Avatar of mattmanganon


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4 yrs ago
I am still on RPG, so do feel free to message me. Just don't have the time or energy to actually join any RP's right now. Focusing on a LOT of other projects, including getting into Audio Drama.
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6 yrs ago
Computer is back, yay. I can post again :)
6 yrs ago
Computer is getting some much needed maintenance. Will be slow posting for the next week or 2.
6 yrs ago
Sorry for disappearing for 2 months. Life kinda went to shit and RPG was pushed to the back of my mind.
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7 yrs ago
Computer is broke AGAIN. Dog jumped on me when I had a glass of water in my hand, but some of it leaked in. Posts are going to be slow for the next week.
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@Ace of flames01 Shit, I am so sorry if I pushed you to blowing a gasket. My only other question is if I am allowed to have a slightly older character. I mean, if he is supposed to be a teacher, as well as someone training them in combat, I would feel a lot more comfortable playing someone in their mid-late 30's than someone in their mid 20's.
@Ace of flames01 I am really sorry if this feels like me badgering you. I'm not trying to be difficult, I am trying to find what the parameters are for character creation? Because, I really don't want to have to write out 12 different CS' because the character that I want has parts of his story that you would rather keep out of your RP?

Ultimately, you are the GM and your word is law. If you don't want me making a character with certain aspects, then just say so and I won't push it. But at the same time, you can appreciate that people like me love the entirety of the Marvel mythos. Speaking for myself, one of my avenues has been cut off, so I'd like to add some diversity and bring in other parts of the marvel mythos.

If you want me to stick completely with the X-Men Mythos, would you accept my character being a Soldier from a military outfit specially trained to track down some of the bigger X-Men villains such as the U-Men and Mr Sinister (Sort of like a more on the level version of Weapon X) and has been assigned to the mansion as their liaison with the X-Men.
As I am creating my character, now. How the hell is he able to get involved with the institute, if i'm not allowed to use the non X-men parts of the Marvel universe? I mean, it's hard to come up with something that isn't just generic as all hell. I mean, if the larger universe is off the table, then I assume S.H.I.E.L.D. But, what about her surrogates like S.W.O.R.D. (Who's agents include a good number of X-Men, such as Beast and Shadowcat) and A.R.M.O.R. are also out of bounds? Also, is Magic also off the table?

Plus, the more I think about it the "X-Men only" thing is a very broad term? Because, how do you define "X-Men related" I mean if you go by "Started their life as X-men characters" then Wolverine is off the table, because he started his life as a Hulk villain. If you go with "Integral to the X-Men mythos" then You have to OK Rom The Spaceknight, because without him, Rogue would never have turned good and joined the X-men and gone on to save the world a couple of times. It was her absorbing his pure heart that made her see the error of her ways and want something better than just being one of Mystique's henchwomen. or even Captain Britain, since 95% of his supporting cast (Including his sister, Psylocke) are X-Men. It's also one of the reasons that we aren't getting a Captain Britain movie anytime soon. Marvel owns him, Fox owns everything surrounding him.

I am not trying to be awkward, it's just that with this "nothing not X-Men related" it is really difficult to say what is and is not. Can you give me a rough description as to what you classify to be X-Men or not?
@Ace of flames01 Well, the thing is that it used to happen all the time, but once Fox got the movie rights and X-Men defibrilated the dead Superhero movie scene, they also got the rights to adapt any story that involves the X-Men in the Marvel library. As such, for the last 16 years, Marvel has kept the X-Men contained in their own little pseudo universe and trying not to do much with them outside of the big crossover's, so as not to give them anything to adapt, because Marvel really wants those rights back. Before then, X-Men were heavily entrenched in pretty much everything Marvel Related (Why do you think they brought the Inhumans back? They are just a stand in for Mutants until Marvel can get the movie liscence back.) Pretty much every X-Man that isn't Cyclops has been in the Avengers, hell, for a while, Storm was married to Black Panther and was the leader of the Avengers.

If you want to keep it mutually exclusive, that's fine. All i'm telling you is that Marvel have kept them apart, not for story reasons. They just did it to fuck with Fox.
Thanks for the reassurance. The only other question I have then would be if my character is allowed non-mutant based powers? I mean, for example, if he had access to an Iron Man suit or a Spirit of Vengeance?

Well, more specifically, I was going to ask for access to a Goblin Glider, or at least, an imitation of one.
@Royzooka Honestly, no. I kinda had an idea for a Pred character that I wanted to play and I was just inquiring if they would be allowed. I don't really like to sign up for an RP unless I have a good character design in mind.
So... What kind of purpose would a Human play in an X-men RP? I mean, isn't the whole point of the X-Men being a team of mutants that fight for both humanity and mutant kind?

And I can appreciate the whole school aspect of this, but surely saying "Only accepting humans at the moment" is essentially saying "Sure you can join. You'll be at an extreme disadvantage, but go ahead." I would like to join this, but the fact that my character will be one of the only ones without powers can't help but make me feel completely redundant. I mean, if a fight breaks out, I have to go hide in the corner, rather than getting the chance to develop my character. If everyone goes on an X-Man mission, I have to stay behind and twiddle my thumbs, again, missing out on character development.

Before I join, I need to know that I am not just going to serve as a 5th wheel, because all I would accomplish is taking valuable time away from other characters in order to develop a character that serves no purpose in the first place. Which is not fair on me, and not fair on the people who's time I wasted developing said superfluous character.

I hate to bring this up, but this exact thing has happened to me before in a Pokemon RP, where the whole thing devolved into: "Show up to town, everyone goes off talking and developing their character. I try to develop my character, but nobody seems to give a shit. PVP action breaks out, everyone has a team of legendaries, whereas I am left with 4 low leveled pokemon and so am not allowed to stand a chance. Every time I ask if there is a chance I can get a legendary and allowed to be relevant to the plot, I am met with "I'm afraid that every legendary in this province has been dibs'd by different members of the team. You'll have to wait until we go to the next one."

Right, rant over. Sorry to sound like a dick, but I just don't want to go through the effort of making a character, only to find out that I am not allowed to be relevant to any plot, due to my extreme underpoweredness.
That was me just kinda hoping against hope and I understand completely.
Damn, I would love to play a Pred/Apprentice-Pred.
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