bryke yoah fuckin sheens!" She would yell after him as she stopped for a moment, winding back her arm as she chucked a pokeball at the mans legs the moment she got a straight line shot at him. It was Dusk's pokeball, she thinks anyway but she kinda just reached to her belt so could be an empty one, and even if she didnt stop him it would hopefully give her the time to catch up to him.

Because oh boy, if she did she was planning on spear tackling this man to the ground and beating him within an inch of his life.
Stephanie Irwin

It would seem that Steph was finding out first-hand the difference between a high-level fight of pokemon of exceptional power and level, and the abilities of a Litwick she's owned for like an hour. Perhaps she had expected a bit much from her partner, but it seemed like even though he wasn't able to hold a candle to what she had hoped to accomplish, she had achieved a small win regardless! As the sneasal came back down, it seemed to be struggling a bit. Without her pokedex, Steph racked her brain for a moment before it clicked. Right, Smog had a high chance to poison an opponent; not just deal damage! She had forgotten that part, but it seemed to give her an idea as Dusk hovered back down to face the poisoned sneasal. He didn't seem too keen on staying in there, as one would expect.

It hadn't escaped Steph that the smog was still lingering above, not that she had much time to think it over as the sneasal began a new barrage. However now, Steph knew the odds were well and truly in her favour. "Ok Dusk, you gottem on the ropes partner! Blast every single one of those shards out of the air with Ember!" If it came down to a battle of attrition, then Dusk resisting his moves meant even if a stray ice shard or two got through to hit him, the damage would be minimal. Meanwhile, any of his attacks that snuck though would be the opposite; a super-effective hit. Let alone the fact that sneasal would slowly weaken over time...

Still, the gears in her mind turned as she sought a way to end this fight quicker. If patience was a virtue, then Steph was the embodiment of sin for she had little to none at all. After a few exchanges of moves, she decided to change up gears.

"Change of plans, use Smog to try and pin it down then follow up with ember!" If she could reduce the areas the sneasal could move into with smog, then it would become far easier to land a blow on the sneasal. Of course, this carried the caveat that it would be easier to land a blow on Dusk, but she had a surprising amount of faith in her partner of such a short time. For the solid reason of being able to resist the shards if nothing else, well that and what other choice did she have if she wanted to knock this cunts fucking block off?

Just for reference lol
And yes I checked my anti-virus, my settings, etc.
Yeah it's just annoying that it's only like this on my laptop for whatever reason.
I even have two browsers to try and get around it and now its spread to the other one lmao It just comes and goes and idk why, I'm not a tech guy.
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