With a smile on his face, the cleric counted out the one hundred gold pieces for the total sum of the alcohol.
"A hundred gold it is. Thank you and may Tharmekhûl give you good steel." Jørmund said as he set the coin down on the counter and started to collect the recently procured booze. He looked around for Aura hoping she had acquired a cart to carry all this and the group. There was also the matter of grabbing at least one tent for himself. His earlier statement of getting caught sleeping in poor weather was true. Rain was one thing to travel in some, waking up in the pre-dawn hours already soaked from a sudden downpour was another. There were a few times he would have rather it had been snow as he could at least been somewhat sheltered from the wind.
"Well I suppose we wait here for Aura to return so we can get these barrels loaded up on the cart. After that I think we should be good, aside from finding a tent." Jørmund says passively to Rala and Flicker.