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#DwarfSupremacy point me at the dumb elves boss
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TIL Texas has used AI to translate thoughts into text.
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Baileys in coffee or hot chocolate is glorious
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When you want to rp everything but time is linear so you cant
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Bring down the sun! All hail the usurper!


Forever towing the line between 'is this better in RP or forum game format'

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@Enkryption I absolutely love this. The urge to play into Nibby's suspicions is overpowering XD
Opening to 2 more players
Yay! It’s @Mae-Mae!

SCREEEE ello!! How have you been??

//Wavewave hello everyone, I have mercilessly infiltrated this awesome roleplay and can't wait to go on this journey with you!

Archie did not like Grant, and he did not like beer, and he did not like the tiny stool he had to teeter on like a hunched Gargoyle. Archie had made the mistake once of saying something Odd in front of Grant, so Grant had naturally adopted him.

SLAP. The feeling of Grant's hand reverberated through Archie's spine in the agreed upon ritual known as 'camaraderie'. Archie was not entirely convinced this was a good thing. He peered down miserably at the Cheshire cat smile that materialised before him. He wasn't going home anytime soon, was he.

"I bet you anything you're a Howl,' said those sparkly teeth. "I bet you this beer you're a Howl! 'ere, I grabbed this flier off the wall wot for you to look see. Make good money as a Howl, if you work for it. They won't push you to do double shifts anymore 'cuz Howls are all the rage with the top brass at the warehouse so they get these accomodations to do the good work, ya see.." Archie was frowning down at the flier. He'd gotten his big, grubby fingerprints all smudged over it, because of course he had. Archie tried to smooth the dogeared corners while Grant spoke in the mystical Grant tongue.

"So here's what we do, yeah? You go to this here gig, and I'll be like your manager yeah? So when you're a big wig Howl it'll all be cuz I scouted you from the stacks of packing boxes. What were you doing in there, anyway? How'd you get right in the corner with all them towers of 'em around you?" Archie got the feeling Grant liked Howls. Archie also got the sinking feeling he couldn't get out of this. He'd never had much practice at saying No, because people didn't talk to him often.

"No." Came the whisper of a murmur of a a soft, hoarse voice. See, if he'd said that sooner, this whole mess could of been avoided. He needed the practice. "No," his tongue clinked unnaturally against the back of his teeth and the syllables sounded alien from him. Further work needed, he decided, peeking his head around the corner of the 'maintenance only' tunnel he'd ducked into.

See, it wasn't so much he was late. It was that he was unsanctimoniously early by a horrifically embarrassing degree. So when he'd heard someone complaining up a storm coming down the stairs, he'd panicked and ducked round the corner. The thing is, he had had plenty of time to rectify the mistake. Little old ladies were not known for their speed. It wouldn't have been a problem if he'd just... Got ahold of himself and said hello. But after a certain point in time, it definitely starts to become a Problem. By the time Sasha and Antonita arrived, it had become a Big Problem. If he popped out now, would they have thought he was leering at them? He couldn't lie about being a maintenance worker, what if a real maintenance worker came by and got upset? Eegads, someone could come at any minute, and that'd be worse. If he was found, there's no way anyone would believe he was here for the job..

He briefly thought about waiting it out and heading home, but Grant had already talked up a storm at work so he could go...

He screwed his eyes shut and licked his dry lips. Plan B: rush onto the train once everyone had arrived. Archie had never been late for anything in his life, but floundering punctuality was less of a mortal sin then being unforgivably out of place, right?

At some point, in the excruciating stretch of time of accidental lurking, Archie heard the screech of the train tremble into the station. Blissfully unaware of any Rue, he let out the breath he'd been holding and swivelled out the archway. Now was his chance!

...Except, it seemed he had mistimed it slightly. The gaggle of Howls hadn't quite got on the train yet. Archie stopped in his tracks like a deer in headlights. His mind blanked, and a very unhelpful thought decided to chip in - Is that was Howls look like? They all seem so... human? Where are the superhero muscles? Eye lasers? Superior cooking abilities?

Well, there was still hope for that last one.

"Hum, oh." His faculties decided to rev into action at that moment. He patted down his pockets as if one of them contained his name. Unfortunately, all he found was a slightly beer stained flier.

"The Job." He stated, shoving his hand out awkwardly only for the ..contraption... To gobble it down.
@Mae I see you lurking at my profile! I shall lurk you back, and yes I will post soon enough. 😂

@Dark Cloud I've gotten into the habit of reading more RPs lately, since I am bound by the earthly laws of not being able to join every cool concept on the forum I want to :(

That being said I saw the WOTC conversation too which is a topic that's been on my mind alot lately. I gave them a tiny benefit of the doubt after the OGL debacle but with the Pinkerton situation I am boycotting them for life now >:(
@Waywardawesome, add 'em up to your character sheet and jump in wherever! Things are still very much just getting started.

If you think of any hobbies you'd like him to have we can add them in as we go.
@Enkryption I've also been at the mercy of the mobile site, which always makes me worry about how the indents ect. look on pc. I've always loved RPGuild though because alot of other RP sites have multiple colour schemes users can pick from, and I think having to work out code and colours on multiple devices/colour schemes would drive me quite mad.

That's so cool. I hope you've managed to rest up a bit since then. It's the kings coronation over here across the pond, but everyone gets a free day off work so that's pretty great.
Please send interest over PMs, not in thread

After characters are decided, the next step is players picking a hex on the map which will be the seat of their Domain. I will then update the public map.

Further: since someone may ask, ranks are an indication of power. They go from SSS, SS, S, to A+, A, B+, B, C+, C ect to the lowest rank of F. It becomes harder to advance to each level the higher you go.

I will aim to start off characters at around C rank minimum as you are faction leaders, but race choice could affect it.
Please send interest over PMs, not in thread

Forum Game Like ◈ Faction Based ◈ Fantasy SandboxSimulationist

Dungeons, ruins and ancient relics litter the wilderness in the realm of Eidolon. Among the verdant growth of young trees, among the desecrated husks of lost eras, new powers are on the rise. You are among them, a fledgling Faction eeking out an existence in a world of magic and danger. Will you find your footing, reach your goals and become known to history? Or will you falter, splutter and fail before you are known to the world?

This is a weird idea I have wanted to attempt for a while. Primarily, you will submit your actions to the GM over PM. The GM will provide you consequences and ask for further decisions. Later, the GM shall create a post in the IC with a summary of rumours, mixed of both NPC factions and Players. At the start of the roleplay, you will not know who other characters are or where, and they will not know you. Only through vigilance and exploration will you become aware of other powers at work in the world.

As you can see, this roleplay is more like a forum game then a full fledged roleplay, designed to allow you to submit actions in between your other writing projects. There are game mechanics - minimum engagement is required and they will be explained as they are used.

PVP is not the aim of the RP, though a cinematic war or two could fit in nicely. Explore, build, recruit and claim territory to expand your Domain as you see fit. Loot dungeons for powerful artefacts to aid you in your goals. Stay out the lime light if you wish to be left alone.

Should two player factions happen to meet at the same location and time, a new PM will be created between multiple parties. The players and GM will create the IC rumour post together, depending on how visible the interaction was to get outside world.

This is primarily a sandbox roleplay, you will make your own goals to pursue. Rumours and quests can help direct your decisions, but at the end of the day you decide what your aims are. In order for the sandbox to function, time and distance are measured. Each hex on the map is equivalent to 12 miles, and crossing terrain takes time. As you explore, you may come across other players, previously unknown dungeons or monsters in the wilderness. While other factions may have heard some of the same rumours, everything you explore will be your own knowledge. No two players will have the same information as you will likely be pursing different goals and uncovering different secrets. Your information is valuable.

Below is a list of potential activities you may undertake:

  • EXPLORE: Scout out the local environment, explore the wilderness or unexplored dungeons. Weigh the risks and rewards of delving into the untamed lands.
  • CLEAR: fight local denizens or build a rapport with them, overcome traps and tribulations. Acquire treasure, gems, magical items and rare tomes. Bring them back to civilisation to upgrade your Rank.
  • BUILD: Build up your Domain by obtaining land, prospect new mines and build fortifications. Construct libraries, dungeons and workshops to create new spells, new creatures, potions and magical items. Hire specialists to produce goods and mercenaries to fight in your military. Attract people who will live in your land and pay you tax.
  • SCHEME: Listen closely to rumours to discover new delving locations and where powerful magical items might be kept, as well as what other players are up to. Pay close attention to trade requirements to complete lucrative mercantile ventures. Create a crime syndicate to spy, assassinate and undermine regimes to take over.
    Tamper With Mortality: should you wish, complete Apotheosis to ascend to Godhood. Do not do this.

Your Character
Your character is the face of your faction. You control your character and your faction at the same time.

You can be any kind of fantasy creature you like. You will be the ruler of your faction and go on excursions. Your faction will be comprised of some NPCs who can perform quests and missions for you, and others who live in your Domain without the ability to fight or explore, but may work the land or grant tax income. You can control your character, or if you prefer to control an NPC, your character can stay in your Domain and you can switch to a different viewpoint of a member of your faction.

I would like the majority of players to play new factions who start from scratch, but if you'd like to play as a human, you will be a vassal under the Kingdom - one growing into their own influence and renown.

Please take time to think about what style of faction you would like to play and what you would find the most fun, and then pick a race accordingly. While efforts are made to balance factions somewhat, your choice of race will inevitably affect the difficulty of the game. A sentient ratfolk will be a weaker fighter then a vampire king, and will need to rely on tackling lower rank dungeons, recruiting or intrigue tactics to progress. That being said, the vampire king is more likely to attract the ire of the local humans. Furthermore, a weakness to sunlight will not suddenly cease because it is an inconvenience to you as a player - more powerful creatures can be equally difficult. The world is a machination that will chug along, find solutions through the tools available IC.

The Map

During character creation, pick a hex on the map that will be the start of your Domain. Your local resources will have an affect on popular trade goods in your civilisation (if you are on the coast for example, you will have an abundance of fish). You are free to name or rename local landmarks as you see fit, such as rivers, mountains, forests, plains, ect.

The map is left deliberately unfinished - once player characters are created the human settlements and roads will be added back in, adjusted for player domains. If you wish to make travel less dangerous, you can clear monster lairs from the associated hexes. If you want travel to be faster, you can build new roads, utilise mounts or boats, or attempt to enslave a dragon.

Roads will not be visible on other player's maps until they have scouted or visited the area.

Finally some notes on the existing topography:
NE - The Blasted Lands: A strangely arid and rocky biome dotted with the occasional plateau.
E - The Dead Lands: A site of many a bloody battle, now a haunted burial ground littered with crypts to the long lost deceased. This place is forsaken by the living, but the undead thrive here.
S - The Thickets - a verdant jungle, some say forgotten beasts roam it's unforgiving depths.
SSW - Tanglewood - A haunted forest, rumoured to be filled with psiders.
SSW Swamp - An overgrown swamp, home of giant toads and supposedly stranger, scalier things.
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