Avatar of MacabreFox
  • Last Seen: 1 mo ago
  • Old Guild Username: MacabreFox
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
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    1. MacabreFox 11 yrs ago
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With what little time Rhea granted for rest, Brynja settled onto the ground, her sword resting atop her knees. Her joints ached. She felt twice her age, and her towering height didn’t help. A sip of ale would taste great now. Gods be damned. She had crushed the last bit of her alcohol during the fall. At least her pants were dry.

Her gaze swept over the front of her armor, flecks of blood adorned her armor like tiny rubies. The nauseating smell of death did not affect her as much as it once did. That didn’t mean that the stench in the air wasn’t foul. She could hear someone emptying their stomach not too far away.
It wasn’t before long when Rhea gave the command to get on their feet and keep moving. Now that Vasora and Latro were back, Rhea put them at the front. Turned out, Khajiit’s could see better in the dark. Brynja fell into the rear of the group, she didn’t want any of those who were injured to be afflicted with a surprise attack.

It appeared, that the direction they were being led, was the area that Vasora and Latro had encountered during their separation from the group. For Brynja, the crumbling structures scattered in the darkness, were foreign silhouettes of a society unknown to those who cohabited on the earth above. A shiver crept up her spine. What a miserable way to die. Even if the Falmer were now the scum of the underworld, at one point they were sentient beings just like those in her company. And they were forced below the surface of the world, forced away from the light of day, forced away from the sweet scent of fresh air, forced away from everything they knew.

“Everyone, quiet!” Daro’Vasora’s voice cut through the air, a sharp hiss that caught her attention.

Thump. Thump. THUMP.

‘What in the-’ A deep, reverberating groan echoed throughout the cavern. She could feel the vibrations rattling her armor. Her eyes widened as she gazed on at Daro’Vasora, then it came. At first, it sounded like a baby crying, except there was more than one baby. And it wasn’t a baby. The cries belonged to Falmer. And while her ears might not be as sharp as the Khajiit before her, she could hear the approaching set of footfalls. Wet leather slapping against cold stone. She reached for her longsword, drawing it out from her back.

Again, the cries of the Falmer were heard, were they headed their direction? The group wasn’t in the position to take on so many Falmer. She swore. A brilliant flash of light lit up the entire cavern, and for a few seconds, Brynja was left in a dazed state, trying to blink away the white dots filling her vision.

“Everyone listen.”, Vasora said, where she proceeded to relay grave information on the source behind the light, and vibrations. Some type of Dwemer mechanism that was capable of impaling anyone caught in its light. For fucks sake.

Again. Thump. Thump. THUMP. Brynja’s heart pounded like a war drum, matching each of the thumps. Her hands felt slick against the leather wrapped pommel. If it weren’t for Vasora’s keen eyes, they would be stuck out in the open. Yet, the entire group took refuge under a large gazebo-like structure. The beam of light flashed again, sweeping across the chamber. It reminded her of a lighthouse. One that impaled beings under its vicious ray of light.

The decision was made, she didn’t care. She wanted to live. And living meant getting the group to wherever this locked door was, without anyone perishing. She decided at once, she would bring up the rear, and fend off any attacks by the Falmer, should the creatures become desperate.

“I’ve got the rear!” She called, the task at hand lent her the strength she needed to override her fear. Gods, a swig of brandy would help steady her nerves. But if fishes were wishes, the sea would be empty. That’s what her father always said.
Alim Rumors

  • He once caught an apple in his mouth while leaping across two buildings in Skaven.
  • Once fought a duel against a prominent son for the hand in marriage to a wealthy merchant's daughter, all so he could rob the merchant blind.
  • Once fought a duel against an elderly Orc at his request so he could go to the afterlife.
  • Once played his flute so well he found himself in bed with the Inn keepers wife.
  • Once stood on a horse as the horse galloped and grabbed a branch to avoid being caught by bandits.

1. False
2. Bad
3. Bad
4. Good
5. Good
@DearTrickster B) that’s what I’m here for Tricksy lol

Drunken Patron: *whispers to barmaid* ey lass... is that Jude Banging-Rocks?

Barmaid: Who?

Drunken Patron: That lizard over there. Haven’t you heard of the Forget-Me-Nots?

Barmaid; Doesn’t sounds familiar.

Drunken Patron: Gods be damned. What’s wrong with the youth today! The Forget-Me-Nots are the most popular traveling band of troubadours across Skyrim! They say that once the music starts, everyone starts dancing and they don’t stop until the break of dawn. Jude Banging-Rocks is the mastermind behind the group, she makes a lot of ruckus banging rocks, but boy, does she get you groovin’!
<Snipped quote by MacabreFox>

1. Bad
2. Bad
3. Good
4. Good

Lmao~ Now hearing a character's reaction to their rumours would be gr8

Lol you’re telling me! I can’t wait to see what you come up with for Judena! Maybe low key a master thief? Used to be in a traveling band called the Forget-Me-Nots?
Daro'Vasora Rumours

1. She's been known to take junk and give it false credentials to make it seem like it's much more rare and valuable than it actually is to secure a profit from the gullible.

2. She torched her apartment in Imperial City to destroy incriminating evidence and to throw off her trail due to death threats

3. Her uncle is a Thalmor agent

4. She's slept with affluent people that she knows possess much desired artifacts or information to steal and pawn off in high-demand regions/ beat them to the find.

5. Her skills with a lockpick and stealth are such that she's broken into the White-Gold Tower on one or more occasions, and may have even pried the massive ruby off of the Ruby Throne.

Have fun with that, bois and gurls.

EDIT: Just want to point out that even the ones that are true or good/ bad may be very embellished. That's the fun part about rumours. ;D

1. Bad
2. Bad
3. False
4. Good
5. Good

Uncle One-Who-Thinks-He-Is-An-Elf needs to get his priorities straight.

Sounds like this kitty needs to have her nose flicked for being so BAD. But, stealing the ruby from the throne? Yo, talk about sum serious skillz.

@James Good to hear! Thanks for the update. I’m curious to see what you, and everyone else comes up with for rumors ;D
<Snipped quote by MacabreFox>

Imma say good, bad, bad, good, false

Skyrim ain't no frilly milk drinking gameshow land, damn it.

Dood, it’s a new thing in Solitude. Get with the new trendz mang
Brynja Rumors

1. Killed a man during a drinking game, where he overdrank and died at the table.

2. Fornicated with a bear as no one else would sleep with her, it’s a lonely life on the road.

3. Her great-great-great-great-great grandparents were giants.

4. Once wrangled a man in a brawl, and proceeded to remove every tooth in his mouth to “teach him a lesson”.

5. Was runner-up in Skyrim’s beauty contest, How Nord Are You?
I definitely think that Brynja would work in a hospital, I could see her being a nurse that hates her job but sticks around because the pay and benefits are too good to pass up.
Just to keep this OOC somewhat active and amusing, what plot predictions do you all have for the game? Bonus round; what pop culture references do you think we're going to shoehorn in here?

Well, Monty Python and GoT has made it in so far! Brynja made a remark towards Mortalmo, “You’re a talker” which I took from the Hound off GoT before he eats all those chickens
And her line in the collab between Dervs and I, “‘Tis Hut a scratch.” xD

I definitely see some LotR making its way in here too! ;)

And while Brynja might not like Sora, best believe I want her around for the convenience of sass talk.

PLOT TWIST: Mortalmo is actually an ancient Dwemer who suffers from amnesia and doesn’t remember being an even bigger d-bag

PLOT TWIST WITHIN A PLOT TWIST: Mortalmo is the first automaton built by the Dwemers and he hasn’t unleashed his true power.
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