Is it just me or has the number of ads increased rather dramatically? I'm seeing them in the middle of people's posts now.
2 yrs ago
Did not expect to see a new mobile layout today. Definitely different and it'll probably take some getting used to.
3 yrs ago
Hello vampiretwilight.
3 yrs ago
They don't dark. That dignity left awhile ago with the earlier secret lairs. Though I do still enjoy MtG and D&D personally.
3 yrs ago
I don't think I'd be able to drink only one cup of coffee in the morning or a day. Then again I've started measuring my consumption in ounces most recently.
Wanted to put this up incase anyone is interested. I'm good for either DMing or being the player. If I DM might be running Rime of the Frostmadien for the game or whatever I may come up with as we go.
I also want to put out the expectation that this will likely be a slow progress game as I tend to post rather slowly.
I will say it is a recklessness of the players to that. I know Rime of the Frostmadien pits the players against some tougher things than they should be going against at level 1 for starter quests.