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~Gay, polyamorous, I have a partner, and been playing games since I was 2 years old!~

"Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead." -Oscar Wilde

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@pugbutter I didn't even think of it, but I'm totally up for switching roles if you want~ What about that prompt interests you?
Hello, hello, hello!

I have updated my interested check and I'd encourage anyone to try and read through everything! Don't worry if it's not your cup of tea, of course, but go ahead and post (or DM if you're more comfortable doing that) if anything strikes you or you get a great idea!~

Ciao travelers!
@AtomicEmperor Assuming it's okay to post discord handles... mine is neonrose - but I'm fine either discord or here to discuss OOC!
PMs are totally acceptable, and if you (or anyone reading this) would be more comfortable either direcrly messaging me, or would be interested in a solo experience to avoid any sort of social anxieties, please feel free to approach at your leisure.
I don't bite, I'm herbivorous.

I'm trying my best to reach out to people... ^^ Even if it's online. (I don't really go outside, lol) But um... as long as it's okay with @Double (I want to be polite), I'd like my character's mech to be like a sentient version of Excalibur? Assuming that's okay. Hoping it's not stepping too out of bounds for her "demon"/Mech to be a blade wielded by a human. She'll definitely be 100% human herself.

Edit: I am super familiar with the Persona games though, if that's what you are referring to!
Um, hello.. ^^ Don't mind me and my social anxiety ... while I'd normally PM the host, I wanted to make sure my interest was well known! Especially after...

One thing that's been appealing to me lately is classical chivalry. So in the context of this setting I find myself imagining a mashup of sorts between Arthurian Legend and the Knights of the Inner Sphere from Battletech. Sort of a Space-Paladin, I guess?

I won't lie and say I've seen any of the animes listed, but I'm a HUGE Arthurian fan and ADORE Excalibur as a weapon (or in some cases, named Caliburn). I also happen to love mechs from the first time playing Armored Core 1 way back in the day. =3

So, hoping there is enough room for me? ^^ Thank you~
I am officially bumping this topic with hopes of finding some new friends and roleplay partners! If anyone has questions, please feel free to post here or send me a PM! There are some old posts here and if anything them spark your curiosity, don't be afraid to ask!
I'm going to go ahead and give this a bump, just on the off chance anyone at all is interested. ^^
The idea...

Erathis is a large island more akin to the size of a continent - to the south is the snow fields, to the north the desert, the east the plains, and the west the forests. Besides the unusual layout of clear biomes on the island, the one thing that makes Erathis unique is her 'heart' - a strange and ancient dungeon that seems to produce monsters (people who have either been possessed or willingly given into other-worldly demons are called monsters). The most dangerous of them all however are the seven dragons that seem to rule from up high in the fortress-like dungeon.

Most of the time, people do all they can to hold off the monsters as a wall was built around the 'Heart of Erathis' and it's common for adventurer guilds of all types to try and make their name in glory, mark strange artifacts for riches, or test their strength in the name of honor. A legend does exist though, that there was once a 'war' between these dragons and twelve 'braves' ... to most this is a myth, but such a story lays claim to why the dragons cannot leave the 'heart'.

However, that is about to change.

Our Characters...
I had thought of a general story that our characters (up to twelve players, but we can start with less of course) is that we're all orphans in the same orphanage and at least know of each other. Some could be bullies, or the bullied, or ones standing up for others, shy children, etc. I have a plan for an intro to everything, but without spoilers, just know that after the prologue - we'll jump in time to when they are teenagers / young adults where their fate will await.

The main theme will be that each character is infused with a spirit of a 'brave' - a mythological hero/heroine with unique abilities and powers not seen anywhere else on the entire island. The setting comes with what you might expect, different races (humans, elves, animalkin, dwarves, lizardfolk if we want, etc) and there are mages who study elemental power, but even if your 'brave' used the elements, it'll be more natural and intuitive than the scholarly spells mages have to learn.
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