Storm was coming too? Lumi felt her ears curve downwards at the realization. Sable and Storm were older brothers, but not the cool type of ones. They were more of the grumpy, bossy ones rather than anything else. Holding back the temptation to roll her eyes, she bounded off of her chair and walked to the door. "Let's go, let's go!" she chimed as she bounced on her paws, her fur beginning to puff out with sheer excitement.
"Alright, alright, don't get your tail in a knot," Sable mumbled as she padded to the door after them.
Toffee waved to them with a paw. "Have fun, you guys!"
"We'll try to."
The warm midday breeze immediately brushed through her fur as Sable opened the wooden door. Sable walked them down the dirt path down their little lawn, which had begun to bloom with fresh spring flowers. The rocky mountains around them arched high into the air and provided them some protection from the harsh sun above. Lumi smiled as she followed her big brother and sister down a small path that led away from their homely wooden cabin and down a small slope that led to town. Sunspear was more than a nice town, she had thought more than once during her brief time on this world, mostly because she hadn't seen any other towns in the world as of yet. In reality, Sunspear was nothing special; it was a simple village on the cliff side with small stone buildings. Luckily enough for the townspeople, the cliffs had also provided ample protection from the brunt of the winter weather, especially the blizzard that passed through about two months ago. Lumi had thought that their whole place was going to end up buried in the snow!
Underneath Lumi's paws, the rough rocky paths soon became smooth, cool cobblestone. Her perked ears could already hear the hub-bub of the town and smell the yummy treats that came from the stalls. There were all types of Pokemon on the street-- some were probably heading to work, while others were probably as excited as she was about the adventurers coming back. Her tail waved behind her like a flag in a storm. "Everyone looks so happy!" she commented as they passed by a pasty stall being run by a yappy Rhydon conversing with a Seviper.
"It's cause the weather's nice," Sable answered. "Winter was horrible. I can't wait to be old enough and be able to move somewhere warm."
"Alright, alright, don't get your tail in a knot," Sable mumbled as she padded to the door after them.
Toffee waved to them with a paw. "Have fun, you guys!"
"We'll try to."
The warm midday breeze immediately brushed through her fur as Sable opened the wooden door. Sable walked them down the dirt path down their little lawn, which had begun to bloom with fresh spring flowers. The rocky mountains around them arched high into the air and provided them some protection from the harsh sun above. Lumi smiled as she followed her big brother and sister down a small path that led away from their homely wooden cabin and down a small slope that led to town. Sunspear was more than a nice town, she had thought more than once during her brief time on this world, mostly because she hadn't seen any other towns in the world as of yet. In reality, Sunspear was nothing special; it was a simple village on the cliff side with small stone buildings. Luckily enough for the townspeople, the cliffs had also provided ample protection from the brunt of the winter weather, especially the blizzard that passed through about two months ago. Lumi had thought that their whole place was going to end up buried in the snow!
Underneath Lumi's paws, the rough rocky paths soon became smooth, cool cobblestone. Her perked ears could already hear the hub-bub of the town and smell the yummy treats that came from the stalls. There were all types of Pokemon on the street-- some were probably heading to work, while others were probably as excited as she was about the adventurers coming back. Her tail waved behind her like a flag in a storm. "Everyone looks so happy!" she commented as they passed by a pasty stall being run by a yappy Rhydon conversing with a Seviper.
"It's cause the weather's nice," Sable answered. "Winter was horrible. I can't wait to be old enough and be able to move somewhere warm."