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2 yrs ago
#DwarfSupremacy point me at the dumb elves boss
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3 yrs ago
When you want to rp everything but time is linear so you cant
3 yrs ago
Bring down the sun! All hail the usurper!
3 yrs ago
I am not convinced I know or understand the English language
4 yrs ago
There are not enough buddy-cop type comedys in 1x1 for my liking :c

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In Mahz's Dev Journal 2 yrs ago Forum: News
<Snipped quote by Mahz>

I disagree with this assessment.

There is nothing ugly about taxi cab yellow. Nor is there anything nauseating about gray. Nor is there anything offensive about combining the two. Nor is there anything wrong with things being the same.

I for one deem the color scheme just fine as it is and find its consistency quite comforting.

<Snipped quote by rush99999>

This. Aside from the simplisticity of the guild, the "dark theme" that RPG has is always a draw to the site IMO. Much easier on the eyes than, say, RPN's clashing blue and white.

agreed please god do not change the guild’s color scheme

I would vote to keep the Guild style as it currently is. The reason I'm a barnacle on this site for all these years is knowing that there's a reliable consistent baseline style everyone sees. I've never stuck around on other sites, primarily because it's literally not possible to create a consistent style for a RP if there's multiple themes individuals can pick from. This might sound silly, but if a player is put off my RP recruitment thread because it looks eyebleedingly bad on their theme, there's no way to correct that without it being potentially eyebleedingly bad for someone else. Thus lowering the amount of compatible players who might be interested, for artificial reasons. It's more customisable for individuals with the downside of potentially decreasing players connecting to RPs.

I can understand a light theme for those who need it though.

Anyway other then that my outlandish wishlist for Santa Claus is fill colours for tables or the ability to change the line colours in tables. It may be unnecessarily difficult or impossible to implement though
Sims 3 is hands down the best Sims game despite being a buggy mess sometimes
I swear I will fight heaven and earth and die on this hill
Hundreds of hours of gameplay and I'm still finding new things
Although I love running it with the mods that improve automation for non active Sims

Also welcome!
Nested Tables Breaking:
Wormwood is my spirit animal person
@Crimson Flame no worries, always a place for Mary if you change your mind.

@Wayward that's okay! It's just open posting at the moment. People chatting and starting to interact with each other. I know work's been crazy on your end, IRL always comes first.

If you need help getting started I can do an NPC post? Otherwise happy to give a cliff notes edition of who's where doing what if anything strikes your interest to jump into. I'm starting to think about doing the next event post (kinda enjoying everyone getting to meet each other so I've been a bit hands off) if you'd rather have a clean jumping off point, but it might be a little longer.
Wish I kept whatever experiment I recently rage quit on but I can't find it :(

Edit: today I put the [table][/table] tag in the wrong place and it did something weird. Looks to me it still made the cell/row without it nested in a table.

Here's the wee bab having a meltdown over it. Bless:

If you're looking for more rapid fire posting you should look around the forum and find people who have similar expectations. Most people tend to fall into the few days/once a week mark, but there are people around who can match shorter or longer speeds. Discord RPs are also a good bet for that, you might find more luck in that kind of medium.
My goodness I just started Ranking of Kings with its cute little art style and it is bruuutal
@Enkryption I absolutely love this. The urge to play into Nibby's suspicions is overpowering XD
Opening to 2 more players
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