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#DwarfSupremacy point me at the dumb elves boss
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When you want to rp everything but time is linear so you cant
3 yrs ago
Bring down the sun! All hail the usurper!
3 yrs ago
I am not convinced I know or understand the English language
4 yrs ago
There are not enough buddy-cop type comedys in 1x1 for my liking :c

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@Lugia A written description is fine by me too! It can be hard for D&D characters, I find, particularly monster type races.

@Necroes Looks awesome! This had made me realise I need to add a Race section to the sheet, lol. Happy with the inventory and everything, accepted!

Just to confirm, does he currently sell Moonshine?

If you could edit this in, just added a race section properly and changed some code slightly:

@Lusus Naturae If in your feature section you can add a note to each thing (e.g. darkvision 60ft, fey ancestry - adv vs charm, immunity to sleep)

I really like that he inherited the family bookstore. Can you describe it a little for me and either add that to the sheet or a hider on your CS post? It's general location, size, what kind of books they sell.

Either on your CS post or on the sheet, can you describe his appearance a little bit if you don't have a picture in mind?

Once those changes are made, accepted! You can add him to the CS tab.

@Cao the Exiled Hi Cao! Interested in getting in on this crazy train?
@Typical no worries, thanks for the heads up!
@Lugia Sweet, looking forward to it!


A messy OOC appears! It's like the interest check but it has three tabs instead of one.
Known NPCs

Theldrik Bronzebones

Involved in the Mage's Guild. Currently in Swampmuck.
Player / Character List

Einkil Torunn, a friendly hill dwarf who makes ~moonshine~ from local wild swamp produce @Necroes
Karlin Vicorin, half-elf inheritor of Ye Olde 'Magic' Bookstore and owner of the cat Yardstick @Lusus Naturae
Jhank, the sincerest lizard folk you ever did meet, who also runs Swampmuck's only forge @Lugia
Bartholomew Strongheart, the most darn tootinest friendliest human bartender, who knows everyone who's everyone @rush99999
Dreeda Brom, the aspiring Verdan tinkerer with an ambitious and adventurous spirit @Cao the Exiled
~, A half-orc cattle breeder who aspires to make the best cheese ever.@Lucius Cypher

Homes & Buisnesses

@Necroes Einkil's burrow is a abysmal mudfloor hut outside of town near the swamp. It has nothing of interest to it. There is no brewing stand or secret tunnel to a willow glade here.
@Lusus Naturae Ye Olde 'Magic' Bookstore is around the size of a small one storey house and has been in the family for a few generations. It can be found on the outskirts of Swampmuck's village square, and has a plethora of reading material that will leave you ~enchanted~.
@Lugia The forge, found on the village square. The actual forge itself can be found outside the door, while the stone building has a few low quality items for sale inside. Jhank's living quarters are pushed up behind the counter.
@rush99999The Adamant Tankard has been owned by the family for generations since the founding of Swampmuck and owes it's name to a precious family heirloom. It can be found off the Town Square. The Tavern is a bigger then average in Swampmuck, standing at 3 storeys, with a large firepit, regular hogroasts, wood floor beer garden, kitchen, pantry, cellar and several bedrooms for paying guests. It has a selection of meals, Home Brew drinks and Local Brew drinks, most of the latter provided by Einkil.
@Cao the ExiledDreeda's hut can be found on the outskirts of Swampmuck to the south, near the swamp. It is crude in nature, comprised of one big room. The most interesting item is a good quality shelf, on which a small doll sized tinker goblin sits with a letter. Dreeda lives and works on their projects here.

We're open for business!

Interest Check for posterity.
Aurix manages to avoid a small catastrophe by stepping in front of the horse and calming him down. Vodalus majestically falls on his ass.

A selection of Architend's pack lies scattered in the sand, but it should only take a few moments to get it all back together. It would of been a lot worse if Architend had spooked deeper into the dungeon. On closer inspection, it looks like Architend's sporting some bad bruises from blunting the weight of the Cleric's fall.

Vodalus' backpack is mostly unscathed, apart from one broken candle, snapped in half.

EDIT: Assumed Aurix would act first as she was origionally closest.

and a welcome to @POOHEAD189's character Markus joining the fray :D

EDIT: Should have maps for everyone tommorrow~!

@kingeditor You land - surprisingly gracefully considering your midair fumble - on top of Architend, taking 15 damage from the fall. The force of the landing dislodges one of Architend's packs as the draft horse rears in surprise, spilling the contents of his packs everywhere. Next thing you know, Architend is screeching towards the southern wall, making a sharp turn towards Ardour and charging at fall speed, eyes wild.

I'd like Vodalus to make a Riding check at disadvantage or be knocked prone onto the floor as Architend starts gunning for an escape.

What do y'all do?

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