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I Ñ I G O G I M É N E Z - P O Z O
I Ñ I G O G I M É N E Z - P O Z O
"I am everyone, but no one at the same time."
▅▅▅▅▅▅ Y E A R B O O K P H O T O ▅▅▅▅▅▅
▅▅▅▅▅▅ Y E A R B O O K P H O T O ▅▅▅▅▅▅

▅▅▅▅▅ S T U D E N T S U M M A R Y ▅▅▅▅▅
▅▅▅▅▅ S T U D E N T S U M M A R Y ▅▅▅▅▅

Iñigo Alba Giménez-Pozo
Oct 5th, 2002 | 21 | Hispanic
Single | ⚧ (He/They) | Asexual
Las Vegas | Nevada | United States

P H Y S I C A L P R O F I L E ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅

M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S
M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S ▅▅▅▅▅▅

N O T E S ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅

D E T A I L E D A P P E A R A N C E ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅

Iñigo stands at 6 feet tall, weighing 200 pounds with his soft, round endomorph body. His amber eyes harmonize with his dark brown long wavy hair that's taken care of often. He has his father's olive skin tone and a small gap tooth. While inheriting a low hairline and metabolism from his mother. As for his personal style, it's androgynous with a mixture of casual and edgy. But he often wears long leather motorcycle boots with grey denim. That's when he isn't in his P.R.C.U. uniform, of course. Given his ability, though, Iñigo could easily change his look in an instant if he desired to.

For instance, Iñigo regularly transforms his long hair into different hairstyles depending on the occasion. The same notion applies to his clothes and jewelry. And yet, Iñigo's ability isn't everlasting and will always revert back to the clothes he initially was wearing. It also means that body piercings, tattoos, and cosmetics will vanish once he loses consciousness or is under strain. But the latter isn't usually a concern, given he usually sleeps.

Iñigo can duplicate other people and fictional characters but won't receive their talents and hyper-abilities (if they have any in the first place).
S T U D E N T S Y N O P S I S ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅

Talía Giménez and Gabriel Pozo sought a better life in the United States with their young infant, Iñigo. As undocumented immigrants in Nevada, they lived quiet, reserved lives while working as farmhands for a local farm near Las Vegas. The paychecks were barely enough to afford rent and consistent meals. But it was enough to keep them from going homeless. And more importantly, it provided their son with a normal childhood.

Iñigo Giménez-Pozo was a good student with a passion for history, which led him to take AP classes in high school. As a result, he earned his high school diploma with honors. But instead of leaving his family behind, Iñigo attended the nearby University of Nevada to pursue a degree in history. He maintained a balanced lifestyle between partying with his newfound friends on the Las Vegas Strip and studying all night for midterms with study buddies.

Then the incident occurred.

Iñigo's hyper-gene triggered in the middle of a crowded dance floor during spring break. He still can't recall what occurred after, but eyewitnesses described him rapidly shapeshifting while in excruciating pain. It only stopped when paramedics used a sedative on him before taking him to the hospital. Five days later, Iñigo had awoken to authorities transporting him to a secured facility. There he learned that he was a hype, an undocumented hype.

That was when Iñigo discovered his parents were in ICE custody while his younger brother was taken by CPS. He was unable to do anything other than remain silent while his lawyers talked. And they did talk for five months straight while his parents were deported and his brother was placed in foster care. Then, to avoid the case being taken to the Supreme Court, an agreement was reached with the federal government involving H.E.L.P.

Iñigo would be deported to Canada, instead of the original destination, to enroll at Pacific Royal Collegiate & University. If he were to maintain good behavior and grades and showcase resilience to his ability, then he would be granted US citizenship after graduation. With citizenship, Iñigo will be able to petition for his parents to become US citizens. And he can even petition to be a legal guardian for his younger brother. But, of course, if Iñigo failed to uphold the agreement, he would remain in Canada with refugee status. He would be all alone in an unfamiliar country with his family separated.

So choosing the obvious choice, Iñigo began his first year at P.R.C.U. in the fall semester.
A B I L I T I E S, L I M I T A T I O N S, & W E A K N E S S E S
A B I L I T I E S, L I M I T A T I O N S, & W E A K N E S S E S ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅

H Y P E R H U M A N A B I L I T Y || M E T A M O R P H O S I S

Shapeshifting was once thought to be nothing more than fiction—used as a literary device for books and superhero comics. Then the existence of Hyperhumans brought the concept into reality with the ability to physically transform oneself. In the case of Iñigo Giménez-Pozo, they are able to transform into humans of any sex exact. Their form is more than capable of deceiving biometrics and individuals. Iñigo could easily be a crucial asset to H.I.T or any covert group as its talented agent if selected for the H.E.A.T. Program.

L I M I T A T I O N S || C U T O F F P E R I O D // F I X E D B O D Y M A S S

Of course, like any other ability, there are limitations to its uses. For instance, Iñigo does not gain the talents and (if any present) abilities from hyperhumans. Their form will disintegrate after seven days of usage or instantly upon losing consciousness. And notably, their body mass is not changeable and will remain at 200 pounds. That's despite the fact that Iñigo can look exactly like a bigger or smaller person if desired. The longer the form, the greater the strain on their body until they are forced to return to their normal self.

W E A K N E S S E S || L O S S O F S E L F

But the most concerning aspect of metamorphosis is regarding the brain. Every alteration, especially ones that last for days, has the potential to cause transient global amnesia (TGA). While symptoms last only 24 hours, MRA scans indicate that Iñigo's mind is worsening every day. They are losing their identity and sanity gradually without knowing. Soon, they will be unable to keep track of who they are. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that we provide treatment to Iñigo without their knowledge in fear that they will stop using their ability entirely.

P E R S O N A L P R O M P T S ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅

Y O U A W A K E I N T H E D E A D O F N I G H T, W H A T W O K E Y O U?

"What woke me?" Iñigo chuckled and then began tapping their head with the index finger. "I guess it'd be my mente jodida."

"Your mind? Enlighten me." The evaluator asked with a warm smile.

"If I know what's going on up there, I wouldn't have restless nights!" Iñigo smiled. But when it was obvious that their answer wasn't enough, they straightened up and began to speak more candidly. "I suspect that it would have something to do with my... 'ability'."

"Why do you say that?"

"Whenever I use it, I can just feel myself slipping into nothingness before I come back. It's like if some kid becomes obsessed with being a chef after playing pretend for a long time." Iñigo was no longer staring at the evaluator. Rather, they were paying attention to their right arm, resting on the table. Then it altered into a caucasian woman's arm covered with scars and tattoos. A moment later, it transformed into an elderly man's wrinkled arm with bruise marks. And then, as if nothing happened, the arm reverted back to its original state. Iñigo looked back up, anticipating either a horrified or astonished expression followed by a series of rapid-fire questions from them to answer.

Instead, the evaluator was sad and only offered a single question, not anticipating an answer. "Does that make you afraid?"

Iñigo frowned and then mumbled, "Más de lo que te puedes imaginary."

A D I S H E V E L E D S T R A N G E R A P P R O A C H E S Y O U A S K I N G F O R H E L P, H O W D O Y O U R E S P O N D?

"¿Eh?" Iñigo stared with no idea how to respond to the question.

"Un extraño desaliña-"

But before the evaluator had the chance to finish, Iñigo interrupted them with a snap of his finger as he figured out what 'disheveled' meant. "Oh! Why didn't you just say that..."

"I suppose it'd depend on the person you would think is unkempt. Because for me, I think someone struggling to afford rent or a decent meal. An immigrant farmworker tired after a long day under the fierce sun. I'd help that person out." Iñigo shrugged his shoulders and then crossed his arms. He then looked at the evaluator and said with a clear hint of displeasure, "But I suspect that you're not talking about that kind of person, aren't you?"

"There are no wrong answers." The evaluator responded plainly.

"Of course not." Iñigo sarcastically remarked but then sighed and leaned back against the metal chair. "I'd know better than get myself in trouble... again. So yeah, I would be mindful around nefarious strangers that are a cause for concern around here."

A N I N T R U D E R A L A R M H A S B E E N S E T O F F O N C A M P U S, H O W D O Y O U R E A C T?

"Hide, I guess."

"How come?" The evaluator raised an eyebrow.

"You're joking, right?" Iñigo cringed at the question while rolling their eyes. "If you read my file, which I don't doubt exists, you'd know my ability is useless against an intruder. All I can do is copy someone flawlessly. I am in no way, shape, or form a fighter."

"Uh, you think you can make a few trips? We got a few men down over here!"

Lucas scanned the field to see just who required assistance, which was basically everyone from the reunion. It was like a warzone. And the sound of sirens signaled that help was coming.

What are you waiting for?! Help them already!

Is your safety really worth discarding a friend?
Lucas surveyed the field to see just how bad the situation was, and it was horrible. Looked like a bomb went off. And sirens blaring through the night indicated the danger wasn't over yet.

Leave them be less you want to be caught!

Is your freedom really worth saving a nobody?
Lucas took a deep breath to calm his racing thoughts and carefully made his way across the wrecking parking lot toward the field. When he approached Jack, he got a clearer idea of just how injured her leg was based on the amount of blood alone. There was no way she was walking on it any time soon or even put any sort of pressure on it. So that meant doing things slightly differently. Lucas didn't intentionally answer the first aid kit question and said bluntly, "Just... lean on me for support while I bring you to the car. The asphalt's slightly uneven because of that freak earthquake."

Carrying someone through the uneven asphalt was quite the challenge—more so if said person was hurt. Lucas had to make sure that the injury was manageable, at least until he got to the vehicle. But then there was another problem: it was locked. The driver in question, Ivory, was seemingly preoccupied with god knows what at the worst time possible. And with the sirens getting ever so close to the school, Lucas carefully told Jack to lean on the car and then yelled out at Ivory (and everyone else still on the field indirectly). "We need the keys to LEAVE before it's too late from Jack!"

Jack was a somebody to someone once. A friend that offered smokes during the bad days. Unlike everyone at that high school, she was just there sometimes. And now look at her, a somebody in desperate need of help in this little, nostalgic town. How funny.

How funny indeed.
Jack was a nobody to someone once. A loser that provided beer during the good days. Like everyone at that high school, she kept her distance often. And now look at her, still a nobody in a small, forgotten town in need of your help. How funny.

How funny indeed.


too young to burn - sonny and the sunsets

ritman high football field
interacting with: jack @skidcrow, ivory @californiastate

There wasn't much left to do other than endure the celebratory cheers from above til it was time to leave for the dormitories. And there wasn't anything to say about the new housemates. Iñigo chose to remain quiet for a while, at least until the rooms were assigned. One of the roommates made his discontent clear enough with a cold, hard stare. While the others were better at hiding their disdain toward the newbie. Iñigo was too tired to do anything really and went straight to bed for some much-needed rest. But upon tossing his House uniform over to the desk, a well-hidden small black envelope caught his attention. Although the message was short and sweet, Iñigo was immensely intrigued by the invitation and made sure to memorize the time before hiding it.

Location: Mess Hall (Outside), PRCU - Western Canada
The Homecoming Trials #2.91: Another Monday

Interaction(s): N/A
Previously: More Consequences

Today was the first day of classes, which was strangely comforting to a former university student before the incident. Iñigo made his way over to the mess hall, crowded with seemingly the entire student body either eating breakfast, chatting with others, or doing both. He got his simple breakfast burrito and opted to be alone rather than deal with both his team and housemates. Plus, it was too early to endure another snide remark. Fortunately, it wasn't long before everyone had to get together with their assigned team outside. But that just meant Iñigo had to tolerate his teammates for seemingly the entire day. He hoped the classes were intriguing enough to make up for being confined to what was essentially a prison island.

Suzanne was busy chatting with... one of the team members who Iñigo couldn't remember their name. Then, someone from another team joined in the conversation about god knows what. The redhead, still struggling with her name, was quite a chatterbox, to say the least. Iñigo did not fully listen to what she had to say other than the tidbits about her power. Something he immediately realized was never going to make sense to him unless she showed it off. And even then, that alone might not have been enough. By the time she was done talking, he didn't notice that more of the team had arrived until one of them introduced themselves. Iñigo was admittedly interested in the new arrivals but not enough to insert himself rather rudely into the discussion.

So instead, he found himself something to lean against while keeping an eye on the team.

- -|◄ FIRST---
Interested as well.
Hope to have something posted soon.
Guess who decided to post something at 3:30 in the morning?


Waylon Jones gradually emerged from the water, scanning the area to ensure it was safe to head for the shore. He was, after all, still a wanted man. And there was no doubt that Waylon had arrived at his destination, that cursed city known to many as Gotham. Already he was regretting being here upon seeing the city skyline and breathing in the smog. Regretting that he left the boy all alone across the country because a single voicemail shook up the croc. "Found you, cocodrilo." That damn voice was unnerving as ever. And it still proceeded with such strength to make Waylon frantically surveil the area for the second time. He thought that, for a moment, he had been discovered; but soon relaxed when it became evident he was alone. Waylon began to breathe a soft sigh of relief and then angrily punched a nearby tree from letting his emotions get the better of him. A faint yelp escaped his mouth as he examined his hand, seeing that the knuckles were slightly more bruised.

Waylon then saw a lone payphone in a small, seemingly vacant parking area and thought of that kid again. It was admittedly meaningless to fret given that, for one, Roy Harper was a grown adult and more than capable of being independent. And even with all of that talent and knowledge, the red-haired kid was a reckless, wannabe hero willing to risk his health to do the right thing. But that aspiration reminded Waylon of himself before the world tore it up. So in his own way, remaining with the kid was his way of protecting it for as long as possible. But, of course, no one knew that. Upon getting closer to the payphone, Waylon noticed an olive green lone station wagon long abandoned by its owner.

But rather than inspect it, Waylon went over to the payphone and inserted a quarter. Then, he dialed the number carefully to avoid making a mistake and accidentally breaking the keypad with his massive fingers. There was a moment of silence followed by ringing before going directly to the automatic voice message system. Waylon groaned, even knowing that Roy often never answered unknown numbers. Plus, he still didn't record a voice message despite being constantly reminded to do so. But there wasn't much time to be irritated as a long beep tone caught his attention. Waylon knew what he needed to say, but it was never easy for him to convey his thoughts into words.

"umm... Hey, kid. Wanna let you know that I made it to Gotham safe and sound. Well, more like the outskirts, but it still looks like the same old cesspool if you are curious. Oh, don't bother calling this number back. Using a pay phone until I find myself one of those prepaid phones without getting spotted. But that's easier said than done because y'know... I'm me." Waylon chucked softly and then went silent for a rather long second. He took a deep breath and cursed himself for being such an idiot. The fact he let his self-esteem get the better of him would've been pathetic enough if it wasn't the-. "So yeah, it might be a while before you hear from me again. Hope you're doing well in Star City and not causing too much trouble."

Suddenly, a loud boom echoed across the parking area, causing the birds to flee from the trees. Waylon stopped talking to look for the source of the noise, only to see flames rising above the trees. He realized that an explosion had occurred somewhere nearby. Too curious for his own good, Waylon wanted to have a quick peek at the massive blaze before resting in the sewers. But first, he needed to wrap up his message. "Shit, listen, I gotta go. Will try to contact you soon. Bye for now, kid." Waylon ended the call and then put the telephone back into place gently. He made his way toward the explosion, making sure to use the darkness as cover for any onlookers. Only home for a few, and something's already blown up.

Waylon couldn't help but laugh.


████████ PERSONAL DETAILS ████████

█ AGE Twenty-five
█ GENDER Non-binary
█ SEXUALITY Pansexual
█ OCCUPATION Receptionist
█ RESIDENCE Boston, Massachusetts

████████ PHYSICAL DETAILS ████████

█ SCARS Right and left arms and legs
█ TATTOOS Forearm compass tattoo
█ HEIGHT 5'-7"
█ BUILD Endomorph

██████████ MISC NOTES ██████████

Growing up as the youngest of two siblings that attended the same high school and excelled forced the spotlight onto a young Lucas Watson. Teachers were more than eager to teach the youngest child for a prestigious family—hell, even some students were intrigued. But, for two years, he was under a lot of pressure from his school and home life with no healthy way to cope with the stress. It was a recipe for disaster that came to a head in the tenth grade. That was the year that Lucas Watson failed all his AP classes in quick succession, forcing him to repeat the grade. And overnight, he became the black sheep to the teachers and students of Ritman High and a disgrace to his family and residents of Delton.

Being the disappointment of town and his family caused Lucas to isolate himself from the outside world. As a result, despite improving to the point that he resumed AP learning, he was still viewed lowly due to his frequent smoke breaks. Then, towards the summer break of the same year, rumors of his sexuality started spreading after his dating profile was found on a popular gay dating app by some of the students. His religious parents were furious and sent him away to a religious camp that summer. Of course, that "vacation" did not help at all. It made Lucas more depressed and anxious than ever before. To make matters worst, another rumor quickly spread across the school (and town) during senior year.

"Lucas Watson is a school shooter in the making" was one of the messages shared on social media. Of course, it didn't help that Lucas began wearing long sleeves and jackets to school every day, regardless of the weather. And his disregard for his well-being (tired eyes, cigarette smell, etc.) caused the school to interfere by escorting him to the principal's office during class. Due to his better grades and (pressure from one of his siblings), the school offered him free counseling for the remaining senior year. Lucas accepted their offer and found it surprisingly valuable despite his parents being against it. Regardless, the counseling made such that Lucas received his diploma with honors in the end.

After graduation, many students and teachers assumed that Lucas would remain in Delton with his parents. That all changed when he was last seen standing alone at the bus station with a suitcase in one hand and another holding an envelope—emotionless. He departed for Massachusetts, and nobody heard from him until his sudden arrival in town years later for the class reunion event.

Despite being a target of ridicule for fellow students, Lucas always liked being around people and wanted to have an active social life. There were some that he considered friends before he isolated himself in the tenth grade. Being a loner in his school and home was already hard enough for a teenage boy dealing with hormones. Counseling was a huge help to someone like Lucas, whose well-being significantly improved during his senior year. Being kicked out and leaving Delton temporarily worsened his mental state. But Boston was what he needed to truly be his better self with a stable work environment and a more welcoming climate than Delton.

One significant problem Lucas still struggled with was his clinginess in relationships—romantically and platonically. He rarely received genuine attention and love from others (especially from his parents), making him clutch onto moments whenever he did. Moving out of Delton and seeing a therapist certainly addressed the clinginess but did not resolve it. Yet, it also highlighted another issue. Lucas started to become afraid of opening up, given how much emotional baggage there was to unwrap upon his friends and significant other. He wanted to resolve it for good, and going back to Delton was the only logical option, supported by his therapist.
"The only difference between past and present..."
"...is semantics."

Often associated with fortune tellers and seers, precognition allows the user to foresee and observe possible futures. In the case of Lucas Watson, his foresight seemingly includes infinite possibilities of any situation. But to achieve the full potential of such an ability, he would require to be conscious of crucial details, or we'd end up with absurd outcomes. And the only way for us to see any outcome is with a deck of tarot cards—for now, of course. Nevertheless, further use of his powers might, in theory, enhance them in several ways to our benefit (see Development for more details).

"If we could perceive time as it truly was..."
"What reason would grammar professors have to get out of bed?"

As mentioned before, Lucas Watson possesses the ability to foresee the future, once considered a form of divination in ancient times. But in the modern age, science was the one to gift him with precognition. A theory among the scientific team is that if conditioned enough, his powers can also see the past clearly. Another theory, though far-fetched, is that he could travel to any alternate universe that does not exist in our current world if he can fully comprehend his power. So I'd suggest we instead strengthen his powers to find other means of witnessing the future rather than using tarot cards.
+ Can perceive and sense possible futures and alternative universes with their eyes. User is also capable of foreseeing infinite outcomes and possibilities. User is able to share a vision with others for a brief instance via a deck of tarot cards.
Possible futures and alternative universes cannot be manipulated and altered in any fashion. User is unable to see one's own possible futures. User must be consciously with this power or said future will be altered while in use—also cannot be purely accurate.
+ Can sense all the variables of any situation, sense the possible courses of action, and see what consequences will occur for each action the targeted individual makes. No matter how absurd or extremely unlikely, user will experience these outcomes/visions.
Will be overwhelmed by the number of options or if said power is overused. User must be consciously seeking out specific details and judging which possible futures are most probable, which can result in some possibilities/futures being overlooked.

Finally posted something.
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