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Albatrosspaw never really liked Gatherings. They were always crowded and stinky-- and everyone brushed up against one another as if they knew each other while they were trying to get past everyone. Not only that, but cats looked at him like he was a walking, talking shark. Medicine cats weren't supposed to be that weird, right? He was just like everyone else, not a spectacle to be gawked at. Either way, he clenched his jaw as he kept up with his mentor, making sure to maintain his gaze on his ginger pelt. Whitestar and Spiderstar were there, but Coyotestar wasn't, which meant that RainClan wasn't there yet. Something hung in the air between all of the cats, and it was sticky and left a bad taste at the back of his throat. Albatrosspaw knew that it was simply an air of contempt that radiated from DarkClan's side of the clearing. DarkClan never liked BreezeClan just because they chose to make sons and daughters of leaders and medicine cats take their place after them. What was wrong with that; wasn't it just a different way of keeping the Clan strong?

He shook his head, trying to focus on where Embersky was going. He wondered if any of his friends were there, but mostly Duskpaw. There wasn't any sight of the dark-furred she-cat's pelt anywhere, and that kind of disappointed. He liked the gossip that she brought along with her, despite what he told her. When he couldn't find her for yet another time, he turned his eyes back to see that Embersky had settled down with Gullbreeze and Cloudwing, along with their apprentices Adderpaw and Rainwhisker. He perked his ears as his eyes drifted between the medicine cats in front of him. Gullbreeze's tail twitched to and fro as she looked at Embersky and him through half-lidded eyes. Her maw twisted downwards. She looks so bored. I don't blame her... Albatrosspaw thought. Gatherings bring bad news a lot of times. Cats are bound to get tired of it.

"Good to know both of your Clans are doing well. FireClan's done completely fine this past moon," she murmured, her tail flicking again to punctuate her statement.

Albatrosspaw clenched his jaw. Gullbreeze really didn't seem like talking with them, did she? Just when he was about to ponder what she was thinking about, a large fluffy tom trotted over to them with a smaller brown and white cat in tow.

"Sorry for being late. Had to talk to Coyotestar before we left," Sagecloud grinned at them as he twitched his ears. "Did we miss any--"

A yowl sounded from the front of the clearing. Albatrosspaw's head snapped in the direction of the call that had reverberated throughout the open space. Whitestar stood with his back straight and feathery tail sticking out behind him like a snow-covered leaf. Albatrosspaw wondered how it felt to be up there. It just had to be great to be the leader of the whole Clan. And stressful, he added quietly with a slight twist of his lips.

"The moon is at its highest point in the sky, and so the Gathering shall begin." In the stark moonlight, Whitestar's glowing pelt made him look like a StarClan cat. The FireClan leader's amber eyes wavered over to Dawnstar. "I believe BreezeClan should go first."

A murmur rippled through where DarkClan and RainClan sat. Tension crackled in the air like lightning. Even Sagecloud's shoulders stiffened. Albatrosspaw frowned, sending a glance up towards Embersky.
To her, the moon hung like a very fat Snorlax in the sky. There was hardly a sound filtering through the air. In the distance she could faintly hear the town's Kricektot sing her lovely nighttime sonata, like she always did during this time of night. And even though there was a stillness in the air, nothing happened. It was like everything was frozen in ice. Times like these always discomforted Lumi and made her want someone, anyone, really, to just talk or sigh or break the quiet. There wasn't even the rustle of fur or the scuff of a paw against the windowsill. Where was Sora? Didn't he say to meet her out here? She felt her mane puff up a little as she snorted. If their dad found out about this, she'd never forgive her brother!

Then, there was a sudden ruffle. Lumi turned, hoping to see Sora. And... company. Her heart dropped to the pit of her stomach. "Sora! You said it'd be just be us two!"

They weren't going on some fun field trip! This could be dangerous! Her cheeks puffed out stubbornly as she glowered at Sora, then Cane and Storm. We don't have the time to argue, so I guess we just gotta go. "Whatever," she growled, her ears flattening slightly. "We better go now if we want to be back by the time dad wakes up."

And so off they went. The trip to Ember Cave couldn't have taken more than an hour, she figured, because the moon hadn't moved much in the sky by the time they cut through the crags in the mountainside. They had even had to go through some thorny shrubs and muddy puddles too, which stuck into and soiled her fur. There were times when they even crept a bit too close to the edge of the cliff and she even got to look down into the valley below. So that was the river that everyone talked about. It looked so tiny from so far up, and the distance between her and the surface of the rushing white-water river frightened her.

Thankfully, they arrived at the mouth of the cave safe and sound. The entrance overlooked another deadly drop below, but at least if they fell, they had the chance to be caught by the current of the river. It was a big opening, she realized, one that yawned out into the valley like a sleepy Salamence. There was a warmth that emitted from inside, and she wondered why that was so. Were there fire Pokemon in there, or was it just naturally that hot inside a cave?

Lumi puffed out her chest as she looked towards her brothers. "I'll lead the way!" she stated proudly. Her tail stuck out behind her, a flag bearing the pride yet silent fear that ran through her body. She wanted to be an explorer, so that meant she had to be brave in the face of danger, right? She glanced down towards the younger of her siblings, her eyes softening for a moment as she patted his head with a tender paw. "Stay close and don't go off too far, Cane. Storm and Sora, let me know if you see anything that might help us." After giving the two older brothers a curt nod and a determined smirk, she turned and lead the way into the cave itself.

It was... well, dark to say the least. And musty. Spears of stones hung from the ceiling and jutted from the ground. The main pathway was wide, but narrowed as they went deeper and deeper. So far, there were no Pokemon around, but the closing in of the walls started to get her nervous. Thankfully, the space fluctuated here and there, giving them space then making them squeeze against walls and travel in a line. Eventually, they came across another large area. To her surprise, there were one or two torches that lined the walls and lit up the area, and that was when she could finally see shadows move in the corners of the room. Paws, legs, tails, everything of the sort slithered against smooth stone.

Swallowing nervously, Lumi pulled them close to the wall and behind a row of stalactites. "We need to get around those Pokemon. Do you guys see any openings?" she asked them before she turned and scanned the room again. There had to be smaller openings around here somewhere.

With blood as black as night
shadows will slay warrior and saint
and dark blight shall leave all strewn on the wind.

Storms of ice and blood must lash the unholy,
fangs shall sink into flesh of snow,
crimson will wash ivory fields anew.

When transgressions sigh their rotten breath onto the earth
and the plague of sin weighs heavy on the land,
seek the gem of the dawn sky
to once again find what wanders lost.


It is a dark time for the Realm. After seven years of fighting, King Roidnell II of Yveltskr has finally been usurped. In his place rules his younger brother King Leonhardt, an individual who men and women hope will bring the country back from the brink of collapse. Under the banner of the white griffon, the new king claims that Yveltskr will rise to its former glory after the civil war, and stand tall against the other nations of the Realm. This promise will prove difficult to fulfill, as not only a year after his rise to the throne, a vicious plague begins to the very south of Yveltskr. People say that it started in one of the Laguz slaves that got trafficked from Tornabraux. Others whisper that the mages unleashed a vile creature unto the Realm. Some have suspicions that Roidnell cursed his country upon his dying breath... the rumors go on and on.

The disease has begun to run rampant. It works quickly, killing its victims within two days of its contraction and turning them into a morphed, wretched demon. It plagues crops and disfigures livestock as it kills them slowly. More and more sightings of the disease begins to work its way north and south, and time is running out. Yveltskr's first trial in its new era has begun.

King Leonhardt has sent men and women throughout the country in order to gather a handful of reliable men and women that are willing to accept his request-- to go on a journey to find the Dawn Artifact, a legendary stone that's been the subject of many myths and tales. Together, they will travel in search of this mystical piece, which Leonhardt hopes will end the plague and save his people. While the prospect of becoming heroes of Yveltskr might seem tempting for some, these unlikely heroes must traverse grueling landscapes and turn their blades upon both friends and enemies.


Preliminary Notes


1.) This is an original Fire Emblem setting! For more information about the world, please look at the Adventurer's Handbook.​

2.) In order to join, please be over eighteen. This is a grim and dark setting filled with demonic beasts and violence. Not only that, but I'm not comfortable with roleplaying with people under 18.​

3.) Please be a decent roleplayer. Please have proper grammar, be able to write decently, and be able to craft characters that are enjoyable to roleplay with. We are looking for people who are willing to post 3 or more paragraphs per post. ​

4.) Do NOT ghost us. If you need to step away from the roleplay, be honest and let us know. ​

5.) Please be active both IC and OOC. Please post once per week and be active in the discord server that I'm going to make once the roleplay thread goes up.​

6.) Not everyone who applies will be accepted. That being said, please take time in creating characters and proving yourself as a good roleplayer for this roleplay!​

7.) We'll be using specific classes from across the games, but we'll be favoring more of the older classes than the newer ones. Keep this in mind when coming up with characters.
Alright. Hopefully we get more attention

With blood as black as night
shadows will slay warrior and saint
and dark blight shall leave all strewn on the wind.

Storms of ice and blood must lash the unholy,
fangs shall sink into flesh of snow,
crimson will wash ivory fields anew.

When transgressions sigh their rotten breath onto the earth
and the plague of sin weighs heavy on the land,
seek the gem of the dawn sky
to once again find what wanders lost.


It is a dark time for the Realm. After seven years of fighting, King Roidnell II of Yveltskr has finally been usurped. In his place rules his younger brother King Leonhardt, an individual who men and women hope will bring the country back from the brink of collapse. Under the banner of the white griffon, the new king claims that Yveltskr will rise to its former glory after the civil war, and stand tall against the other nations of the Realm. This promise will prove difficult to fulfill, as not only a year after his rise to the throne, a vicious plague begins to the very south of Yveltskr. People say that it started in one of the Laguz slaves that got trafficked from Tornabraux. Others whisper that the mages unleashed a vile creature unto the Realm. Some have suspicions that Roidnell cursed his country upon his dying breath... the rumors go on and on.

The disease has begun to run rampant. It works quickly, killing its victims within two days of its contraction and turning them into a morphed, wretched demon. It plagues crops and disfigures livestock as it kills them slowly. More and more sightings of the disease begins to work its way north and south, and time is running out. Yveltskr's first trial in its new era has begun.

King Leonhardt has sent men and women throughout the country in order to gather a handful of reliable men and women that are willing to accept his request-- to go on a journey to find the Dawn Artifact, a legendary stone that's been the subject of many myths and tales. Together, they will travel in search of this mystical piece, which Leonhardt hopes will end the plague and save his people. While the prospect of becoming heroes of Yveltskr might seem tempting for some, these unlikely heroes must traverse grueling landscapes and turn their blades upon both friends and enemies.


Preliminary Notes


1.) This is an original Fire Emblem setting! For more information about the world, please look at the Adventurer's Handbook.​

2.) In order to join, please be over eighteen. This is a grim and dark setting filled with demonic beasts and violence. Not only that, but I'm not comfortable with roleplaying with people under 18.​

3.) Please be a decent roleplayer. Please have proper grammar, be able to write decently, and be able to craft characters that are enjoyable to roleplay with. We are looking for people who are willing to post 3 or more paragraphs per post. ​

4.) Do NOT ghost us. If you need to step away from the roleplay, be honest and let us know. ​

5.) Please be active both IC and OOC. Please post once per week and be active in the discord server that I'm going to make once the roleplay thread goes up.​

6.) Not everyone who applies will be accepted. That being said, please take time in creating characters and proving yourself as a good roleplayer for this roleplay!​

7.) We'll be using specific classes from across the games, but we'll be favoring more of the older classes than the newer ones. Keep this in mind when coming up with characters.
If only Lumi knew what the Sage Stones were. It would have saved them a lot of trouble with guessing what had happened down there. She had learned legends of the Sage Stones and how they granted Pokemon great power. But every time they did, it would come with a twist. What twist was that? Did that mean they'd have to protect he Sage Stones forever, like a knight to a king? She tipped her head over at her brother, her maw tightening slightly as she listened to him speak. Maybe they should check Ember Cave out. There was a voice that nagged at the back of her head, suggesting that this might not be so much of a good idea. But the thought quickly vanished under the pretense that they were to be actual explorers. Working in the dark and sneaking around, but explorers nonetheless!

"We should! There has to be some cracks we could squeeze in in that cave," Lumi whispered back. There just had to be something, somewhere that the explorers couldn't get to!

Sable glanced over her shoulder, making Lumi swallow the words in her mouth. The largest Eevee of their group twitched an ear over at them, her eyes narrowing slightly. "What are you chattering back there?"

Lumi ducked her head. There was no way that their big sister could know about their plans. "Nothing," she mumbled, sinking her fangs into her bottom lip right after. She glanced over at Sora, her eyes widening slightly in warning. The less that everyone else knew about this, the better.
The air that had once crackled with excitement and jubilee now weighed heavily upon her shoulders. Lumi nodded at her brother solemnly, her ears drooping to the ground. Cane sounded so excited, too. How could they prove the adventurers were so great if they came back looking like... well, that? Their little group of Eevee had been quickly gathered up by their very not happy sister, and Sable made sure the lot of them were paying attention to her when she spoke. "Don't tell Dad about what happened. You know how he feels about this kind of stuff," she growled menacingly, moreso towards her and Sora rather than Cane or Storm.

Lumi looked down at the floor as they walked. It'd make sense that they didn't talk about this to their dad. She wasn't old enough to remember her mother that well, but that didn't mean she would rub salt in her father's wound by saying that adventurers had died. She glared up at Sable once the bigger Eevee had turned away. When she was sure that neither Storm or Sable were paying attention, she brushed up against Sora and whispered into his ear.

"What do you think they saw back in Ember Cave?" she asked him. Lumi hadn't a clue on what was in it. She had been wondering ever since the explorer team set off those months ago. Now, she was more confused than ever.
What? How could the most important mission their town sent adventurers out on be a failure? Lumi's ears flattened against her head, her fur puffed up so far that she looked like a pale brown marshmallow more than an Eevee. The adventurers in question hardly seemed like adventurers; they just looked like deflated stuffed animals at most. Her ear swiveled to the side when she heard Cane's voice pipe up behind her. It was best if he didn't see what was going on, right? Should she even be seeing this?

"We set off towards Ember Cave approximately two months ago in search of any explanation regarding the Sage Stones," the Luxray continued. "After arriving there, we were faced with many types of feral Pokemon, as expected, but getting to the Sage Stones themselves was a whole other feat. We spent several weeks scouring the cave and many times we became lost in the labyrinth. As we traveled deeper, the Pokemon there became fiercer and fiercer, much more than we have previously encountered. It was only when we lost three of our members that we decided to turn back."

The Swellow bunched up her feathers. "These Pokemon are very ferocious. They seemed to have been putting their lives on the line to protect the Sage Stones, even though they seemingly bring about negative effects," she said. "Sadly, we were not able to retrieve the bodies of our fallen comrades, but--"

"We ask that everyone in Sunspear stay away from Ember Cave for now. Entering is dangerous, if not lethal," the Luxray growled. His eyes swept across the crowd as he held himself high, though from here Lumi could see that fresh scars, bright under the sun, marred the Pokemon's body. "For now, we recuperate and wait. That is all."

The group of Pokemon trudged through the groups of Pokemon, even when several of them burst forth from the main crowd and ran up to them in search of answers. Lumi stared at the commotion in front of her, her eyes wide with shock and fear. They actually failed the mission... how was that possible? The Tauros under her shifted to the side in order to get her to jump off his back. When she was safely on the ground, the giant Pokemon was one of the first to shuffle towards the smaller roads away from the city square.

She felt Sable's paw swat the tip of her ear. "Let's get going."


Her normally stoic, dark eyes flared with emotion."No buts, Lumi. You saw what you wanted to see. Now it's time to go home," Sable sounded unusually somber as she got Cane to his feet and began to lead them away.

Lumi frowned and tossed a look at Sora before she ultimately followed after her big sister.
Lumi's smile spread so wide that her face hurt from all of her grinning. Her excitement was practically brimming at the seams. She just wanted to bounce around and all over the place! When were these Pokemon going to show up, anyways? Sitting down next to Sora, she felt her puffed fur brush up against her brother's. To other Pokemon, they probably seemed like uncontrollable puffballs of energy. Who could blame them? It wasn't every day that they got to see a whole adventurer's team return to town after weeks of exploration! Her thoughts were interrupted when a trumpet sounded from one of the rooftops. Lumi glanced up to see that a thick-pelted Raichu had climbed up to one of the ledges and blew into the instrument several times, producing a low, guttural groan that made her belly rumble with the vibrations.

"The explorers are here! Everyone make way and clear the road!" the Raichu announced.

A small cluster of Pokemon appeared at the end of the road. The ones around her shifted anxiously-- even the Tauros got up onto its hooves, looming over her like a big fuzzy rock. Lumi stood on her toes, trying to peer around the large beast. Great. Now she couldn't see at all! A loud huff escaped her as she flattened her ears against her head. She wasn't about to be scammed out of a great view. Sucking in a deep breath, she leaped into the air and landed almost neatly on the Tauros' back. Luckily for her, the Pokemon didn't seem that bothered by her perch. Lumi's eyes went wide as the group made their way into the city center. There was that pretty Swellow! And was that a Luxray?! She was so excited that she hardly noticed the quiet that had fallen across the crowd or the dried up wounds that marked their bodies.

"What's happened?" the Tauros below her rumbled with concern.

Sable, who had appeared rather uninterested in the parade, now sat solemnly and quietly, staring in the direction of the entourage. She bundled Cane close to her.

The adventurers stopped in the middle of the town center, their eyes downcast. That was when Lumi realized that something was completely and definitely wrong.

"Weren't there more than a dozen explorers? Now there's like seven at most..."

"Where's everyone else?"

"They look exhausted."

Questions flowed through the air like a malevolent storm as the Luxray stepped forward, his crimson and golden eyes narrowing as he turned his head to the crowd. "The Ember Cave expedition," he rumbled, "was a complete failure."
This was nice. Even though Sable was being a bit grouchy and Storm wasn't saying a thing, it felt great to be together. There was a sense of unity between their little squad that Lumi wasn't sure it could be found among all families. She knew she was lucky for her brothers and father. They never spent a day hungry, and there was enough love and adventure to go around. The pale-furred Eevee nodded when Sora said that they should get something for their dad before they went home. A gift chock full of sweets would be great for him; if she remembered, the Leafeon loved sugary things. Which made sense, because he was a Grass-type. Weren't they among the types of Pokemon that loved sugar?

She blinked when Cane dashed off, saying that they should get a good spot. Lumi's grin became more energetic when Sora darted off after him, which made her do the same. "Hey! Wait up!" Sable called out behind them in surprise.

Lumi didn't listen. She ran after her two brothers, careful enough to weave herself through places where the hustle-and-bustle became thicker. She was excited, but not too excited to spur an accident or make someone trip. Within a few moments and nearly empty lungs, she arrived at the town square. Already, Pokemon of all shapes and sizes were gathering in a circle, leaving the path open for the adventurers to move through. There was a sweet smell in the air, and she didn't know whether it was the newly blooming flowers or the cones of cotton candy. Having been somewhat distracted, she shook her head and turned to look for Cane and Sora. Where she had come to a spot was a good place to watch the parade. Not many large Pokemon had gathered there, save for a Tauros who had been laying on the ground next to a chattering group of Pidgey. When she caught a flash of Cane and Sora's pelts, she raised a paw and waved.

"Heyyyyy! Over here, this is a good spot!" she called out to them.
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