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<Snipped quote by Massasauga>

MiG-31 still does alright in AEW, ECM, and photo-recon missions, though.
-Or for pissing off a flight to scramble early and GTFO, or to intercept a flight during mid-air refuel.
(Its wide flight vector would [distance it can cover in the time a flight can be sent to intercept] means it can cause ALOT of disruption to airfields simply by existing)

Strap some passive-radar guided ARMs to it, and they perform pretty decent SEAD(L) missions.

Probably going to get my MiG-23 to work closely with the MiG-31 until they can haz upgrade to Sukhoi airframes with companion-cubes mini-fridges.
(tempted to either pair two MiG-23s with teh MiG-31 for Migcap, or just "Borrow" the F-14 for a decent wingman)

Silver is probably taking the F-15A/C... just a guess. Making them the super-fighter of the flight.

Yeah but if you get painted by an enemy aircraft, it's over. The thing cannot dogfight worth shit.
The main problem with the MiG-25 and MiG-31 is that they're supersonic high-altitude bomber interceptors and they can't turn for shit. The F-15 was made as a counter to the Foxbat and later Foxhound.

Think I'll start on an F-14D and then to an F-15E. Gonna app a REO alongside the pilot.
The F-15 is my favorite jet aircraft. If we ever go get super fighters, you can bet I'd want an F-15 STOL/MTD.
Absolutely. It's been a long time since I've been in the cockpit. I think the last time that happened, I had some nice blue accents on my F-15...

Yeah sure, go ahead.
Pvt. Callaway
Squad 04

Well, first day in the new unit and she was already tasked with hard labor. But, it was done now, and this was the military. Expecting anything less would be like asking a Darcsen their last name. Racist as that was, she never held anything against the Darcsens. Perhaps they were just misunderstood. She didn't buy into the whole "sins of the father" philosophy. That was a very unfair thing about society. Life was what you made of it, not what someone else made you out to be. Veronica took a deep sigh and looked at the armor on the APC. Well, it wasn't sparkling and polished, but it was cleaner than when it got here. The Sergeant was pleased, so that was ruling enough that the work was done.

Callaway's stomach growled and that gave her the next mission of the day: Food acquisition. She unrolled her sleeves and went to the restroom on the way to splash water on her face before heading into the mess hall. Usually, squads had stuck together during meal time. It was what happened. But Veronica had only just gotten into her new squad. She sat down at an empty table and then realized that there would be no one to join her. She looked at all the empty spaces, somberly realizing that no one of her old unit that she had trained together with would show up. Squad Thirteen was no more, and she figured she was the only survivor of the engagement out in that old rural and muddy town. She looked down at her tray and started eating, resigning herself to be alone for this once since she was already here without realizing it.
We're supposed to get power back on tonight or earlier.

We were also supposed to have it yesterday morning so take that as you will.
I'll try to get something up soon.
40 mph wind storm, to say the least.
900,000 people lost power across my state on Wednesday. I, and a lot of other people, still don't have it.
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