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Eh, I'm tryna go for Lovers.
April 14th, 2025.

The day started like any other. All over Japan, children got ready for the first day of school. Men and women dressed for another long workday. Under the glow of the morning sun, streets all over the country buzzed with life alongside the crackle of television sets in storefronts and on large screens that hovered over busy street corners. People bent over their phones in train stations and buses alike. Most of the population was on edge. Prime Minister Satoshi Hiroyuki was due to give a speech on the state of the nation in wake of the tension that had blossomed over the previous months between America and Japan. As war looms in the horizon, the people of the nation hoped that their Prime Minister would soothe their frenzied nerves and ascertain peace.

Many would say that something was incredibly wrong from the second the Prime Minister appeared on the screens. His normally amiable and calm demeanor had been replaced with an aura that ebbed with paranoia and fear. His salt and pepper hair, often times neatly combed to the side, laid ragged on his scalp. Appearing to have not slept for weeks on end, his clammy lips hardly allowed any words to leave them. People watched in confusion, then horror as Satoshi Hiroyuki pulled out a gun from behind his podium and shot himself in the head. News channels all over the country went dark and left Japan in the shadows for one full hour.

Fujihama. April 21st, 2025.

Things haven't been the same since the Prime Minister's televised suicide. Waves of shock continue to ripple through Japan as the government scrambles to set things right. People really don't know what's going to happen next-- were they going to be dealing with a new Prime Minister soon, or would it take time for them to actually appoint a new one? Why did Prime Minister Satoshi, who was widely beloved by Japan, decide to kill himself on live television? Either way, the nation moves ever forward.

Things are changing in the small town of Fujihama, Japan. To its inhabitants, it feels like a gray cloud of negativity has overcome their home; it is one of the small towns that remains fearful and uncertain after the death of their country's leader. However, that is not where their concerns end. With every couple of days that pass, there seems to be one less person in Fujihama-- where they went or what happened to them, no one ever seems to know. As the new semester begins for its students, Fujihama is placed under a town-wide curfew. Children under the age of 18 must be home by ten at night, and any one caught outside past that hour is taken in by police and questioned. Multiple-time offenders are said to be thoroughly punished. But that doesn't stop people from disappearing...

Things remain the same at Fujihama High School. Rumors float around its halls and in its bathrooms. Students stress not only about their classes and exams, but their interpersonal relationships, budding romances, and kindling rivalries. Students share viral memes and the occasional controversial and graphic videos alike. The current topic of their interest? The Prime Minister's suicide, of course. It's said some of the students still have the newscast saved on their phones, despite the government's desperate attempts to remove it from the internet and the school's threats to discipline anyone who distribute it with their classmates. Yes, things haven't changed in the high school at all. But little do a certain few of these students know, their worlds are about to finally change forever...

Preliminary Notes

In order to join, please be over eighteen. This is a grim and dark setting filled with demonic beasts and violence. Not only that, but I'm not comfortable with roleplaying with people under 18.

Please be a decent roleplayer. Please have proper grammar, be able to write decently, and be able to craft characters that are enjoyable to roleplay with. We are looking for people who are willing to post 3 or more paragraphs (of about 4 sentences) per post.

Do NOT ghost us. If you need to step away from the roleplay, be honest and let us know.

Please be active both IC and OOC. Please post once per week/week and a half and be active in the discord server that I'm going to make once the roleplay thread goes up.

Not everyone who applies will be accepted. That being said, please take time in creating characters and proving yourself as a good roleplayer for this roleplay! We are looking for (at most) 6 more people to join. That being said, remember that this is set in Japan in the not-so-distant future, so please keep this in mind while crafting characters. That means don't go out of your way to be extremely different than the typical Japanese high school student.

We will not have a player-controlled Fool. This is to prevent a singular character from sticking out from the other player controlled characters. That means we will strive to make everyone important in one way or another.

Albatrosspaw felt himself calm down a bit now that Duskpaw was speaking. It was so nice to be around her, or any friend in general, especially with what transpired just a few heartbeats prior. StarClan, she was so close to him and he hadn't even noticed her before! Had he been that preoccupied? Or had the other medicine cats just blocked his view? He shook his head as he felt his pelt warm up. If that had been the case, then that was just plain embarrassing... He chose to groom himself as she spoke, hoping to cover up the reddish color that flooded his skin.

Her last couple of remarks, however, made him perk up a bit. Yeah, they could visit one another much more often now. The cats of their respective Clans were already harsh enough on them for meeting up at the border, and were even worse when they crossed it to talk. They were just friends; what were they going to do, run away together? He was a medicine cat! He had to stay and help Embersky take care of BreezeClan. The thought of running away somewhere and going on adventures with someone was an exciting one, though. He once again broke out of his daze when she asked him a question that made his own pelt begin to prickle.

"They didn't tell me anything. But I guess it makes sense if she just told Barricudashade and Embersky..." He pawed at the ground as the tip of his tail begin to twitch. He was related to them, but only through his dad, and his dad and Dawnstar never got along. Well, he guessed he knew now. "I just hope this decision makes all of the Clans strong, not just ours."
It was hard keeping track of everything; the four of them were just so excited about their discovery-- by Arceus, even Storm was-- that it was a huge strain to keep her attention on a singular thing for long. Lumi padded up next to Storm, her ears pricked at the idea he gave them. He was right. If they got in trouble for leaving their house, they could show the adventurers the stones they found. There was no way that they'd be angry at them for long. Her ear swiveled back at Sora and Cane, who were distracted with the flow of the river. She would have thought that their littlest brother would like the stones the most, but it was just like him to have his complete attention on some boring water.

Lumi leaned towards the stones, her eyes narrowing at the distorted green reflection that appeared in its smooth surface. It was weird; weren't super shiny and super smooth things supposed to act like a mirror, reflecting a perfect image back at the Pokemon that looked into it? Then why did her own reflection look so different than her? Just as she was about to ask Storm this, he suddenly spoke up and asked if they heard anything. She snapped her jaw shut and strained her ears. All that she heard was the sound of the river and the hum of the green stones.

"I didn't hear anything," she whispered as she shook her head. No matter how hard she listened for the sound that attracted Storm's attention, she just couldn't hear anything that seemed weird. Lumi jabbed a paw into his side. "Are you trying to make us scared?" Lumi narrowed her eyes at him as her fur began to puff up. "Cause I'm not a little cub like Fawn anymore."

But the glares were the worst part! At least, that was what Albatrosspaw wanted to tell Embersky as he kept his gaze to the ground. How did he even feel knowing that cats from other Clans talked about him behind his back? He had to care at least a little, right? His tail twitched back and forth as he shuffled his paws. At least the Gathering was over and they could all go home now. He couldn't wait to get back to his warm den and just sleep the rest of the night. Maybe Embersky would be nice enough and let him sleep in a little longer than usual. He remained silent as the other medicine cats went away with their own Clans, once again thankful they left. He wondered if FireClan and BreezeClan would travel home together or not.

He perked up a little at the sound of a familiar voice. Albatrosspaw turned towards Duskpaw, his heart immediately becoming unburdened by the sight of his old friend. Glancing up at Embersky for a moment, he slipped away from the older tom and slunk over to where Duskpaw was. The rocks provided shelter from the sight of other cats, which was marvelous. He was almost smothered by the other cats on that specific Gathering. Next time he'd have to find a chance to slip away even sooner than he did now. Who knows what would happen if he didn't? He might get clawed when Embersky wasn't looking.

Thankfully, he as able to swallow his discomfort once he sat down on the ground in front of Duskpaw. "Where were you all this time?" he asked in a hushed voice. "I thought the other two Clans were going to attack us."

The thought sent a chill up his spine, however unlikely that it was to happen. Then again, with how crazy things have been all of this time, he wouldn't be surprised if cats started to shred each other's pelts at one of the next Gatherings, truce or not. And, unfortunately for Spiderstar and Coyotestar, BreezeClan and FireClan were fated to win such a battle. They were the strongest Clans with the best territories, after all.

StarClan, he hated this. The way that other cats were staring at him and Embersky made his pelt prickle. He glanced at Adderpaw and Cloudpaw, relieved that they were looking at the older medicine cats rather than them. Sagecloud's expression had clearly changed, a scowl marring his jaw as he glared up at Dawnstar and Whitestar. Gullbreeze, on the other paw, yawned and looked just as bored as ever. Oh, if only he could slip away and run all of the way back home, he certainly would. He was half-tempted to tell Embersky he didn't want to go to Gatherings for a while, after this, but he was frightened what Dawnstar would think. Why were cats even acting like they were the bad guys, anyway? He didn't think it was that good of an idea, but it wasn't like Dawnstar and Whitestar would force the other Clans to join them. They even said they wouldn't!

Whitestar yowled again. "That is enough! We did not come here to argue. We only wished to deliver the news to the rest of the Clans on the other side of the island." His fur, once smooth and solid against his lithe figure, had puffed up a bit as his eyes blazed. He whirled around to Spiderstar. "If StarClan was so against our plans, then they would have reached out to every medicine cat across the four Clans-- perhaps even warriors or apprentices, leaders as well. Has anyone had any dreams? Surely you would have brought it up by now!"

"Your words are full of cunning, Whitestar," Coyotestar hissed back. Her eyes blazed as she stared at both of the leaders. "You may do as you wish, but I don't want to have relations with a Clan that goes against the very tradition that we were all raised on."

"Like we said, no one is forcing you to do so," the leader of FireClan flicked his tail. His voice was tinged with the remnants of frustration.

Coyotestar snarled again. "Then I say this Gathering is over."

The large white tom dipped his head. "Very well. Perhaps we shall see each other in the next moon."

"Perhaps, though I would not count on RainClan being there when it happens," the she-cat growled before rising up from her seat and leaping to the ground below.

Albatrosspaw's eyes flicked across the rows of stirring cats. Each respective Clan was slowly trickling out, though he still caught a heated glare from both RainClan and DarkClan cats. StarClan, even some FireClan cats glowered at them like they were enemies. His tail fluffed out, and he felt the fur along his back begin to rise. Luckily, before he asked Embersky if they could leave, Sagecloud got up to his paws and gazed at them with an unreadable expression.

"Goodbye. We'll see each other on the half-moon, at least?" He looked to the other medicine cats wearily.

Gullbreeze shrugged and got up to her paws before stretching out her slender body. "I suppose."

The white and gray apprentice looked up at his mentor. He prayed that he would be reasonable and treat the other medicine cats amiably. He didn't know what would happen if they all started hating each other as well. Something terrible, I think, he thought to himself. Albatrosspaw frowned, ducking behind Embersky and flicking his tail nervously.
This whole thing was very uncomfortable. Lumi felt like she was practically being forced to walk at a quick pace just because there were three whole Eevee behind her. Already, she could feel Cane and Sora's sheer excitement as they walked and walked until the walls finally granted them a bit more room. A sigh of relief escaped her as she had more room to breathe. Sure, it was an uncomfortable experience, but at least it was over and they didn't have to worry about the walls anymore unless they decided to get out the way they came in. Moisture gathered beneath her paws and wet the fur between her toes, making her pads ache slightly, but the pain was quickly diverted to what was in front of them.

They had come across a large cavern, bigger than the whole of Sunspear. It was mostly empty, save for a big river that coursed through the area and many types of outcroppings of rocks. Some of them were a plain gray color like the rest of the rocks that they had seen on their trip so far, while others glowed blue and green. The light they gave off illuminated the whole cave, and Lumi couldn't tell if they were humming or if that was the rush of blood in her ears.

Lumi padded out into the cave, her eyes gazing about with awe. Had they done it? Did they actually find the Sage Stones the village kept talking about? If they told the adventurers, then they'd truly be seen as heroes of the town! "Wow, just look at all of them!" she said as she trotted around the cavern, her eyes bright with amazement. "Do you think we can just take some back? The village is going to think this is so cool!"
Thankfully the four of them were safe for now. That was until Sora mentioned the disappearance of their littlest brother. Lumi tore her eyes from the walls of the cave and looked right next to her, very much prepared to answer that he was right next to her. That was when she realized that he wasn't. She felt a chill run up her spine as her eyes darted about, her fur beginning to spike up in a panic. Where was he? He couldn't have gotten very far, right? Just when she was about to dart over the rows of rocks in front of them, she heard Sora scold Cane. Turning around, she saw Cane with his head protruding from a crevice in the cave wall.

"Cane," Lumi hissed between grit teeth as she padded over to her little brother's side.

She wanted to say something, anything, but she felt like Sora had given him a good scolding. Yelling at a small child would only waste more time. Rolling her eyes, Lumi peered into the crevice. She didn't know much-- if anything --about caves, but she did feel a draft come from deeper inside. She shot Storm and Sora a look after pulling away from the opening. "Looks like there is a way out through here." She leaned down towards the smaller Eevee, a wrinkle on her nose as she patted Cane's head a bit too roughly. "Stay. Close."

Lumi motioned for her brothers to follow as she slipped into the crevice and led them deeper into the tunnel. The pathway dipped down, and she noticed that the rock in some places were slick with water. "Why is it so wet?" she complained, her voice rippling off the walls.

Albatrosspaw was comforted with the presence of the other apprentices around him. Even though he was nervous, Eaglepaw's friendly disposition forced a slight smile onto his maw, and Adderpaw had always been polite to him. Thankfully, his mentor's words also comforted him as well. Whitestar definitely knew what he was doing, letting Dawnstar go first. The she-cat might be his aunt, though she frightened her in a way that wasn't normal. It was hard to be comfortable around her, especially when she had a daughter like Barricudashade. Even now, he could see their deputy below their leader, scanning the clearing with a sly gaze. She's going to be a problem when she's leader, Albatrosspaw shuddered.

Dawnstar's primary statement was ordinary as ever. Some cats shouted out the new apprentices' names with pride, though many decided to stay silent. He felt bad for Lionpaw and Scorchpaw. Just because cats didn't like Dawnstar didn't mean they had to take it out on apprentice. Her second statement, though, made him perk up entirely. Albatrosspaw hadn't heard of this until now! He tossed a glance at the other medicine cats. Sagecloud's jaw had dropped open, while Rainwhisker glared at the BreezeClan leader like he wanted to shove deathberries in her fish.

Coyotestar's voice quickly joined Spiderstar's. Her yellow eyes narrowed at Whitestar and Dawnstar. "Not only does this go against tradition, but merging both FireClan and BreezeClan will only prove a threat to DarkClan and RainClan." The older she cat's voice dripped with poison as she spoke, her bushy tail lashing back and forth.

"Just because we choose to merge does not mean that we are going to attack your Clans. Like Dawnstar said, our problems will be solved if we simply become one Clan. But if you choose to remain on your own, so be it." Whitestar rumbled. After a moment of silence, he cast his gaze up into the sky. "If StarClan is so against our idea, then why don't they cover the moon with clouds?"

Albatrosspaw followed his gaze. Just as Whitestar said, the sky was clear and shimmering with stars. The moon remained unobstructed by clouds. In fact, it seemed to glow more than ever!
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