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#DwarfSupremacy point me at the dumb elves boss
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When you want to rp everything but time is linear so you cant
3 yrs ago
Bring down the sun! All hail the usurper!
3 yrs ago
I am not convinced I know or understand the English language
4 yrs ago
There are not enough buddy-cop type comedys in 1x1 for my liking :c

Most Recent Posts

@Dark Cloud ahh I'm with you now my apologies!

This isn't a Dungeon (until you guys get a hold of it) you can hear Light aligned people making merry nearby. So far this is just a location that some Light people be hanging at.

@VeyrinDay yes there is monster diplomacy and you can take the conniver ability when you level up if you wish, I imagine Phardax might do the same thing later - @Poohead189?

ok -
1 vote assault
1 vote strike
1 vote ambush
1 vote trickery
@Dark Cloud to vote unless people want to start merging a bit more, I know people are still throwing around ideas.

1 vote assault
1 vote strike
2 vote ambush // POOEAD189 willing to switch strike to ambush if there is a consensus
1 vote trickery
@Dark Cloud woops posted at the same time. There are no minions in the game just yet, gotta form a dungeon first. By Giants do you mean the Light aligned people?
@Kenshi good idea, though don't worry about scouting yet. I would ideally like us to get into the action as soon as a plan is formed so you guys can have your very only Dungeon sooner rather then later.

it's my job as GM to push y'all forward when being overly cautious is a risk
Can you fling yourself into a large mass and just dissolve them?

maybe after levelling up a few times and becoming a big boi slime.

@Kenshi I can link you the relevant stuff over PM if you want?
@Kenshi Are you wanting to change your class from Brute to something else? It will replace your Rage ability and you can choose to replace your fury ability as well. I would prefer you do it sooner rather then later though if you've decide Brute is not for you.

If you're just asking about whether your Brute can do magic, he can do Tier 1 INVOKE.

Current Raid Plans ideas being spitballed:
@Lucius Cypher Warlock and Zealot can use tier 2 and tier 3 magic with INVOKE. Tier 2 spells take -1d on the roll and Tier 3 spells -2d, as well as costing stress to cast.
Everyone else can attempt to INVOKE at tier 1. Spell lists are examples too, so you can make up your own if nothing quite suits perfectly.
If people get too stuck with a way to go and are set on a Trickery Raid Plan I'll be happy to provide magic suggestions to navigate this problem but I don't want to influence your decision making too much if it can be helped

@POOHEAD189 That would fall under your speciality, yep ;)

hold up, I've just realised no-one here has the Conniver Tongues ability so talking with words is not going to be possible, you'll have to come up with a solution for that problem. You do have various magics that could help you if you go that route ;)

@Kuro You bring home some edible barks.
@Duthguy You stack the mud bricks on top of each other and use a mud mortar to keep them steady. After a couple of hours you have a sturdy hut. It's humble but after smoothing out the walls it looks quite cozy. It's not long before a Gnome Worker arrives and moves in. You decide to put him to work.
@DraconiWarlord You are very satisfied by the Mud Brick you have created.

7 / 25 Food
0 / 15 Mud
1 / 15 Mud Brick

1 / 3 Workers
1x Laborer
0x Gatherer
0x Forager
0x Crafter

1x Mud Hut

Do one thing:
>[] Forage for Food
>[] Gather Mud

>[] Craft: Mud Brick (requires:1 Mud)

>[] Build Hut (requires: 5 Mud Bricks)
>[] Build Gatherer's Hut (requires: 5 Mud Bricks)
>[] Build Wise Man's Hut (requires: 10 Mud Bricks)

>[]Assign Worker: Foraging / Gathering Mud / Crafting Brick
2 votes for trickery raid so far, one more vote needed to pass (or if all other players abstain)

I like this plan. Is there any way Darc can skulk so he can be hidden from the dwarves and then scan them for their belongings, numbers, or anything that might be useful? For example if they wear any emblems that signify they’re part of a bigger organization or army. He’ll also be in position in case something goes wrong and he can leap right into action to take out some dwarves by surprises

You can SKULK while Veyrin TRICKs and SCAN while she BANTERs. There's no roll for initiative compared to D&D so we can pace things narratively.
@VeyrinDay@Lucius Cypher To clarify, I counted the votes late last night and wanted it to get the news out before bed, not realising that some votes would of changed with @POOHEAD189's vote. After reading those posts today, I'm allowing a tiebreaker, since 2v2 with a final vote is cleaner then everyone picking one thing with one final vote. Plus, if i'd been more awake a final confirmation post would of been a cleaner way to tie it off.

the votes would then be
Stronghold - Poohead189 and Kenshi
Forge - VeyrinDay and Lucius Cypher

with @Dark Cloud, who origionally voted for Hideout, getting the final say. The Dungeon type is now Forge, unless four or more people suddenly change their minds for a particular dungeon type. As far as I'm concerned, the type becomes 'locked in' once you defeat this raid and claim your home. Once the dungeon building actually begins there is no going back.
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