Albatrosspaw never really liked Gatherings. They were always crowded and stinky-- and everyone brushed up against one another as if they knew each other while they were trying to get past everyone. Not only that, but cats looked at him like he was a walking, talking shark. Medicine cats weren't supposed to be that weird, right? He was just like everyone else, not a spectacle to be gawked at. Either way, he clenched his jaw as he kept up with his mentor, making sure to maintain his gaze on his ginger pelt. Whitestar and Spiderstar were there, but Coyotestar wasn't, which meant that RainClan wasn't there yet. Something hung in the air between all of the cats, and it was sticky and left a bad taste at the back of his throat. Albatrosspaw knew that it was simply an air of contempt that radiated from DarkClan's side of the clearing. DarkClan never liked BreezeClan just because they chose to make sons and daughters of leaders and medicine cats take their place after them. What was wrong with that; wasn't it just a different way of keeping the Clan strong?
He shook his head, trying to focus on where Embersky was going. He wondered if any of his friends were there, but mostly Duskpaw. There wasn't any sight of the dark-furred she-cat's pelt anywhere, and that kind of disappointed. He liked the gossip that she brought along with her, despite what he told her. When he couldn't find her for yet another time, he turned his eyes back to see that Embersky had settled down with Gullbreeze and Cloudwing, along with their apprentices Adderpaw and Rainwhisker. He perked his ears as his eyes drifted between the medicine cats in front of him. Gullbreeze's tail twitched to and fro as she looked at Embersky and him through half-lidded eyes. Her maw twisted downwards. She looks so bored. I don't blame her... Albatrosspaw thought. Gatherings bring bad news a lot of times. Cats are bound to get tired of it.
"Good to know both of your Clans are doing well. FireClan's done completely fine this past moon," she murmured, her tail flicking again to punctuate her statement.
Albatrosspaw clenched his jaw. Gullbreeze really didn't seem like talking with them, did she? Just when he was about to ponder what she was thinking about, a large fluffy tom trotted over to them with a smaller brown and white cat in tow.
"Sorry for being late. Had to talk to Coyotestar before we left," Sagecloud grinned at them as he twitched his ears. "Did we miss any--"
A yowl sounded from the front of the clearing. Albatrosspaw's head snapped in the direction of the call that had reverberated throughout the open space. Whitestar stood with his back straight and feathery tail sticking out behind him like a snow-covered leaf. Albatrosspaw wondered how it felt to be up there. It just had to be great to be the leader of the whole Clan. And stressful, he added quietly with a slight twist of his lips.
"The moon is at its highest point in the sky, and so the Gathering shall begin." In the stark moonlight, Whitestar's glowing pelt made him look like a StarClan cat. The FireClan leader's amber eyes wavered over to Dawnstar. "I believe BreezeClan should go first."
A murmur rippled through where DarkClan and RainClan sat. Tension crackled in the air like lightning. Even Sagecloud's shoulders stiffened. Albatrosspaw frowned, sending a glance up towards Embersky.