Avatar of Mad Scarlet
  • Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
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    1. Mad Scarlet 10 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current I'll change you like a remix and I'll raise you like a phoenix~!
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9 yrs ago
The desire to write is strong in this one.


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@knighthawk It appears that your profile seems to be on the verge of readiness. If you would like, may I put your character name up on the list?

Other than what we talked about in the PM's, I shall accept the character. ALAS---I have made one of my friends IRL the Vice-President as well as the co-moderator (jus tso she can keep an eye on things while I'm out and about).

I would like to offer her the position of Treasurer or possibly another Club Rep?

Thank you for creating one of the NPC's, deary! If you wanna make your vampire character, you can go right on ahead~!
1) what state/area does this take place in?
2) is there an athletic department on this art&science school?

1. I'm thinking New York.
2. Yes, the arts and sciences is just to make it seem fancier. XD Not really, but oh well. There is every other athletic team that one could imagine.

Characters have been added and accepted.
Count me in!
@ravenDivinity Newbies are those that are within their first 18 years or so. They'll specialize in one type of magic. Also, I think having some form of monstrous trait to them may not be a bad idea; like as they grow older, perhaps they grow horns or talons of sorts--something that they have to keep concealed with either magic or underneath their clothes.

@Diggerton I believe that a human would make a wonderful rep. Trying to get people to join the club and having people give 'em weird looks. xD
Full Name:
Afina Ryse Talon

Appears to be around 21; Actual age forgotten (hundreds of centuries old)

Female; in this lifetime


English for New Media; minoring in Digital Arts and Design.


Afina is a very kind and knowledgeable soul, but seemingly lacks a humor due to her ever-decreasing interest in "jokes" and "pranks". She is very passionate about those she feels she can trust as well as the things that can manage to keep her interest for longer than a brief moment. Despite her normally straight-to-the-point behavior, she is willing to go out of her way to help someone laugh or smile if they are lacking one. If one manages to break her trust or does not return the loyalty that she has shown them, her temperament is one that is rarely seen nor would anyone wish to see it. When she is aggravated or distressed, she will be the last person one would want to be around.

A Bit About Yourself:
Afina has been around since the dawn of time and has even been offered to join the Ministry on multiple occasions--though she immediately declines. She has lived millions of lifetimes, but because of her heritage, she cannot truly die; but simply take on a new form. Due to her affiliation with human students, she is under strict regulations that even she dares not challenge. As of late, she has been dealing a lot with the Ministry, as they are asking for her to join them once more. She refuses to give them a straight answer, especially with the new changes that the club must seek in order to prevent he club from being removed from campus.

Some say that she has multiple ties to many of the Ministry Council members and that she is to be both feared and loved for her dedication to them.

Afina is a co-owner of a small bookstore in the downtown area of Hallesdale called "Quills and Quivers", which mainly sells fantasy novels and helps to inspire love and fascination in humans about the "unknown". Whenever she is not on campus, she is either in the small studio apartment above it or running the shop itself.

The store's backroom also sells magical equipment for those that request the backroom by giving the proper password. If they fail to give it or sneak into the back... they are never seen again.

Magic is completely based on the person and their age; those who are older will have more control as well as more power than say a newbie.

Witches and their kin are considered "monsters" in a sense, but after all of the witch burnings, they went under the protection of the Ministry. ^_^

Character tab, please! ^_^
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