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@Cao the Exiled I used Wonderdraft, which I find a little easier to use then Inkarnate.

Wellp folks, we have our first iteration of the map. I'm still prettying things up, adding labels and adjusting scale ect. but this should be a good reference for the area we'll be playing in:

Please note the map is indicative. I'll be updating it for you as you discover various locations, although my expectation is things going off the rails pretty quickly.
@Necroes So, you get 300 wands of magic missile you need to test. Each wand has a unique quirk. Kind of like wild magic. There's not much I want to say on it just yet, but suffice to say it's pretty random what can happen.

EDIT: removed things I want to see how you work out IC ;P
@rush99999 Ah cool! I was pretty sleepy last night and didn't connect the dots on the skill choice.

I'd like to know:
-How many rooms and floors the tavern has, and it's rough layout (e.g, kitchen behind the bar, pantry or cellar, stairs up to rooms, swampy beergarden, ect)
- A couple of things you sell, doesn't have to be a full list
- Anything unusual you might find inside, e.g. a deer head on the wall or a cozy fireplace, or maybe a collection of fancy tankards ect.
- Whether you pass the inn off to someone when you potentially go adventuring (e.g. a barmaid you trust with the keys)

should of asked @Lugia the same question actually - do you close up the forge when you head out or do you have an NPC take care of it for you?

Trying to get a working map together today, folks. Let's see if I get distracted ;p
@Necroes Good shout, nice catch!

@rush99999 still accepted, add em up to the CS tab, I'll look over it again in the morning when I'm hopefully a bit more cognisant. As Necroes says, can you point out where the initiative modifier comes from? My assumption would be you origionally buffed Dex and changed your mind but let me know if you have a feature

Also have a think about how the Adamant Tankard is laid out and what's inside, like @Lugia did, since I was imagining his forge alot bigger for example (and couldn't have predicted the copious amount of ball bearings and nails, it's a snazzy touch) just makes it all the more real and interesting.

Just saw what Necroes said about stats, he's got a point. Might just be too tired tonight:

Stats at
10 10 10 10 10 10
Commoner stats get applied first
12 10 10 8 10 10
then racials
13 10 11 8 10 10
then your bonus from feat
13 10 12 8 10 10

and now I've managed to confuse myself. So, I think it's fine, actually? Need a second pair of eyes on this
Yea. I imagine he's probably fairly well liked around the town. Spending his free time roaming the town with a big ceramic jar with four X's on the side. Taking long pulls (I made int. his low stat because I figure he's at least a little drunk 24/7 XD), offering it to others. Passing out samples of his newest concoctions to see how people like it, then goes home and plans a full shipment of whatever's most popular to sell through the taverns. Probably keeps a few barrels hidden in his secret tunnel where he lets the good stuff age. Slip a few bottles of that stuff to whatever passes for law enforcement in Swampmuck and that probably keeps him in the clear legally.

As for his adventures; Well, I'm looking forward to having a drunk dwarf wander into town to pawn off his latest 'paint thinner' batch-an extra sheet or two to the wind from 'sampling' it-and going all in on the guy offering coin to wave some stick around!

that's hilarious xD Didn't even make the connection about the int stat thing and being drunk... lol

Slip a few bottles of that stuff to whatever passes for law enforcement in Swampmuck and that probably keeps him in the clear legally.

That's a good point. Probably veteran One Eyed Billy and his brother One Legged Joe and their two sons. I imagine that's all Swampmuck got going for them. I bet the only reason that Swampmuck hasn't been totally overrun by lizardfolk is that maybe Einkil sometimes leaves a little booze out in the swamp as offering. Or maybe they're just really glad to be free of poor Jhank and don't want to be anywhere near him. He's the fleshies problem now.

@Cao the Exiled Looking forward to it!

@rush99999 Accepted, looks good to me. Add 'em up! Variant human is probably my most played race, I love it so much. Thinking about it I think last time I ran 300 wands I let everyone take a feat. Maybe I'll let people take one at Commoner lvl. 3 for funsies.

Also I really love the picture you found for him xD His head just makes it...

I'm really liking this cast of characters so far. I' almost feel bad that it's all going to descend into chaos for them. almost.
In [ADVENTURER] 5 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum

The groups approach each other until you are within ten foot or so. In the distance, the North Forest looms on the road to Port Town.

Irene waves enthusiastically at Gregor, who cringes slightly before returning the gesture with his own more subdued one. The villagefolk look to the adventurers leading them.

<Snipped quote by Mae>

Given what I now know of the map; Chances are his house would be a hut built into the side of a hill, located deep in the southern swamp/marsh. If you go into his hut, and go all the way through a very long tunnel-the entrance is hidden behind a liquor cabinet-you'll be lead to where the river opens up into the marsh.

Clean, fresh, running water is essential for making good grain alcohol. His rig is hidden there, in a shady grove hidden under a big willow tree. I imagine the river running into one side of the tree, and out through and between its roots flows the water that enters the marsh and makes it wet.

He probably gets most of his supplies for making the brew from around the marsh. You can find all kinds of wild grains in a marsh! Mix in the right herbs for aromatics and flavor, and you've got everything you need for some high-ABV moonshine liquor! Just don't ask where anyone in a shit-hole town like Swampmuck got ten year aged whiskey. They can probably guess where the everclear is coming from.

It's like you've seen the first draft of the map. There IS a big ol' willow tree in a grove near the village already o_o *plops a hill down in between*

I think marsh grains and berries and herbs into alchohol probably means Swampmuck drinks better then most small middle-of-nowhere type villages actually. I imagine the local tavern/drinking spot really apprecitiates Einkil's contributions
@Lugia Accepted! Add 'em up to the CS page. Also change "Humanoid" to "Natural Armour" next to AC, I'll make that clearer on the sheet.

Also can you describe the forge a little for me? Is it one floor or 2? What sort of things do you find inside the building (e.g. anvil, forge, work tools, ect)? What typically do you make/sell?

@Mae Probably not moonshine specifically, because that requires corn. Instead, he brews up various alcoholic beverages from wild grains and berries. Technically, the book says a brewer's kit is portable, but I imagine he'd have a fairly complicated rig outside of his hut where he brews up large batches to sell to people who live in the town. Most likely the tavern, and the wealthier residents.

This is awesome, I imagine the rig is either on the side of his house or perhaps around back where no one can see it easily?

Also folks, here's a bit about the locale of Swampmuck, since alot of homes/buisnesses are on the edge of town, this might give you some ideas on where to place your places. Here's some more information about the surrounding area. I hoped to get the map finished within a couple days of the interest check, but naturally my second monitor went kaput while I was working on it so I've been playing WoW instead *ahem*

The main road runs along the northside of Swampmuck. There are plains to the North followed by a large, lush forest filled with wildlife, bandits, and dotted with ruins.

The majority of the southside of Swampmuck is covered in - you guessed it - a really big swamp. Well, after reading a bit more about swamps and marshes, it's probably more of a marsh, but it tickles my funnybone that Swampmuck is called Swampmuck while being near marshland, so we'll leave it at that.

On the westward side of Swampmuck is some open land that's a bit too boggy/muddy to safely farm, which again merges into the swamp, though there's alot less swamp on the western side. Beyond that, a large river feeds down from the north. In a southerly direction beyond the swamp and river, there's a big ol' rainforest. That's right folks, Swampmuck has a really hot and wet climate.

Finally on the Eastern side of Swampmuck is a really spooky forest. You know the type. Creepy trees and all that, kind of like the Swamp of Sorrows from Princess Bride but it's a spooky forest more then a spooky swamp. So I guess like the spooky forest in Snow-White? Except the trees aren't alive. Probably.

So there you go, Swampmuck is a real weird little place to live. Einkil's mudhut-brewer's place might be vastly different if it's placed on the edge of the swamp compared to the edge of the spooky forest, for example.

All that being said, if you have a specific idea for your house - for example, maybe @Necroes wants his house to back out on a small hill - just let me know and I'll whack it on the map.

A quick note - so, the game is a sandbox, and any of these locations you can adventure in - you'll have a bunch of quest hooks for stuff when we get going. If there is a specific locale you already like the sound of, let me know and discuss it with everyone, because I can flesh that area out and direct more quest hooks there while we wait for the last few CS's to trickle in before the IC even kicks off. Usually I just wait to see what a party does and then dedicate extra time between sessions to shine it up, but through the magic of the internet we don't have to do that!

Finally this is just a quick overview of the local area. You can just ride off into the sunset towards other areas if you wish. For example, the Northeast road connects to Temple Town, Mont Dorf and other such areas where more civilised people live unlike you unwashed Swampmuck cretins. There's a couple of Port towns and islands as well if you prefer a more nautical themed adventure.

The only thing I ask is we don't have an entire campaign urban-crawl/city adventure type thing because I haven't planned for that at all ;p

EDIT: Also, I do have a first draft map if you want to see it. I just worry if I give you the incomplete map before I shine it up I'll lose all momentum to get you the proper finished version ;p
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