Avatar of mattmanganon


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
I am still on RPG, so do feel free to message me. Just don't have the time or energy to actually join any RP's right now. Focusing on a LOT of other projects, including getting into Audio Drama.
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6 yrs ago
Computer is back, yay. I can post again :)
6 yrs ago
Computer is getting some much needed maintenance. Will be slow posting for the next week or 2.
6 yrs ago
Sorry for disappearing for 2 months. Life kinda went to shit and RPG was pushed to the back of my mind.
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7 yrs ago
Computer is broke AGAIN. Dog jumped on me when I had a glass of water in my hand, but some of it leaked in. Posts are going to be slow for the next week.
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@TheUnknowable "You have been banished from the order and now live outside of the code. I will not give such teachings to you, who wears that mockery of our order around your belt." she says, pointing to your Lightsaber.

Sorry, just getting into character.
Name: Democratic Kingdom of Solentari


Type of Governement: Democratic Monarchy

Description of Governement:

The Government is a very simple process. The King/s and Queen/s hold all of the power in the Kingdom and are able to make laws and decisions on behalf of the state at their leisure. However, the people have their own democratically elected Parliament, who tell the Monarchs how to use their power. Although there is no direct system in place to prevent the monarchs from ignoring parliament, it's commonly understood that such actions would lead to civil war.

Officially, the ruling head of state is the King. He will have a number of wives, due to the low birthrate of males. If, by the end of his reign, no male heir is produced, then the first-born Female will become the new head of state and take on several husbands. It's customary for the queens sisters to all marry the same nobleman. If the Queen doesn't produce a male heir by the end of their reign, then, if one of the queen's sisters has bore a male heir, then the oldest male of them will ascend to the throne.

Minority races:

Demography(Min 20% humans):

Levinti: 65%
Strain: 15%
Human: 20%
Galfans: <0.00001% (Approximately 40, living in secret.)

Religion: The Levinti's main relgion is the Church of Solus, although it is commonly unknown where the story of Solus came from, it is a closely guarded secret that it is actually from the Galfans (Humanity would have destroyed the church, had they known) Solus is simply described as an "Ancient Warrior from beyond the heavens, clad in metal." The religion is mostly based around an archive found in Solus' tomb that told of his travel across the stars. There are many national holidays dedicated to him, as well as many large cathedrals (Strain-built, of course)

There are several smaller religions. The Keshnikrats is a minor Pagan religion, they keep to themselves and abhore violence. There are also a subsect of Solus worshippers known as the Favreu's who are a little extremist, they worship cybornetics as they wish to ascend to become clad in metal, just like their Messiah.

Culture: The Levinti culture is a mix of many clashing ideals, mainly due to their culture's development at an alarming rate and multiple other facts, including the invasion by Humanity. There are many Clan families, due to their Polygamist natures. Much like human clans having symbols and logo's to tell the difference between them, the Levinti have suits of metal armour. Each suit will be completely different, depending on the family. The suit will be reforged every time a new head of the clan takes their place, so as to make sure their leader can be fit with it.

Also, due to the nature of their religion, cybornetics are commonplace. Every head of house will have an arm or hand replaced with Cybornetics.

History(what you did under the rule of the empire fo roughly 300 years): When the Empire first came and started to destroy the other empires, the Levinti government asked the people, who voted to go to war. For the first time since the government had been established, the Levinti royal family veto'd the peoples order and instead, opened negotiations with the Emporium. A negotiated surrender saw the Kingdom being absorbed by the Emporium, whilst still maintaining their autonomy. Immediately following this, a civil war broke out, where the people took to the streets in total outrage of their King cowing down before the invaders. The King, in response, stepped down and handed the crown to his eldest son. With the Anexing of the Kingdom, Humanity flocked in droves. With them came scientists and soldiers. Levinti scientists were forced to surrender their work, but in return, got access to the Emporiums scientific data.

After one scientist got his hands on data relating to the Galfan homeworld, the government managed to secretly send an excevation team to start digging up the world. After the retrieval of several dormant, but not dead, Galfans, the Levinti Science Board learned the truth about Solus and the origins of their religion.

Important characters(very important, your leader[s], your strategist, your spy master and any other important character IN DETAIL):

Description of Military(ships and ground troops):

Technology(note that there are no energy shields, and that doomsday weapons are not a thing.):

Additional(whatever you feel like you want to add):

Currently busy, this is how far I got on my CS, but i'm gonna try and finish it tomorrow.
@Princess of God

@Ruby Sounds awesome, just try not to go nuts with the Phoenix power.
@Ruby That's A-Ok, the idea is that you are free to go nuts. But, if you want to keep it simple, you are fine doing that. Any character in mind you want to play?
@Princess of God

@TheUnknowable Oh, Kiana will hate it, but that should be fun to RP out, so I actively encourage it. :)
Alright, I've been re-reading the Exiles line recently and I kinda have a hankering to make an RP based on it.

For those of you who don't know this, Exiles is a Comic Line about a team of Superheroes from all over the Marvel Multiverse, brought together to fix a timeline that went wrong. Similar to the Time Patrol from Dragonball: Xenoverse.

The great thing about this is that you can play pretty much any character from anywhere in the multiverse, even villains. In fact, I openly encourage people to make their own completely unique characters and what-if's. Of course, I won't say no to characters from the main timelines. Hell, if the team ends up being Dolph Lundgren's Punisher, Man-Spider (The spider that got bit by a radioactive human), Dark Claw (The Amalgamverse's combination of Wolverine and Batman), Captain Kirk (Yes, there was a universe where Star Trek was the future of the Marvel universe) and Gwenpool's M.O.D.O.K. i'll consider this a fun RP.

Again, feel free to play your own "What If...?" characters like "What if Wolverine had been bit by the radioactive Spider?" or "What if Bruce Banner's Super Soldier Syrum had actually worked?" or "What if Xavier was the one trying to end humanity and Magneto was the one leading the X-Men and his institute?" These can be your own versions of these unique characters, or, they could be used as a setting for your own OC. Like, "What if Apocalypse had taken over earth?" and your character is an OC trying to lead a rebellion against him.

Please, be creative and I actively encourage you to go nuts.

Character Sheet:

Alias: (Superhero name)
Alignment: (Were you a hero or a villain in your universe, remember, anyone can be recruited to the team.)
Universe: (By number, by franchise (If based off a specific comic run, movie or cartoon) or, if an original universe, then briefly describe how it differs from the main timeline)
History: (Doesn't have to be in depth if you're making a Canon character, but the more that's here, the better)
@Princess of God Hey, if you let me, I don't mind playing all 4. I think they'll get along... Well, they'll have a relationship that can only end in a blaster-shot, but I think it'll be fun to bring them together. I mean, playing 2 pairs that dispise each other will be fun :3

Kiana could be her master at first, with Canderous with her at all times, later, Inuel trains her in non-Lightsaber combat with Renny being our tech-specialist.
Well, I was actually thinking about pulling some of my old characters out of retirement. Which would fit better in this story?

1) Kiana and Canderous

Kiana is a Dathomirian Witch that, after a failed attempt at killing Master Plo-Koon, turned to the light and joined the Jedi, becoming Plo-Koon's apprentice. Canderous is Kiana's Clone Commander and secretly a Null-Class (One of the first clones of Fett, made with almost no gene-modifying. As such, unlike other Clones, can question orders.) They are secretly in a mad, passionate relationship that she has had to learn to bury deep down inside herself. Naturally, she loves the way he makes her feel, but hates the fact that, whenever looking after the teenaged Padawans, she feels like a hypocritic bitch for scolding them for letting their hormones get the best of them.

2) Inuel and Renny

Inuel is a very old Talortai, who hates the fact that he has a good heart and is drawn to helping people, as much as he just wants to be just another asshole gun-for-hire in the universe. Despite this, he is constantly dragged into saving the galaxy from itself. Several years ago, he accidentally rescued Renny, his new sidekick and mechanic. Renny is the son of a Prostitute and an unknown spacer (The list of candidates is way too long to narrow down) who was forced to work on pod-racers for the hutts on Malastare, at the age of 4 since he was small enough to crawl into an engine without having to spend hours taking it to pieces. As such, Renny is a technological genius, able to put most things together and take them apart as easily as any trained mechanic. He has a passing knowledge in computer slicing and has a double-barrelled Sawed-off shotgun called "Lil' Rocker" Renny is also force sensitive, but hides it due to harbouring an intense distrust of Jedi, seeing them as a boogie-man that will take him away and brainwash him into being their good little puppet.
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