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8 yrs ago
Ah nostalgia...my old friend. Listening to the old pokemon soundtracks is just so relaxing
8 yrs ago
Ah good old Tears to Tiara II. Only took three or four hours to play the first chapter XD Only another billion to go XD Thankfully that was only because most it was story, onto the gameplay! XD
8 yrs ago
I hate my roommate and his cat right now
8 yrs ago
Bloody laptop
8 yrs ago
Bloody hell Date a live might've been a horrendous adaption of the light novels, but f*ck it's got a fantastic soundtrack
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Currently looking for Fairy Fencer F (FFF for short I suppose XD) Roleplay actually

Most Recent Posts

Stephanie Irwin

@Joshua Tamashii

After a successful brief morning training, Steph felt a little more content with how her party was coming together. She already had nearly two full teams, but she knew she would need more if she was to overcome this challenge. Of course there were certain core members she would want to keep together, but that didn't mean they would pair well against every leader and trainer she would fight along the way. With Dwayne the geodude now added to that roster, she did umm and ahh about what she should add next but honestly that was a pretty long list. She was better off focusing on what she currently had and could deal with that anyway.

For now she returned to Amelia who was in the process of waking up and packing up her stuff, to which before Steph answered her she gave a brief nod to the Golett and let Dusk hop off her shoulder and drop...float down to the ground? Eh, details.

"Brekkie? Ye thaht's the fuhst staep taowahds a lawng die! Espaecially seence we gawt moah wohkin t' do sao we gawtta piien the eahs bahck and wehk a biieh' eh?" She wasn't too sure how Amelia would fare with travel, but she figured she might have to slow herself down a tad to allow the girl to keep pace. Though suppose if things got too dire, Steph reckoned Amelia looked pretty light so she could just carry her a fair distance of the way if she had to so she figured that was worth keeping in the back pocket. She did say she would rather that not happen, but till they got a Gogoat or something similar Steph didn't see much of an option. Unless her Golett carried her? Maybe but it probably wasn't all that quick either. Eh, a bridge to cross when they got there. She would have to reconsider her map to see how far the next town was anyway, not being overly familiar with the region not being a local and all.

"Yayh nao prawblem mate, everybody's gawtta staht somewheah and leahn roigh'? Though yah daon't oolwhys hahve t' cook in the mawnin, sometoimes Oy just gao weeth the old fitehful of some fruih' aw brayd and the loike. Maowstly depends on whaht yah wahnna ayt, buh' if yah huyng around me lawng enough Oy'll shaow yah a thing aw two abeow' some cookin. nawt the baest buh' Oy geh' the jawb dun." She had picked up a few things from her Aunt and Uncle, and even her cousins though to a lesser extent. Especially as she got ready to set out for the league competition and all. Cooking was a valuable tool for any stage of life, but especially when journeying through a region when you weren't in a town with easy access to food. Just had to bite the bullet and make do with whatever you had, just the way Steph liked to live life.

Using the still warm embers of last nights fire, it was easy enough to get a new fire going and cook up some basic grub for breakfast. What exactly? Who cared about that detail right now, but something basic and filling before another big day. She would try her best to show Amelia how to use the embers to start a new fire and explain that before they left they would have to throw a bucket of water or something over the embers to prevent it being a hazard later down the line, as embers tend to burn for a long time even after a fire is dead, hence why they can even use the embers so easily in the first place. Then once that was done just let Amelia watch as she cooked up the food and then once they had themselves some grub and fed their mons, suppose it was time to move onto their next course of action.

Which, if the info Steph had on the place was right then her next designation seemed obvious as she looked down at the device in her hand showing the map of the route.

"Suppose ahh fuhst stawp is the fishing stoah, rods ahh pretty usaeful faw ooll koinds of theengs. Aftah thaht we gawtta head through the forest t' geh' t' Starbor Village, sao we'll say haow thaht ooll faehs buh' weeth any luck we'll be theah befoah dahk. If nawt, guess weah cahmpin in the forest and gettin t' the village in the mornin'. Nawt much use fussin ovah haow lawng it'll tyke us." Though contrary to what she said, she would love to just rush forward and get the ball rolling. But with the responsibility she had decided to undertake taking care of the little shiela, she just had to be content with a bit of a slower approach than first planned.

But with her plan for the day laid out, she let Amelia give her input or suggestions on what else they could do but otherwise she was set to get going to the store, assuming nothing held them up before they got there it shouldn't take long, but after the hectic day she had yesterday? Wouldn't be surprised if something happened along the way there, but guess that was the fun of the journey now wasn't it!

"Oh and moigh' mayt up weeth a mite of moine, lovely shiela by the nyme of Freya. tohl, blahck haeh, rayl bahsketbohlah, modelin type. yah'll knaow hah whaen yah say hah."

Suppose she expected a bit too much from the older man to show a bit of maturity but it is what it is, Adelyn wasn't going to press the issue because it seemed obvious that wouldn't get anyone anywhere and the sooner they got started the sooner they could finish the job. Though she couldn't really hide the face she made when the made started speaking in such a crude manner, but she held her tongue on that matter as well.

Handed the VOX unit, she gave it a look over as the sergeant explained the details, although she already knew how they worked. She had used them before during 'lessons' back home so just nodded and pocketed the little device for now. There wasn't much use for them at the moment after all.

"That sounds like Jenna." Adelyn sighed at the comment of the guild mages looking forward to this challenge that made the garrison commander nervous and shook her head lightly. "But she's right. To be a mage is to test your skills against dangers above that of the common folk. We'll see the beast is stopped...whether through capture or other means."

Adelyn glanced toward Mark as she spoke on that matter. More of a curious shift of her eyes than a full-on locking of attention, but her attention was somewhat given to the older boy. She wasn't too sure why he asking about killing or capturing it as Adelyn was pretty sure the job was to kill it...but suppose the request hadn't actually stated it, so while she wasn't sure why he cared about that fact, she figured there was no harm in trying to capture it if that was his or the garrisons intention. Just it would make the job harder no doubt...unless she could try to paralyse it? Such a thought made her pause for a moment.

Could...could she output enough to do that? Or rather, could she control an output enough to do that without frying the thing? You know what, it was best not to dwell too much on the matter till she actually saw the beast. Once Mark's question about whether they were to kill or capture the monster they should be right to go and find the creature.
Stephanie Irwin

@Joshua Tamashii

A new day, a new beginning.

That was something her uncle had told Steph many times. Honestly, she never got why he loved that saying so much, even to this day. But today as she woke up, she was beginning to feel like she understood what he was trying to say. Even if only a little.

She had slept reasonably well during the night, not really bothered by being outdoors much as she preferred that to the hustle and bustle of the city, too many people, too many lights, too much noise. Honestly, she felt so much better being outside in the cold, fresh air which she took a moment to savor as she was stirred awake by the rays of the morning sun peaking through the clouds. She still felt a little tired, as perhaps to be expected after a big first day of her journey, and who knew what today would present?

Well, no time like the present! Leaping up in an instant, she took a few moments to do a bit of light stretching before slapping her cheeks with both palms to wake up properly. Ok then, what was the first thing to do? Hands-on hips and with that thought in mind, she surveyed her surroundings as if to remind herself where they were before her gaze fell upon the still-sleeping form of Amelia. Oh right she wasn't alone at the moment was she? It had almost slipped her mind she had found the kid last night in the ruins.

Oh right, and she hadn't linked up with Freya yet.

Eh she was sure the shiela knew her way round around the place, unlike this little tucker. Well she didn't want to disturb her and Steph wasn't in any real rush so no harm in letting the kid sleep a little longer. She would take this time to go for a little stroll. She liked to take a walk in the morning, helped worked up a nice appetite for breakfast and whatnot.

And you know, the place still had a few wild pokemon around no doubt. She wasn't the only one who needed a good morning work out! So her plan was simple, not drift too far away but go for a little walk and get some early morning training in. Pretty simple strategy as well. Use Glory against some wild geodude, since his water typing and use of aqua jet would be of good use there, then use a combination of Dusk, Vi and Jack to help try and get Lucky up to speed while also getting some valuable experience for themselves. As for Dennis? Well she didn't see Dennis getting much practice in against any of the mons here but if she came across any Woopers he was probably her best bet alongside Jack for that so would use him to help support Jack if it cropped up.

And if while she was training Glory the chance to catch a Geodude cropped up, she would certainly take the opportunity to try so. A simple strategy of just beating them down till they either fainted or were low enough for a quick capture was the plan there, but she wasn't too fussed if she got one here or not. They were pretty common in regions they were found if memory served, especially so around terrain suiting them, so she was sure she would have a chance to get one later if she didn't get one now. Plus she didn't want to spend too long going on her little morning training stroll either, wouldn't want to worry Amelia she had wandered off already now did she?

Akemi didn't hear Ky at first trying to wave her down or call out to her, seemingly zoning out while she stared at the paper. Yep, she was completely off in her own little world there right now, not that it was out of place for her. Not many people understood how her mind worked, but those who knew how it did... knew it wasn't anything particularly profound going on inside her head. It was probably her looking over a few mental images of a fighting technique she was wanting to practice or might look to learn, or she was thinking about flowers and gardening work. Not a lot else tended to be what caused her to zone out unless she was simply tired and sleepy. A few loud slurps later, she finally looked up when she noticed the commotion, making her way over shortly thereafter and nodding to the young mage and her guild master.

"Ok." Upon his request to see the job and seeing him try to peer over the top, the girl would, in turn, look to hand him the job flier, her gaze now slowly but surely moving to the two newcomers, firstly D'angelo as his theatrics made him hard not to spot immediately. "I don't particularly mind if you all want to join...I was looking for someone to join me. Yawn. Wouldn't want...hmmmm...Zen to get worried by going by myself."
Taking a moment to stretch her arms up high above her head, she blearily rubbed her eyes as she spoke. Of course, there also remained the chance that Jenna would flat-out reject allowing Akemi to go off by herself on a job, not that the girl ever once considered this a possibility, as even a simple sounding one such as this. After all, if there was anything a guild mage would learn about a job...nothing was ever as simple or easy as it might seem at first glance, and if it was, well something would go wrong to ensue it wasn't.

"Hmmm...right....I don't know you....Akemi...and you are?" Still rubbing her eyes, her gaze finally began to move from D'angelo after she introduced herself and onto the currently morphed newer member of the group, Ariel. For a moment, she just....stared at her blankly. Before looking down at her drink, back to Ariel, to Ky, back to Ariel, to Jenna, back to Ariel, to D'angelo, before finally back to Ariel. No doubt what happened next came as little surprise, but she just absently grabbed at the tail and if successful began to play with it.

"...This feels too real..for me to still be dreaming...weird...but soft?"

The closer they got to their designation, the more on edge Adelyn seemingly became. Her steady chatter began to die down, though perhaps that is in part due to not exactly having the most riveting of conversation partners, or perhaps it was even she was running out of things to complain about for now. She once more didn't pay much mind to Kiba's chuckle with anything bar a glance, if only out of curiosity rather than any real desire to learn what he found so funny, but luckily for him she just caught him staring off so she assumed he just saw something he found amusing and they continued on their way.

Once arriving at the guard command post, Adelyn began to stroke her ruby red earring momentarily, as if contemplating something before begrudgingly removing her beloved signature piece of jewelry. She couldn't take the off chance despite how far away she was from...was home even the correct term anymore? Anyway, she couldn't risk someone recognizing it and dragging everyone here into that mess. Pocketing her earring, she quietly followed after everyone, trying to stay between Kiba and Mark where she could to stay mostly out of sight of the guards but once they found themselves before the sergeant she straightened up, especially once Mark began to chide the man for his comments towards them. Oh please don't cause a scene here...

"L-look it's fine Mark, while calling me a twerp is uncalled for as there are certainly far more appropriate terms to address a lady, we can cut his ilk a little slack. After all, he said it was only nicknames the guard had for us, not how he viewed us." Tugging at his sleeve, she just shook her head as she attempted to convince him to drop the subject. Even still though, she had to bite her tongue and there was visible annoyance as she barely managed to swallow her pride. Ignore the remarkable man, she reminded herself. "As he said...we're here to lay the groundwork for trust with the guards right? Just leave the man to do his job, we do our job and everyone is happy. We don't have to make friends with anyone, just earn their trust and respect ok? Besides, the guards are stressed and busy right now so we can cut him some slack for being a little...prickly."

Perhaps it was a far more tempered response than the other two were expecting from the easily riled-up mage, but she seemed very uneasy and uncomfortable here. Luckily for her, she was with two people who were unlikely to pry into the reasoning why and she was at least grateful for that. But her other hand was most certainly clenched slightly as she sighed before addressing the man.

"I apologise for my companion's outburst Sergant Monreu, he isn't exactly a people person. I'm Adelyn Am....ummm just Adelyn will do if you wouldn't mind. A pleasure to meet your acquaintance and I thank you for the chance to earn a rapport with the guard of Rembrandt and I appreciate the opportunity given to our guild. I assure you, you will have a brill report to write for your superior officer on our performance and we will not let you down." After a brief curtsy to the man, she gave him a nervous smile as she didn't really make eye contact with him, just keeping her head bowed semi respectively, though it was more out of a want to avoid looking at him and showing her annoyance more than anything at the moment.

She just had to try and keep her snark comments to herself. And trust me, that was an inner battle and a half but she had already learned once or twice what could happen if she didn't keep her mouth shut. And while that hadn't entirely humbled the girl just yet, she was slowly learning to pick her battles. It just so happened this was one where if a scene occurred, she didn't want that drama potentially becoming involved as well. She still wasn't even why Jenna had invited her to this guild despite the potential issues it may incur, but she wasn't so ungrateful to the woman so as to bring her guild into the spotlight for all the wrong reasons. It would be poor manners to repay the debt she owed her in such a fashion after all.

And an Amberfield always repaid debts and goodwill with favorable results.

"...Although perhaps an apology just to iron things out wouldn't go astray. Just to keep relations friendly and all." Ah there it was, she couldn't help herself with at least that comment. Being called a twerp, while not the worst thing she had been hurt, still annoyed her. And referring to...actually, she wasn't sure which one he referred to as the competent one out of Mark or Kiba since they were both pretty silent sorts, but she thinks he was referring to Mark. Which was a slight against possibly the whole guild really, not just her and Kiba, by referring to him as the component one, insinuating that the rest of them weren't so.

"Then after my companions here introduce themselves, we can get going to the location correct?"

"T-that doesn't count! I didn't mean to...and uh...I can do way better if I actually try!" A half-baked lie perhaps, but she didn't seem keen to remain on that subject much longer despite some mumbling under her breath as she cooled her reddened face.

Taking the paper as it was offered to her, she would finally fall quiet to Mark's relief as she read over the quest. There wasn't a lot of info on this paper was there? Then again, from the jobs she had seen the guild get? They didn't seem to have much on them. But suppose that's where they were going right? To the source of the quest, the one who had made the request. Wait that meant going to...gah. Momentarily, there was a scrunched-up look of perhaps annoyance as she realized that they would probably have to deal with the guards. Maybe it would be for the best to let Mark and Kiba do the talking on that front. The last thing she needed was drama involving...that.

So they just had to defeat a singular monster? That didn't sound so tough. She didn't quite understand what Mark's previous fears were.

"Killing one monster shouldn't be difficult. Or maybe we could try trapping it? Guess we just need to see the requester and learn more, as this request has painfully little information. If this was a proper request through the right channels, it would have far more information and there wouldn't be this need to go and visit the uh...client is it?" Honestly, she had also heard some of the murmurings of the monster attacks though regretfully she hadn't paid them much mind. There was always gossip of oddities in towns like this, so if one paid attention to all of them...well, it was a waste of time really with all the wild goose hunts they would be on.

"These 'guild' requests are...weird."

Akemi had entered the guildhall at a good time. Firstly, she had avoided the loud music that had been playing just minutes before her arrival. Though she could still easily see the buzz that remained and had heard it as she had made her way in, much like many of her fellow guild mates, she preferred things a fair bit quieter. Though that didn't mean that she didn't feel disappointed that she had missed the performance. She had looked forward to seeing Jenna perform, but suppose she would just have to hope for a next time. If only she hadn't overslept.....

But with Zen currently preoccupied, Akemi was left to mostly fend for herself right now and it showed with the disheveled state she was currently in. Bedhair, a crooked collar, her shirt half tucked in, a few misplaced buttons on her jacket. Probably had her shirt inside out as well if they could find the tag. In all, she looked a mess. Though as bad as she currently looked, that paled in comparison to the stench and look of the drink currently in her hands.

Inside a thermos bottle with a straw, was a strange green ooze that most people swear smelled like a compost heap and looked more akin to a dangerous acid or poison that they wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole; let alone sip away at the contents as casually as Akemi was doing right now! Thankfully for those near her, the drink was closer to the end than the finish but still...there was a reason why the jobs board became considerably less crowded when she came over and began to skim over the fliers there.

She wasn't sure when Zen would be back, and she had recovered from the cold that had stopped her from going with him. So now remained the burning question...what did she do till he came back? Well, she figured she could try a job, maybe team up with someone to do one depending on what it entailed. Sure, she didn't really know anyone here other than that nice older girl...uh...Ria was it? Yeah, Ria. Sure she was the only person she really knew besides obviously Jenna, but that just meant she had to find a new friend! And such an opportunity was an exciting one for the girl, even if she didn't show it visibly on the outside.

She didn't linger on the job board for long before grabbing one though. After all, there wasn't much there but there was one she saw she figured she could do easily enough without worrying Zen too much about her. This escort job seemed easy enough, and she was certain she could find a person or two to do the job with...the question now remained was who?

She didn't see Ria around, and a lot of people seemed to be avoiding her for some reason...maybe they were just busy? Yeah, she was sure that was it. She was certain it had nothing to do with the smoothie she was still sipping away at. Like, that would be crazy right? But surely if she approached enough people, she would eventually find someone who would go on the job with her?

Markovis? An odd name for sure, but it seemed to come off the tongue quite well as she repeated it over in her mind a few times. What didn't come off well was when he rejected her kind offer to help him. Did he not know who she was? Actually, wait, he obviously wouldn't. And maybe it was better for her if he didn't, but still! Why was everybody like this? Everyone always told her she wasn't capable, she would never amount to her family name. Her family, the servants always whispering to one another, the townsfolk, those bandits, and now this 'guild' of ragtag deadbeats who had nowhere better to go. They were all the same, they always were.

"I totally am capable of being able to assist! Anything this guild gets for work is childs play for an Amberfield!" Ok so she wasn't going to defend her physical capabilities, as a mage she had accepted those would never be amazing. But she was confident that she had the magical capacity to overcome this job easily. Whatever...this job actually was! Yep. Totally.

Wait...killed? She paused for a moment as that word sunk in for a moment. Hell, she even quieted down as she briefly thought about what she just got herself into before just shaking her head physically, mentally, metaphorically and any other -ally one could think of. No, she would be fine. Surely this Markovis fellow was just exaggerating the dangers. Yeah, that must be it. Thats when her mind registered that he was allowing her to come with, and while there was a slight twinge of 'oh shit what did I just rope myself into' that crept into the back of her head...she still couldn't help but smile slightly, looking quite proud of herself for some reason as she scoffed at Mark's words.

"O-of course my life is my responsibility! You needn't remind me of such a basic er...practice of being a mage! I knew the risks from the moment I could walk. But as an Amberfield, I cannot and will not back down from a challenge no matter how significant or insignificant it is. And considering the quality of jobs I see this guild get, its hardly a job of much danger or concern right? Like, how bad can it be?" Famous last words perhaps, and there was a falter in her confidence for a moment but otherwise she would walk besides Mark as he made his way out, either with Kiba in tow or just leaving him behind as if he was just an afterthought.

Either way, that was her way of asking what the job was while trying to maintain her pride and dignity...in her eyes at any rate. Did she have any to begin with? Depended on who you asked really. What could be visibly apparent though was she at least was confident, though perhaps to Kiba he might be able to see her words were almost directed at herself rather than at Mark himself, or maybe he was just looking too much into it. Who knows, despite how open Adelyn loved to talk herself and her family up...she never actually really talked about them bar how great they were. And thus, like most people in the guild, she was an enigma to others in that aspect.

At any rate, she wasn't expecting or wanting Mark to babysit her on this mission. She would show him, she would show the guild; she would show everyone that she could do it. Whatever...it was. It didn't matter right now. All that did matter was showing off how awesome and great she was, and prove everyone wrong that she could be useful.

"What makes you think something could kill me so easily anyway? You haven't even seen my magic in action! Admittedly it's not as flashy or amazing as my brothers and I came into it later than they did...but...uh, I can easily handle some monster or two if that's all this is!"

"I...exercise plenty thank you!" Understandably insulted by his perhaps admittedly good advice considering she was obviously showing that she didn't exercise enough, or maybe she was just that worked up it was hard to tell. What wasn't though was the smoldering, sharp glare in her narrowed dark crimson eyes. She watched as Mark just seemed to return her anger with a...puzzled look? Did this buffoon really not understand what he had done? She had to be pulling her chain right? Yeah, he was clearly mocking her! There was no way anyone could be this dense or oblivious!

Wait, her foot? Why was he apologizing for stepping on her foot? I mean, an apology was an apology I suppose, but she wanted him to apologize properly for not watching where he was going! Suffice to say though, it wasn't that she was ignoring Kiba's gestures or nods, but she seemed to have completely tunneled her vision and attention on poor Mark here. Though Mark did seem to be right on the spoken apology the words 'sorry' in them seemed to be what she was after as she seemed to ease up with her posture, huffing slightly as she did. Well, he was apologizing for the wrong thing...but an apology was an apology she supposed. She wasn't sure she would get much better from the dense young man, so would just settle for that.

"See? Is it so difficult to say the word 'sorry'? It's a simple gesture, but the right etiquette and manners will get you places in this world Mr....uh...oh. I-I guess I should be the one to apologize now as where are my own manners! I realize I do not know your name and you do not know my own, my name is Adelyn-Hey hey! I'm not done yet!" Realising he was trying to walk off mid-introduction, she turned and ran out in front of him again. Seemed like she might be lacking in the cardio department but she was at least quick on her feet, not as quick as running her mouth but it was something,

"Once again...manners. Ettique. What did your parents even teach you?" Still flustered, she brushed some hair out of her face before trying again. "Like I was saying, my name is Adelyn Amberfield, what may I call you sir umm...?"

With her eyes drawn to the paper in his hands, a lightbulb seemed to go off in her head for a moment. Right, he said he was about to do a job! Chest swelling with pride, she puffed it out as after she waited for him to give his name in return she would speak again.

"You said you had a job to do right? Well it's your lucky day! I happen to be free and was thinking of doing a job myself, so I would gladly tag along if you so wished. I'm sure Kiba here might also be interested as well! I assure you that you won't regret adding such a capable mage as me as an ally. What do you say?"

And no, she wouldn't move out of his way till she got the answer she wanted.
Stephanie Irwin

Thanking the man for the directions, she would continue onwards toward her current designation, the ruins, very much enjoying the cool, crisp air around of her. It was making her feel way more at ease, maybe even a little nostalgic and homesick for a moment as it reminded her of home. But she wasn't one to really dwell on the loneliness aspect of her journey for too long, besides she wasn't alone! She had Dusk, Jack, Vi, and the rest of her pokemon with her!

Speaking of pokemon, she took note and stock of the pokemon around her. Though it was obviously hard to see in the failing of just gone light, she could make out the outlines of moving Geodudes, she could hear the quacking of Duckletts. She made a note to get a Geodude at some point but considering her team was full? She was in no rush. Same with the Goletts and Glarian Yamasks she could see populating the ruins. She definitely wanted a Golett at one point, but once again she was in no rush to catch one. Instead, her curiosity about the old, decrepit ruins kept drawing her further and further in.

And while yes, she didn't know about the history of the region, of the ruins themselves. She barely knew a thing about the region in general after all, but that was half the fun! That was half the reason she even accepted the chance to take on the Gym Challenge here! A new region, with new challenges, new adventures to be had, new memories to make, and new things to learn! Steph had always been a curious child growing up, and it had never left her. Plus, there were chances to learn about what happened to her parents here as well! And who knew, maybe there was even a clue here? It would be right up her parent's alley honestly.

So with those thoughts in mind, she would starve off any remote thoughts of setting up camp and push on further into the ruins. With none of the mons around her keen on coming near her, she in turn didn't really show much interest in approaching them. Though she would gladly fight any that wanted to brawl, but she was just more interested in finding out what some people found so odd and creepy about the place. Like, surely there was a hidden entrance or something which led to something secret or ominous or scary that kept creeping people out right? Or maybe there was just simply an entrance to take her further in in general, and it would lead her to an aggressive ghost pokemon that she could fight! The possibilities were endless really, but she would only learn by venturing further and further in and seeing how far she could go.

Adelyn found Nolans apology...unsettling. Not just because of his tone and delivery of it, barely showing even a hint of emotion while doing so, but also just because of well...the fact he was even apologising to begin with? Like look, ok, she wasn't sure how genuine it actually, it was hard to tell if it even was remotely genuine, it could be him just being completely sarcastic after all. In fact, that was probably it right? Like imagine this man, this barbaric beast, capable of apologies? Preposterous right?

"S-so...long as you know not to do it again..." In her mind that was coming off way less flustered than was actually delivered, but suppose everything she did in her own mind came off better than how she actually did it. If only she had imagination magic....

Though, Ria's positive energy and overall good vibes did have at least some impact upon calming Adelyn down. After all, it was hard to stay too worked up around such a kind individual right? And not that Adelyn would admit it, but Ria was like one of what? Two? Three people in the guild she could actually get along with? Now we're not talking about friendship of course, at least not from Adelyns perspective, but even just getting along with someone was something right? Because as stated before, even she couldn't really find it in her to be well....unreasonably bitchy to someone who was being nice to her. Well, maybe at the start she might've been, but she had somewhat warmed to her by now.

However saying all that, she very much disagreed with Ria's assessment on music but hey, that was to be expected right? After all, imagine Adelyn being wrong about something am I right? Though just as she was about to make a form of retort to that, and completely shoot down any possibility of her actually having gone to a farm of all places, like who did Ria think she was and all that, but Kiba now moved in to suggest she goes outside. Now, for a moment, she was a briefly confused. Mostly because she kinda...forget he was here. After all, he hadn't really done...anything? At all? So in her red haze, she had briefly forgotten him. But now with him right there and actually talking to her for once? She just took one last side on look at Nolan and Ria and sighed.

"Whatever. Some air could be good, and at least it gets me out of here." Following after her guildmate of few words and even greater misunderstandings of people, though on their way out she was nearly bowled over by some oaf! He at least had the decency to stop her from actually falling over, but much like Nolan found out, touching Adelyn typically left a shocking impression though much like the discharge that barely bothered Nolan, this one was much the same. The main difference was she was left flabbergasted and even more red faced, and this time it wasn't for her usual temper tantrums.

"I...uh...umm...uh...." Had Kiba, nay, had anyone seen her become so unsure and flustered before? Sure, Kiba had just seen her flustered, but she wasn't tripping over her words, blushing harder than her own level of ego and fidgeting with her fingers sort of flustered just before! Which, when you saw what transpired from Adelyns point of view? It was a scene right out of a romance novel she owned. Two people collide, the man catching the lady and not apologising, both of them looking into each others eyes, the man immediately walking off without-wait, wait, wait! The hell?!?

That's not how this is meant to play out at all!

Suffice to say, that snapped her out of whatever fantastical little scenario she found herself in as Kiba could probably guess what was going to happen next. She was going to storm off after Mark and demand a proper apology for starters! Not just for nearly bowling her over, but for also ruining her imagination goddamnit! Give her her excitement back you worm!

"Hey! Hey! HEY! I'M TALKING TO YOU!" She would eventually catch up at some point, though whether or nor Kiba decided to follow or not was up to him though he may find some amusement of doing so, she would run out in front of Mark if she had to to catch his attention. Now of course, Adelyn was even less athletically gifted than she was modest or humble, so doing such a thing would cause her to lose her breath and hunch over slightly in front of him, taking a few moments to catch her breath before continuing.

"What....kind of uncultivated....irresponsible....ill-mannered craven...are you?" Of course, Mark himself probably had no clue what she was talking about, but that was half the fun for this! "Who just...nearly bowls someone over....a lady nonetheless...and just walks off without an apology?!"
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