Sevine didn't remember much after being attacked by the wolves in the ashen clearing, except for the excruciating fire that emanated from her right arm, and left leg. However, when her eyes flickered open, she took note of the familiar Argonian sitting just a few feet away from her. Gold eyes gazed watchfully back at her, at first, she didn't know what to say, then, she didn't have to say anything, as a pounding headache brought her back down into a lying position. When the throbbing in her head had substantially subsided, she sat up, much slower this time, and placed a hand to her brow. There, she noted the torn and twisted leathers of her bracer, and even more importantly, flowing rivulets down the back of her hand. Her eyes shifted to her injured leg, and noted that the ferocity of the wolf had practically destroyed her boot.
"Where are we?" She inquired, glancing at Dax, relieved to see him of all people. The duel between Dax and Farid had left quite an impression on her, one that showed her the Argonian was more than capable of handling himself in combat. As she carefully unlaced her bracer and tugged it free from her arm, it came away with a sickening noise, one that reminded her of walking through wet mud, except, it was her arm. The blood coated on her forearm made it hard for her to discern how badly injured her forearm was. She flexed her hand, and formed a fist, gritting her teeth as pain shot up her arm and to her shoulder. She tossed the bloodied bracer aside, and surveyed the surrounding area. To her, they were in a camp of some sort, and apparently had suffered some fire damage.
Before she had a chance to clean her wounds properly, Keegan and Rothvar broke through the clearing, hurtling towards Dax and her. In hushed whispers, Keegan explained in haste that they had spotted Kamal's. As she panicked silently, Rothvar, the Nord that vaguely reminded her of Jorwen, began digging shallow trenches. He too, explained with great haste, as to what purpose these trenches would serve as hiding spots, clever tricks that the Imperials used to hide from the Stormcloak's. She allowed herself a soft smirk, one that comes with realization, so that's how some of the "abandoned" Imperial camps from the Civil War, appeared deserted within seconds of their arrival. When it came for her, she made no complaint as she hobbled over to the shallow trench into which she lowered herself. Quickly, Rothvar covered her, save for her face, although a thin layer was applied so distort the whiteness of her skin with charcoal grey ash.
A weighted silence fell across the camp, as they lay now all in their graves, and for a few hopeful moments, she prayed to Mara that the Kamal's would bypass the camp altogether. Alas, that was not to be, as the familiar, heavy-booted footfalls of the Snow-Demons were soon heard shuffling through the campsite. Sevine kept her eyes closed, and held her breath, praying earnestly that they couldn't see the shallow rise and fall of her chest.