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#DwarfSupremacy point me at the dumb elves boss
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When you want to rp everything but time is linear so you cant
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Bring down the sun! All hail the usurper!
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I am not convinced I know or understand the English language
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There are not enough buddy-cop type comedys in 1x1 for my liking :c

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Here you go. This shows the movement speed for each slot. I'm going to be mean and say Plate takes up 2 slots, but at least your holy symbol doesn't encumber you. You get a few extra slots for your Packed Items due to your STR score.

Feel free to add Cleric the Cleric up to the CS tab!
@rush99999 xD

Tables are so easy to read for equipment and so horrible to write. Thanks for the catch, I'll give it a once over with fresh eyes tomorrow, but I might have fixed it.

I hope that means I haven't accidentally deleted some rows of precious adventuring goodies.

Also, surprising absolutely no-one: If you have any mundane equipment you're used to in adventuring games like dnd, and it's not on the list, let me know and I will see if I can find an equivalent. I haven't added stuff like wagons and horses and mules up yet cuz y'all poor, but yaknow.
I walked right into that one xD
no worries, no rush :D Get settled, the thread will be here when you get back.
oooh, some 16s and 17s.

I'll give you both the option to do the 'swap 2 from 1 stat for 1 in another stat' if that helps.

I made a Character Sheet. I think we'll have inventories in a separate post. So Character 1 Followed by Character 1 Inventory. Makes it easier to edit. Though you can keep track of your inventories at the bottom of IC if you prefer. Basically however you guys chose to format things that makes sense for you is a-ok with me :p

Inventory slots / Equipment:
You have Equipment Slots (what you character is wearing) and Packed Items (your character must reach into their backpack to pull the item out, which takes time.) The sheet usually looks like this. Packed items is also where your treasure goes, unless you've brought extra sacks/chests/wagons.

One-handed items take up one slot and two-handed items take up two slots. 100 coins of treasure takes up 1 Slot. You start with 13 Packed Slots, with higher strength scores unlocking more without reducing your speed.

Anyway, here's a sheet. But if you prefer to do your sheet a different way thats easier for you to edit later, feel free.

EDIT: Item list available in the CS tab


'scuse the moving in boxes.

So if you both want to generate some stats. 4d6 drop lowest. STR / DEX / INT / WIS / CON / CHA you know the drill :D
We'll be starting our characters at level 1. I think we'll take max HP at first level, at least for your first characters :3

You start with 3d6x10 GP to spend on items, I'll be adding a table shortly. Alternatively, I have a Quick Start Equipment table and you can roll for it.

I would recommend at least one cleric/paladin but I'm not the boss of you :\/ Plus I've always adhered to the notion unusual party compositions are more fun.

Speaking of.

The Classic Classes are as follows:

We'll be keeping Race as Class, but I'm throwing in some additional classes if you want them:
Necromancer (Magic-User's goth cousin, I think this is pretty self explainatory)
Mage (think Gandalf. you get access to detect magic, open/close, rally/fear, read magic and suggestion at level 1, with a percentage system to determine if you succeed. The Gambler's Magic-User)
Paladin (Cleric Warriors, as seen in popular culture)
Illusionist (A Magic-User but you get all the misdirection/manipulation/illusion spells)
Knight (A fighter but you have a Knight's Code)
Beast Master (Tame one animal per level to be your bosom buddy)
Chaos Knight (A Knight's goth cousin, you get immunity to disease, life drain and some turn undead ability, but you must spend 10% of your earnings on honoring your patron and keep their tenants.)
Acrobat (kinda like if a thief joined a circus. You can walk tightropes, climb sheer surfaces, hide in shadows and move silently)
Druid (Nature Clerics. They get a bonus to saving throws vs electricity/fire based attacks and secret Druid Cant)

Honestly if there's a class you want to play just let me know and it'll probably be fine. I've excluded some classes that do better in a sandbox adventure, but there is a massive forest on the way between the Dungeon and Town so there will be uses for that.

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