So, the end product was an expedition to Ember Cave. She wasn’t going to lie, that pair of words sent bolts of electricity up her spine and made her nearly bristle on the spot. Thoughts flashed back to that room, to Cane touching the Sage Stones, his body writhing and contracting and becoming that giant monster. No. She wouldn’t go back there, not even if they paid her a million gold. At least, Cash wasn’t interested in sending them there for now. Their first destination was Blackwood Forest, where Pokemon were said to enter and never return. Honestly, not a story that was hard to believe. Sage Stones were becoming more and more prominent around the globe. Could it be that there were some that had begun to sprout there?
Enya ruffled her feathers. ”Got no questions here, sir,” she peeped. Turning to the rest of her team, she blinked at them curiously. ”How about you lot?”
”Sounds pretty straightforward to me,” Rieka nodded as she looked at the Yamper, Vulpix, Quilava, and other Eevee in excitement. ”Should be easy with this many Pokemon, right?”
Marlow hummed and raised a paw to his chin. His ear flicked idly as he was in deep thought, and his eyes raised to the ceiling. ”Do we know what type of Pokemon roam the forest?”
”Type? It’s a forest, you lousy overthinker,” Enya snapped with a flare of her wings. ”There’s probably going to be like, Grass-types, Water-types, all of that kind of stuff.”
Water-types. I hate Water-types, Lumi shuddered. Shrugging off any resurging memories, she glanced at the Yamper and Vulpix. ”We got coverage for those types, and Enya can help, too–”
”I meant if there are any Sage Stones in the Blackwood Forest.” Marlow affirmed his question. He set his paw down on the table carefully, his gaze sweeping back to Cash. ”I heard there’s a difference between feral Pokemon and Pokemon that have gone berserk because of the Stones. I think we should be prepared for anything. If we aren’t, then a tragedy is bound to happen.”
A silence passed through Lumi’s team. Marlow was oft quiet and overly mellow, but when he spoke his words made one think– most of the time. Other times, Rieka, Enya, and him made her head hurt. Could there be Pokemon that have gone berserk in the Blackwood Forest? she pondered, glancing down at the map again. Or even worse… how about Pokemon that have been corrupted by the Sage Stones, if there are any?
Enya ruffled her feathers. ”Got no questions here, sir,” she peeped. Turning to the rest of her team, she blinked at them curiously. ”How about you lot?”
”Sounds pretty straightforward to me,” Rieka nodded as she looked at the Yamper, Vulpix, Quilava, and other Eevee in excitement. ”Should be easy with this many Pokemon, right?”
Marlow hummed and raised a paw to his chin. His ear flicked idly as he was in deep thought, and his eyes raised to the ceiling. ”Do we know what type of Pokemon roam the forest?”
”Type? It’s a forest, you lousy overthinker,” Enya snapped with a flare of her wings. ”There’s probably going to be like, Grass-types, Water-types, all of that kind of stuff.”
Water-types. I hate Water-types, Lumi shuddered. Shrugging off any resurging memories, she glanced at the Yamper and Vulpix. ”We got coverage for those types, and Enya can help, too–”
”I meant if there are any Sage Stones in the Blackwood Forest.” Marlow affirmed his question. He set his paw down on the table carefully, his gaze sweeping back to Cash. ”I heard there’s a difference between feral Pokemon and Pokemon that have gone berserk because of the Stones. I think we should be prepared for anything. If we aren’t, then a tragedy is bound to happen.”
A silence passed through Lumi’s team. Marlow was oft quiet and overly mellow, but when he spoke his words made one think– most of the time. Other times, Rieka, Enya, and him made her head hurt. Could there be Pokemon that have gone berserk in the Blackwood Forest? she pondered, glancing down at the map again. Or even worse… how about Pokemon that have been corrupted by the Sage Stones, if there are any?