Avatar of Majoraa


Recent Statuses

3 mos ago
Keep calm and carry on.
8 mos ago
8 mos ago
I have now been alive for 20 years. How in the fuck.
9 mos ago
would've loved to explore the concept of a Marshmallow Marshlands.
9 mos ago
The only time I've shown interest in a Nation RP was something based off Candyland of all things, but it was dead in the water before all of us were able to submit CSes. A shame too,


Current Haunts:
Symphony on High - Finn/Timekeeper (Co-GM)

...Yes that's it. Literally in nothing else atm, sue me.

Most Recent Posts

Level: 3
Experience: 14/30
Currently In: Frozen Highlands, Back to Camp
Word Count: 828 (+2 Exp)

Sensing that the gloom that clouded her heart hadn't let up yet, Frisk's companions tried to lift her spirits back up. Linkle suggested ressurecting Melony, like she did the unnamed Spheal, but Albedo shot down the idea. She nodded in response to his answer. He had a point, but there was also one other issue that'd prevent the Skullgirl from acting on her idea.

"Besides, I already fused with Melony's spirit. Unless we find a way to undo it, I'm stuck like this for the long run. Sorry." Frisk explained to her. "But I'm alright now. We managed to avenge her, remember?" She managed a smile to her companions. Atleast, the woman hoped they managed to defeat the Fellflower. It was hard to tell, having to escape the caverns so abruptly. That power it had. She could've made use of it, if she had enough time to take it's spirit.

Ah well, there was always the next batch of enemies, right?

When the topic changed to Teba and Joel, Linkle explained to her what happened back at camp, and how they realized the Albedo that left with the others was a fake. The two were still okay, not freed from Galeem's influence, but they were still okay. And at Joel's insistance, they were still waiting back at the campsite.

"Right. It'd be poor timing to attempt to friend heart them. I wouldn't worry about it." Frisk noted. Seeing as Linkle and Albedo were okay with her taking a shortcut, she passed Prisoner's pouch and the Spheal to them and stepped aside to teleport away. If anyone was looking closely, they could see the faint glow of a golden star. One that mirrored the alchemist's "mark of authenticity".

And in a blink, Frisk dissapeared. On her end, her surroundings had changed back to the still creepy forest, where the campfire broke through the drearyness. She followed the fire to find something quite unexpected. Teba was recognizable, but it took her a bit to make out the second silhouette. In fact, the silhouette was Joel, embracing someone unfamiliar.

Wait a minute.

Could it be...?

A gasp escaped Frisk's throat. "Are you-???" She asked him, picking up the pace to stand by the two. Joserf. He was okay! She didn't know if Joel saw her as Melony or recognized her as Frisk, and maybe it was best for her not to know. Either way, she smiled sweetly at the boy. "The others should be heading back as we speak! They gave me the go ahead to use a shortcut back here." She told him. When his father spoke up, her smile turned empathetic. Hopefully he'll recover his memories over time.

When Teba motioned for her to give father and son some space, Frisk quietly stepped aside and over to the archer. He explained that Joserf stumbled onto the camp most recently, recovering from near death after a bit of soup. By either luck or miracle, she didn't have to worry any longer.

And if Joserf hadn't met his end by the Fellflower, then maybe...

The avian asked if the others were okay, and Frisk rested a hand on her hip. "Yeah, they managed to find me and Prisoner before that thing killed us. Us three managed to fight that thing off, but I'm...honestly not sure if we managed to kill it. I think we did, but we couldn't stick around long enough to check. It set off an avalance." She shook her head in distain. "Prisoner lost his body. Twice. So if you don't see him, he's been reduced to a head. Other than that, we're all in one piece.

After her brief report, the woman's eyes widened when Teba apologized for how he acted before. "It's understandable. None of us knew we were being manipulated like that. We're lucky there were no further casualties." She reassured him, crossing her arms. The Spheal was an odd case, so she decided not to mention them. Teba reflected on the late Melony's choice to join them, and as if he caught on to where Frisk's form change came from, he gave her the belongings she left behind. She grabbed the satchel and looked inside. The woman glaced back up to Teba and nodded.

"Thank you, Teba." Frisk closed the satchel back up and put it on. "You know, you sort of remind me of a friend of mine. Just a bit less extreme. But she's a strong solder, and a caring person. I'm sure she'd love to fight alongside you." She noted with a grin.

After another moment he told her he was going to help Joel and Joserf to a fishing village nearby, and that her and her companions should come with.

"Oh yeah, I think we caught a glimpse of it on our way up here! Hopefully it has some shops I can sell some of this stuff at, gonna need a quiver and arrows for this bow I got."

"Ack, almost forgot the banner quote!"
Current Location: Precinct #11

With both of them struggling against the other, trying to keep their weapons from severing or skewing, Finn was forced to resort to his other option. Gritting his teeth, the Timekeeper kept moving. Perhaps he wasn't as faster than Betty than he first assumed, but she had the heavier weapon. He could use that to his advantage. They were so close, he just had to brace for impact!

...And yet, they never fell. They flew.

As it turns out, his earlier speculation about her element being Nature based was wrong as well. Wind magic. Good to know if he wasn't being separated further from his allies. The boy's eyes shot open wide once he caught on to her ill intentions. The brainwashed esper released her grip on him, and with a frightened yelp, he instinctively grabbed her by the ankle. "ARE YOU INSANE?!" Finn snapped at her, half out of fear and half out of sheer disbelief. At this height, both of them would fall to their death if her melody ran out. Was Betty really that determined to kill him?


Perhaps a part of her was trying to protect him, in some twisted way. A part that Justin's brainwashing hadn't affected. Would explain why he was her sole focus in this fight. But that would be wishful thinking.

Or perhaps she really did hate him. In her eyes, he might as well have left her for dead. But did either of them know better, back then?

Ah, he probably deserved this.

After all, who said Finnegan Vanhorn was a good person? But he still wanted to live, damnit! Selfish reasons or not, he can't just die, and Betty won't either!

With his focus mainly on the blackguard he could only listen to what was happening with the rest of the fight and imagine. "Could 'ya hurry it up back there?! I'm being dangled in the- OH CHRIST!!" Seeing as there was no other alternative available to him that wouldn't result in either of them plummeting to their deaths, there was only one thing Finn could do as Betty prepared to strike.

He released his grip on her, and fell.

However, Once he fell halfway towards the street, the Timekeeper casted a melody on himself; slowing down to where he could gently land on his feet.

"Well aren't you a sore cheater?! If you wanna fight me soooo badly, you're gonna have to do it back on ground level, Sweetie!" He taunted Betty, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

And for the love of god, that bastard needs to die already!

The fifth spell was in effect. They were half way through the Diver's curses. Lighting. Lightning was something he could handle! But was it that hard to kill? Surely others would be fighting this thing. They still had time, they just needed to hold out a bit longer...

Level: 3
Experience: 12/30
Currently In: Frozen Highlands, Giants' Forest
Word Count: 476 (+1 Exp)

"I'm alright! Just about burried in snow, that's all..." Frisk spoke up after Linkle, immediately pushing herself off the snow and dusting herself off. "The other two seem relatively intact as well, as far as being stuck with no body goes for one." She noted, looking between the undead Spheal and the head of the Prisoner she quickly scooped up in the then empty pouch. It'd take a bit to find him a new body, and she didn't want her friend to lag behind or be forced into acting as a diversion. The woman glanced around the place they landed in.

It was...different from the initial path she took. Much more peaceful. And by the water, what kind of crystals were those? They were lovely.

Frisk's attention was taken from the surroundings when Albedo addressed her. When she got the hint that he was talking about Melony, she frowned, followed by a dry chuckle. "Here I was thinking I wasn't strong enough to keep her safe. That I let myself get cornered so easily. But I think..." Frisk layed a hand over her chest, and she bore a cold disgust for the faker that fooled them all. "That thing. It let her die. Fionn, Gordon, Joserf, I wouldn't be surprised if it killed them too..." The woman frowned. What was the point in vowing to find Melony's pokemon, if they might not even still be alive?

She was still weaker than both Linkle and Albedo in fact. Damn it all. Was there any way she could keep up with them besides being stuck with one form of magic and a weaponized frying pan?

...Well, there was one option-

No, don't be ridiculous. There's no way Frisk could resort to THAT, right? Then again, with all the monsters she fought, she hadn't felt her LOVE increase any. Maybe it was different here, like the save points? Or was she thinking about it all wrong?

She'll have to think about it some other time. With nothing else of importance on the mountain, the only thing the team had to do was meet back up with Joel and Teba. Frisk's heart ached for the poor kid. ...Wait a minute. "I guess you cleared things up with Teba? He's not still mad about, you know, is he? And did you manage to free them too??" She asked the two, concerned about how the avian archer was going to react to Frisk's new appearance.

In fact, her eyes widened once she remembered something she did before leaving the camp. "Oh, right! I made a checkpoint before leaving there but..." Her mouth crooked into a frown. "I can use the shortcut to head back quickly, but I don't want to leave you two behind. If you think it's alright though, I'll see you back at the campsite." She suggested, awaiting their consensus.

When Roma called her out specifically at the start of her long winded bullshit speech, the masked maiden's stare caused Lupin to recoil with a flinch. For whatever reason she could tell her intentions, and it didn't help her win over the wolf girl's trust. In fact, it only made Lupin more ready to attack at the slightest hint of hostility. Tsubasa then went on to state her intentions, which to Celina only boiled down to "The Pageless are innocent, you're the one's to blame, yada yada yada." It was admittedly boring to listen to. Thankfully most of the others seemed to agree, even Stripes spoke up about how utterly stupid Roma's plans were. Lupin looked over to the Tabby when she motioned over to her, but remained quiet.

Rose, bless her heart, seemed too oblivous to even take this seriously. The wolf girl gave her and her groom a worried frown. She waited till everyone said their piece. If Ozma's assumption that this was a simulacrum of Moonlight Tsubasa, then someone had to keep a fluffy ear or two out for ambushers. Lupin's ears quirked straight up, twitching here and there like tuning a radio. And she finally spoke up, drawing back her scowl:

"Let's think of it like this. If we're supposed to surrender our Grimores; the ones that chose us to wield their power, because you for some reason pity these parasites and blame us for them being bothersome, then why don't you untransform and let them eat your grimore?" She jabbed back at the Celestial. Her tone remained cold. "You say the Pageless obey the strongest, so let's see how they react to you without your power. Unless you're the apparent- Who am I kidding, obvious exception. Wouldn't surprise me if you were a megalomaniac." She shrugged.
Oh that looks gorgeous.

And it's gonna release on PS4? I gotta keep it in mind then!

"So that's what, five active sinners at the moment?"
"Technically three."
- Finn and Oliver

What luck, she was willing to help them out! Though while Justine managed to get the duo's names; Nefer and Akhenaten, what Iron Mouse was able to secretly scry into was far more promising. The two remained quiet as she shared what her mystic artifact showed.

"Wait was that a pun?"


The disgused Mac went on to explain all the buffs the car had. All-terain and can glide across water? Seems they don't stay in one place for too long. Akhenaten was possibly a monster boy, and if he was on the same leagues as Ms. Royalty and Four-Eyes (And Iron Mouse apparently. Jeez, Maura must've hit a jackpot with this one!) then he probably does most of the fighting. Nefer was a reinforcement user, most likely. Finn was about to share his hypothesis when something else she mentioned caught his ear.

This was the Sinner of Envy. Current one? Whatever.

"Sounds about right, actually. From what I could gather, the Sinner of Envy travels across the globe at high speeds, only settling at stops for a brief moment before moving on, mysteriously able to travel from continent to continent in mere days. Though now we know how she does it. Some high-end reinforcment magic, most likely. I'd rather not be forced to fight her friend here. If she managed to get on Beacon's nerves like I did, neither of them should be underestimated." He explained.

"But I agree, she'd be a good ally if we manage not to screw this up." The boy agreed with Iron Mouse. Then she mentioned that there were more sinners there than otherwise. "Nah, Justine's lost her title. Only me and Nefer are active Sinners here so far. I've heard someone's recently got the title of Sloth but specifics are unknown right now."

Speaking of, as Nefer looked into their borrowed vehicle's engine, the group was given two options. The bike would get a speed buff and one could keep riding it, but still lag behind her car, or someone would have to sit on another's lap. Iron Mouse offered to lay across all three of them, but would that be any more comfortable? The two boys quietly concidered their options for a moment. But once Oliver opened his mouth to talk, Finn quickly spun around to interrupt him. "DON'T."

"Well what the hell were you thinkin' I was gonna say?!"

"I know what you were gonna joke about you son of a bitch, and no, I'm not going to embarass myself like that so MOVE." Finn dragged Oliver over to the car, quickly letting Maura know to put Elizabeth's motorcycle back into the Cradle. In response the ghost stuck his tongue out at him when he wasn't looking, then looked back to Iron Mouse. "Not gonna stop you from laying on the bulk of us, but, well, I was gonna suggest you sit with me if you get stiff or some shit. Up to you though!"

Level: 2
Experience: 3/20
Currently In: Smash City Alcamoth >> Eryth Sea
Word Count: 949 (+2 Exp)

The goal was simple enough. Rendezvous with the other team at this Twlight Town area. Omori had stuck with Rika and Junior all the way to the vehicle bay. This was nothing he and the others couldn't handle, right? Except, there was one small issue. They had to get there by crossing the sea. In dingy-looking rowboats no less. While everyone else prepared to head out with gusto, Omori seemed to freeze up, his eyes genuinely widened in anxiety. He didn't react to his surroundings for a moment, and thank goodness for that. Bowser accidentally sinking into the water would only make him feel worse. But in his hesitance, he was lagging behind.

Calm down. Breathe. It's not as scary as you think.

They wouldn't let him accidentally fall into the water, would they? They seem like good people. The youth had already agreed to join them in hopes to find his friends. He couldn't ditch them now. So, static as his movements had become, Omori willed himself to push his boat into the water and hop on in a swift motion. As long as he stayed in or by his boat, he'll be okay. As long as someone was around him, he'll be okay.

Everything is going to be okay.


Okay, he may underestimated his little sea-faring vessel. The small boat held itself well against stormy waters. Kudos to that blocky guy! Omori still felt anxious about being out in the water like this, but that helped him calm down a little bit. Enough to where he could focus on keeping up with the rest of the team. A couple of peaceful minutes later and already someone else took a dive under water. Those two girls, Sakura and Karin, attempted to drive through a bed of kelp, and the brunette, deceived by the illusion of a solid platform, fell through it instantly. Luckily neither of them got hurt. Even Rubick stepped in to help only one of them out!

Only one?


Between cyclones, water spouts, and cartoonishly giant pufferfish, Omori maneuvered around every hazard with focus, taking deep breaths to keep his rapid heartbeat stablized. The sights might be interesting, but he only cared about getting to Point B in one piece right now.

And then something tried to attack one of them.

Omori could only look on in horror as Nadia barely avoided getting eaten by a dreadfully large monstrosity. Another stroke of luck, it didn't bother trying a second time, instead...flying...away...? Not the weirdest thing in the world but odd enough. With it out of the way, he could hurry over and check up on his feline acquaintance. But, unusually, he couldn't muster up any words. The concerned look he gave her spoke for him instead. Concerned, and something else. Instead of the usual dulled black, his eye color was a dread-filled white.

Omori was afraid.

And yet, he kept going.

After that quick incident, he opted to row nearby Nadia instead, on the look out for any further hazards in the road. Down a river and through the mountains, the water grew shallow to his relief. And the team stumbled upon a cove, a ship graveyard. Pirates must've taken this route! The boy carefully steered around the wreckage sight, and even made quick stops to search for anything useful.

His first find could be a stroke of luck: A duo of weapons, a machete and pistol. More used to wielding his trusty knife, Omori picked up the machete first by the handle. He slashed at the air, getting a feel for the new weapon. Yeah he could work with this. But for some reason it didn't feel right separating it from it's ranged partner. So he decided to bring it too.

The next, the boy admittedly thought it was a treasure map at first. And when he opened it up, he was met with a faint dissapointment. It's just dance instructions! And what the heck was the Monkey? After mulling over whether or not he should take this with him, Omori decided to go ahead and grab the not-map with a huff. Maybe he can give it to someone else.

Third was a cute little cockatiel bobblehead. Omori couldn't help lurk at the piece of wreckage just a bit longer, as he stared innocently at the blocky little fella. With a light slap, the jig in response brought a small grin to his face. He chuckled, fake or not, it was pretty charming. It even managed to lift his spirits back up.

And lastly for caution's sake, he grabbed a couple of life preservers in case anyone went overboard. He didn't know what kind of ship the S.S. Robloxia was, but nothing was stoping him from calling his own boat the S.S. Robloxia the Second. With nothing else catching his eye, he went back on the main path.

The team eventually made it to the mouth of the river, which seemed to have a stronger flow than back at the Cove with a K. Omori decided to follow Nadia and Peach on ground too. He idly looked over to the collection of bears having a salmon lunch as he walked.


For some reason, he felt like he should avoid provoking them. Especially that big one. Eugh, that'd be a pain to fight. The monochrome youth managed to catch part of the conversation the two were having with a bear and bird duo nearby. "Like a theme park", huh? Hopefully she didn't mean like a roller coaster. When everyone had gathered again at the first cataract, Omori waited a bit for a couple of others to take the plunge, before rowing down the water himself.

"Y'know, if you weren't currently mind-whammied by a maidenless prick, I would've found your persistence charming."
Current Location: Precinct #11

The quickly dubbed Big Ed only lasted so long. It's merry mood was literally cut short by a stab into the head, and a clean cut through the middle. Was it not enough, even with the enhancing notes added to make it stronger? Whatever the case was, it gave Finn a short moment's respite. Whatever frogs haven't been detonated by the falling lice, he had to carefully yet quickly maneuver around. A few slips ups here and there and he could feel the acidic bile eat away at his boots. Nothing too severe yet, he could still move.

That is, until the lice decided to climb onto him too.

The frogs that covered his lower body steadly detonated. A pained yelp escaped the Timekeeper's throat. He stumbled, yet he could still move. It hurt like hell, his legs bled amber where the frog guts corroded into his endoskeleton, but he could still move. Gotta heal, NOW. Even if it was costly to waste mana on himself it'd be too risky to attack in a weakened state. Thus he took the opportunity to atleast deal with his leg wounds. And not a moment too soon. The boy flinced as as a beam flew past his legs to in front of him, and his eyes widened once Betty appeared from it as a result, blocking the way to his allies.

Blink note?? BLINK NOTE?? WHAT?!?

So this was how it had to be, huh? He was stuck having to deal with this psychotic blackguard, puppet to a festering blight upon the bloodied Earth, while the rest struggle to deal with Justin himself and those other pains in the ass. And Breacher- No, Su, became nothing more than another addition to Stay Puff's soul collective.

Must he be selfish at a time like this?

Must he be misfortunate at a time like this?

...Not quite misfortunate. He was still alive. He was still fighting. Betty might've been the stronger one between the two, but if he's managed to last this long!

"You asked for it!"

Finn didn't stop running towards Betty. In fact, he was breaking into a full sprint, readying his weapon to skewer her through the abdomen whilst his free arm aimed to block her's. No doubt she was aiming to disarm him. Even without a speedster note he's naturally faster. And if this didn't work? Well...

Tackling Betty off the roof wouldn't kill her, would it?


Man these insects were annoying. The flies were too, but still.
She is transformed tho?

Mentions: All in Attendance. Again.

Bianca couldn't help shooting Hestia a funny look as she shrugged off her coat and let it rest over the back of her seat. They were already messing with poor Ryker here? Atleast save some of that for on the battlefield. Before she could answer, the rest of the gym leaders started to appear one by one. She glanced over to Isaiah with a warm smile as greetings. "D-Don't worry about those two, they don't m-mean any harm. Besides," She vouched for Hestia and Fiona, looking back over to Ryker for a second. And for that second, her smile turned rather sinister. "W-Why waste your breath here when you can make your enemy suffer on field~?" With a dark chuckle, Bianca opted to change the topic while they waited for the rest.

Sebastian appeared next, quietly leaning against the bar after ordering his drink. She admittedly didn't know how to break the ice with him, so she just politely waved to him. Then there was Astrid and her elaborate galaxy-themed dress. Bianca couldn't help her curiosity, it was a cute dress! And how her drink choice seemed to glow a vibrant blue, perhaps she could try some...? It'd probably dye her tongue blue, but it could be fun. When Astrid asked how everyone was been as well, Bianca leaned her head over to look towards her. "I-I've been alright! Just not looking f-forward to the summer heat..." She nervously chuckled. It wasn't that hot yet, but Bianca didn't enjoy having to go out during heat waves and the works.

Holly appeared next, just oozing with venomous style that Bianca didn't feel like she could reach. And no, it wasn't cause she still refused to practice wearing those ankle-breaking heels, but she'd probably be too nervous to pull of something risque like she could. Then there was Nordrin, the local grump in their little group. Admittedly, she'd rather spend time with the fairy types that made up his team than to deal with his snarky attitude, but she remained polite to him regardless.

Maybe cause she hoped to adopt an Alcremie.

...Eh, anyways! Atleast he was just bothering Sebastian. Bianca stuck her tongue out at Nordrin when he called everyone a circus. Mika and Sawyer were the last two to arrive. But between those two, only the former would actually draw her attention. Mika might have just been showing Holly his recent find, but a shiny Snom of all things, when Bianca herself had a frost-tipped Frosmoth?

"Is that-?!" The ice-type trainer shot up from her seat and hurried over to get a closer look at the snom, an excited glimmer in her eyes. She held back a squeal. He's s-so adorable! Did you give him a n-name yet??" Bianca asked Mika. Then with Astrid's Raichu running over to get some of the attention for herself, she reached over to pet her next.

...And maybe say hello to the other pokemon in the room. Bianca did listen in to Ryker's toast, but she was a bit busy petting Glutton to respond properly.
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